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  • Alright, this is gonna be the most controversial video I've ever made.

  • Even saying the word "Israel" will ignite an onslaught of tense debates between multiple people groups.

  • No matter what I say in this video, somebody will get mad on either side of

  • the argument when it comes to Israel's current place held in today's world.

  • I am not Israeli, I am not Arab, and I am definitely not claiming to be

  • your go-to authority when it comes to Israel and Palestine issues. All I can say is,

  • I have contacted many of you guys, the Israeli and Palestinian subscribers, for help with this video.

  • I've conglomerated all the information I could based off of what you said and added it with my research.

  • I will try, try, TRY to make this video as plain and objective as I possibly can based off of the data,

  • but it's not easy and it won't be perfect but I will try, so without further ado...let's begin.

  • [theme song jingle]

  • It's time to learn Geography NOW!

  • Now, to most people today, the USA and China might be the giants of geopolitical impact, however

  • literally over half the world is keeping their eyes on this one small sliver of land straddling three continents

  • smaller than the size of El Salvador. Why is it that this one piece of land has such a powerful hold

  • on billions of people? How did it become the epicenter of world view tension?

  • The answer is incredibly complex and in no way could I possibly answer everything in this episode,

  • but what I can do is try to relay as much information as I can to give a platform for insight.

  • Man, it is going to be really hard to be, like, funny and quirky in this video.

  • At least the first part is gonna be kind of eas-

  • actually no it won't.

  • Aaaaand our first course of controversy! Woo-hoo!

  • I can already hear the keyboard warriors typing up paragraphs in Caps Lock!

  • Not much I can do, so let's just ride this pony into the sunset, shall we?

  • Today, the state of Israel is located in the Middle East, surrounded by Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon,

  • with the Mediterranean Sea to the west and a very narrow coast

  • along the Gulf of Aqaba in the south, which connects to the Red Sea.

  • The country is divided into six administrative districts, ormehozot”,

  • as well as the claimed but not completely internationally recognized capital of Jerusalem near the center.

  • Aaaaand here's what you're all waiting forthe Palestine stuff.

  • These two areas right here are known as the West Bank (Israelis call them Judea and Samaria)

  • and the Gaza Strip. These are, according to Israelis, disputed territories, and according to the UN,

  • Israeli-occupied territories that are not recognized as part of Israel but make up the larger entity

  • commonly known as Palestine (or at least the Palestinian State). Parts of these two entities are

  • currently ruled by different Palestinian authoritiesthe West Bank under Fatah and Gaza under Hamas.

  • In addition, even though Ramallah acts as kind of like a capital to the West Bank Palestinian authority area,

  • the city of Jerusalem is kind of seen as the rightful capital of both entities.

  • However, it's one big confusing mess of semi and fully barricaded neighborhoods with walls and checkpoints

  • that extend all the way to the West Bank that would make your head spin if you even attempted to explain it

  • But I'll try! Basically, this right here known as the Armistice (or the Green Line)

  • was established shortly after the start of modern-day Israel. Now here's the thing

  • although it looks like a concise division, the Green Line technically isn't a full nation-state border division,

  • as it was set up as a ceasefire line.

  • Aaaaand this is where legal semantics get really messy.

  • Israel has had a lot of conflicts since independence, but basically after the Six-Day War

  • in which pretty much everyone surrounding them attacked, Israel actually won and took over pretty much

  • the entire state, plus the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights which has the

  • UN Disengagement Observer Force zone that manages the border with Syria.

  • While everyone was taking forever to decide what to do with the newly-acquired land

  • (should they give it back for peace or should they partition it?)

  • Israelis just kinda moved in to the West Bank anyway since they figured the Armistice Line was

  • no longer under ceasefire status. Eventually they gave back the entire Sinai Peninsula to Egypt for peace,

  • but then by the time they addressed the West Bank there were already over 100,000 Israelis living there.

  • And that's kinda where things got really messy.

  • After all the settlements were set up in the West Bank,

  • it kind of chopped up the map into pockety Palestinian neighborhood islands.

  • These areas are divided into three separate types of divisions

  • established by the Oslo Accords in the 90's: Areas A, B, and C.

  • Type A makes up about 18% of the West Bank but with the largest populations,

  • classified as being under the full control of the Palestinian Authority.

