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Everyone, welcome to lessen.
My name is Michelle.
And in this lesson, we are looking at the differences between Woods Still already.
And yet what are the differences between their meanings?
Do they mean the same thing?
No, they don't.
They have very different meanings.
Join me in this lesson to learn.
The difference is so, First of all, we're going to look at the word still before we get onto the sentences.
Let's find out what does still mean.
So still means that we're talking about something that has continued up till the present.
Okay, so maybe something started in the past and it has continued until the present.
So something that continues to the present.
Okay, So what is it that has continued to the present?
Let's find out by reading the first sentence, he still hasn't said Sorry.
Okay, so maybe there's this person who committed a mistake and not the person was expecting him or her to say sorry for a very long time.
But since the moment they were expecting that person to say sorry until now, that person has not see it said Sorry.
So this is when you could use he still hasn't said sorry.
So they started to expect it in the future, and the person has not yet done it.
So as I told you that it's used for something that started in the past and continues until the present.
Now, let's see how to use it in a sentence.
All right.
What's the correct place off this word?
He still hasn't said sorry.
All right, So where is the world in the sentence?
The main world off the sentences hasn't.
All right?
It's the main web and still always comes before the main work.
Okay, So still would always come before the main work.
It would be absolutely wrong to say he hasn't still said Sorry.
Okay, that wouldn't be the right sentence.
So make sure that you put the still before the main word in the sentence.
Okay, Now, let's look at the next sentence that we have.
They were still living in London.
Okay, now here's does the confusion.
So the main warp in the sentences living.
But we have another war.
Been the sentence, which is the helping world, and that iss were okay.
This is a helping world, and we also call it the auxiliary world.
It's a form off is Watts were okay, a form of B.
So here we say they were still living in London.
So just like the previous sentence, okay, Still comes before the main work here before the main work.
But it comes after the helping work.
So if there is no helping warp in the sentence, you don't need to be confused.
And you can simply say he still hasn't said sorry.
However, if there is a helping war been the sentence, then it will be between the helping war on the middle warp main verb, which would be they were still living in London.
All right, now let's look at the third example that we have got and that is she lives with her mother.
So now here we have changed the position off.
Still entirely.
It has no relationship with the main work, which is lives.
Rather, this word comes at the end off the sentence.
So is incorrect.
No, it's not incorrect.
You can use this formation, but it's just that this is very informal.
And you would not find this formation very often while you're reading or listening to someone so this is very formal and not commonly used.
Right now.
Let's look at the next word that we have for the day.
And that is yet.
So I haven't read the document yet.
Before we get onto the usage will again find out the meaning off the word yet.
So Yet it's used when something has not happened up to the present.
All right, when something has not happened up to the present.
Okay, so we were expecting something to happen, but it has not happened yet.
All right, so where do we use yet?
Do we use it in positive sentences, a formative or normal sentences, as you can notice that we have not in the meaning itself.
Therefore, even when we use it, we use it mostly in negative sentences because we're talking about something that has not happened.
So let's read the 1st 1 I haven't read the document yet.
All right, so here we are, using it in the end, okay?
And we are also using it in a negative sentence, which means that till now something has not been done.
Okay, so you always use it in a negative sentence for something that has not yet happened.
You're still waiting.
When will it happen?
When will it happen?
And as you've seen you concede in all the four sentences except the last one, we'll come to that later.
We generally use yet at the end offer sentence.
So be it a normal sentence.
Okay, which is a positive story.
Ah, full stop.
We have a full stop.
So it's a normal sense.
But here we have a question mark.
So whether it's a question or an answer, we always have yet at the end off a sentence.
Now let's look at the next one that we have.
This is a question.
Is the doctor here yet?
So here.
We're using yet to ask a question.
This is another usage off.
Yet we often ask it for a question.
And this is the simple tents story.
Simple, present, tense.
So you can use it for the simple presidents.
If we climb back to the previous sins, we see that this end sentences in the present.
I haven't read the document yet, so this isn't a present perfect sentence.
So you'll often hear Britishers say it like this, But Americans don't really love have so they generally remove it.
And the user?
Simple past.
Instead, they'd say I didn't read the document yet, which means the same thing.
So if you hear an American, they'll say I didn't read the document yet, But the statement always remains negative because we're talking about something that has not happened so far.
The 3rd 1 that we have is Have you done your homework yet?
Okay, now, this is another way of asking a question, but in the present.
So as I told you, a British A would ask you, Have you done your homework yet?
But what would an American ask you?
He would use the simple past to ask you the same question.
He'd say.
Did you do your homework yet?
Okay, So did you do your homework yet?
In the present, Our past symbol tens with yet at the end off the question Now, coming back to the last one.
He hasn't yet received the document, right?
So the difference here is that we do not use yet at the end of the sentence.
But we use it here right after the right before the main work.
So this kind of formation is also very unusual and very formal.
Just like this one.
She lives with her mother Still the same way he hasn't yet received.
The document is very formal and you would possibly here.
Ah, higher authority saying that to you as the sentence also says the question so he hasn't received the document.
He hasn't yet received a document which is very formal.
Okay, now we come over to the next one that we have for the day and that is already so what is the meaning Off already?
Can we use already in place off yet?
We use yet when something has not happened until the present time.
But we use already when something has happened in the present before the expected time.
So you were expecting something to happen.
But it happened before the expected time.
So when something happens before the expected time, or when something happens before present, so you can see I have already seen that movie.
Okay, Now, as far as the usage is concerned already is a combination off Still, and yet okay, as we use still before the main warp in a positive sentence, The same way we use already before the main world in a positive sentence before the main Werbe and have is the helping world here.
Okay, the next one that we have is half.
You finished your homework or have you finished your work already?
Now, this is a question, all right.
And this is going to be very different from the 1st 1 because here we do not have already in the middle of the sentence.
But rather we have already, in the end, off a sentence.
So we have already at the end off the question says, You can see we put already in the middle off a sentence, but at the end offer question and already means that something has happened before present or before the expected time.
As you can read it.
I have already seen that movie.
So maybe you're talking to your friend who wants to go toe see a movie.
They want to go for a movie with you, and they suggest a movie.
But you say OK.
No, I've already seen that movie.
Let's see another one.
Which means that you have seen the movie before.
The moment off speaking.
Okay, so here we have coward.
All the three still yet.
And already we know how to use them.
And we also know their meaning.
So what are you waiting for?
Use them.
And I hope that all the confusion is solved for you.
Thank you so much for staying with me The vice.