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Good afternoon.
I'd like to update you on our response to Cove it.
I'm joined today by Dr Jenny, Harry's the deputy chief Medical officer.
As of 9 a.m. Today, 127,737 people have now been tested for the virus.
Ah, 108,215 have tested negative.
19,522 have tested positive off those who have contracted the virus.
1228 have sadly died.
The virus is indiscriminate.
It doesn't matter who you are, where you are or how old you are.
We each have a part to play by staying at home, protecting the N.
H s on helping to save lives.
We all have a duty to one another to keep everyone safe.
So today I'd like to give you two updates before answering questions.
The first is on the plans that I have put in place to ensure that every corner of the country can confront the Corona virus epidemic.
The second on what the government is doing to shield the most vulnerable people in society.
Now, on the first question I've put in place in all parts of the country procedures to ensure that everywhere can be ready to move forward Together, all parts of the country are now on on emergency footing.
This is an unprecedented step in peace time.
We haven't done anything like this since the Second World War.
This means that we're establishing strategic coordination centers across the whole country.
Each center is led by gold Commanders were bringing together senior members off the emergency service is the police, the fire service, the ambulance service with local authorities and the N H s to lead communities.
Through this challenging period from Cornwall to Cumbria, we've embedded within each of these groups members of the armed forces, including some of the finest military planners in the world.
These groups are planning the local response to the virus using their expertise, their judgment on dhe, their leadership to ensure a comprehensive a coordinated on a consistent response across the country.
Now, one issue that they have been helping us to coordinate on about which I know there is a lot of concern is the provisions off personal protection equipment.
We simply cannot and should not ask people to be on the front line without the right protective equipment.
We have a clear plan to ensure that those serving this country at this time have the right equipment.
We've established the National Supply Distribution Response Team on their supported now by members of the armed forces on other emergency service's who are working around the clock to deliver the equipment to the people who need it most.
Ah 170 million masks, 42.8 million gloves, 13.7 million aprons, 182,000 gowns, almost 10 million items off cleaning equipment and 2.3 million pairs of eye protectors, all delivered to 58,000 n.
H s Trust on health care settings, including GP surgeries, farm asses and community providers.
Every single GP practice, dental practice and community pharmacy has had a pee pee delivery.
All care homes, hospices on homecare providers have all will shortly receive a delivery to N.
H s and social care workers, all those who rely on this equipment and to their families and loved ones watching this afternoon, we understand, and we will not stop until we have got you the equipment that you need now.
Last weekend at this press conference, the prime minister and I explained why 1.5 million people who are extremely vulnerable, vulnerable to the virus due to their underlying health conditions, needed to stay at home for a period off 12 weeks and avoid face to face contact.
Since then, the N.
H s have written to almost a 1,000,000 off these people on outlined the steps that they need to take to protect themselves.
We've also established a dedicated Web page on gulf dot UK, which those in receipt of the letter should go, too, to let us know whether or not they need further assistance over the course of the next 12 weeks.
There's also a new phone number, which is on the letter they have or will receive shortly.
If this applies to you, I know that you will find this a very worrying time.
You'll be thinking about how you can continue to access the medicine that you need, how you can get the food and other essential supplies that you rely on.
If you don't have family or friends or neighbors nearby who you can rely on, then the N.
H s will deliver your medicines through the community pharmacy network.
And if you register online or using the phone service that we've set up, letting us know that you need support, then we will deliver food and supplies to your doorstep.
And this weekend I saw for myself firsthand the first deliveries being made.
The packages included cereal, fruit, tinned goods, teabags, biscuits, toiletries and other essentials.
The 1st 50,000 will have been sent out by the end of this week, and we're ramping up production to send out as many as are required for as long as it takes.
If this applies to you, while you will now have to be at home for a prolonged period of time on, that will be difficult.
I want you to know that you are not alone.
We're here to support you for a CZ long as you need us.
We've all been hugely impressed by the commitment and the dedication off those working in social care in local councils.
Delivering essential public service is like ensuring that the bins continue to get collected, none more so than me.
As the secretary of state for local government, we all respect the 12,000 heroic former doctors and nurses and paramedics who have come back toe work on being deployed this weekend.
And I think we've all been moved by the number of people who have signed up to be one of the N.
H s voluntary responders.
Today we can announce an extraordinary 3/4 off.
A 1,000,000 people have signed up to do that.
In every city, in every town, in every village there's going to be work to be done.