  • Type B, about 22% of the land, is under Palestinian civil authority but under Israeli security control.

  • Finally, Area C, which makes up about 60% of the land, is the mostly-uninhabited area of the West Bank

  • which is pretty much under Israeli control and Palestinians must obtain a permit to build there

  • (although getting a permit is pretty difficult). This is where most of the Israeli settlements are and

  • about 5% of Israel's population lives, with about half a million Israeli citizens.

  • But the biggest issue, finallyJerusalem. Why is Jerusalem so important?

  • First of all, Jerusalem was completely annexed after the Six-Day War even though it was split previously

  • by the Green Line. They tried to establish a very carefully structured, religiously sensitive format that

  • allowed the three major religions to each grab at Jerusalem, giving pre-1967 Arab residents in

  • East Jerusalem and their descendants permanent residency status and the ability to apply for citizenship.

  • However, to this day, the move is still not well-received

  • and the majority of UN member states do not exactly recognize the annexation as most of them

  • believe that Jerusalem should be under international status.

  • And in terms of why everyone makes such a huge fuss over Jerusalem,

  • well, in the shortest way I can answer this, it contains

  • the holiest site to Jews and the third-holiest in Islam, the Temple Mount.

  • What is the Temple Mount? Well, according to what we know from ancient recorded history

  • from both internal and external sources, this place was the claimed site of

  • the First and Second Jewish Temples thousands of years ago until it was destroyed by

  • the Babylonians first and then rebuilt only to be again destroyed by the Romans.

  • Then it was made into a temple for the god Jupiter until the Umayyads came in the 7th Century AD

  • and built the Dome of the Rock (which is a shrine, not a mosque),

  • the Dome of the Chains (which is a prayer house, not a shrine),

  • and the Al-Aqsa Mosque (which is…a…mosque).

  • To the Jewish community, the dream is to one day rebuild the Jewish temple

  • a third time on the Temple Mount, but, yeah, unless something absolutely insane and

  • globally unprecedented happens, the Muslims will probably never let that happen.

  • And then you get into the Bible and the propheciesit's very complicated.

  • UGH, this episode is so complex! What have I gotten myself into?

  • OK, so that kinda covers most of the administrative confusion I think. But honestly,

  • one thing you have to understand is that outside of Jerusalem, the country is actually pretty chill.

  • It's weird, but Israel is a place where everyone can be friends if you just don't talk about that one thing.

  • Otherwise, the largest cities outside of Jerusalem are Haifa and Tel-Aviv on the coast.

  • And the busiest airports are Tel-Aviv (Ben Gurion) International,

  • Eliat-Ramon, and Haifa Michaeli International.

  • As a holy site for the three Abrahamic religions there are too many places to list

  • in terms of notable sites and landmarks, but some of the top ones

  • in both Israeli and West Bank Palestinian areas might include places like:

  • the Rosh Hanikra grottoes, the ruins of Caesaria,

  • Masada, the Shrine of St. George,

  • the Church of the Holy Sepulcher,

  • the Shrine of the Book, Ades Synagogue,

  • Zedekiah's Cave, the Honey Bee Hive House,

  • the Tomb of the Prophet Samuel,

  • Bethlehem and Galilee, the areas where Jesus was born and lived,

  • the Mount of Olives, garden of Gethsemane,

  • the ruins of Jericho, and Mount Carmel.

  • And of course pretty much everything in Jerusalem is a historically significant landmark.

  • Oh, and there's that weird micronation, Akhzivlandjust look it up, I don't have time to teach you about it.

  • Alright, well that was pretty intense. Luckily, this next segment will be pretty easy

  • not much to argue about when it comes to dirt and plants, right?

  • Former Prime Minister Golda Meir once jokingly said,

  • First of all, Israel is located in the region of the Middle East known as the Levant,

  • or a strip of land bordering the coast of the Mediterranean known for having its unique

  • semiarid lush zones that harbors various types of flora and fauna.

  • The country is divided into four main physical geographic regions:

  • the Coastal Plains where about 3/4 of the country lives,

  • the central or Judean hills mostly located in the north and West Bank Palestinian regions,

  • then there's the Negev Desert in the south,

  • and the Jordan Rift Valley which surrounds the longest river in the country,

  • the Jordan, that pretty much makes up Israel's entire eastern border.

