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Good morning, everyone.
It's Saturday on Dhe.
This little munchkin is playing this something next to me.
I have no idea what he's doing.
So the first working week is over for going back to work on DDE had a bit of a lion this morning.
This week was kind of like it wasn't slow like there was.
Lots of new collaborations have come in on dhe.
I got lots of work done.
I didn't film a whole lot because I was just kind of getting on top of everything on.
I did start logging yesterday, and then it didn't really like I was in meetings and I well, and one meeting.
And then I was meeting a nutritionist on dhe.
It was just kind of such a chill day that we just ended up going and seeing some of Carrie's friends afterwards.
There wasn't really much that happened.
But today I am hoping Thio make some breakfast.
Yeah, I did have some banana pancakes I wanted to make on DDE, so I'm gonna check in, Um, my new book.
So, you know, I've been using a lot of books to eat healthier.
This one was given to me yesterday by Rianna, and I went and met her in grain drink Oh, in London that I met for the first time and her books just come out.
So I am going to have a rummage through this now.
Pretty Andi, I like this one down below as well on Dhe.
That's how I'm starting my day.
But I've been not eating gluten now since the New Year on I literally feel like a different person.
It's Oh my gosh, I can't tell you the impact it's had on how I feel like I feel so much less sluggish on DDE.
I'm just I don't know.
It's It's very, very weird.
I don't go into too much detail and, um, yeah, it's just I feel so different.
And it also like effect like my head and how I feel about food.
Yes, so I feel massively different, and I feel so good that it's making it easier for me to not eat it on DDE that I think it's so good.
Obviously, finding out that they have a gluten free base at Domino's has been a massive help us.
Well, yeah, it was weird because I tweeted about it yesterday.
People are very sensitive about when you say that you don't greet it anymore because I think that obviously a lot of people do it is like fads and stuff like that.
I don't think I mean, as an Italian.
I can't say I would ever cut out if I didn't have to.
It mostly will usually give up alcohol or something.
But I decided that I was going thio, googly and free, and it's going really well so far.
I know it's only been a week, but when you notice the benefits of her, I think it's a lot easier today.
I'm hopefully gonna go to the gym on DDE, have a little workout in a great week back, and you know I sticking to you.
Ah, um, like chilled evenings where we're not working on dhe.
We have been watching TV.
We got Apple TV, which hasn't Netflix.
I feel like I'm so down with the kids right now.
SoCal so, yeah, we gold of the series to watch.
I really wanna watch, like the crown and stuff like that.
So that's exciting as well.
So I'm gonna make some breakfast cause Ali is still in bed feed for babies as well and get cracking on my day thing.
This is what I'm going to make for breakfast because I have bananas.
They're going brown on.
I believe I have all of these ingredients on this serves to.
So I'm gonna make this for Ali and I this morning for breakfast.
I'm not making this calm part because I don't have that.
So I'm just gonna have make what I have in the pit.
Last couple of pancakes are in there cooking.
Ali's already had one and liked it is this is my first attempt at it.
So this one kind of broke a little bit When I got out of the pan, this one came out perfect.
And I just resorts a maple syrup over the top, and I'm gonna try it.
But even without it, right, without any maple syrup, it's still like, nice and tasty.
So I'm very impressed myself.
Hello again.
It's dark now.
I haven't spoken to you for a good few hours.
I'm just trying to find something, my friend.
Oh, hello, Pit squeak.
You've broken up.
And my friend Harriet came round earlier, so we just had, like, a little child, a sofa on DDE.
Just call up because I haven't seen her since the wedding.
And I've got to be honest with you.
I was feeling a little bit like because I drank with Carrie after work yesterday.
And even though I was home by, like, 10 o'clock No, I was home by 11.
I felt a little bit like down in the dumps.
And I really didn't want to feel that way because I've been feeling so amazing.
I don't know.
Yeah, I've been feeling so amazing.
So I just didn't want Thio Let that stop basically.
