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This is the lock picking lawyer.
And a few days ago, in video number 8 50 I showed you a new toy of mine, the multi pick Kronos Electric pick gun.
I received a few questions about it in comments and e mails, so I thought I'd give it a little bit more screen time and show you what this tool is capable of.
Now, it is not going to work on all locks, but with the locks that it does open.
Oftentimes it's going to be one of the fastest ways in it.
Works by oscillating the needle on the end and that will strike the locks pins several times per second, which can open the sheer line, allowing the court a turn.
I have a few locks here for demonstration, so let's skip right to the fun part.
We're going to start with this master lock number three, put some tension in there and let the Kronos goto work.
Gonna move on to this Vero Alley of a Master 1 41 Ah, that was pretty darn quick.
This is I'm sorry.
That was a master 1 40 This is the 1 41 There we go and we have an unbranded Chinese shrouded padlock.
There we go.
Move on to this sorry, Brinks shrouded padlock.
Now we have a a Stanley here, keep accidentally hitting that button.
Now we have a master 1 43 Or is it a 1 40 to something like that?
It's the 1 40 Siri's.
Whatever it was, it opened darn fast.
And here we have another master lock number three.
So as you saw on some locks, this is a devastatingly fast tool.
And while it does take some getting used to compare to traditional picking, it's a relatively low skill attack.
In any case, that's all I have for you today.
If you do have any questions or comments about this, please put them below.
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And, as always, have a nice day.