  • The tallest mountain is located in the disputed Golan Heights area, Mt. Hermon;

  • otherwise, within the Green Line, Mt. Meron in the Northern District would be the tallest.

  • The interesting thing is that the entire Jordan River pretty much is a by-product of being located on

  • the Dead Sea Transform Fault system, which lies right where the African and Arabian tectonic plates meet.

  • This means that Israel sometimes is subject to earthquakes,

  • potentially destructive ones, on average about every eighty years.

  • Right at the end of the Jordan River lies the Dead Sea, the lowest point on Earth

  • at over 430 meters below sea level.

  • Rainfall is rare between May and September, which means water can be scarce.

  • To combat this, Israel created a unique drip irrigation system in which

  • water directly goes to the roots of plants with little evaporation.

  • To this day, Israel has the highest percentage of recycled water usage, solar power per capita,

  • and the highest density of ecofriendly companies. Hmm!

  • It came with a lot of difficulties, though. They had to drain the swamps and replace them with citrus trees,

  • terrace and spray the land, and change the irrigation canal flows to disrupt mosquito breeding patterns

  • after twenty years, the country officially became malaria-free.

  • Even animals have seen a breeding resurgence, such as

  • the Nubian ibex, oryxes, green toads,

  • and the national animal the hoopoe bird.

  • Israelis might say that much of this agricultural innovation is attributed to the kibbutz program.

  • It's hard to explain exactly what a “kibbutzis

  • it's like a program that pulls all labor and resources together for sake of social and economic flourishing.

  • It's kinda like a hippie commune, but without the hippies or drum circles and crystals

  • and it has like actual government-funded motivation.

  • Actually, now that I think about it, it's kinda like the anti-hippie commune.

  • Anyway! Not all Jews are kosher, but the ones that are avoid anything with pork and

  • Israel actually has the highest percentage of vegans per capita at around 5%.

  • Nonetheless, Israel's economy is more heavily based on free enterprise and entrepreneurship

  • as well as the science and medical sectors. To this day, over 4000 tech companies

  • and over 80 of the 500 largest tech companies in the world have subsidiaries in Israel.

  • With limited space for agriculture and industry jobs, they realized,

  • Oh shoot, we kinda have to, like, make money off of ideas.”

  • But what's a great way to grow revenue without having to take up much space?

  • Research and programming! Today, Israel has one of the best environments for

  • entrepreneurial capital in the world, since venture capital investments rose from 20 to over 500 in the 90's.

  • Tel Aviv ranks as the second-most important technological center in the world after Silicon Valley

  • and has the third-most companies listed on the NASDAQ after the US and China.

  • Your iPhone hardware, Google's innovations, Intel microchips

  • all these things have some correlation to Israel's tech sector. In addition,

  • they are the 34th-largest economy in the world by nominal Gross Domestic Product as of 2016.

  • This means amidst the controversy Israel kind of moves forward in tech innovation.

  • And that brings us to the climax of this entire episode:

  • who are the people living here and what is the story behind them?

  • *exhales* Here we go.

  • Now, here's the thing:

  • in many ways, yes, there is a perpetual lingering ambiance of tension that hovers above Israel.

  • However, the people living here today are now third-, fourth-, and even fifth-generation citizens

  • that still might carry the strife of their ancestors to some extent,

  • but, like we studied in the Iran episode, kids are more interested in

  • entertainment and money than they are with ideological disputes.

  • That being said, Israel has about 9 million people

  • (and if you include the West Bank Palestinian populace, the number swells up to about 13 million altogether)

  • and Israel is the only Jewish-run state in the world with about half of the entire world's Jewish population.

  • Of the country, about 75% identify as ethnically Jewish, of which

  • the majority (at about 75%) being Mizrahi Jews that originally came from the Middle East and North Africa.

  • Then you have the Ashkanazis at about 17%,

  • whereas the Sephardic and African and Asian Jews round out the rest.

  • Whereas the non-Jewish citizens number at about a quarter of the population, identifying mostly as Arabs.

  • They also use the Israeli shekel as their currency,

  • they use the Type C, D, and H plug outlets,

  • and they drive on the right side of the road.

  • Now here's where things get pretty intense, because Israel has a very unique system of

  • community and residency that isn't really found anywhere else in the world.

