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  • This is the lock picking lawyer, and what I have for you today is a kryptonite crypto lock Siri's to bicycle chain lock.

  • It's a pretty unremarkable but competent lock in most respects just a well hard in 10 millimetre steel chain combined with an integrated lock.

  • The only remarkable part is the core.

  • Looking at the key, we can immediately tell there something different by that pointy tip that tip interfaces with a disc locking system similar to what you might find in some higher and a bus locks.

  • That means that the disk pack can't be rotated or picked until we defeat that system.

  • However, once you know it's there and how it works, you'll find that disabling it is a simple matter of pulling a small tab aside.

  • After that, the lock seems tohave one more trick up its sleeve.

  • Either the discs inside are very rough, or this thing has false gates.

  • Now this is not a new lock.

  • Judging by the altered by Sharpie packaging, we can tell it's about six years old, right around the time Kryptonite was spun off from Ingersoll Rand.

  • Because it's not new.

  • I can only guess this is either something abandoned or it's an outlier in the kryptonite lineup.

  • So all that said, let's see what it takes to pick it open.

  • As I said before, we have that disk locking system so we can't just rotate those disks, as we normally would.

  • However, if we reach all the way down and pull a small tab aside, we are then able to rotate the disks.

  • And once we have them in that position, we can start picking as normal.

  • Taking this pick that Bosnian Dylan I made picking up disc number one and then let's find Number two so we can start picking okay to his binding.

  • Gotta click there.

  • Click out of three.

  • Four feels loose.

  • Quick out of five and six is loose.

  • Back to the beginning.

  • One is binding again.

  • Okay, got him into the next gate.

  • Two is binding.

  • Okay, twos in a gate, little click out of three, and we open this up.

  • So not too bad a pick, though it could certainly benefit from or disks that said, it's not a band system for protecting a lower cost bike.

  • In any case, that's all I have for you today.

  • If you do have any questions or comments about this, please put them below.

  • If you like this video and would like to see more like it, please subscribe.

  • And, as always, have a nice day.

  • Thank you.

This is the lock picking lawyer, and what I have for you today is a kryptonite crypto lock Siri's to bicycle chain lock.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

972】クリプトロックシリーズ2 自転車用チェーンロックの奇妙なコア ([972] A Strange Core in the Kryptolok Series 2 Bicycle Chain Lock)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日