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  • Hi I'm John Green and this is Crash Course European History.

  • So, World War I unleashed seemingly endless violence.

  • But while it was happening, even more violence was taking shape across Europe, most notably

  • the Russian revolution and civil war.

  • [Intro] The failure of Tsar Nicholas II's government

  • in directing the war effort caused immense suffering.

  • He built no efficient administration to ensure adequate weaponry, or transportation, or food,

  • or medical care, or the other necessities of modern warfare.

  • I know we often like to make fun of bureaucracy, but governments without it tend tofail

  • miserably.

  • So even though Russian soldiers were loyal and effective fighters, they suffered from

  • a lack of basic materials--like bullets, for instance, and soldiers often went without

  • boots, wearing rags on their feet.

  • Some generals were first rate but others were totally uninstructed in modern techniques

  • and more concerned with conducting pogroms against their own Jewish troops than effectively

  • fighting the enemy.

  • As hundreds of thousands of wounded people and millions of refugees crossed back into

  • an entirely unprepared Russia from 1915 on, soldiers deserted while civilian organizations

  • picked up where the imperial administration failed.

  • Local organizations called zemstvos took responsibility for civilian well-being, joining other groups

  • to take care of the wounded and maintain the home front more generally.

  • And throughout history, when people see such groups doing the work that governments traditionally

  • do, it can deeply undermine support for governments.

  • On the warfront, the government wasn't much more inspirational.

  • After a string of Russian defeats, Czar Nicholas decided that he should personally oversee

  • the battlefront, which made him appear incompetent--because, you know, to be fair, he was--and also he

  • seemed uninterested in the survival of ordinary Russians--which, again, you could make the

  • case.

  • All of this meant that a revolution was around the corner.

  • But before we get there, I think the center of the world just opened.

  • CAT CALENDAR: We explain that Russia would soon adopt the calendar used in Europe and

  • the United States, but at the time, was still using a somewhat different calendar, which

  • is why the International Women's Day we are about to refer to happened in Russian

  • February and American March.

  • Because dates are not very important, we are not going to overanalyze this, but everyone

  • should use the exact same calendar--specifically, this cat calendar.

  • It's a calendar!

  • And it's not just any calendar, it's our editorial director Meredith's vintage cats

  • calendar.

  • So shortly, Russia would adopt this calendar, the one used in Europe and the United States.

  • But at the time, it was still using a somewhat different calendar, which is why the International

  • Women's Day we are about to talk about happened in Russian February, and not American March.

  • Now because the memorization of dates is overrated, we are not going to overanalyze this, but

  • for the record, everyone should use the exact same calendar all the time, specifically this

  • vintage cat calendar.

  • OK.

  • So, on Russian February 23, 1917 it was International Women's Day.

  • Working women took to the streets of Petrograd--oh, god I feel another explanation coming on.

  • (OK, Petrograd had been St. Petersburg, but that sounded too German, so they made it Petrograd.

  • But soon it would be Leningrad, only eventually to become St. Petersburg again).

  • Right, so it's February, sort of, and we're in Petrograd, sort of.

  • The important thing is that these women were protesting the effects of a totally mismanaged

  • war effort: soaring inflation, food scarcity, casualties in the millions, and an army often

  • defeated and in retreat.

  • Protests surged in the capital and then traveled the empire.

  • Rebellious soldiers and the persistence of angry crowds along with the insistence of

  • his wider family eventually persuaded Nicholas to abdicate his throne.

  • Members of the Dumathe assembly of elected representatives that Nicholas very reluctantly

  • set up to end the revolution of 1905--constituted themselves as a Provisional Government, consisting

  • of monarchist, conservative, liberal, and a variety of socialist members.

  • Both disorder and new forms of organization unfolded.

  • Workers and soldiers revived the councils, orsoviets,” they had used during the

  • revolution of 1905 and began claiming a large voice in ruling Russia.

  • And as wealthy leaders of the Provisional Government and the less privileged members

  • of the soviets jostled for administrative supremacy, wartime chaos accelerated in Russian

  • citiesespecially in Petrograd, where soldiers and workers shot opponents,

  • including random officials and military officers, because they stood for the oppression and

  • starvation of the old regime.

  • This competition for power on the homefront coexisted with general support for World War

  • I, which itself brought more death and more deprivation, which further weakened government

  • and other institutions.

  • Still some were optimistic that life would change for the better or as one poet put it

  • that our false, filthy, boring, hideous life should become a just, pure, merry, and

  • beautiful life.”

  • Peasants confiscated some noble estates, while rank-and-file soldiers ended the degrading

  • deference they had traditionally shown to aristocratic officers.