  • First of all, I think this would be an appropriate time to mention that

  • not all Israelis are Jews, and not all Palestinians or Arabs are Muslims.

  • IsraeliandPalestinianare nationalistic titles, not necessarily ethnic.

  • There are tons of Christians that identify as either Israelis, Arabs, or Palestinians.

  • Even a couple of Bahá'í, Hindu, and Buddhist residents.

  • And many of the citizens don't even practice religion much on a regular basis to begin with.

  • Today, about one out of every three citizens were born abroad and

  • nine out of ten of the people in the country are either immigrants or descendants of immigrants.

  • Part of the reason for this is because of the Law of Return, oraliyah”,

  • a unique immigration policy that only applies to the State of Israel which states that

  • every Jew across the world has the right to come to the country as anoleh”, or migrant.

  • To this day, non-profit Jewish organizations even fund birthright trips for Jews across the world,

  • sponsoring a free ten-day heritage trip for young adults between ages 18 to 26.

  • But how did all this start to begin with? Well, if you really want to tackle this

  • (which I will try my best at doing), there's kinda like two sides to this story:

  • one of them ancient and one of them modern.

  • Throughout most of Jewish history, Jews were dispersed in diaspora across the world. However,

  • there always seemed to be at least a few small communities left in Israel, especially around Jerusalem.

  • Basically, the modernkey word, MODERNState of Israel was initially conceived through the ideals of

  • Zionism, which gained a movement in the 19th Century by this guy. He suggested that

  • Jews should actively take measures to move back to the land of their ancestors.

  • Over the years, more and more Jews moved in, the Ottoman Empire fell,

  • then the land came to the Mandate of Palestine under the Brits, the Balfour Declaration was made,

  • the Brits handed the issue to the UN, and they agreed to set up a new country calledIsraelin 1948

  • which became the first time Jews had a state in over thousands of years.

  • Now, if we're gonna talk about the ancient history then it gets way more complicated and touchy.

  • What we do know about this area is that in the past it was ruled by multiple kingdoms, empires, and

  • regional powers; however, like mentioned before, we do have historical data that tells us that

  • there was an ancient Jewish inhabitation period in this place.

  • There are some debates on the exact legitimacy of historical claims made on both sides,

  • but contemporary historians, both religious and secular, do agree that there was at least for sure

  • a first Kingdom of Israel that existed somewhere around 900 to 1000 BC, as it was taken over

  • by the Neo-Assyrians and then the Babylonians, as recorded by the Babylonian Chronicles

  • that match up with the claims made in the Tanakh, or the Old Testament of the Bible.

  • Over time, the Persians came in, and the Greeks, and the Romans, and the Byzantines,

  • each of them at some point recording some kind of document about a Jewish populace inhabiting this area.

  • Again, these are outside, non-Jewish ancient sources matching up the claims

  • that modern historians from all world views can attest to.

  • So this is kind of the basis of where Jews make their claim towards the land of Israel

  • being their ancestral homelandthey do kind of have a historical tie.

  • Nonetheless of course, that doesn't excuse the fact that during all the years of diaspora

  • numerous other people groups have moved in and grew generations of families

  • that have built roots and homes there as well.

  • When you talk about this type of thing, it ignites a passionate debate amongst everyone

  • and I'm gonna try my best to explain it. But before I do this little skit thing, I want to give you full disclosure:

  • what I'm about to say is a conglomeration of information I obtained from you guys,

  • the Israeli and Palestinian Geograpeeps that have contacted me via e-mail.

  • We had over a hundred people from all walks of life,

  • from every region of Israel, the Palestinian West Bank, and Gaza explain to the best of their ability

  • how they would address this conflict. I took as much as I could,

  • with as much rebuttal and support claim statements and this is kind of what I came up with:

  • *clears throat* Let's begin.

  • Israelis, you have been disenfranchising our people, the world's longest military occupation,

  • illegally grabbing land, and subjugating our people to squalid conditions

  • as you cut us off from resources and basic rights and privileges.

  • We have offered to share two-state solution peace treaties five times in the past with you:

  • the Peel Commission, the 1947 UN resolution,

  • the Arab League summit rejection of land offerings in the late 60's,

  • the Camp David Yasser Arafat rejections of the 90's, and the 2008 Mahmoud Abbas offer rejections,

  • and you still keep sayingno”! We are trying to work with you.

