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  • [♪ INTRO]

  • When you look up at the night sky, it's easy to think that all the stars up there

  • are basically the same.

  • After all, for the most part, they do all look alike from your point of view.

  • But get this: Some of the brightest, most easily visible stars in the sky also happen

  • to be among the most important to astronomy.

  • You've been looking at some really weird stars, and you didn't even know it!

  • Here are three of them.

  • First, take the Big Dipper.

  • It's visible in most parts of the world, and it's made up of four stars in thecup

  • and three in thehandle.”

  • But if you look at them really closely, they're not all what they seem.

  • Next time you're outside, take a peek at the middle star in the handle.

  • Look closely, and you'll see that it's actually two stars, called Mizar and Alcor.

  • The pair is about 80 light-years away, and we've known about it for thousands of years.

  • In fact, they probably represent the first known binary stars: stars that orbit one another.

  • But that's not where the fun stops.

  • If you point a small telescope at Mizar, you'll see that it isn't just one star, either.

  • It's also a binary, with two stars now called Mizar A and B.

  • In 1617, it became the first known telescopic binary, or a pair of stars orbiting each other

  • so closely that you need a telescope to split them.

  • Then, in 1890, we found even more stars.

  • The use of a new tool called a spectrograph, which measures light patterns, revealed that

  • Mizar A was itself a binary.

  • In fact, in the years since, we've actually realized that Mizar A, B,

  • and Alcor are all binary stars.

  • So what looks like one star in the handle of the Big Dipper is actually an intricate

  • sextuple star system!

  • It's binaries all the way down.

  • The Big Dipper is one of the most common and well-known figures in the sky, but it's

  • also an easy reminder that everything isn't always what it seems.

  • Sometimes, it's a lot cooler.

  • During summer in the northern hemisphere, there's another weird star you can spot.

  • Just look straight up.

  • Even in light-polluted skies, you should be able to see an

  • enormous trio of stars called the summer triangle.

  • The brightest of those three stars is Vega,

  • and it's long been one of the key reference stars in astronomy.

  • Among other things, astronomy's magnitude system for describing brightness was anchored

  • by Vega, the so-called magnitude-zero star, for decades.

  • But here's the thing: Vega might not have been the world's

  • best choice for a standard star.

  • Normally, stars are actually pretty simple things,

  • and every one of a given type should have roughly the same size and brightness.

  • Except for Vega.

  • It seems to be a lot brighter than its type would suggest.

  • And over the last couple of decades, astronomers have finally figured out why.

  • The fact that stars should follow patterns like these hinges on a critical assumption:

  • that they're all basically spheres.

  • And this makes sense.

  • In the simplest sense, stars are just big collections of hot gas.

  • All that hot gas wants to spread out as much as possible,

  • but gravity is constantly tugging it back together.

  • And since gravity pulls with the same strength in every direction, voila, a sphere.

  • But Vega is an exception.

  • It turns out that this star is spinning really, really quickly,

  • something like 70-90% of its breakup speed.

  • And just like when you're riding a rollercoaster,

  • that spinning causes an apparent force that counteracts gravity.

  • Since the equator spins faster than the poles,

  • gravity is weakest there, and Vega bulges out.

  • This isn't a subtle effect, either:

  • Its radius is 19% larger at its equator than the pole.

  • It looks so bright to us on Earth because, through random chance, our view looks at Vega's

  • pole, meaning we're seeing the largest possible cross-section of the star.

  • And with the maximum amount of area emitting light towards us, it's no surprise that

  • Vega seems brighter than it should be.

  • And, finally, Vega's got some brightness troubles,

  • but no star in the sky has it worse than Mira.

  • Like the stars in the Mizar system, this one is also a binary pair.

  • It's made of Mira A, a huge, red giant, and Mira B, a little white dwarf.

  • You can't spot Mira B with the naked eye,

  • but you can see the red giant in the constellation Cetus.

  • It's visible from basically anywhere on Earth,

  • but it's best seen near the end of the year.

  • Well, when you can see it at all, that is.

  • Some days, it's one of the brightest stars in the night sky; other times, it's so dim

  • you can't see it without a telescope.

  • And that is a sure-fire sign something weird is going on.

  • Mira A, usually just called Mira, is probably the earliest-known example of a variable star,

  • or one whose brightness changes substantially back and forth over time.

  • This happens because of big swings in the star's temperature and even its size.

  • Today, we know of a few kinds of variable stars, including other red giants, and we

  • generally understand how they work.

  • But we just can't figure out Mira.

  • See, stars enter the red giant phase after exhausting the hydrogen fuel in their cores

  • and starting to burn heavier elements like helium.

  • Helium burning isn't nearly as steady, so in other kinds of variable stars, it sort

  • of sputters and causes the star to brighten and dim.

  • But that doesn't seem to be the whole story with Mira's big swings.

  • Instead, its variation probably has to do with convection, the process that transfers

  • heat from a star's core to its surface.

  • For instance, if the amount of heat being transported outward was changing over time,

  • that would result in the star shining with different brightnesses.

  • But we're still figuring it out.

  • One thing is sure, though: Mira isn't alone in this.

  • We know of hundreds of so-calledMiras,”

  • most of which are just too far away to be easily seen.

  • But if you're lucky, you can spot the first one with the naked eye.

  • Oh, and as a bonus?

  • You won't be able to see it without a fancy ultraviolet telescope, but researchers also

  • discovered in 2007 that Mira has a tail!

  • It's a whopping 13 light-years long, and it's made of elements like carbon and oxygen

  • being shed by the star as it zooms through space.

  • Just in case this object wasn't already weird enough.

  • Some days, modern astronomy can feel remote and unknowable, because a lot of the discoveries

  • we make happen light-years away or on time scales too large to comprehend.

  • But there's a lot visible from your own backyard, too.

  • So, sometime, go outside and look up!

  • You might just be looking at something really incredible.

  • Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space!

  • While you're out stargazing, you might also notice another object in the sky: the moon.

  • Sometimes, it looks way bigger on the horizon than it should,

  • and it's all thanks to a cool optical illusion.

  • You can learn all about it in another one of our episodes.

  • [♪ OUTRO]



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B1 中級

肉眼で見られる3つの変な星 (3 Weird Stars You Can See with the Naked Eye)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日