字幕表 動画を再生する 英語字幕をプリント YUU ASAKURA: Let's review the number from 1 to 10. Repeat after me, ichi, ni, san, shi or yon, go, roku, shichi. Shichi can be nana so you can use either one, shichi, nana. And next one, hachi, kyu, jyu. Yes, you can repeat from 1 to 10 really quick, ichi, ni, san, shi, go, roku, shichi, hachi, kyu, jyu. Let's practice that. And I will teach you how to read the number after 10. So let's say 11. Eleven is 10 plus 1. So I will read it: jyu-ichi. Makes sense? So 12 will be jyu-ni; 13 will be jyu-san. It goes on to jyu-kyu, 19. So 20 is--so two 10s, so it will be ni-jyu, okay? So 21 is ni-jyu-ichi; 22 is ni-jyu-ni; and it goes on to 29. So 30 is san-jyu; 40 is yon-jyu. Shi-jyu is a little bit old style so let's stick to yon-jyu. Okay? And 50 is go-jyu, and roku-jyu, nana-jyu. Shichi-jyu is also a little bit obsolete so let's stay away from that. And hachi-jyu, kyu-jyu. So 99 will be? That's correct. That's kyu-jyu-kyu. So we'll learn after 100 in next--in future lesson. But for now, let's remember from 1 to 99.
A2 初級 会話の仕方 : 日本語での10の数え方 (How to Speak Conversational Japanese : How to Count to Ten in Japanese) 235 23 姚易辰 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語