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Hey Geograpeeps so today
We're Going to Talking about
Populating The Arctic like vikings Which Is Convenient Because
This Video Is Brought to you by vikings war of Clans now I'm sure that Just like me Many of you Enjoy
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Geograpeeps Try it out for five Minutes and See for Yourself Download the game From the links in The Description Below this Video and Get
200 Gold For A fast and Successful start Thanks vikings war of Clans you guys Rock so Recently I came across this image off of
Reddit That Portrays Two very Different
Demographical Subdivisions of our Planet one is a small splosh of Red incapsulating Bangladesh in Northeast India Whereas the rest is a wide
Domain of Blue Regions Covering Enormous Areas of Land Across Every Inhabited Continent Now Here's the thing each of Those colors Equals About
5% of the World's Population
So you Can imagine what that Says About how our World Functions in Terms of Where People like to
Congregate Typically People Like to Inhabit Areas That have Water
Resources A good Climate Comfortable Terrain and Preferably A
Geographically Advantageous Location on the map if you look at the picture Though you will notice that the largest and least Densely Populated
Area on the Planet Would be the far North and Arctic regions first of all what Exactly?
Classifies as the Arctic Now The simplest Categorization Would be the arctic circle the arctic circle is Generally Classified as Anywhere that's North of
66 degrees Latitude This is the Boundary in Which the sun Stays up for 24 Hours for at least one Full
Day during The Summer Solstice and Stays Completely Down for at least one Full
Day during The Winter Solstice
Technically This Is Kind of like the true
Arctic - They Say out of over seven Point Four Billion People
On the Planet Only About Four Million People live in This Region the highest?
Concentrations of People Living in Russia and The Largest, Arctic City being Murmausk. Otherwise if We're Talking About general Arctic you could
Also include The Kind of Close Enough Areas like the southern Half of Greenland
Iceland Parts of The Nordic Parts of Alaska and Canada Now why, Don't many People live here, well Obviously for
One it's cold People, don't like being Cold but
Also it's Incredibly Rough like Both in Terrain and general survival you're Constantly Battling nature With things like polar Bears
Choppy Waters Limited Sunlight and Pretty much everything, wants to kill you but the Cold Version of Australia however my Theory
If done Correctly
The Arctic Could Be A Potential place of Human Flourishing and
Urbanization This is why I think a place like Iceland has Seen Some of the fastest Economic
Development and Infrastructure Changes in The Past Half Century They Revolutionized
Arctic Living First of all the Arctic Is
Actually very
Abundant in Natural Resources Many of Which Are Untapped Today About 10% of the world's Oil and a quarter of Natural gas Reserves Comes from
The Arctic alone The largest Deposits Discovered being Located in the Cod are See above Russia and The beaufort Sea above Alaska and Canada However
The Potential for more Is Definitely not out of the Question it's Just Nobody's
Excavating Because it's Incredibly difficult and Tedious to go across the Landscape in Addition There's
Also a Bunch of
Minerals Everything from Nickel Zinc Copper Gold Diamonds and Uranium Can Be Found here Flora is limited but Still existent you Still Have Various Species
of Lichens Algae Grasses Berries and Fungi that Can be Found Everywhere and of Course everywhere you go
You're Almost Guaranteed to have Fresh Water that's Important Speaking
of Water Most Arctic Regions get Their Energy Through
Hydroelectric Power Through Dams on Abundant Rivers Otherwise Areas Close to the mid Atlantic fault line like Iceland and Svalbard are able to Harness
Geothermal Power Through Volcanic Activity so all of that means There's Actually kind of?
Potential so what Are some of the Obstacles you Would have to overcome in order to create this Arctic frozen Utopia
Well for One Construction and Transportation it is incredibly difficult when you have permafrost
Pockety Tundras With Glacial Rebounds Crevices and Pingos I like that Word
Pingo The Ground Can Be very Unpredictable in The Arctic Because the Water Keeps, Freezing and Thawing so that means
We would Have to Construct a Certain type of Road System and Building Code that Would Accommodate such Terrain.
Building Arctic Roads Can Be Kind of Expensive in Alaska to Combat the Permafrost, Many Roads Actually Lay
Down A layer of Polystyrene Foam before They put on the asphalt if We could Build a durable Network System of Roadways this would dramatically
Expedite the Process of Transferring Resources and Materials Then
We could Really Get Cracking for Homes and Businesses it Would Almost be like Building on a different Planet if You go to Certain Places
In the Arctic you'll Notice that a lot of buildings Have a complex System of Insulation and Brace Steel Frames on Concrete
Foundations Many With Adjustable Piers so that if the House Starts Tilting after the ground Melts They Can Crank it Up and Fix the Problem
By releveling.
This Means that an Urban Landscape Might Look kind of Strange in The Arctic this Means That Almost Nobody Would have a basement and
You Probably, Wouldn't Build very High Unless if you
Had A very wide sturdy Foundation I don't know hey Maybe that means People Would all live in like Pyramids
Or like Bubble Shaped Houses Now the next Thing you need Food Now if People were to Actually attempt
Livestock in Agriculture in The Arctic it Would be a challenge but not Completely Unthinkable
As mentioned in The Iceland Episode Greenhouses might have to be a Priority if There were to be A harvest of Crops
However There Are About 40 To 50 Different Known Species of Edible Plants and Fruits and vegetables in The Arctic like Cloud lincoln and
Crowberries As well as seaweeds Roots Tubers and Fungi if Possible Maybe
We could Harvest These Specific crops Along the Natural Landscape so they
Would Be a little bit Easier?
However There's Pretty much no grains so if you are Paleo or?
Gluten-Free This might be your heaven People in The Arctic are Heavily dependent on meat Though for Millennia the Majority of Their natural meat Consumption
Has Been Produced Through Hunting other Than Sheep most Livestock species don't do too
Well in The Arctic a pig Would freeze and die Within Hours however Is it possible that
We could Domesticate?
Livestock Already Certain People Groups Across The Nordics Have Mastered the Art of Hurting Reindeer and Musk Ox which Provide A vital source of Food
in Their Diets
I highly doubt we could domesticate Moose because they're Way too aggressive and Way too difficult to deal With but if We Could that Would
Be kind of cool Can you imagine drinking Moose Milk
Hoo-Hoo that Would be interesting Wouldn't it in The end Mother Nature's Elements might Be at Their worst sometimes The Further up North You go but that's Never Really Stopped us humans from
Venturing and Conquering
We humans were Pretty Good at that we're Really Good at Adapting I guess The biggest Challenge Would be Finding People who Would be Willing
To Relocate up North to the arctic you have to be a special kind of Intrepid Breed of Person who is willing to go out
Into The desolate Harsh Overcast Tundra and Start A new life in the cold
Unknown far Away From the Rest of Civilization it Really
Is kind of like being Those People that are like volunteering to be the first People to go to Mars and Start A colony except
They Can, Never Come Back To Earth in This Scenario if You change your mind you can
Just go back to Civilization so if You're an Introvert that doesn't want to be Around People but you Still
Don't want to worry About like Breathing Air and drinking Water on a regular basis Just go to the Arctic and Start your Own Settlement
you Know I guarantee you nobody's Going to want to come and Bother you tell me what you think About Living in the Arctic and
How Would you set up a system in Which People could flourish There hope you like this topical Video subscribe if You want stay cool?
Stay Tuned
(Upbeat Music)