And in each of us there is the power to do it.
And so please take part.
Please play your part.
Please consider your friends, your family, your neighbors.
When you're shopping, please call the elderly and support them.
When this is done and it will be done.
We all want to be proud of the part that we've played together.
Thank you very much.
And now I will answer some questions from the media.
And I think our first noon today is from Simon Israel from Channel Four News.
Good afternoon, Simon.
Good afternoon, Minister.
I have two questions.
One for you, one for Dr Paris.
My question to you is 10 days ago.
It's too predicted the tide would be turned in 12 weeks.
What's the current forecast?
And to Dr Paris?
I want to ask a message sent to staff today at King's Hospital, Trust said.
And I quote, the number of deaths being reported at Kings in national figures is below what they are experiencing.
This is not just kings.
There are a number of other trust on the center has been made aware.
At what point are we being given accurate, up to date figures on the numbers who have died?
Well, thank you, Simon.
If I can begin for handing over to Jenny, nobody's pretending that this will be over in a few weeks.
But what the prime minister said in the past and I will reiterate today is that if we all play our part, if we all follow the very clear medical advice, then we can turn the tide of this virus on.
At the heart of that is a very simple message, which is to stay at home by doing so, protect the n it, Jess and then save lives.
If we follow that advice, then we can turn the tide and the more weird here, too.
That advice the more lives will be saved on the faster We'll begin to do that.
Thank you.
S o just picking up the point about the tide and the turning.
I think this is an important message to get across to the public.
A zay said.
Previously on a number of these interviews This is a bit of a moving feast which is dependent on the actions that we take as individuals on dhe, collectively as a population.
If we practice social distancing effectively, we will move the peak across.
And that is a good thing, because as we move it, it will drop.
So we need to keep practicing the data that we have.
The modeling going forward will suggest that in in the time period, which the sorry the prime minister noted, which was 12 weeks we would get on top off the virus.
And that is exactly what I hope we will do.
The proof of that will come in around 2 to 3 weeks, and that is because our most constant figures and we'll come back to this in a moment are the deaths and the deaths follow the numbers of infections on where is usually a two or three weeks time like and we also need a lag for the effectiveness of the intervention measures to come through.
So what I keep saying frequently and I'm sorry if I'm repetitive, is that we need to wait for 2 to 3 weeks to see what we have achieved collectively on.
Then the slope of that curve will start to indicate where a new peak will be.
But we're optimistic that that peak will be lower.
So we need to keep looking at this.
But it will be 2 to 3 weeks before we are clear whether the peak has shifted across or not.
So I think that was the the first question the 2nd 1 that you raised was around deaths.
Clearly, every death that we have is a really sad event.
It involves the family, Andi.
Ah, a lot of sadness.
We have to make sure that when we're reporting, the family is content to nose under all our data is absolutely accurate for any event like this, whether it because it whether it was Ebola, whatever it is, there is always a time like for us to check and evaluate that the data across the system is linked.
We do not want to be miss reporting data and then having to correct it.
The public would not have confidence if we were doing that.
And as we have had suddenly to register more deaths, that time period takes longer.
So I'm not aware of the communication from from kings.
It may be that that's gone back into the N hs, but what I can say is all of our data links up on There is a time like and for the reporting yesterday, it would have been the deaths reported the previous day.
So it is inevitable that there will be a time like this is not an issue of transparency.
It's an issue of ensuring that all those family that need to know on DL the parts of the system can consolidate the information on ensure it's accurate for the public.
Thank you, Jenny.
That's that's very clear.
I'll take the next question from poor brand from ITV.
Yeah, Thank you.
First to the depth.
See, Chief Medical officer.
Originally, we were told that the lock down measures would be 1st 3 weeks.
Is it safe to now assume that they will go on for much longer than that on to the secretary of state.
When will the government be making that reassessment so that people can plan their lives?
Think, shall I start with that one?
So I think if you look about what the prime minister said was he would review in three weeks and that actually links back to the point that I've just made, it would be foolish of us to start something one day and assume that it was gonna have an impact the next for all of us.
It's taken quite some time to get used to this new way of living to ensure that we practice social distancing on.
We stick to that, and as a population, we have evidence that we're getting better at that.
As we go through, people are staying at home or as they should.
They're using transport less.
They're only going to work when it's essential.
So those measures have now been in place solidly for a week or two.
We need another couple of weeks to see that through Onda, as I've just mentioned earlier.