  • We keep sayingnobecause ultimately this is the land of our ancestors

  • and we won't accept a Jewish authority, especially one that was forced upon the region

  • by colonial powers in Europe and further assisted by United States imperialism.

  • Well, this was the land of our ancestors too, and far before the rise of

  • any industrialized European power, let alone a caliphate or Islamic authority.

  • Our prophets even before Muhammad

  • (aside: a Muslim at this point would probably say, “Peace be upon him”)

  • lived in the area as well, and the Arabs

  • (aside: not all Muslims, but specifically Arabs)

  • are the descendants of Ishmael, son of Abraham

  • as well as the true Muslim generations that lived and populated this area.

  • OK, that's a theological claim that we believe you believe, however

  • non-Muslims have a hard time believing it considering that there are

  • no full Quarnic texts before the time of Muhammad to affirm his statements.

  • Sure, maybe you are descendants of Ishmael, just like we claim to be descendants of Isaac,

  • but they took over most of Arabia, not the Levant. And to us,

  • it seems like the Quran was just inspired off of stories from the Torah, Tanakh, and New Testament in the Bible.

  • Uh, OK, that is INCREDIBLY offensive and wrong!

  • Your scriptures were corrupted and re-revealed to our prophet by Allah.

  • You're the ones that came in and pushed out hundreds of thousands of Palestinians

  • during the 1948 and 1967 Six-Day Wars, and now you refuse refugees

  • the right of return to their own homes prior to war times.

  • OK, yeah, we did displace them, just as your Arab neighbors evacuated Jews

  • from their lands that flocked to us. Why do you think there's hardly any Jews left

  • in former countries that used to have hundreds of thousands, like Morocco and Algeria?

  • Arabs just started attacking us from all sides; we defended ourselves and won.

  • And in postwar situations, it's not uncommon for the victor to repartition and consolidate land.

  • After the Six-Day War we weren't even obligated to offer a two-state solution,

  • but gave Egypt the entire Sinai Peninsula back and offered you sovereignty, which you denied.

  • Well, funny, because the way how you handle your sovereignty which shouldn't exist is a system that

  • systematically oppresses us and blocked off neighborhood islands

  • that you've created illegally and aren't even recognized by the UN.

  • Well, what do you expectwe keep getting hostile threats and actions

  • from literally every single person around us and especially you!

  • Gaza keeps shooting rockets to the point where we had to build that Iron Dome defense system.

  • You've launched two Intifadas against us with suicide bombers.

  • Palestinians can enter our land through checkpoints

  • but Israelis are almost dead meat if they try to enter your neighborhoods.

  • Yeah except your military, which by the way,

  • your military has killed thousands of our people in the process, including children.

  • Your people have killed our people in the process, including children.

  • Yeah, well you've killed way more!

  • You keep responding with a lack of cooperation and aggression.

  • What do you want us to do, just put down all our weapons and say, “OK, we trust you”?

  • What would happen to us Jews if you took over?

  • Do you really think we would be treated with equal rights and dignity in a Palestinian-run state?

  • In a perfect world, we would ideally like you to just peacefully leave

  • and return everything back to us the way it was prior to the British Mandate times.

  • Maybe some of you can stay, but the whole nation would have to be run by Palestinians.

  • No! We have a historical right to live here toothe UN at least acknowledges that.

  • We've built up so much and even though it's kind of messy

  • we're still doing it a good job considering our quality of life.

  • Ha! Yeah, YOUR quality of life!

  • Once again, treaties denied.

  • We don't settle for your propositions.

  • Guys, guys, let's just chill out a little bit OK?

  • Here, I brought some baconeverybody loves bacon, you want some bacon?

  • That's not kosher! That's not halal!

  • Get that away from me!

  • It's turkey bacon.

  • Oh, OK.

  • This changes nothing.

  • Guys, that was literally the hardest thing I have ever written in a script

  • more than the Colombia cartel thing or the Macedonia dispute thing.

  • I'm actually looking forward to North Koreathat's gonna be a breeze.

  • Anyway, I think it's important to note that this is just kinda like the dispute held by

  • citizens that hold a strong sense of nationalism.

