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  • I'm going to tell you about the thesis that Louis Deb Roy, normally pronounced broadly by the English, who don't know how to pronounce his name correctly anyway.

  • He was a Duke, Duke, Deb Roy, and in 1924 he submitted his thesis to a panel in Paris.

  • On they couldn't make head nor tail of it on Dhe.

  • As a result, he almost failed his exam.

  • But they decided on reflection that they ought to send the thesis to Einstein to have a look at it because it was up his street, they thought Onda, he wrote back and said it was the first glimmer of light in the worst of our physics enigmas and therefore it.

  • He ought to get the the award of his degree, her doctorate on day.

  • Five years later, he got the Nobel Prize for the material in his thesis because it opened up a new field of physics completely on Dhe.

  • He was the first person who got a Ph.

  • D.

  • Thesis as the basis for his Nobel award.

  • So in many ways he was a strikingly original and strange figure on Yet nobody's heard of him except a small group of physics.

  • Einstein postulated that light could be thought of as being made of particles, which he called called puzzles.

  • But these days, we called them photons.

  • On these are particles of light, with a well defined energy related to their frequency of the wave on.

  • He's thinking of the waves, actually behaving as if they're particles traveling along.

  • Hitting a metal surface on one particle of light kicks out one electron.

  • It's a one for one process, and therefore he thought of it as a particle on the's.

  • Particles also must have a wave aspects because electromagnetic waves are waves.

  • De Broglie takes this idea and has has an imagination to think that maybe all fundamental particles all particles such as an electron could behave as if their waves as well.

  • Because if light does, it's a wave and a particle.

  • Maybe an electron is a wave and a particle at the same time.

  • Now, this is a stupid idea every time you come across it for the well every time I come across it.

  • Still, I think it's a crazy idea, and everybody thought it was a crazy idea.

  • The Examiner's thought it was a crazy idea on the only person they thought would have an inkling as to whether it was right was Einstein.

  • That's why they sent the thesis to this is my picture of, ah, particle saying electron.

  • This is a very small particle.

  • Well, it's microscopic size, but imagine it's a particle like an electron at the same time.

  • This is my picture of a wave.

  • It's something that waggles around on travels along in space so it might be moving so you could have a particle which is moving.

  • And these air too different aspects off how an electron might behave according to Deb Roy.

  • Yeah, they roll away that there's the particle is a particle moving like a wave?

  • Is a wave made of particles.

  • What, actually is it?

  • Well, I can't answer that in English language because it's screwy.

  • It does both at the same time.

  • On when you ask a particular experiment, you'll say, Oh, it's a particle.

  • If you do a different experiment, you'll say, Oh, it's a wave on depending on the question you are, so you'll get different answers.

  • So it's both things at the same time, and yet it's neither does that mean you, physicist just haven't been clever enough to figure out that it's something else.

  • That's one point of view.

  • And that was the point of view that Deb Roy took after he got his Nobel Prize.

  • He thought he was the godfather of this sort of physics, and he hated the quantum mechanics that came afterwards.

  • No, we've worked out not me, shirting and Iraq and all these wonderful guys.

  • We've worked out a mathematical language.

  • You'll describe it, but we haven't got a mental picture which goes with that.

  • So the mathematics covers it all.

  • But as soon as you try and explain to somebody else, it is screwy.

  • It is so screwy that I don't really understand it myself.

  • But the mathematics works.

  • So this picture off it being both a particle in a wave is a nightmare to explain the students.

  • So this electron, you could think of it as electron going around a proton.

  • And here I would have a classical particle going in an orbit around the proton Justus.

  • The earth goes around the sun, and that will be the simplest picture.

  • And it was a picture that boy used to work out his theory.

  • Only he had to invoke some quantum hypothesis.

  • The Breuer would take a wave and he'd say, Oh, I can wrap this in an orbit around here, and if I do it carefully, this wave comes back on itself and then goes around again.

  • And I got 12345 different nodes where it's sticking out on that wave is self perpetuating.

  • So he gets up what we call quantum ization.

  • It has a certain number of wavelengths going around.

  • Look, the real beauty of this is, once you've understood the electron behaviors of wave, Justin's light does.

  • You can make an electron microscope, so just as you can take her a lens and get the light to go through and focus it a point and get a sharp image on your camera, where you can do the same thing with electrons and put it through something which focuses them to a point and you have electron microscope.

  • So this opens up the possibilities of looking at things on a smaller and smaller and smaller scale on opens up whole areas of understanding of how particles behave on the small scope.

  • So he came up with this stupid idea.

  • Einstein thought it was really clever.

  • Heisenberg that Molly's more than Heisbourg.

  • It's shooting.

  • It comes up with an equation for a wave, and you get this wave function on a Syria to come across that you'll lose the all aspects of reality.

  • You're just getting a mathematical formula.

  • And after that, Deb Roy thought this way.

  • Function was something physical and riel, but most people threw that away.

  • It's a so he had the most beautiful idea which unlocked this Pandora's box of physics on.

  • After that, he couldn't cope with the new World that he created, another people could, and he hated it.

  • And he wanted to make this wave riel thing.

  • But it's no.

  • So this Is that the reason why I got the Nobel Prize?

  • He opened up the field and created.

  • He did the seminal work that led to the new type of physics, and we've been struggling to explain this to everybody ever since because of where we can do it mathematically and calculate incredibly accurate.

  • It's screwy, it's completely completely scurry.

I'm going to tell you about the thesis that Louis Deb Roy, normally pronounced broadly by the English, who don't know how to pronounce his name correctly anyway.


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デ・ブロリーの波動-60のシンボル (de Broglie Waves - Sixty Symbols)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日