The issue of the three weeks is for us to review where we are and see if we've had an impact jointly on the slope of the curve.
But I think to make it clear to the public, if we are successful we will have squashed the top of that curve, which is brilliant.
But we must not then suddenly revert to our normal way of living.
That would be quite dangerous.
If we stop, then all of our efforts will be wasted on.
We could potentially see a second peak, so over time, probably over the next six months, we will have a three week review.
We will see where we're going.
We need to keep that lid on and then gradually we will be able to hopefully adjust some of the social distancing measures and gradually get sizzle back to normal.
So I think three weeks for review, two or three months to see whether we've really squashed it.
But about 3 to 6 months are ideally and lots of uncertainty in that.
But then to see, at which point we can actually get back to normal, and it is plausible that it could go further than that, we just need to wait to see how successful we've been on because the bottom line is, as we always say, keep practicing good social distancing because we will manage it quicker and better between us.
Well, absolutely.
From the outset off this crisis, we drew up the measures that could be implemented and then on expert medical advice.
We have chosen the right time for this country to implement them, and we've taken a number of very significant steps on social distancing over the course of the last 10 days, as Jenny has just said and it is the nature off this virus that it takes a couple of weeks to see how effective each one of those in turn has bean when we've implemented them, we've said that we will review these in three weeks or so and when the prime minister made his announcement on Monday, bringing to a close, non essential shops and encouraging us all to stay at home to restrict what we do in our leisure time, he made clear that we would review these steps at Easter on the basis of the expert medical opinion and that's exactly what we intend to do.
But the evidence that I have seen suggests, as Jenny has said, that the public are generally complying.
I've spoken to a number of chief constables from across the country over the course of the last few days, and business owners are behaving very responsibly.
They're always small numbers of people who aren't.
But in general, the public is doing the right thing.
The more we comply, the Maur will be able to protect the n it Jess to save people's lives, and the faster will turn the tide on the virus.
If I could take the next question from David Sugarman, who's from the BBC?
David, thank you very much indeed.
It to questions if I may 1st Mr Generous to you, The prime minister in his letter talks about leveling with the public about things getting worse before they get better.
What do you think the coming week is going to look like?
And then a question for Dr Harris.
We've had confirmation of the very sad death of an E n T surgeon and get al Zahrani.
What do you think that says?
What message does that send to N.
H s staff on the front line?
Well, thank you very much, David.
And can I also give my deepest sympathies to the family of Dr Al Hourani, I We heard the news just a few moments ago that he is very sadly passed away with respect to your question.
The prime minister has now written will be over the course of this week to all the household in this country, setting out very clearly the task that is before all of us.
We see on the news the difficult scenes in other European countries like Italy, for example, and the deaths that we are reporting daily and these preference press conferences are very sobering.
Every death is a tragedy.
We don't want to see any unnecessary death.
And so what the prime minister has said to all of us in that letter is that we all have the power to influence the course of events with respect to this virus.
If we want to protect people's lives, if we want to help the n it Jess, to be able to have the capacity to continue to perform the good quality public service that we all want it to do throughout the course of the virus, then we need to take heed off the medical advice.
We do need to stay at home by doing that will protect the N HS and will help to save people's lives.
So this is on all of us.
We all have a responsibility to protect each other.
We just need to follow the advice in the days and weeks ahead.
Okay, well, clearly you will not expect me as a medical professional to comment on an individual case.
That would be normal practice, but equally as a medical professional.
Of course, I'm very saddened by the fact that one of professional colleagues has passed away.
It clearly is a worrying event.
It's worrying for the nation because it's another death.
In our statistics, it's Ah, it's another lost to a family.
On it will be a loss to an N HS family as well.
I think for any chairs, staff on the front line, on under caring staff, it's not just in our health service's.
It's all people who are battling against this virus.
They will inevitably be concerned on dhe.
Some of the work that we're doing around communications under Rand personal protective equipment is to just try and ensure there is a common understanding between us off the support that is therefore them.
It is in no one's interests that we lose our colleagues on the front line, and we really, really want to support them.
So the only thing I would say is, though, clearly in a disease like this, which is affecting everybody, we just need to remember that it's not just the Annette Jessel, just a family.
We're finding this right across the population.
It will affect all of us.
It may will upset and actually our colleagues in the n hs.
Excuse me, but we shouldn't We shouldn't take that as any signal specific to the teachers.
We do have some new guidance coming out.