And I didn't wanna have, like, a do ve day.
I just felt quite tired.
Even though I let myself have a little bit of light and Anna went to bed early, I was no in bed like late.
I think I must have gone to bed, like, half an hour after I go home.
And so I popped on the new gym kit.
This is the new gym kit from sweaty Betty.
I'm gonna show you.
Actually, I usually opt for seem free, and I literally said this is my last video that I don't really like normal gym where I feel less supported in this because it isn't seem free.
But this is supposed to sculpt your bum, so I don't have much of a bomb to sculpt.
I have a little bit more than I used to be, but what I like is this top.
I really like the fact that it's like, no cropped up.
I always I don't know.
It always makes me feel a little bit weird.
Going in the gym with a proper cropped up, kind of like a nice, happy medium on Dhe doesn't cut you off in a weird place, cause I do find that my long tops sometimes cut me off in a weird place.
So I quite like this.
I feel like I'm gonna go, like, running or something.
I'm gonna try and go to the gym.
And then I want to make myself that tuna dish that I made in my last log.
It was so good and so healthy.
Andi, I don't feel like I got to enjoy it as much as I wanted to.
Because of the way I am with food, I sometimes come be like mid meal on dhe.
I can make myself like it makes you feel sick because I start panicking that I'm gonna have made myself sick.
And because the Gina was rule, I just was, like, in my head.
Oh, no.
You're gonna make yourself ill.
Obviously, I wasn't ill, and I didn't get to enjoy it because I was panicking.
So now I've had the dish.
I feel like I'm a little bit more confident.
I'm gonna make it for me because he's on in London and I'm going Teoh, go to the gym, have workout, make myself feel better on dhe, make myself a really, really good meal.
And then I might just cuddle on the sofa.
I think that's probably the best thing.
So I'm I've also, like, sorted out how I'm gonna be training moving forward.
I had a personal trainer before the wedding, and I had two sessions a week and then carry said, Why don't we continue afterwards?
So we are going to be having PT Sessions first thing every Monday on.
We're also gonna be trying some classes I want to try spinning.
We're gonna be doing more yoga as well, but we're gonna have space in our new house to do yoga at home as well, which that makes me really, really excited Because I have a yoga instructor that comes to your house.
So I'm gonna sort that out on dhe.
Just feeling really, really positive.
Really happy.
I've slathered on my body in one of my favorite things in the entire world.
My animists de stress massage oil.
This Oh, my God, this is like a spar at home that he literally makes me feel like I am a spot and I just feel so it's like, indulgent and it's just little things like that, like you can buy one really good beauty product or like care product.
That just makes you feel like that.
It's worth it, even if it costs, like, 40 or £100 just by that one.
And that's a little luxury that when you have times like this, when you feel a little bit more, you can put it on.
And just also, I feel like you have to talk because the only reason I'm wanting to get to the gym at the moment is because of audible Oh my goodness, like I have fallen in love with this up so so much.
Oh my God, a competent words.
So I've already finished one book.
I finished You Do You Buy Sarah night on?
Dhe Loved it.
Loved how, just like she's just so like, sarcastic.
And she's got such a dry sevenths of humor, and I feel like I kind of have quite a dry sense of humor as well.
So I was very much enjoying it.
Then I listened to the life changing magic of not giving a fuck tonight, said the F word.
And then I'm gonna follow with the 2nd 1 as well.
Just loving, loving, getting through the books that I have wanted to read for so long.
Like I can listen in the gym.
I can listen when I'm cooking, I can listen when I'm doing my makeup like it honestly is the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I kind I remember all of the ads that were on YouTube, but those people were doing work with them.
Love it.
So that's my book already finished.
See, they're finished my first book.
I am going to download another one on dhe.
Start that in the gym.
I might listen to a workout sort of mix whilst I'm on the cross trainer and then move over when I'm doing like the stepper and stuff like that because I don't need like, momentum for that, but that's what I'm gonna do.
