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What's up guys, hope you're doing well.
I'm in a different location because I wanted to do something a little different today.
I want to talk about where I've been and where I'm going.
So this is my 2012 year in review.
In 2012, I accomplished a lot on YouTube.
And even though I joined YouTube in 2006, I really didn't start making videos until
little over a year ago.
During 2012, my videos have been featured on the Huffington Post.
I've been interviewed on NBATV.
This year alone, three of my videos were on the Today Show.
But it's important to note that on January 29th I only had 1,000 subscribers and I wasn't
even a partner.
I wasn't getting paid to do any of this.
I was just doing it for fun.
But that's really the reason I started making videos: for fun…not to get rich and famous,
it's just because I wanted to have a voice…to say whatever DAHECK I wanted to say.
On February 24th, I was fortunate to have a viral video, my most successful video to
date: Top 100 First World Problems.
This video led directly to me becoming a full time partner on YouTube.
I got an email asking me if I wanted to be a partner.
And it was just amazing.
It was amazing because it just felt like someone validated what I was doing.
As the year progressed, I kept learning.
I kept looking at other YouTubers, picking up little things that they would do.
When does the music come in?
When does it fade out?
How many cutaways do they have?
How many songs did they use?
And, someehow between all of this, I was able to develop my own style: the Scooter Magruder
I started making my own different types of series: Top 100 videos, Stuff Fans Say, Not
About That Life.
And I guess some people liked it because on May 1st I reached over 10,000 subscribers.
That was a pretty big thing to me.
At that point, you really couldn't say anything to me.
I would just slap you.
Exactly one week after that, I was announced as YouTube Next Vlogger.
Basically, I entered a competition put on by YouTube and out of thousands of people
that applied worldwide, not just in the US, I was selected as one of sixteen Next Vloggers.
This remains the single biggest achievement for me in 2012.
Through Google+ Hangouts we got mentorship by some of the top YouTubers: WhatTheBuck,
Natalie Tran from Community Channel, and iJustine.
I told iJustine to follow me on Twitter.
I'm not lying.
She didn't do it, but I still told her.
We received advertise…promotion.
We received promotion on YouTube and video equipment as well.
In fact, this video (camera) and the lighting for this video YouTube gave to me as part
of that program.
And it opened up so many doors for me.
I was able to meet 15 other people who were really passionate about making videos.
And to this day, I remain good friends with some of them.
Some of them you may even recognize from being in some of my videos.
But most importantly, it was as if someone looked at all my hard work and just said:
“You know what, I agree with what you're doing.
I see your hard work and here's the payout.”
And it was just amazing!
A couple months after the YouTube Next Vlogger program, I reached 25,000 subscribers on YouTube.
And as of December 30th 2012, I have over 40,000 subscribers.
And to each and every one of you who support me, I would just like to say:
Thank you.
Whether you've ever shared a video on Facebook, whether you've ever retweeted me, or even
sent me a suggestion for another video, you don't really understand how far those things
go these days.
But as for what you can expect for next year, I got a lot of Top 100 videos planned, I finally
got the format for the Not About That Life figured out, and I will be replacing Stuff
Fans Say with a new series that I think everyone will love called Magruder Mobile.
Yes, it's about to get real.
I'm not playing.
There's so many more things that I left out that know I could tell you but I'm not
trying to make a documentary.
2012 was a good year and, lord willing, 2013 will be even better.
New videos every Sunday.
No Jugamos Juegos.
Throw me the alley.