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Hey, guys didn't see there today and actually gonna be tasting soy sauce with my balls, So I recently decided to give up Instagram, you know, in order to find myself, maybe meditate a bit more on Lee to discover tic tac now fully addicted to tic tac story data.
You Zuckerberg recently this tic tac a star to go viral where people are saying that they can taste with their testicles.
All right, So if you've been anywhere in tic tac today, you've probably seen the thing about your balls having taste buds part into my understanding of science and physiology.
I do not think that this is possible that every tick talk that plays they continually end by them going Oh, my God, Todo I did ask that this was just to make people put food on their balls, bro.
But I'm not even Cappie.
Come on, John Lennon and I came up.
So today I'm gonna try this test, and then I'm going to do the research to get to the bottom of this.
Going to make this video fast back there have actually paid almost $80 for three different journal articles Every time I pay for a journal article I picture assigned to somewhere getting looking alert, being like Wait, Someone bought my articles.
I'm actually gonna play the tic tac of me doing this so that I don't have to dip my balls and soy sauce more than one.
All right, it's all over.
Take talk.
People are saying you could taste with your balls.
Also, mountains are tested on.
I've been doing research.
And according to science and the neurologist rebels, you should not be able to taste.
But everyone is saying that you can.
I taste all right.
So immediately one, they'll say that I can smell it.
Which I think maybe some people might be smelling it, perceiving it as tasting on their way.
Okay, you cannot take that.
This is almost done.
All of his articles, and I realized I need to do it again because I need to do it with something sweet.
Honestly, scientist.
So fascinating in the fact that we know this much detail.
But what I'm about to describe to you is incredible.
Do anything that you put into your mouth, which is also known as your aural cavity.
That's gonna be my new pickup line like, um, can I make out with your oral cavity?
Although I guess I've never said Can I make out with your mouth?
Any food or object that you put into your oral cavity is actually detected by taste receptor cells and an aggregate of these makeup.
What is known as a taste bud.
How that hurt taste by.
Okay, so this is a taste.
But the scientists like to say that they look like onions.
Personally, I think they kind of look like a vagina that honestly looks like the ad for the new pseudo science show goop.
So about 50 to 100 different cells make up this pace, but and there are four types of taste buds, and they've really complex scientific names like Type one type two, Type three and type for What's the max, innit?
New Year New me.
This year I have.
My new role is to make sure the mikes and every shot, but I think it's so cool that we've literally evolved these complex tongues.
The Type three taste bud has evolved to detect sour, usually sour means that something isn't good to eat, its food that's gone rotten and we've evolved the straight to not get sick.
Sweet usually means a high caloric intake.
And me like some condoms.
And so do you.
Actually, all humans do.
It's really important.
It's what we need to live.
Okay, so this is where we're getting to the point that things were definitely being overblown on tic tac.
The article that they're quoting from is from the daily mail.
But they are kind of on to something.
Jeans encoding.
Taste related molecules that transducer the bitter, the sweet Neil Mommy flavoring have been found in your sperm, which is encased in your balls.
So one thing that happens is when I posted this video on tic tac immediately, people started to look at it laughing, did the usual thing.
But some people were saying, Nah, you have to do something sweet.
So if you will let me, I'm actually gonna put my balls into a new substance.
Thank you.
So everyone in the comments is saying that I need to be dipping my balls in something sweet in order for it to be accurate.
But they can taste it or not to that.
I just want to say you're all freaks.
Is this going at flag to feel like you're never gonna see this.
See those white marks?
That's proof I did at proof is in the pudding.
Bab stop!
Clear everything out of this.
I only got something was later.
Some kind of weird stuff.
We'll talk after it's done.
Seriously, stop it.
So I was just cleaning up this mess with this coke off to the side.
If you see some has been drink from it.
Yeah, that's cause I took a big old swig.
You know, your brains very interesting, beautifully evolved organ, but sometimes slips up so I could not taste anything with the outside layer of the skin of my balls.
You know, actually, the outside of all of our layers of skin is fully dead, which is interesting, because now I know that I'm dead both inside and out.
But yet the dad epidermis on skin of my genitals was not able to pick up any taste of the sugar from the molecules that I put on to my ball sack.
That makes full sand space on the physiology that I know about skin, about my testicles and about neurons.
But where this all came from, is that there are genes that code for molecules involved with taste in your sperm.
They are molecules that have to do with the type to taste buds.
That's why people are saying that, yes, it has to be sweet, but these taste buds do not exist in or on your balls, but molecules and G proteins that are involved in taste are on your sperm.
We don't exactly know why sperm has the ability to use these taste molecules, but one thing we think is that it's a way for it to use chemo reception that is, reception through chemicals kind of what your tongue does to actually scope out and find the egg.
Do you guys probably think I'm disgusting at this point?
What can you do in this video?
If you made it this far?
Me and my two little friends, Thank you.