And I also might stop off and buy some wireless headphones because I've always got the ones with the cables.
And they really annoyed me, so I might just quickly run thio Curries and pickups and new headphones.
I don't know what God wants to get some I asked them in the store, but that's the point of action.
And I'm feeling good.
I'm gonna finish my water on dhe.
Then I'm gonna get going.
I've also just quickly popped on my happy wifey jumper.
I could now wear it like a badge of order.
I love this jumper so much that I didn't realize, like how expensive they were because this was sent to my p o box on dhe.
They are expensive for sweat jumpers, but the inside of them you can't see it, but it's like velvet is so snugly.
So if you if you were after quite a good quality warm, um sweat jumper like this on dure Happy wife, he like me.
It might be the perfect option, but yeah, Like I said, it just arrived in my P o box.
And I wear mine so much.
So I just thought I would tell you a bit about the mighty.
Quite like these leggings, though.
Too bad they just don't feel as, like, supportive.
Maybe I need, like, another the's an extra small.
I don't know if they do, like an extra extra small, but there's just areas where, like, you know, but yeah, this is what I'm wearing to the gym.
I am just going to pop on something to make me look a little bit more alive.
My eyes are so tired today is unbelievable.
So I'm gonna ease ease.
I don't use these every day.
I know that some people were worried that I use them every day.
I don't.
I only only ever use them when I need Thio.
And today is one of those days.
So, uh, so, as usual, I am just gonna use this.
This is the Valtteri cell arose.
Frightening serum.
I can't tell you how many years I use this.
This is just one of my number one, especially on days where you feel a little bit tired.
This is your best friend.
You don't have to wear makeup with this on.
It doesn't set into your pores, Atal, and it just gives you a glow.
And I know that so many of you fallen in love with that product as well.
And that really does just show you like that.
It's not just me thing here telling you that I love it.
It is a beautiful, beautiful product.
I've been using it for Gosh, what's he like two years now, maybe even more than two years.
And as you know, I don't wear makeup in the gym like I am a no makeup girl.
However, today's no one of these days I'm gonna use the L'Oreal infallible total cover palette that you saw in my last log.
This is I love this so much.
It's so quick and easy to use.
And I'm just gonna swipe a little bit under my eyes just to wake me up a little bit more because West again is so good at the moment.
I don't have any like breakouts or blemishes or anything like that, but I can sometimes get a little like patch of dermatitis here that is completely like under control and no flaring up or anything like that.
Read online.
Buying some headphones is because I've got the wires and they annoy me so much, so I'm gonna get some good quality wireless headphones.
I could just work in, listen to order or listen to soundtracks, not worry about a wire.
It's great.
So that's what I'm gonna be doing on Dhe.
There we go.
I just I just look so much more alive.
I might even insert like a before and after here so that you can see just how different it looks and just how much more awake I look without having to worry about, like clogging my skin in the gym.
I'm also wearing my caramel and coat.
This is my favorite thing at the moment.
This is just such a godsend.
Have to just throw on.
It's such a chill jacket on dhe.
It's so so warm and its fleecy collar or it's like a little hug.
So if I'd steal, if I can still find a link to if it's still like available, I will link it down below because this is just such a great like go to the gym coach Runaround do errands, Kanako.
So, yeah, this is brilliant.
So link everything that I've spoken about.
Our link in the description boxes Usual day the world.
Okay, so we finally made it to the gym, turn a light on.
I got myself some headphones.
They weren't the ones I wanted in Curries.
I went to John Lewis.
They didn't have them either.
And because of my piercing, they have to, like, sit over them comfy.
And the only other ones that did were, like, 300 quid.
These air some Sony ones.
But the sounds really nice on them.
And I guess that that's the main thing.
So I got some charged him a little bit.
I've also gone to Waitrose and got my food head in there.
Do some cardio on Ben had home and chill out.
I also bought him on Theo so much later than I realized I was, like, 10 o'clock.
