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  • DAVID MALAN: All right.

  • This CS50 and this is lecture 7 wherein we pick up

  • where we left off last time in talking more about Python,

  • but this time using Python for even more powerful purposes,

  • an alliteration I didn't intend until I just said it there.

  • But the goal here with Python now is to actually use

  • this language to generate another language, in particular HTML.

  • And what we'll do is start to provide all the more of a mental model

  • for what you would call separation of concerns, whereby

  • when you design more complicated web based, or rather when you design

  • more complicated software, you tend to try to adopt certain design patterns so

  • that you're not just writing everything in one big file that

  • gets a little confusing, unwieldy to maintain and to add to over time.

  • But you start to separate your concerns, and your functionality,

  • and your features, and your collaborators' work

  • into different files and different methodologies.

  • So we'll try to give you some of these industry standard approaches today

  • and why they actually solved problems.

  • But, of course, how did we get here?

  • A few weeks ago, we talked about this thing,

  • this virtual envelope that just represents

  • packets of information, zeros and ones, going across the internet from point A

  • to point B. And among the messages in these envelopes

  • might be for web requests.

  • And we talked about HTTP, a protocol, hypertext transfer protocol,

  • that just sends message like this inside of the envelope.

  • And this is requesting, of course, the default page

  • of a website as implied by the slash.

  • And in many cases, but not always, this implies

  • a default file name of index.html.

  • But that's a human convention, not a requirement.

  • Hopefully, the server responds with a numeric code equal to what integer?

  • 200, hopefully, a number that we never actually

  • really see unless you get more comfortable

  • and start poking around Chrome's inspector

  • and you look at your network traffic.

  • Right.

  • So here is an actual successful response,

  • which means everything is indeed OK.

  • And if the browser looks a little farther down in the virtual envelope,

  • if you will, it will see another language called HTML, HyperText Markup

  • Language, which is the stuff we wrote a couple of weeks ago

  • and you'll continue writing this week as you now dynamically generate websites.

  • But what we'll introduce today is what's also known as a framework,

  • or, more precisely, a microframework, because we'll see in just a few minutes

  • time that it can actually be really annoying and really tedious

  • to generate websites automatically using Python

  • if you have to write Python code alone.

  • And so humans, over the past several years,

  • have noticed, wow, every time I make a web application using Python,

  • I find myself typing the same lines of code

  • again and again just to get started, or when I'm collaborating with someone

  • else, I find that, ooh, it's a little hard to collaborate

  • if we're all working in the same file.

  • So humans have invented what are called frameworks.

  • And this is an example of code written in Python

  • but using a framework called Flask.

  • So whereas Bootstrap, which you've played with a little bit,

  • is a framework for CSS and JavaScript, they have some dynamic features

  • as well, Flask is a framework for Python that

  • just gives you some library code that you can use freely

  • in your own applications.

  • And it just makes it, ultimately, a little easier to get your work done

  • and build the thing you want to build as opposed

  • to having to reinvent the wheel again and again like people before you.

  • And so here is a methodology to which I alluded earlier just to have

  • a mental model for the coming weeks.

  • So up until now, pretty much every program

  • we've written in C and most recently in Python

  • you could call like controller code or controller logic or business logic.

  • Right.

  • It's all about getting something done logically,

  • usually in one file, maybe two files if you have another helpers.ce or header

  • file or whatnot.

  • But we've been writing logic.

  • But today and two weeks ago when we will focus

  • on web programming in HTML and CSS, there's the second part of our world.

  • There's like the logic that gets the interesting work done with loops,

  • and conditions, and all that.

  • But there's also now going to be the aesthetics,

  • the stuff that the user actually sees and the way you present your data.

  • So we're going to just introduce two letters of an acronym

  • today moving forward.

  • Anytime you start writing logical code in Python,

  • it's going to be called your controller.

  • It's sort of like the machine that operates your entire web application,

  • but anytime you do something more aesthetic,

  • we're going to call that your view code, so C and V being the letters here.

  • And this just refers to a separation of concerns.

  • Your logic goes in this file.

  • And your aesthetics and formatting go in this other file.

  • Next week, we'll introduce databases in SQL, structured query language.

  • And we'll introduce an M here, because the acronym that's

  • in vogue for quite some time now is MVC, though there

  • are alternatives to this mental model.

  • And that just means there are three different types

  • of things you should be thinking about when building an application.

  • But today we're going to focus on these two, controller and view.

  • And up until now, we've pretty much been doing entirely controller stuff

  • when writing code.

  • So the motivation, ultimately, will be to get to the point of building,

  • essentially, this, the freshman intramural sports website,

  • which I was the first one to make back in 1996 as a sophomore,

  • maybe 1997 as a junior, after having only taken CS50 and a follow

  • on class CS51.

  • And even though this is horrifying to see nowadays, underneath the hood

  • was a whole bunch of controller logic and a whole bunch of model code,

  • even though I don't think MVC existed as an acronym

  • back then till humans figured out the pattern.

  • But what it did have via the menu up here was a whole lot of functionality.

  • So no longer did you have to walk across campus filling out a form

  • and drop off a sheet of paper in an RA or a proctor's dorm room.

  • You can instead just go on the web, which all of us surely take for granted

  • today, fill out a web-based form.

  • And then at the time, the proctor in charge of froshims

  • would get an email confirming who had actually registered for a sport.

  • And eventually we added CSV files, comma separated values

  • files like spreadsheets, in which the data was saved.

  • Then we had this really cool tournament bracket

  • thing, which was all very dynamic and impressive I'm sure at the time.

  • But we'll focus on really just the fundamentals today.

  • So how do we get there?

  • Well, let me go ahead and open up CS50 IDE

  • and propose that if we want to make a website, a web

  • application really, and by application I mean something that does have logic.

  • By website, it's generally something that's static.

  • So that's what a web app is.

  • It's something that changes based on who's using it, when you're using it,

  • and what you're doing with it.

  • Let me go ahead, and in the most annoying tedious way possible,

  • implement a web application using Python.

  • So I'm going to go ahead and open a file called serve.pie to serve up a website.

  • And I'm going to go ahead and import some library code.

  • So from HTTP server, import something called base HTTP request handler

  • and also something called HTTP server.

  • And then I'm going to go ahead and use this keyword class, which

  • is HTTP server, server request, request handler, base HTTP request handler--

  • handler.

  • Then I'm going to go ahead and in here implement

  • a function called def do_GET, which implies--

  • this is a function in Python that should be called anytime a user

  • visits my web server via GET, the type of verb

  • that we've talked about in the context of the web.

  • So suppose that my only goal here is to make

  • a web-based application that for the moment just says hello world.

  • We know how to do this with HTML, but with HTML that's just a file.

  • Let's write a program that not just prints hello world,

  • but generates a web page containing hello world.

  • So the way I might do this is this.

  • I can literally say self, because self refers to the web server in this case.

  • And I can go ahead and send a response code of 200,

  • just kind of presumptuously assuming everything's

  • going to be OK in a moment.

  • Then I'm going to go ahead and send a header, which

  • recall, we've discussed briefly in the past,

  • whereby this header is going to be content type and its value

  • is going to be text HTML, which is a clue to browser

  • that it's receiving not a GIF, or JPEG, or something else,

  • but an actual HTML page.

  • And then I'm going to go ahead and say that's it for the headers.

  • I'm going to call function called end headers.

  • And then lastly, I'm going to use Python code

  • to dynamically generate my website.

  • Now, what does the website have to have?

  • Just hello world at the end of the day, but there's a whole bunch of html

  • we need to do in order to get to that point.

  • So I'm going to use a function called wfile write in order