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  • I know that we will achieve victory and quickly returned to the path of exceptional health, safety and prosperity for all of our citizens.

  • Uh, we have to get back to work.

  • Our people wanna work, they want to go back, they have to go back.

  • And, uh, we're gonna be talking about dates.

  • We're going to be talking with a lot of great professionals, but this is a country that was built on getting it done.

  • And our people want to go back to work.

  • I'm hearing I'm hearing it loud and clear from everybody, so we'll see what what happens.

  • We're gonna have a lot more information early next week and we'll be reporting that back.

  • But I just want to leave it with you.

  • We have to go back to the United States of America.

  • They don't want to sit around, wait and they'll be practicing.

  • And by the way, a lot of people misinterpret when I say go back.

  • They're going to be practicing as much as you can, social distancing and washing your hands and not shaking hands and all of the things that we talked about so much, But they have to go back to work.

  • Our country has to go back.

  • Our country is based on that.

  • And, uh, I think it's gonna happen pretty quickly.

  • I think it's gonna happen pretty quickly.

  • A lot of progress is made, but we gotta go back to work.

I know that we will achieve victory and quickly returned to the path of exceptional health, safety and prosperity for all of our citizens.


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A2 初級

アメリカ人は仕事に戻る必要があるトランプ大統領 (Americans need to return to work: President Trump)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日