  • And to some, equality and an expansion of rights felt imminent.

  • In April 1917, the Germans organized Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin's passage from exile

  • in Switzerland back to Russia.

  • Bolsheviks, breaking with Marx's idea of the working-class spearheading revolutionary

  • change, believed that an elite cadre of leaders needed to lead the revolution.

  • Once Lenin returned to Russia, he began making public speeches and declared a platform of

  • Peace, Bread, Land,” an explicit rejection of continuing the war, and also the kind of

  • populist slogan that deeply appealed to hungry, landless, and war-weary people.

  • Lenin, along with another Bolshevik leader, Leon Trotsky, helped make the Bolsheviks stand

  • out with their publicity and grass-roots organizing in factories and among soldiers.

  • And the pair craftily altered their own positions as the wind blew, sometimes appearing to agree

  • with the soviets or certain provisional government positions and at other times calling for violence

  • and an end to the democratic politics that most middle-of-the-roaders and other socialists

  • wanted.

  • For Lenin, it was violence alone that would bring about an overthrow of the old and the

  • creation of a new, Bolshevik society.

  • Only deliberately inflicted bloodshed would crush the aspirations for a democratic Russia.

  • In the summer of 1917, charismatic lawyer Alexander Kerensky came to head the Provisional

  • Government with the aim of reviving Russia's capacity to fight in World War I.

  • But the effort ultimately failed.

  • The government, targeted by Bolshevik propaganda and organizing, had grown fatally weak.

  • Let's go to the Thought Bubble.

  • 1.

  • By the fall, Lenin determined the time was right to overthrow the Provisional Government

  • 2. and with it the mixture of democratic policies espoused by the hodge-podge of politicians,

  • 3.

  • including various kinds of socialists, and anarchists, and constitutional monarchists,

  • and liberals who sought rights and the rule of law.

  • 4.

  • Lenin didn't believe the revolution could proceed via peaceful change or negotiation

  • with all these various leaders;

  • 5.

  • instead, he insisted on the use of violence against them and rejected peaceful change

  • or negotiation.

  • 6.

  • In October 1917, the Bolsheviks led a coup at a meeting of the Soviets,

  • 7. taking over government buildings, arms depots, transportation networks, and other

  • infrastructure.

  • 8.

  • The party then endorsed elections to a Constituent Assembly that met in January 1918.

  • 9.

  • The Bolsheviks won only a minority of the seats

  • 10.

  • but forced the dismissal of the Assembly before it could be constituted as a government.

  • 11.

  • The Bolsheviks then developed a tactic meant to destroy, in the words of one, “constitutional

  • illusions.”

  • 12.

  • They imprisoned and murdered advocates for democracy, and constitutions, and freedom

  • of political expression by the tens and eventually the hundreds of thousands.

  • 13.

  • And as they took control, the Bolsheviks shuttered local institutions such as zemstvos.

  • 14.

  • They nationalized industries and banks

  • 15. and by late 1917, began seeking a negotiated withdrawal from the war.

  • 16.

  • The Germans offered only the draconian Treaty of Brest-Litovsk,

  • 17. which gave Russia's western holdings to Germany.

  • 18.

  • Lenin initia1lly called the German offerobscene.”

  • 19.

  • But as the Central Powers continued their advance through Russian territory,

  • 20. he finally accepted the treaty.

  • Thanks Thought Bubble.

  • So by this time, the Russian capital of Petrograd/St. Petersburg had been moved to Moscow because

  • German troops had gotten too close.

  • Lenin believed that an imminent uprising of Europe's entire working class would overturn

  • the entire Brest-Litovsk settlement anyway, and restore Russia's original boundaries,

  • although he ultimately rejected his initial faith in worldwide revolution, settling instead

  • forsocialism in one country.”

  • That said, the Bolsheviks did want to promote and control the rise of Communist parties

  • elsewhere, so they established the Communist International or Comintern in 1919.

  • Brest-Litovsk was a turning point for many, including those who were ready to continue

  • fighting for a Russian victory in World War I. Dissident generals received volunteers

  • from an array of those who feared the rise of the Bolsheviks, from monarchists and liberals

  • to other kinds of socialists.

  • And we're emphasizing the diversity of beliefs here, to show that Bolshevism was just one

  • of many responses--some radical, some moderate--to the dysfunction and deprivation of early 20th

  • century Russia.

  • But at any rate, these diverse non-Bolshevik groups were united primarily by their dislike

  • of the Bolsheviks, who by this time had rejected the wordsocialistin favor of a new

  • party name: Communist.

