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so the mind.
Now the intuition training is derived from a program that was created and tested on millions of people in the seventies, eighties and nineties By the late Jose Silva.
Jose Silva was a mind signs pioneer.
He was one of the guys who first popularized meditation and by your feet back in the United States.
And in 2002 I was an engineer in Silicon Valley and I happened to take a class by Jose.
No, he was long passed away at that time.
He passed away in 90 99 this class was thought by one of his facilitators.
I was astounded at what this class did for me.
Basically, I wasn't technology sales back then.
And this particular class it was on being ableto access, altered states of mind, toe unleash intuition.
I know that sounds.
It sounds like a bold statement.
Right, But this is what happened, and I wrote about this in my best selling book, the Court of the Extraordinary Mind back then in 2002.
And Silicon Valley is ours in phone sales.
Remember, we would have to go to the San Francisco Public Library, check out the yellow pages, open it up to attorneys.
And what we were selling was technology to law firms and the standard procedure.
What's this?
You call every attorney from A to Z, and pretty much 95% of them are gonna hang up the phone on You will be very upset that you interrupted the idea.
Now it was a miserable job.
I hated it.
But after coming back from that silver class, something shifted.
I no longer randomly was calling a Tony's from the Yellow Pages.
I had learned that we as human beings, have this inner ability called intuition.
I could access an altered state, literally meditate within minutes when the office move my hand down the Yellow Pages and feel an impulse.
It almost feels as if you're guessing and know exactly who to call.
What I found is that in one week I double my sales in one week.
In fact, that doubling happen instantaneously.
I'm a data driven guy.
I'm an engineer, have a degree from one of the top engineering schools in the world.
But I couldn't explain this, but I also could not deny the data within a week of taking that class literally.
I had doubled my closing rate now, and it continued happening as I brought in more techniques from what I was learning from techniques to help me connect with the person on the other side of the phone.
True, a certain degree of empathetic sensitivity techniques to visualize where wanted to be.
In my career, my performance continued growing and growing and growing, and eventually I ended up being promoted three times in four months.
That was the start of my career.
I was 26 years old now.
I stayed with that company for 18 more months and then I wanted to do something bigger.
So mind was that next result.
It's now being 16 years since that incident, and in the past 16 years I've gone really deep in the study off what Jose Silva was doing.
I spent five years teaching this from 2003 to 2008 and I've incorporated a lot of these ideas into mind.
Alley in tow, a fest in tow, everything we're doing.
But it was this past year that I went to Jose Silva son and was a Silva's daughter, and we agreed that mind Ali was gonna take some of the most advanced teachings from Jose Silva and reintroduce them back to the world while also upgrading them and bringing in the latest science the latest technologies and the latest ideas.
This is what the mind valiant tuition training it's about.
Now, let me tell you what happens in this class.
So firstly, what you're gonna go true is a form off mental programming.
Now we use sound technology to get you to go into what is called the Alfa level of mind.
This is an actual measurable state that r E E G machine can measure.
It's a brainwave frequency.
Associate it with creativity associated with meditation.
And while you're at that brainwave frequency, your mind is very prone to programming.
So imagine being able at awaking level.
So you're fully conscious of what's going on to program your mind with new attitudes, new beliefs to erase.
Past believes that might be holding you back.
You gain this ability.
We don't just program you.
We teach you how to program yourself.
Now keep out of that programming, its programming you to unleash your intuition.
It's programming your mind to be able to expand its concept off information gathering beyond your physical body.
Now, before we even get to four PM on day one, we make it a little bit more challenging.
We now start programming you toe access an even deeper level of mine, which is called the data level of mine.
The data level of mine is what you're accessing when you are inspired.
It's what you're accessing when you're highly creative, and it's what you're accessing when you have glimpses of psychic potential.
There's a famous story of Thomas Edison, and in that story it talks about how Thomas Edison would take his famous afternoon naps.
But it wasn't just that he was napping.
He would hold a metal ball in his hand and they'd be a metal plate on the ground and he would drift into sleep, and as he did, his hand would drop.
The ball would hit the plate, it would jump him awake and he'd have an insight or eureka moment.
Now, what was going on there was that Edison was hacking, accessing data levels of mine.
That's what you go into when you're napping to spark ideas and intuition.
Edison, of course, had something like 1000 300 patents to his name.
Now anyone can do this.
Anyone can learn to get tow, waking data, frequencies, toe access, information and this is now being studied by lamps across at the United States.
We don't know how it works, but look, there, lots of things that we don't fully understand how it works.
It doesn't prevent us from being able to use them.
So by the end of day one, you've learned how to re program your mind.
You've learned how to access Waking Alfa and then waking terra.
And then the fun begins.
You get pad up with partners and everyone brings an object into the class.
Now, I want you to have an open mind here, so you'll be partnered with someone you maybe have never met before.
They will hand you an object wrapped in paper.