So I better eat something quickly.
But luckily, this isn't too much for happy me.
And so I've got some carrots in Hermosa as well.
To hell with it.
I'm gonna make my dinner.
I'm not gonna bore you with it.
So I think you're an amazing it.
I cannot tell you how good this tastes.
I've actually added a slice of gluten free toast because I just wanted a little bit carbs.
Just because I haven't actually had any carbs today, So yeah, this is dinner, and then I'm gonna have some carrot sticks and homos and I'm so excited about that.
You think back from London Way cats playing on dhe.
We're about to watch some TV.
We're gonna watch how we're trying to get power ago.
So many watch one episode.
We watched one episode of power on We both sat here.
Everybody's raved about Lo's suggestions.
We watched it.
We were like, after watching peaky blinders that acting is awful.
It was terrible.
Everybody respects who has just said, like, persist with it, keep watching them back up.
Web Say it gets addicted.
So I think we're gonna stick with it for a little bit and see how we go.
So gloomy is grumpy cat, by the way, she is a grumbling grumble.
Bottom links is an energetic Yeah, Lindsay's iton, As you'd expect.
That's what you keep me.
Oh, these cats are just running riot.
He doesn't know where.
Let me go.
He doesn't like you.
May I have to accept it when a girl doesn't like you?
You took my next door, neighbor.
Tash brought this round for us today.
And this is our wedding gift.
I thought when she handed it to me, I thought the box was the gift.
It's that nice.
I thought it was like a special box that you like, keep, like, wedding stuff in.
Did you know, I think I s I haven't checked inside.
I thought I'd wait for Ali to come home.
Um oh, so this is inside the books, Minutes a cod.
Um, Mike And I think you said even funny.
I'm opening it.
Do the cod fest.
Be God.
This is such a nice card.
We had so many cards, but like that, I think is like, quite a limited supply of And you had quite a lot the same.
The same car.
This one is like this.
It's very cute, but some of them I want to, like, frame.
It's It's like, congratulations.
And then we have who Oh, wow.
Oh, there's more.
Oh, no.
I think these are for the for babies.
Ah, hole.
Oh, that's so sweet.
Thank you.
Is that all?
That's beautiful.
I love that.
Yeah, I can hang in the kitchen.
There's another card, Andi.
Some bits in the bottom.
So I'm gonna wait, and I'm gonna open this gift 1st 0 Oh.
Looks like one of our wedding picture printed for us.
Thank you.
Yeah, that's a really lovely frame as well.
Oh, look, that's one of the first pictures that we put out as well.
So that's super cute, which is so loving.
That looks so nice around the house.
And then this is Well, it's something I would love to have in my kitchen.
When we move, you like it you like Because it makes the noisy come on out the way.
Because it sounds like there's something in this box for you.
It is so cold in the house.
If you turned on anything, Yeah, that needs to be turned back up.
It's a mad house.
This morning everyone is running around cats chasing each other.
It is a madhouse.
I am going to make myself.
It's me because I ate quite late last night.
So I think it's movie party powder.
So I'm up and dress on.
I've got my face ready and showered, and I've done all of the stuff I needed to see this morning.
But it's not this morning.
It's the afternoon, Allie and I actually had quite a relaxed morning, which is so nice to have on a Sunday We watched a couple of episodes off grand designs together.
Yes, yes, we are that kind of person.
Andi, is this really nice and chilled having cups of coffee and stuff like that?
But we are intending to go to the gym now, so I've got kind of ready for that.
And I realized that these kind of, well, this book in particular is definitely taking on more of an angle of my life changes, even though I never really intended to do a video about this.
But I do always like that to be some kind of like plot when it comes to my videos, especially my blog's.
Sometimes I don't know what that what's gonna be on.
It kind of materializes in the first few sort of shops, but sometimes it kinda materializes.
Later on on, I thought it would kind of be a good opportunity to talk about the changes that I'm making my life this year on DDE.
