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  • This is the lock picking lawyer, and what I have for you today is a B V brand bicycle chain lock.

  • This is something that's apparently pretty popular on Amazon, and I've gotten quite a few requests that I take a look.

  • It's a self contained package with a 110 centimeter long six millimetre chain with a lock for holding everything closed.

  • Now, while I do like the ease of use represented by chains like this, I'm a bit skeptical that a six millimeter link is adequate in all but the lowest of security environments.

  • I haven't yet Thorne off the plastic and nylon to check out the construction methods, and I may do that in the future.

  • But today is all about evaluating pick resistance.

  • The core in here is a slider sidebar design with two separate banks of four sliders, each one of which controls a separate sidebar.

  • It's something I've seen quite a few times in the past, and they tend not to be terribly difficult to open, so let's see how this one stacks up.

  • We have a little dust cover in front of the key way, and I'm going to use this thick Z Bar for tension.

  • It fits really nicely in the top of the key way.

  • And then to manipulate the sliders, I'm using a standard hooking 18 thousands.

  • I'll insert it sideways and twist it to lift each of those sliders up.

  • Okay, Number one nice click out of him.

  • Click at it, too.

  • Nothing on three and nothing on four.

  • Back to the beginning.

  • Okay, I don't think there's anything on one Nothing on two three, click out of four and a really deep, false set indicating to me that that right bank of sliders is set.

  • So let's move over to the left bank.

  • Okay, nice click out of one click out of two.

  • Nothing on three or four back to the beginning.

  • Another click out, if one nothing on two click out of three.

  • Nothing on four.

  • Number one is binding, and we just got it open.

  • So not a terribly difficult lock to pick, though it may prove adequate on the street where picking attacks tend not to be very common.

  • In any case, that's all I have for you today.

  • If you do have any questions or comments about this, please put them below.

  • If you like this video and would like to see more like it.

  • Please subscribe.

  • And, as always, have a nice day.

  • Thank you.

This is the lock picking lawyer, and what I have for you today is a B V brand bicycle chain lock.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

889】BV 自転車チェーンロック ピックアップ ([889] BV Bicycle Chain Lock Picked)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日