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  • Hey I'm Jake and get ready to apple knight.

  • Pretty bad pun. Pretty bad pun.

  • Speaking of knight, let's look into your Soul Knight.

  • A rogue-like shoot em up that has you navigating through randomly-generated dungeons, blasting away enemies

  • and dodging their attacks with an array of weapons and your trusty cat.

  • And when I say an array of weapons, there are over 121 to procure during the game.

  • Some are very useful. Others, not so much.

  • You can carry two at a time but be warned. Weapons that aren't starting ones or melee ones use your character's energy instead of traditional ammunition.

  • Once you run out of energy, you run out of bullets.

  • Fortunately there are a ton baddies to beat which will give you more of that sweet, sweet blue stuff,

  • And also one of your character's powers is duel-wielding weapons.

  • If you die, you start a new game but the longer you last the more coins and gems you collect

  • which can be used to buy health or energy potions from merchants

  • along with weapons or to hire mercenaries to fight along side you.

  • There are different character classes that can be unlocked with the gems and the gems can be used to upgrade your character

  • or buffs as they're called in the game. So buff.

  • But instead of shooting our way out of a square area let's use our minds in Alcazar Puzzle.

  • Alcazar is a logic puzzle game that on its surface seems pretty simple.

  • I mean the instructions are enter from one door exit from another and cross every square exactly once.

  • Okay not too bad but as you make your way through over 43 puzzles that are included

  • you'll realize how quickly they become pretty darn difficult.

  • My general experience was draw a line that seems correct, realize it isn't,

  • backtrack and delete line. Then stare at screen for an extended period of time while drawing an invisible line above the screen with my finger.

  • Once figuring out the level, you move on to the next page of the puzzle book.

  • So let's rip that page out and fold it into Papery Planes.

  • An endless runner that has you controlling, yep, a paper plane.

  • Each level is procedurally-generated so you'll never so you'll never experience the same thing twice.

  • The controls are simple. Move the plane left or right to avoid obstacles and collect coins.

  • The more coins you collect the more you can upgrade the magnet timer to attract more coins.

  • They can also be used to unlock four different paper planes.

  • The game has a really lovely visual style, transitions from day to night, and has a very peaceful soundtrack.

  • *sigh* So relaxing. No explosions, no alien invasions, no Guns of Mercy.

  • Guns of Mercy finds you in the not too distant future where the surface of our world has been destroyed by an alien invasion so

  • you live underground. But the aliens are starting to make it through.

  • You begin on the first level of the underground world and make your way down after obliterating

  • a set number of attackers

  • It might look like you just blast away endlessly, which you do

  • But you have to be strategic with where you blow the enemies away because

  • they drop coins and gems that disappear after not too long.

  • Also they drop awesome powerups like fuel which can be used to pilot a giant mech of destruction.

  • You can then use the gems you collected to upgrade your character and weapons.

  • A nice touch is that when you die you start at level one again.

  • But have hopefully enhanced your arsenals so getting back down to where you died is a breeze.

  • And you'll definitely need it when encountering the frequent boss battles.

  • Oh and the game has a pretty dope score as well.

  • Now that we've defeated the aliens let's rebuild our civilization with Bit City.

  • Personally I've always been a sucker for city simulators which Bit City is, kind of.

  • It's more of a clicker game but that is totally not a bad thing.

  • When I say clicker game it is because you click a lot.

  • Click on a plot of land. Click to build on said plot. Click to upgrade the structure, Click to collect cash.

  • Click to collect cash and gain currency from cars, etc.

  • You start with a small city and move up to larger and larger ones when you hit the population requirements.

  • The nice thing is every time you move up to a bigger city you still collect some revenue from the old ones.

  • There are three different types of zoning: residential, business, and service.

  • The more you build of one type the less demand there is for it and the less revenue you will make.

  • The point of the game is generating revenue.

  • Each time you upgrade a building the more money you get.

  • And the structures are random so if you see one you like you can lock it but still level it up.

  • Besides building you can add cars to your city which bring in that sweet, sweet cash.

  • But also give you much larger bonuses and in game currency.

  • There are also tons of upgrades like increasing the percentage of property taxes,

  • lowering the time needed to build, automatically leveling up buildings, and generating more money from vehicles.

  • As you progress your city can start having things like planes and boats.

  • But keep in mind the larger your city the more money needed because each time you build on a plot, all the other plots get more expensive.

  • Especially the large ones.

  • Links to all the apps can be found in the description below and if you want more App All Knight in your life, there is a playlist right here.

  • I'm wearing a lab coat for no particular reason.

  • But I'm gonna go check on my city and as always, thanks for watching.

Hey I'm Jake and get ready to apple knight.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

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5大無料モバイルゲーム!-- アプリオールナイト (5 Great FREE Mobile Games! -- App All Knight)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日