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  • So say you're me and you're hanging out with some fancy mathematicians and they namedrop

  • this cool word Metachirality and you're like ooh Metachirality what does that mean,

  • and they're like well it's a very difficult and subtle mathematical concept that only

  • like one person understands, even we don't understand it with our mortal minds, and you're

  • like, pfff, if you don't understand something how would you know if it's hard to understand?

  • After all, regular ol' Chirality isn't a difficult concept even though it has a fancy

  • name.

  • It just means a thing that's not the same as its mirror image, and that's, like, most

  • things.

  • But y'know, it's faster to say something ischiralthan something isnot the

  • same as its mirror image”, and somehow a “chiral pairsounds more pairy and romantic

  • thanmirror image pair”.

  • So that's points for the wordchiraland you figure maybemetachiralis a

  • cool word that's simpler than it sounds too.

  • So like, most animals appear mirror symmetric on the outside, they're not chiral, but

  • there's some exceptions, like snails which usually have their shell swirls to their right,

  • or those crabs with one big claw, and there's even some chiral people, of course we're

  • all chiral on the inside cuz organs.

  • Or maybe you think of chiral molecules, like, a lot of common molecules are symmetric but

  • some molecules are different from their mirror images and sometimes they taste different

  • or maybe one version is poison so the chirality matters.

  • Anyway then you get to thinking about the wordachiral”, which of course means,

  • not not-the-same-as-its-mirror-image, and that seems kind of silly.

  • So you start pondering the difference between the words chiral and asymmetric, or why achirality

  • is different from symmetry.

  • In fact you can make a diagram to inspect each combination.

  • Most things go in the asymmetric and chiral section of the diagram, things that have no

  • symmetry and are different than their mirror images.

  • And then there's mirror symmetric things that are both symmetric and achiral, like most

  • animals if you don't fuss too much about little details, and many common shapes like

  • squares and hearts and stars.

  • But it's not like mirror symmetry is the only kind of symmetry around.

  • Take rotational symmetry.

  • This rotationally symmetric swirlyflower is different from its mirror image so it is chiral,

  • but its still got symmetry, at least if I could draw better ok we're gonna use techniques,

  • ok so with this symmetric swirlyflower you can turn it 72 degrees clockwise and it still

  • looks the same.

  • So it goes in the symmetric and chiral part of the diagram.

  • Or like, a right handed square dance thingy, yknow the one?

  • Ok we'd better use more techniques, mm ok got it.

  • anyway a right handed squaredancey thingy is different from a left handed square dance

  • thingy but both still have 90-degree rotational symmetry, which is conveniently demonstrated

  • when you dance clockwise a quarter turn.

  • Or, well, for the right handed version you go clockwise, but for the left-handed version

  • you dance counterclockwise.

  • Or widdershins if you're into fancy words.

  • So that's fine, to make your left-handed square dance thingy go clockwise instead of

  • widdershins just dance backwards and you can see that both ways have symmetry under a 90-degree

  • clockwise rotation.

  • And also they both have symmetry when going widdershins 90 degrees, it really doesn't

  • matter and maybe you wouldn't even notice the difference except that dancing is made

  • of people and people want to walk forwards.

  • But the point is, the figure itself has the same symmetry whether it's the right hand

  • or left hand version and while that seems obvious you've found that its details like

  • that which often come in handy later.

  • In the swirlyflower it's even more obvious that both of the chiral pair have the same

  • symmetry.

  • You also notice that the two mirror image versions, layered together, would be a thing

  • with five fold mirror symmetry.

  • It's like they're two halves of an extra symmetric whole, and that's very pair-y

  • and romantic.

  • You figure that works for all kinds of rotational symmetries, that when you add them together

  • with their reflection they keep their original rotational symmetry, so nothing was lost,

  • but now they've added just as many mirrors as they had rotations, they're more than

  • the sum of their parts, and everyone lives happily ever after!

  • In fact, even if they're both the same chirality you can layer them into a twice-as-symmetric

  • version.

  • Maybe it works for other symmetries too?

  • So what other kinds of symmetry are there?

  • Maybe glide reflection symmetry, like an infinite set of footprints, which has no line of mirror

  • symmetry but if you combine a reflection and a translation then you get the same thing.

  • Over and over and over.

  • First of all, is it chiral?

  • The mirror image is almost the same but shifted, so does that count?

  • Though when you think about it, whenever you take the mirror image of a mirror symmetric

  • thing it also ends up shifted somewhere else, unless you reflect it exactly in the right

  • spot.

  • You can still make them match up without reflecting them again, and that's what counts.

  • Now if there were a first footstep, like does the right foot go first or the left foot,

  • then you'd be able to tell it apart from its mirror image, but the set of footprints

  • only has true glide reflection symmetry if the set of footprints is infinite in which

  • case there's no first foot cuz infinity is cool like that, and if I couldn't see

  • the ends of the strip I'd have no way of knowing whether it was flipped over or not.

  • It has no mirror symmetry but is still the same as its mirror image.

  • Which is kinda weird.

  • But like rotationally symmetric things you notice that you can layer it with itself to

  • get something with twice as much symmetry: now it has both glide reflection symmetry

  • and mirror symmetry.

  • And, well, it used to have translation symmetry too but now it has twice as much translation

  • symmetry which you figure probably counts for something even though twice infinity is

  • still infinity.

  • So you update your understanding of the word Chiral to make sure you don't confuseachiral"

  • withmirror symmetric", maybe you need another diagram.

  • And how weird that the weird case is in something as common as the symmetry of footsteps!

  • But maybe it should've been obvious that footsteps are achiral because it's not like

  • there's righty runners and lefty runners the way there's righty and lefty pitching

  • or batting in baseball.

  • Actually now that you think of it there's a lot of chiral sports.

  • And achiral sports that have glide reflections, and mirror symmetric sports, and maybe you

  • should make a diagram...

  • Anyway now that you've refreshed your understanding of chirality, you figure you're ready to

  • understand metachirality, just gotta get that last meta bit in there.

  • But that will have to wait until next time.

  • Meanwhile maybe try making some diagrams, I do like diagrams.

  • Oh and also consider supporting these videos on patreon because we're getting close to

  • being sustainably funded but not quite there yet.

  • Also there's cool perks and secrets and stuff.

  • Ok see you next time.

So say you're me and you're hanging out with some fancy mathematicians and they namedrop


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B2 中上級

メタキラリティ? (Metachirality?)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日