Four colleagues in the NHL shortly Andi.
I'm hoping that will help to support them in their work on the front line.
Thank you, Jenny, and the guidance is going to be published shortly.
Will also apply to those working.
Another essential public service is, for example, in social care in local government and other settings, so that they can have the best possible advice is to the type of peopie that they need to continue to do their role safely in the days ahead.
The next question is from Sam Lister from the Express.
Sam, Thank you.
If I could ask Doctor Harry's first, I just want to be really clear about what you've said.
Are you saying that come judgment day in two or three weeks time?
If you have not seen the necessary changes that you require, the country realistically is facing locked down for six months.
If I could ask the secretary of State, we've seen a number of police forces over the weekend set up hotlines where people can report concerns about the neighbors or the people they believe have flouted the rules.
Would you encourage people to raise their concerns with these hot lines?
So I'll start with that one.
So I think just to be clear on what I have actually said, I don't think I have said we will be in lock down for six months just to be clear, I also haven't said we'll definitely be in the best place possible until three weeks.
The important thing is this is a moving target.
If we do well, it moves forward, on, comes down and we manage all our care through our care, health care systems sensibly in a controlled way, and that's what we're aiming for Theo.
The issue about the 2 to 3 weeks is there is a time lag between somebody.
When somebody gets the disease on, become symptomatic and potentially transmits it on then, very sadly, for those people who become ill, they will be usually are ill for for a period of time on, then deteriorate in their health status on Dhe.
Suddenly some of them will end up dying and there are time periods for that.
So one for how well we do our intervention.
If we'll stop shopping on Monday, we would not expect any of this data to change.
On Tuesday, we would expect to start seeing a footfall dropping over the first week.
We would start to see a new infections dropping over the next week on.
We would start to see deaths dropping over the following week.
So the implication there is and the prime minister's letter is we actually anticipate that our numbers will get worse over the next week, possibly two on then we are looking to see whether we have managed to push that curve down and we start to see a decline.
The issue about the time frame is really important.
So this is not to say we would be in complete lock down for six months.
But it means that as a nation we have to be really, really responsible on.
Keep doing what we're all doing until we're sure that we can gradually start lifting various interventions which are likely to be spaced based on the science and our data.
Until we gradually come back to a normal, normal way of living on.
That may mean that we have a few bumps on the way rather than the nice curves that you've seen in grafs in the in the media or on our charts.
It's really important that we all do that together we will not have succeeded until we get right to the end of this outbreak.
We understand how the disease transmits as we get more information in due course about the pattern of transmission.
Then we will have more insight into how to manage that tail end of it and we can provide more information then Thanks, Jenny.
What I said earlier the measures that we've taken which are very restrictive and not things that we've taken lightly the evidence that we've seen so far suggests a high degree of compliance from members of the public.
The scenes that we saw last weekend have, by and large not being replicated.
This weekend, police forces have reported very few instances of non essential retailers remaining open against the rules on DSO.
You know, I think it's very encouraging that people are increasingly taking this seriously and playing their part in helping us to protect the N hs and save lives.
As a result, police forces have powers.
They are able to enforce these measures, they can find individuals.
And those fines can ratchet up for the very small number of people in society who repeatedly refused to follow the measures and take the advice of the police.
And that's absolutely right.
But we want to do this by consent.
We want to do this with us, all coming together in a national effort, and there's a moral obligation on all of us to play our part, protect ourselves but also protect others.
And that's regardless of your age.
And there are many young people who feel that they are invincible.
That isn't correct.
The virus effects all of us, but each of us has the ability to protect others on DSO.
I really urge once again everybody to pay heed to adhere to the strong medical advice that weevil received to stay at home on where you do go out.
Do it in the manner that we've advised respecting social distancing advice on when you can't work from home.
Try to work from home.
But when you can't do so, then go to work and at work follow public health England's guidance while still there as well, so that together we can protect the country and begin to turn the tide.
Now come now to the last question, which is from Jack Blonde charred from politico Jack Good often.
E Thanks very much a question for you.
Dex, Chief Medical Officer.
We've seen very alarmingly large increases in the number of deaths over the last year old each of the last two or three days.
Is that as you had expected, or are the number of deaths increasing more quickly than you had hoped on sexually states?
Have you modelled Maur extreme social distancing measures should baby necessary and give you Can you give us an indication of where things might go if what we're doing so far doesn't prove to be enough.
