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  • It's the dramatic moment a police officer rushes.

  • Just save the life of a choking baby dash cam video shows the cop chasing the family down from the opposite direction and signaling them toe pull over.

  • The 11 month old boy is turning blue and his parents are rushing him to the hospital.

  • That's when the police officer heard the emergency over the radio.

  • I heard it, and I just took off on you would get there faster than the ambulance.

  • The baby wasn't responsive, kind of like slouched over now, making any noise.

  • The nightmare happened just one day after the baby's parents, Daniel and Stephanie Corona, tied the knot.

  • Stephanie brought her bridal bouquet back home, which consisted of white roses and a little plastic star charm like this kin to the stems.

  • Somehow, baby Ella Kai got his hands on the charm, put it in his mouth, and seconds later he started choking.

  • We were just so terrified you got in the car and we called 911 and drove like crazy to get him to the hospital.

  • New Mexico State police officer Mario Herrera hopped out of his patrol car, grabbed the baby and started life saving assistance.

  • You can hear him slapping the baby on his back to dislodge the obstruction baby begins to cry and spits up that plastic star charm he was choking on.

  • And here's little L.

  • A kite today he's gonna be a okay were so beyond grateful.

It's the dramatic moment a police officer rushes.


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B1 中級

咄嗟に考えた警察官に救われた赤ちゃんの窒息 (Choking Baby Saved by Quick-Thinking Police Officer)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日