You will hold the paper access waking data.
That means you're you're bringing your brain frequency down to a level that people are mostly usually asleep.
But you're awake and you will get glimpses of insight on what might be in that paper.
I've seen remarkable things happen in this last.
Not everyone is gonna get a hit right then.
But when you get a hit, it's gonna blow your mind.
For example, in one recent class, a person holding the piece of paper said, I see myself flying through the clouds.
It's white clouds in the blue sky.
When she unwrapped it, what she was holding was apartness plane ticket.
Another person said, I don't see anything.
All I see is the number eight.
When he unwrapped it, it was a key chain with an eight ball on it.
So it's remarkable.
Where's this information coming from?
We don't fully understand it, but I believe that there is a level of connection between you and me and everyone else in the world.
That's beyond what we can detect with our human bodies.
And here we are tapping into something far, far, far deeper.
We're tapping into what some people call psychic ability or E S p or what I prefer to call intuition.
Now when you get today to this is where things get even more exciting in day to you learn the art off remote viewing.
Know what this means is that you learn to project your awareness to remotely view different locations and situations, so you learn to project your awareness not just into objects, but into biological organisms.
We start with plot life.
Then we go toe animal life.
And then we go to the anatomy of a loved one.
And you're doing this seeking permission from their soul, their essence.
And you do this because as we go into day to you, learn psychic detection and healing Does this unique quality of the human body where when we seek to heal someone else, information that we need to help heal them comes to us extremely easily.
So at the end of day two, you're not just able to function at waking data.
You're not just learned these powerful rules of programming so that you can re script events from your past.
You can clear your own subconscious blocks, but you learn to be partnered up with someone to be given nothing more than four pieces of information the name, age, gender and location off a friend that they know that you have never met in your life and you start downloading information on the sprint with that grants permission.
Of course, very often, people are able to detect physical abnormalities illnesses, and you end that session by giving healing to this person.
For example, in a recent class, one of the subjects of a CE we call them was a child, and you could tell it was a child, obviously, because of the date of birth on the cart that all the all the the participants knew was the name, age, location and gender.
And it was funny because two participants out of four who were working with this child detected that there was something off about the left side of this child space.
And it turned out this child was born with a birthmark that covered that part off his face.
Now the question is, how did they detect that?
This was not some common thing, like an allergy or the flu.
It was a very unusual birthmark, but two out of four people detective it.
Now that's the sort of thing that happens in this class again.
We cannot explain it.
We cannot promise that you might experience it either, but the rate over occurrences of these types of information download our remarkable by day two of this class.
And even if you don't get a hit during this class intuition, it's like a muscle.
You can train it, and we give you a training protocol that you can use at home over the next one month to increase your rate off intuitive glimpses.
And it is powerful how rapidly the ships and people.
Now, it's not just intuition.
The greatest gift that intuition gives you is the ability to be fully authentic to who you are because you're not listening to the voices outside you.
You're listening that voice inside you and that voice inside you knows why you're here.
What you're meant to do, what your purpose is and so to be truly intuitive is a lot more than just being able to use your gifts of healing.
You're able to shut out the rest of the culture escape that's often pushing and pulling and influencing you in the wrong directions.
T by mass consumerism, products to vote.
But politicians who might want to manipulate you to take a pot off or career that's not true.
You, but maybe your society or your education system or your parents want you to do.
But when you listen to that voice within, you are so clear on what your purpose what your goals what your destiny is, and you operate at a whole different level.
And then when you're able to access Alfa and data states, you're able to make the right decisions to get to that part faster.
Now, as a bonus, this class also goes deep into using the mind to bend reality.
You learn some of the most powerful tools I've encountered in my life to create synchronised reason coincidences to move you towards your goals.
And another key aspect of that class, which personally was my favorite when I first took it 16 years ago, is teaching you how to access Delta level brainwave states when you're asleep to make your sleep hyper productive to literally solve problems in your sleep.
So if you find these interesting, if you have an open mind, go ahead and enrolled below.
The class comes with a money back guarantee at the end of the class.
If you don't feel this was what you expected to experience, you can get a full refund, no questions asked.
We know this is a bold idea, but mark my words mind.
Ali works with global education systems.
We worked with some of the most incredible companies in the world.
We would not bring anything into the world if we felt that this wasn't rooted in study in science, effective, powerful and game changing for the human species.
My goal is to take intuition, training and ensure that 20 years from now this is in most national schooling systems, and this is being thought in most companies globally because intuition elevates human beings that the next level of their potential and it not just makes us make better decisions.
But when you are connected intuitively to the world around, you were also connected to each other.
We become a more peaceful, more connected, a more loving, giving, compassionate species.
Intuition leads the global unity.
You cannot help but feel more empathy and compassion for others when you activated your intuition cause you understand that you are a lot more than just your physical body and that we are all connected in far deeper ways that we've been trained to believe.