Just talk about them in a really chilled way.
I don't usually like talking about these kinds of things because there are a lot of quite like, um, I'm gonna say gung ho people on the Internet I suffered with my tummy on, like the things that I was eating was really affecting those for quite a while.
On dhe, I lived in denial because I loved passed up a love bread.
I love anything, baby like I've always joked on this channel about loving based food, and that hasn't changed.
I do.
But there comes a point where you're like I physically can't live like this anymore.
Like it's just it is exhausting being ill all the time.
And I even think there was probably really annoying Valley as well.
When I'm constantly, like all got bad Tommy on dhe.
Yeah, so there's been quite a big change in terms of the fact that I'm, like, no e greeting anymore.
I'm not saying that I never will again because I'm sure that they like you know, someone like my Nana is never gonna understand greeting free.
When I was vegetarian, I was Well, I was past Italian for a year fully on dhe.
You know, trying to explain t o your nana that you don't eat red meat anymore or meet you only eat fish.
She was like, So you get ham still?
No, no, no, no, she's Yeah, I'm such attempt.
No, no, no.
It's one of those things where I'm probably gonna go to non Earth, Would probably have a k a pastor, and I will have to just take it on the chin on it.
I'm not actually ever going to be labeling at my diet on this channel, so I'm not going to be a vegetarian.
I'm not going to be a vegan.
I'm not going to be a passage married anymore.
I am just doing a diet that seats me on the things that I want to do it.
Obviously, there's lots of things going on in the world at the moment, and vegan is gaining momentum, and so many people are doing it now.
I like my so many people.
One of favorite people that I love to follow.
Who is vegan is Gemma.
I will link her Twitter where she just talks amazingly about subject on dhe.
She's so informative as well.
So I'm gonna link her Twitter, her YouTube channel and her block.
And I believe she has a like a an e book on eating Vegan is love.
So I haven't got one of those.
I do intend to get one, but she's I'm gonna link all that down below anyway.
Actually, in the last year, I haven't I don't need butter anymore.
I don't have I have, like, dairy free vegan butter.
Now, I haven't drank milk in years because I just physically contract milk.
So those are the two things that I've changed recently?
I, um, staying away from meat, I will still eat fish because I know in my body that I do need a lot of the assets that are in the fish and they are so, so hard to supplement elsewhere because carriers allergic to fish.
And so I know that she has to take special supplements and stuff like that on.
I will continue to eat cheese on on occasion natural yoga and then obviously going free stuff, and that's kind of how I'm gonna be doing it.
moving forward because that's how I've been eating recently and it has made the biggest change in my life.
So the diet I'm doing is Lydia Diet and it's not a DI about leaving way.
This is a diet about just feeling amazing, and I think that that's the best thing, that I can do it this moment.
I just feel amazing and I feel so good and I feel so happy on just feeling this way has been motivated me to get back in the gym.
So that's where I've been last week.
I mean, we spent the beginning of the week feeling a little bit weird because we're in a bit of limbo with our life.
But now it's all systems go.
So I feel in a much better position.
Thio get back on things at the moment.
I'm doing what I can, and I think if everyone just did what they can, that would be a huge impact in itself.
So that's where anyway, stop jabbering media.
I am going to pack my gym back, so this is currently what is in my gym bag.
These were the headphones that I bought yesterday.
These are Sony, something or others.
They were extortionate Lee expensive.
These with £300.
The ones that I wanted to get.
About 100?
No, they're about £200.
They were sold out everywhere.
The problem I have is that these have to fit over my piercing.
That has to be comfortable.
And it was only the both sound link and these ones that were comfortable I tried on, Like, all of the beats by Dre is they just weren't comfortable.
So I went with these ones that I've got my Nike gloves.
I probably need a size bigger and these, but I've got these.
Anyway, this is the case.
My headphones, my water bottle, which is one of those b p A free water bottles.
This is the be be vivid doctor shop, so I'll link that down below.
