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  • Hey, kids, today we're making a blood orange sangria U two's best for creative things.

  • It's cooking and crap.

  • Sting.

  • Hey, kids, I'm going to make half of this recipe, but I'll give the entire recipe in the description box below.

  • The first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to add this half of this.

  • I'm really happy bottle of being Shirin Shirin in Cannes from Slovenia.

  • This is from the wine awesomeness.

  • Um, box that just got to me the other day.

  • And, um, I will have a bunch of information down in the description box below.

  • But they're a monthly subscription, uh, box where you can purchase monthly and, you know, it gets cheaper as you buy along.

  • We're gonna add in some blood orange sparkling beverage here, and the wine comes delivered directly to your door.

  • The cool part is that they also include a pamphlet that talks to you about Ethan.

  • Everyone of being wines that are included in the box and what they could be coupled you paired with in terms of meal or appetizer, and they even give you the recipe for that.

  • Then we're gonna add in some orange juice.

  • I'm gonna give that a little stir.

  • The only reason I'm doing half of this recipe is because it's just me.

  • Today on this is gonna be waiting too much for me, and then you want to just go ahead and you can add in two cups of Berries.

  • I have strawberries today, and I also have oranges, so I'm just gonna add in some oranges, since it is blood orange flavored and then I'm gonna add in a little bit of ice to this, and then I'm gonna call that a blood orange sangria.

  • You may want to have this for a little while before you serve it.

  • Just about the flavors melt on DDE.

  • The flavors can go into those and the description.

  • But I'm also gonna have a code for you where you can get your first box free of warning, often nests and a link as well to get to be, um, Web page.

  • And I'm gonna try this even though I know I should let it sit.

  • I'm really excited about this, and I think I'll put one of these in here just because on DDE.

  • Cheers.

  • Fantastic.

  • Now keep an eye out because I am going to have another recipe that is going to involve this.

  • I am going to actually prepare the recipe that they provided spicy drunken noodles.

  • If I've already done it and loaded it up, I will put a link to it if I haven't keep your eye out for it.

  • Thanks for watching.

  • Thank you.

Hey, kids, today we're making a blood orange sangria U two's best for creative things.


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B1 中級

ブラッドオレンジサングリア (Blood Orange Sangria)

  • 8 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日