字幕表 動画を再生する
Hey there I'm Jake Roper and one of my favorite things to do is filling your eyes and ears
with a cornucopia of DONGs and when I'm not doing that man it's just the dullestblog.com,
which is a very dull DONG, something you can do online now guys.
With the Genetic Geography of the brain you can explore the amount of differentially expressed
genes in a pair of anatomic regions.
For example look at the intersection of the medial orbital gyrus and the inferior temporal
You can see that genetic activity is similar between them, as represented by the blue.
In fact if you look at this entire area you'll notice the majority is blue.
In the Structures Emerge section it explains that the cerebral cortex is pretty homogeneous
and when you click almost anywhere inside, very few genes will come up on the right hand
That is because only differentially expressed genes are shown here.
So if you select a warmer colored box you'll see the longer list of different genes.
Speaking of, do you have the gene for being amazing at
This is a multiplayer scrabble game, like most scrabble games but it's with people
you don't know and a lot of them.
Also you don't have to wait twenty minutes for your opponent to come up with their genius
two-letter word because whenever you have one ready, you can just go for it.
If the current set up isn't for you, zoom out and look around until you find the perfect
All these people are ahead of me so I'm just going to
Caution: don't use this while driving.
It seems like a bad idea.
Watch these shapes circle around and around with peaceful music.
Speed it up or slow it down.
And watch for hours, days, hey why not weeks?
Whoa how long ago was it since I started talking about this?
Find out with
Date Duration.
Have you ever needed an alibi when someone asks you where you were on the night of -insert
crime here-?
Well type in the date they ask about and then the current one here.
Alright it was 4 days ago.
But if you can't really gauge what 4 days feels like then check out these other measurements.
Like 345,600 seconds.
Or 1.1% of 2017.
I can totally gauge what that feels like and now I remember that I was tying my shoes.
I'm innocent.
But for a more visual representation of duration go here is today.
This site lets you see how insignificant this day is in the span of certain time periods.
Every time you press “okay” the duration gets longer and the smaller today gets in
When you click it once it shows you today in context of August.
Again and now it's 2017.
It not only shows you how small it is but also where it is in relation to the rest of
the period.
So you can see that we are over half way done with this year.
Do it again and again and oh my gosh now you can't even see it because it's been such
a tiny amount of time in comparison.
Life is short but don't let that block you from cool opportunities like
The goal of this game is to move the ball along by matching it with a square that has
a half that is the same color.
When it reaches that block, it will change to the color of the other half.
You need to be able to access an entire side so this one won't work because it is surrounded.
Sometimes you may have to go backwards in order to keep going and when there are no
more moves then you're done.
As done as the life of this crushed spider on
A game that you've all heard of but not like this.
Not like this.
The same rules apply where you have to stack and fit them and blast through lines.
But now you need to avoid murdering this little guy.
Sometimes you'll want to press space to get the block down immediately before the
spider gets under.
But then you risk missing and not fitting it perfectly.
You also cannot suffocate it.
This doesn't kill it immediately but it's cruel and will cause you to lose the game
So there are a combo of factors but for a combination lock check out
Where you'll be given numerical hints and math problems to help you figure out the combination.
When you give a correct answer, it unlocks and you can finally have access to nothing.
And it times you so you feel really really bad or really really good.
Links to all the DONGs can be found in the description below and ya know what?
Ya know what?
I really like tuna fish.
I think it's very nice.
Very delicious.
You can sear it.
You can eat it raw.
You can eat it out of a can.
You could eat it in a burger.
Tuna fish.
It's great.
What was I gonna say?
Oh yeah there's a playlist right here filled with DONGs and I'm chewing gum while recording
which is very rude and I apologize for that.
But ya know what not *stuttering* I'm just gonna do this in one take.
I don't wanna re-record this so I'm just gonna keep that in.
Hannah we're keeping that in.
And as always, thanks for dealing with me.
Oh and thanks for watching.