Then I've got a padlock and a lip balm, so I'm all set to go.
I'm probably not going to showering there.
I'm gonna shower when I get home, because I'm gonna need some serious food after this.
This is what I'm wearing to the gym today.
I've got my Gibson girl leggings.
I had to change into these yesterday because, unfortunately, the sweaty Betty ones there were just too big on dhe.
I just didn't feel supported.
And I felt quite uncomfortable.
So I think maybe I need two sides down in them.
They were an extra small.
So if they've got an extra extra small amount, look into those.
Then I got some addidas tubular shadows on, I think, and a prime mark vest and a Bieber active sports bra.
These are my headphones on.
I've got my hair up using an invisible, so I'll think what I can in the description box below.
So if you want to take any of this up, these leggings will be linked because you can only get these online.
And I know that lots of you love them.
So, yeah, I got myself a quick espresso.
Shocked as a little kind of like pre workout, healthy pre workout.
But it's probably just a placebo, but I don't mind.
It makes me feel better in my coke.
At least done something beforehand.
I think you never always.
So you don't know me.
I love this.
Oh, my God.
How funny.
It'll be like affirmations that they're doing in the gym.
This one's my personal favorite to look like Shakira.
I hear you go way back from the gym.
Another good workout didn't hour of cardio.
That's two hours of cardio in two days, Andi, I'm gonna jump in the shower and get into my comfy snuggly clothes.
Whilst Ali starts to dinner, we're gonna have sweet potato on dhe tuna for dinner.
This is one of my favorite meals to eat, and, um, I just bloody love it.
So gonna make an absolute load of that because I'm starving on DDE.
Then hopefully just get organized for Monday.
Cy, I've got my pajamas on.
These are the hush pajamas in collaboration with refuge.
These are so snuggly on warm much snugly than my silky ones at this time of year.
So I do find that I'm wearing these lot more.
I'm gonna go downstairs and make some dinner.
Now I think the potatoes already done.
I needed that bit.
Yeah, just like I got in the shower.
And I had, like, a little word with myself because I was about to sit down on Dhe, Spend the rest of the evening editing this video to get it up tonight because last week, lots of things happened that made it like a little bit, kind of.
I wasn't really in the right fight frame of mind, like block too much on Dhe, so I didn't get myself ahead as much as I thought I would have.
I just said to myself Why you didn't spend your Sunday evening editing and panicking and stressing over not getting it up when it's five o'clock already?
Yeah, the biggest thing I learned over the Christmas period is too.
Chill the fuck out video because putting too much pressure on myself is just It's just not the point on this little choice will give me the opportunity to get ahead because I'll be blogging tomorrow on I'm filming tomorrow on Dhe.
It means that I'm gonna be way, way, way ahead just from this little decision.
So it and it just makes me feel so much better.
So that's good.
So now I can make dinner with you on dhe snot on the sofa and then and it is tomorrow.
Ready to go on Wednesday makes me feel so much happier.
So sweet potatoes are boiling.
So while they're doing that, I'm going t o get the tuna ready to go with it.
Dinner is served.
This is one of my absolute favorite meals.
It doesn't look great, but my God, does it taste good cats playing with Cem Cap Toys?
Apologies for the noise.
We're actually making use of one of our wedding presents.
It's actually upside down.
This is from Alex and Alex.
They got us a personalized.
It's like a chopping board, but we've put the cheese on it for this.
It says Mr and Mrs Millon Gordon.
And then it says love from your slices of bread and we just love it.
It's gonna look so nice in the new house, but we're having some cheese and gluten free bread before sticking on an episode off power.
Because if you didn't know, I don't know if I told you.
I think I have told you we got Apple TV.
And so now we have Netflix.
We've never had that before because our Internet connection was always so bad here.
But we do have fiberoptic now.
And so it was just getting around to I am so sorry about that noise.
It's just getting around Thio actually purchasing it, so we've got it now.