  • Bolsheviks felt the socialists in Russia and elsewhere were just too reform-minded, and

  • compromise-oriented, and pro-democracy.

  • And so eventually, Civil War broke out, and until 1922, Russia and a good part of eastern

  • Europe were wracked with violence, and disease, and famine, and starvation.

  • The Bolshevik dictatorship and itsRed Terrorbattled the so-calledWhite Movement,”

  • which even in its name defined itself primarily by its opposition to the Bolshevik Reds.

  • Meanwhile, in areas like Ukraine, the Baltic States, and Central Asia, people were seeking

  • independence from Russia, although in many places, the independence movements were themselves

  • also divided by beliefs around the role the state should play in the lives of its citizens,

  • whether democracy was compatible with a strong state, and whether businesses should be government-held

  • or privately run.

  • The Bolsheviks took advantage of these divisions both by taking on factions individually and

  • by pitting them against each other.

  • As Trotsky simultaneously built a loyalRedarmy and as the newly createdChekha

  • or secret police picked off opponents, theWhiteswere eventually defeated.

  • Not only was the White movement disunited in its goals, they especially lacked a brilliantly

  • brutal leader like Lenin or an organizational talent like Trotsky.

  • The Communist society the Bolsheviks established was far different from the one envisioned

  • by the Marxist socialists of the nineteenth century.

  • It was to be led by an elite, according to Lenin's plan, not by workers.

  • In fact, the Bolsheviks crushed a “greenopposition from peasants who were angry about

  • the army confiscating their grain, which the Bolsheviks justified as necessary forWar

  • Communism.”

  • The Bolsheviks also executed sailors at Kronstadt who objected to the growing privileges of

  • the Bolshevik elite.

  • But instead of the statewithering awayafter a workers' revolution as Marx had

  • predicted, the Bolshevik state became ever more powerful, albeit with the support of

  • many in the population.

  • Beginning with Lenin, It inflicted perpetual violence on its own people, inventing constant

  • threats from civilianenemies.”

  • Lenin believed such violence was key not just to establishing a Bolshevik state, but also

  • to maintaining one.

  • In 1922, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was declared.

  • Up and coming Bolshevik activist Joseph Stalin helped forge this federation from the ethnic

  • groups of the former Russian empire.

  • The USSR supposedly fulfilled a Bolshevik promise to more than 100 ethnicities of the

  • old Russian empire that they might retain their culture, and language, and other local

  • ways.But to say those promises would not always be kept would be something of an understatement.

  • Big challenges loomed for the Bolsheviks even after these triumphs.

  • Industrial production had fallen to 13 percent of its prewar level The death toll of the

  • civil war and the accompanying disease and famine is estimated at 10 million.

  • Still, the postwar Bolshevik propaganda machine thrived, drawing in people enthusiastic about

  • the idea of a workers' paradise, and in some cases, real progress was made.

  • The strapped government set up health clinics and daycare centers so that everyone could

  • work to revive the economy.

  • The daughter of an imperial general Aleksandra Kollontai oversaw the welfare system and wrote

  • easy-to-read novels about the wholesome relationships between men and women under communism.

  • Communist enthusiasts taught rural people to read, and proselytized to make Muslim communities

  • adopt what Bolsheviks interpreted asmodernways--a reminder that not all missionaries

  • are religious.

  • Pioneering filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein produced classic celebrations of ordinary people such

  • asBattleship Potemkinwhich is about a bunch of sailors' rebelling against tsarist

  • brutality.

  • But it's inaccurate to imagine the Bolshevik revolution led to some immediate and total

  • Communism.

  • In fact, in 1921 Lenin declared the New Economic Policy in which elements of capitalism such

  • as individual businesses would be allowed to help boost productivity.

  • Communist entrepreneurs were encouraged togrow richand wealth became valued.

  • So-called NEP-men flourished as did women dripping in jewels and furs.

  • It was one more compromise the Bolsheviks made as a temporary means to the end of domination.

  • Beginning in 1922, Lenin suffered a series of strokes that eventually killed him in January

  • 1924.

  • Joseph Stalin organized and led a lavish funeral, handing out minor roles to other Bolsheviks

  • and sidelining his rival Trotsky, who would go on to be murdered via ice axe to the face

  • at Stalin's order.

  • We'll get to that and much more when Crash Course returns to Soviet Russia in two weeks.

  • Thanks for watching.

  • I'll see you then.

Hi I'm John Green and this is Crash Course European History.


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ロシア革命と内戦:クラッシュコースヨーロッパ史#35 (Russian Revolution and Civil War: Crash Course European History #35)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日