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  • many blindsided by all of this and looking for some kip compassion is Congress finalizes that $2 trillion economic stimulus plan they are racing to get much needed cash businesses that employ fewer than 500 workers.

  • America's 30 million small businesses, those catering shops, Web design firms, bookstores and, yes, even comedy clubs is Devin Dwyer discovered.

  • The Corona virus crisis is taking a toll even on those whose primary purpose is to make us laugh.

  • Stand up comedy has gone silent in the nation's capital.

  • It's not funny, you know, that needs to be clear.

  • The pandemic.

  • No joke for small business owners like Alison Jaffe, who's been helping people laugh off their stress at her DC improv club for nearly 20 years.

  • It's also not healthy.

  • Thio just be in total fear and panic.

  • You know what that's gonna do?

  • More damage to you, that the virus is going to hurt you, but that feeling's gonna hurt you, too.

  • After novel Corona Virus hit, she canceled upcoming acts, refunded tickets and laid off all 50 of her employees, including her husband.

  • We knew it was coming, but I just you know, said it and he's said Well, this is the first time I got laid this month.

  • So there you go.

  • That's what happens when you work in a comedy club and marry a comedian.

  • Uh, they have that kind of which was funny.

  • So I was said, and then I laughed.

  • And then it was like, All right, we'll get through it.

  • It's been a nightmare.

  • It's been I just the word out and keep telling and saying is horrific.

  • Many American small business owners say they're very worried about survival.

  • Experts believe alleviating those fears is critical to stabilize in the U.

  • S.

  • Economy.

  • Now in free fall, This crisis is one of the worst things I've ever seen for small businesses.

  • Karen Mills led the U.

  • S.

  • Small Business Administration through the great recession and recovery.

  • It actually far exceeds the problems that we had in 2009 And that's because half the people who work in this country own or work for a small business.

  • So so that's half our jobs, and they have very low cash buffers.

  • On average, they have about 26 days of cash.

  • So this is really this is really a race to survive is absolutely because when you run out of cash is a small business, you're dead.

  • The cash crunch worries Adam Water s used bookstore owner in D.

  • C.

  • Who just completed a major renovation of his shop and has little savings.

  • Unreserved.

  • Having people stop coming to the space is necessary for help.

  • Health and safety, but dramatically stop.

  • How dramatically has the business dropped off?

  • 30%?

  • 50% I think closer to probably closer to 75% water.

  • It's laid off four employees this month and is doing all he can to keep three others on payroll.

  • He's nervous about taking on more debt with new loans, but says that new stimulus plan might help.

  • It seems like that might be happening, which is important that they're giving certain provisions to small businesses.

  • Congress is expected to send more than $350 billion in emergency loans to small business owners, and with a major perk, they won't have to pay back the government.

  • They use the money to pay rent or their workers take that feeling today to allow us to do that.

  • If those there for forgetting Pia Caress own owns one of the only women owned distilleries in the world.

  • She makes her craft vodka and bourbon in the shadow of the U.

  • S.

  • Capitol, where she used to work as chief of staff to then Congresswoman Gabby Giffords.

  • And you know, staying calm is certainly important factor figuring out how to find moments of clarity and otherwise cat.

  • But the question is, do small spirit producers like us survive and, you know, remains to be seen.

  • For now, survival means making hand Sanitizer and Hillary were uniquely positioned to have on hand one of the hand cleaner.

  • Paris owns distillery, churning out small bottles of homemade gel filling a 1000 gallon order just this week from the D.

  • C.

  • Government for police and E.

  • M s.

  • People are gonna flow freely and respect each other and spread the virus.

  • So I expelled this owner who's suffering would be very, very glad.

  • Thio.

  • Make sure that they continue to shut down until we kill this thing.

  • The White House and some economists, air pushing to lift the business, shut down as soon as possible.

  • President Trump, setting a goal of Easter April 12th weeks ahead of what many public health experts say maybe safe would you support that?

  • I would say no.

  • Like it's not safe.

  • I don't That's not, I think, responsible for me as a business owner.

  • I don't know that Trump's gonna know that.

  • I would rather hear from.

  • I'm really here from D.

  • C.

  • And earlier from Mayor Bowser and other D C health officials than I would have you looking at this panic that you're gonna have to shut for good.

  • So I am trying to say, very positive.

  • I believe in the power of comedy.

  • It's depressing to see it totally empty.

  • But I know that we will not always be this.

  • That spirit of determination combined with a financial boost from government, a cause for cautious optimism that despite a financial body blow from the virus, small businesses can survive and continue to thrive.

  • I know will be filled with people again that want to be here, that wanna laugh, that need a laugh.

  • And I look forward to that day.

  • Me too.

  • And hopefully sooner than later.

  • Yes.

  • For ABC News Live I'm Devin Dwyer in Washington.

  • Yes, we could all certainly use a good laugh.

  • Our thanks to Devon it.

  • Hi, everyone.

  • George Stephanopoulos here thanks for checking out the ABC News YouTube channel.

  • If you'd like to get more video show highlights and watch live event coverage, click on the right over here to subscribe to our channel.

  • And don't forget to download the ABC News after breaking news alerts.

  • Thanks for watching.

many blindsided by all of this and looking for some kip compassion is Congress finalizes that $2 trillion economic stimulus plan they are racing to get much needed cash businesses that employ fewer than 500 workers.


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B1 中級 新型コロナウイルス 新型肺炎 COVID-19

中小企業の経営者は、コロナウイルスのパンデミックからの圧迫に直面している (Small business owners face squeeze from coronavirus pandemic)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日