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  • guys hope you're doing well.

  • What's up, guys?

  • Hope you're doing well today.

  • We'll be talking about the douche bag.

  • What guys look for in a woman?

  • Black people need to stop doing videos every Sunday.

  • Who got most wiggle through media with the throw me the way And my honest opinion, all research suggests that row Maybe Allie is the summation off based more on hakuna matata.

  • Tha as the catalyst in the situation of the eyelashes, oven undead, unicorn way Thought that don't leave the island, like, you know, don't.

  • Maybe you saw, like basketball.

  • So you know, black?

  • No, he's I think he's off.

  • So he should be able to do.

  • I mean, he sounds a lot better than one that I say.

  • I gotta get you.

  • Come on.

  • That doesn't make any sense.

  • I mean, no, no, that is actually incorrect, are you?

  • I always thought throw me the alley had multiple meanings.

  • Like subscribe to his page or no, assist him because correct me if I'm wrong, isn't an alley.

  • Doesn't that, like count as an assist?

  • Yeah, man, that may say incorrect.

  • You see the summation off the dividend up reciprocal off the black Mamba suggest.

  • Shut up!

  • Isn't he supposed to tell us in his 1/100 episode anyway, she is in my research suggests that this is 100 video.

guys hope you're doing well.


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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日