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  • Imagine you're putting together your dream home.

  • Maybe you're after a mansion on the rolling hills of LA, or a mountain-top ski lodge, or a beautiful cottage somewhere in the countryside.

  • Whatever it is, unless you're willing to give up a lot of modern conveniences, you'll want electrical power in your home.

  • It took scientists and engineers hundreds of years of experimenting with electricity to get us to a point where we can use it for our benefit.

  • Along the way, electrical engineers had to make choices about the materials they used to stop, start, and change the flow of electrical current as it was needed.

  • And although we may take it for granted, getting power to your new house will involve some pretty clever thinking.

  • [Theme Music]

  • Electrical power is carried in a material by the flow of electronscharged subatomic particles found in all materials.

  • Most electrons are bound up in atoms not doing very much, but certain materials allow electrons to flow through them, carrying charge.

  • That flow is what we call an electrical current, and it's measured in units called Amperes.

  • In diagrams, you'll see that current is shown to be flowing from positive to negative, which might seem kind of confusing, since it's opposite to the direction the electrons are flowing.

  • But it becomes much easier to decode if you think about current as a flow of charge.

  • As electrons flow toward a positive charge, their destination becomes more negative, and their source becomes more positive.

  • Essentially, charge is flowing in the opposite direction to the electrons.

  • For our purposes, though, we just need to know how easily electrons flow in the material.

  • When they're able to flow in a material with a voltage applied to itmeaning it's connected to something that can generate an electric current, like a battery

  • we say the material conducts an electrical current.

  • The degree to which a material can conduct the flow of electricity is called its conductivity.

  • Then there's resistance, which describes how much a material resists the flow of current through it.

  • It's inversely proportional to conductivity, meaning that when one increases, the other decreases proportionally, and vice versa.

  • Resistance is measured in units called ohms, represented by the capital Greek letter omega, so we talk about conductivity in units of inverse ohmsthat is, 1 divided by ohms.

  • For electrical engineers, conductivity is often a good thing, like for the material inside an electrical wire.

  • We want that to carry a flow of electrical power to our devices.

  • As for the casing around that wire, if we don't want our electrical current escaping into unwanted materials,

  • we'd better make sure that the casing's material doesn't have a lot of conductivity.

  • In electrical engineering, we can broadly categorize materials into three types based on their conductivity:

  • Conductors, which, as you might expect, have high conductivities.

  • Insulators, which have extremely low conductivities

  • And semiconductors, which are somewhere in between.

  • For now, we'll be concentrating on those first two.

  • Metals, like silver, copper, gold, or aluminum, are good conductors.

  • You've probably noticed that a lot of electrical circuitry is made of metal.

  • Their conductivities are nice and high at around ten million inverse ohms per meter.

  • On the other end of the scale, insulators barely conduct electricity at all.

  • Those are materials like plastic, glass, and rubber.

  • As an electrical engineer, which type of material appeals to you usually depends on how much conductivity you need.

  • So it's going to be important to consider that when figuring out how to get power to your dream home.

  • Chances are, we'll have to transport the electrical power over long distancesfar from a power plant.

  • Of course, the electricity grid has to supply other users too, like businesses, factories and other homes.

  • It takes a lot of material to supply electricity to an entire nation or continent, so we need to make a sensible decision about the cables we use to carry power throughout the grid.

  • Our material has to be highly conductive, to transport as much of the required electrical current as possible,

  • and high in tensile strength to ensure that it lasts for a long time hanging between transmission towers.

  • And, like so many materials in electrical engineering, it needs to be ductile so we can shape it to our needs.

  • The good news is that there is a material that fits the bill!

  • Copper is ductile, and has a high tensile strength, and best of all, is very conductive.

  • Job done, right?

  • Well, the bad news is that copper is too expensive to make a power grid from.

  • Cost is one of those pesky engineering considerations that's hard to get around!

  • Instead, transmission lines are typically made of a cheaper metal: aluminum.

  • Aluminum has a high conductivityalthough not quite as high as copperand is lightweight, so it's less likely to sag over time.

  • But despite this, it's not strong enough to support the tension power cables are put under for extended periods.

  • Well, no worries.

  • We're not restricted to using just one material!

  • And steel has a very high tensile strength.

  • So if we take strands of conductive aluminum and arrange them around a core of high strength steel strands,

  • the cable can transmit lots of power while the steel provides extra strength and support.

  • Which is exactly how power cables are designed.

  • But just because copper is expensive for power grids, doesn't mean it's not used at all.

  • With all that power now being supplied to your house, you probably have some electrical appliances that you'd like to put in there.

  • Copper will have an important role in those appliances!

  • In smaller quantities, copper is useful in electronic circuitry, especially since it's very easy to shape, weld and solder.

  • The purer the copper, the better it is for conducting electricity.

  • Perhaps one of the most important examples is in printed circuit boards, or PCBs.

  • PCBs are boards that allow for complex arrangements of electrical components to be connected and arranged on small scales.

  • And they're absolutely everywhere!

  • Any modern electronic items in this dream home, from televisions to microwaves or even a digital clock, will contain a PCB.