Eso Thank you subject A.
Sadly, the answer is yes.
It is as expected.
In many ways, it's It's not a nisi position to stand on a platform and say we expect a large number of people to die.
But we have a pandemic on our hands, and it is an unprecedented event for this generation in this country.
I think it is because of where we are on the couple a ll.
The brothers I've said previously applies.
We are expecting that that number will increase for the next week or two.
But then we anticipate that if we keep doing what we're doing, and I can't emphasize that we have to keep doing it is no good just doing it for a few days and stopping that.
We do anticipate that those numbers will start to drop.
The important thing about the number of deaths on dhe it is a very sadly an easy to count a statistic and feel like Andi.
It's quite difficult to translate what it means often to the public in terms of death rates, and there has been a huge amount of media written and reported on that.
But it is a sort of stable statistic, but it lacks behind impressions on the rate of increase of infections.
So we just need to watch it carefully, hold tight for a week or two, keep doing what we're doing and then come back and ask me the question again on I think, hopefully will be on the way down a little bit.
That's right.
Well, I think, as Jenny's said, the task for Russell now as a country is to adhere to the social distancing measures that we've already announced.
Thes are very significant moves, you know, unprecedented in our peacetime history.
If we all follow those measures, then there's every reason to believe that we can turn the tide on the virus on.
We'll be able to protect the N hs on to save people's lives.
Of course, if those measures prove insufficient or if members of the public are not complying with them, then we will have to consider what further options are available to us.
But that is not our intention.
We hope and believe that these measures can be sufficient, but it will take because of the nature of the virus a couple of weeks is Jenny's articulated before we can see whether that's truly happening.
Andi, if I could just add to that just for reassurance because obviously we've talked a lot about the capacity of the N.
H s to manage the number of people flowing through.
We have plenty of capacity in the N hs right now to manage people coming through the system.
So those deaths represent very sadly, individuals who have not been able to respond to the high quality care that the N H S is provided.
Very good.
Well, I think they're sorry.
There is one further question plea from Channel five.
I think the further question its room and kick proctor from the Guardian.
Oh, So I do apologize, Kate.
After mean.
You have seen the reports of Britain stranded abroad who really, really wants to get back to the UK?
What can you tell us about the size and the scale of the repatriation package that you're going to put together?
Germany has put side 50 million euros.
Will Britain putting together something on a similar scale on Will you be using the aria to bring people home?
Andi, if I May Michael go this morning said that the UK had got all the information that it needed from China to make some decisions earlier on in the current virus outbreak.
Do you know what information was missing from decision making?
Well, thank you cable.
Firstly, with respect to British citizens overseas, we have and take seriously our responsibility to protect our nationals wherever they are in the world.
That's a top priority for the government.
And the foreign secretary has been working extremely hard with British missions all over the world to try to bring those citizens back to the UK.
And he spent this weekend speaking with his counterparts in a range of countries where there are citizens who we want to get back safely to the UK as soon as possible.
We have advised British citizens abroad to come back to the UK whilst they're still commercial flights available.
That isn't the case in all countries, but it is in many.
We haven't ruled out repatriation flights and we are doing those in some cases.
There is a flight on going at the moment, for example, to Peru to bring back a group of British citizens who have bean in a difficult situation there.
If we need to doom or step over that kind in the days ahead, then we will of course do so.
We want to get those British citizens back safely to the UK with respect to the international picture.
More generally, while the UK is leading the international efforts, this is a global pandemic and we want to play our part to the full.
The prime minister has been speaking to his counterparts from the G seven and the G 20.
We are now the world's leading country in offering funding to support vaccine research.
Almost £500 million we've offered and we will put Maura the disposal of that very important mission.
If that's required on, there may be more steps that we can do is an international community in the future.
We want to be absolutely at the heart of that.
Of course, there will be lessons to be learned in the future about how we and other countries have responded to this virus.
But the UK, our government at the moment is focused 100% on trying to save lives here, and that means putting in place the measures that we've discussed today.
It means supporting the N hs and social care, shielding those vulnerable individuals for whom we've bean providing food parcels beginning this weekend.
And above all, for people listening this evening to this broadcast, it means each and every one of us in our own lives, following the advice from Jenny and her colleagues, stay at home, protect the N h.
And that is the way that we can all save lives and begin to turn the tide on the virus.
So thank you, Jenny, for joining us this evening.
And thank you very much indeed.
Everybody for watching at home.