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  • This is the lock picking lawyer, and I have a very interesting padlock for you today.

  • Unfortunately, I don't know a whole lot about it.

  • I'm told this is Soviet in origin, which is what I would have guessed just by looking at it.

  • We have a stamp steal key that was common in the USSR, particularly prior to the 19 seventies.

  • Then there is the laughably bad machine work that was also common in the Soviet Union during that time period.

  • The choice of materials is about what I'd expect.

  • But what I didn't expect was the lettering.

  • If this was Soviet in origin, the Latin letters would be unusual.

  • But they could point to an origin in the country with the native language that used a Latin out the bet somewhere like Lithuania, which was known to make a fair number of padlocks.

  • The final issue is the lack of a price stamped anywhere in the lock body.

  • That was something nearly universal in the Soviet Union.

  • But of course there were exceptions.

  • So that's my long way of saying I don't know too much about this.

  • But what caught my eye was the unusual mechanism and the unusual key.

  • The key has four arms that stick out from the side.

  • They go into the side of the padlock and press down on rods with notches in them.

  • Those rods air spring loaded, and when you press down on the key, it aligns all those notches with the shackle and the lock will open.

  • Now picking this is not terribly tricky.

  • You just need to pull on the shackle while nudging those rods into position.

  • You don't even need any special tools.

  • In fact, we are going to use a toothpick.

  • So let's pull on the shackle and get to picking nothing on the last nothing.

  • Here we go.

  • Little click out of to click out of one click out of four.

  • Nothing on three.

  • Another click on two and one little click on to click on one.

  • We're getting those rods closer to the right position each time we push on them, but it is taking a little bit of time.

  • There we go.

  • Three is finally binding, got him mostly into position, and right now we're just nudging them the final little bit of the way.

  • There we go.

  • I pulled it out and it locked up after it looks like two positions.

  • So what's up?

  • There we go.

  • One more click and we got it open.

  • So not too tricky a pic, but it can be a bit time consuming.

  • Even so, I like the unusual mechanism and I am very happy to have this in my collection.

  • In any case, that's all I have for you today.

  • If you do have any questions or comments about this, please put them below.

  • If you like this video and would like to see more like it, please subscribe.

  • And, as always, have a nice day.

  • Thank you.

This is the lock picking lawyer, and I have a very interesting padlock for you today.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

1062】TOOTHPICKでピックされた珍しいソ連製南京錠! ([1062] Unusual Soviet Padlock Picked With TOOTHPICK!)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日