  • Not all Jews are Zionists, and not all Palestinians want to deplete all Jews from the land.

  • Sure, a sense of identity is still strong, but you have a society that is slowly becoming

  • more and more secular and diversified rather than religiously stringent.

  • The fact is, Israel is a melting pot.

  • You walk down the streets of Tel-Aviv or Haifa, you see whites, blacks, Asians, Arabs,

  • Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, and of course Jews.

  • There is no one Jewish culture since so many of them moved from diaspora

  • I mean, a Moroccan Jew will probably be different from a Russian Jew

  • but overall you see universal customs like Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, yarmulkes,

  • the weddings with those huppah canopy things.

  • Everyone celebrates Hanukkah, Passover, Yom Kippur, Purim, Rosh Hashanah.

  • Israel is also one of the few countries that not only has a military conscription requirement

  • but also for men and women starting at age 18.

  • They benefit from a highly-skilled workforce and is among the most educated countries in the world,

  • with one of the highest percentages of its citizens holding tertiary education degrees.

  • Israel has the highest standard of living in the Middle East

  • and has one of the highest life expectancies in the world.

  • Israel is also the only country in the Middle East that protects and gives rights to the LGBT community.

  • Otherwise, some notable people of Israeli descent might include people like:

  • Natalie Portman, Gene Simmons, Bar Refaeli,

  • Ilan Ramon, Gal Godot, Mayim Bialik,

  • Nobel Laureates Shimon Peres and Yithak Rabin,

  • the first Arab Supreme Court judge Salim Joubran,

  • Guy Oseary, Golda Meir, Arnon Milchan,

  • Omri Casspi, Sharon Cohen, Yael Arad,

  • Also, Albert Einstein wasn't an Israeli, but he was once offered

  • the position of President of Israel but turned it down.

  • There's also a lot more we could discuss and I'm sure I missed out on a lot but this video's

  • already getting pretty long and we gotta finish with the final lap in this Israeli-a-thon. Shall we?

  • Well, we've reached the last and final leg of this journey.

  • Israel knows that it has a lot of tension daily,

  • so in the past half-century it's worked on building up whatever diplomatic ties it could.

  • First of all, India. Israelis love to travel there after finishing their army service and

  • Prime Minister Modi was the first Indian premier to have visited Israel for a diplomacy talk.

  • The two countries like to work side by side, especially on issues regarding the Middle East conflicts.

  • In Europe, Germany, France, and Russia seem to be the closest as the largest number of Ashkenazi Jews

  • migrated from these places. Many still speak the languages of their respective former homelands.

  • Egypt and Jordan are the only two countries in the Middle East that have begrudgingly

  • reluctant diplomatic relations with Israel after signing peace treaties in 1979 and 1994,

  • however, overall most Egyptians and Jordanians consider it an on-paper-only relationship

  • and otherwise have generally unfavorable views of Israel.

  • Turkic Muslim countries, however, like Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkey all have

  • diplomatic ties and embassies, mostly in Tel-Aviv.

  • Turkey was actually the first Muslim-majority country to recognize Israel's statehood,

  • and even though recently there has been a little bit of political strife

  • the two still do business and trade like regular.

  • But out of all of them, Azerbaijan is probably the closest.

  • Not only do they have great trade and business in technology and oil and gas,

  • but many Azeri Jews have either migrated or visit their families back in Azerbaijan annually.

  • Nonetheless, no surprise, the USA is probably the closest friend.

  • The USA has played a key role in the development and maintenance of Israel.

  • The US has the second-highest Jewish population after Israel.

  • Many Jewish-Americans have moved to Israel and have dual citizenship

  • and they cooperate on almost every level of business, military, and trade.

  • In conclusion, over half the world seems to have an opinion about this small sliver of land

  • that seems to have more drama than you could imagine.

  • There is no quick solution to any of the issues currently at stake

  • and nobody knows exactly what the future is going to look like.

  • Again, I am not one to speak authoritatively on any of these issues

  • but what I can say is that listening, even if it goes against the core of your carnal urges not to,

  • listening is an incredibly powerful thing. We should all start listening.

  • Stay tuned: Italy is coming up next.

  • [outro theme song]

Alright, this is gonna be the most controversial video I've ever made.


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地理Now!イスラエル (Geography Now! ISRAEL)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日