  • If you're watching this on your phone or your computer, there's a PCB already hidden away in the circuitry of your device.

  • And it's copper, with its marvelous conducting properties, that provide the tracks on those boards, connecting all the tiny components inside your devices together.

  • High conductivity isn't the be all and end all of electrical engineering though.

  • Stopping an electrical current from going where it shouldn't is just as important as helping it flow where it should!

  • Consider the wiring in the walls of your dream home.

  • As with the wire we considered earlier, insulators like plastic or rubber will be vital to stop the currents from flowing out of the circuit and getting where they shouldn't.

  • But even within that circuit itself, materials on the lower end of being conductors are often super important.

  • You might have noticed that your new place doesn't really have much lighting yet.

  • That's where low conductivity conductors can help us!

  • See, when we apply a current in a low conductivity conductor,

  • the electrons, which are carrying the current, can't zip past the material's atoms quite as easily and carry all the electrical energy through.

  • Instead, the material's resistance causes the electrons to convert some of their electrical energy to heat, and in some cases, even light.

  • Which means low conductivity conductors give us a way to generate heat and light from an electrical current.

  • So, resistance isn't always futile; sometimes it's rather useful.

  • The amount of power lost to a resistor to generate heat and light is given by the square of the current multiplied by the total resistance of the material.

  • Under the circumstances they're typically used in, it's also helpful for low-conductivity conductors to have some other features,

  • like a high melting point and mechanical strength.

  • They still need to be ductile, though, so we can shape them into a wire.

  • So it's also handy if those materials are resistant to corrosion, have a long lifetime, and are inexpensiveideally.

  • Not asking much, are we?

  • We do have some options, though.

  • Tungsten, for example, is a metal that's typically extracted from chemical compounds in ores or tungstic acid.

  • It's name comes from the termTung sten”, meaningHeavy stonein Swedish.

  • And that's a pretty apt name for it!

  • Tungsten is heavy; by density it's so similar to gold that counterfeiters sometimes cover a slab of tungsten with a bit of gold to make fake solid gold bars!

  • But it also has the highest tensile strength and melting point of any metal on the periodic table.

  • That makes it perfect for drawing into long, thin wiresbetter known as filaments.

  • And here's the important thing: tungsten is quite a low conductivity conductor, with twice the resistivity of a material like aluminum.

  • So it also does a great job of generating light.

  • Tungsten filaments can handle extremely high temperatures, up to two thousand degrees Celsius!

  • Which means a filament can give off a lot of light before hitting a temperature where it melts.

  • Unfortunately, though, we can't expose it to the atmosphere, since oxygen reacts with the tungsten to form tungsten oxide, which burns out the filament.

  • So instead, we encase it in glass, and surround the filament with an inert gas like argon or nitrogen so it can continue to shine when we put a current through it.

  • If you feel like you've just had a light-bulb moment you're completely right.

  • We've literally just described how incandescent light bulbs work!

  • Admittedly, more modern light bulbs, like LEDs, are much more efficient and better for the environment.

  • But tungsten's ability to withstand the destructive forces of electrical contact are still pretty useful elsewhere.

  • For example, tungsten can handle being bombarded by electrons

  • those electrons cause it to emit electromagnetic radiation in the form of X-rays, which is how X-rays are generated in hospitals!

  • Another low-conductivity conductor that shows up in electrical engineering is carbon,

  • which is used in things like resistors, electrical contacts, and battery cell elements.

  • So we have light, but can we provide some extra heat?

  • A dream mountain-top ski lodge, for example, definitely needs a way to keep you extra nice and toasty in the winter.

  • Well, one low-conductivity conductor, nichrome, is up to the task.

  • It's a metal alloy that's mostly nickel and chromium, and because it's on the lower end of conducting, when we apply a voltage through it, it does a great job of heating up.

  • That makes it perfect to function as the heating element in an electric heater or furnace.

  • And with that, we've got the electrical essentials covered for your dream home!

  • Of course, if you want a device like a computer in your new place, we'll have to take a look at the intermediate materials on the spectrum that ushered in the computer age: semiconductors.

  • But that's a story for the next episode.

  • Today, we looked at the materials electrical engineers work with.

  • We looked at how high-conductors help us transport electrical power and form the basis of circuitry,

  • how insulators stop flow from going where it shouldn't,

  • and how low-conductivity conductors can be used to generate light and heat.

  • Crash Course Engineering is produced in association with PBS Digital Studios, which also produces Space Time.

  • Space Time explores the outer reaches of space, the depths of astrophysics, the possibilities of sci-fi, and anything else you can think of beyond Planet Earth.

  • Check out Space Time and subscribe at the link below.

  • Crash Course is a Complexly production and this episode was filmed in the Doctor Cheryl C. Kinney Studio with the help of these wonderful people.

  • And our amazing graphics team is Thought Cafe.

Imagine you're putting together your dream home.


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B1 中級

電力、導電体、そしてあなたの夢の家。クラッシュ・コース・エンジニアリング #21 (Electrical Power, Conductors, & Your Dream Home: Crash Course Engineering #21)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日