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hello guys welcome back to my channel today I wanted to create a video that is
a little overdue because if you like this video would have been amazing and
like January 1st but better late than ever I decided to create this 10 life
hacks that I've done tested implemented they actually work if you guys new to
the channel thank you so much for watching this video
hack number one is committing to learning there's nothing better than to
constantly be on a hunt of learning something new if it's through taking
courses if you have the time online or offline today we are so lucky to have so
many resources that can provide so much information for us a lot of the times
they even just like learn new skills for my kids like Jake it's completely
teaching me about tick tock it doesn't have to be this like serious big thing
it can be smaller things that just you never knew how to do before keep your
brain moving hack number two is starting your day right or making it right I'm
sure that if you watch a lot of these videos about life hacks or how to get
more positive and things like that you'll have a way what probably heard
about the Karoo teen that you can do in the morning when you wake up if it said
having your smoothie or drinking your warm water with lemon which is great for
digestion by the way in real life it doesn't always work sometimes I wake up
and again bombarded or my kids drive me crazy already first thing in the morning
I don't have time to squeeze that lemon in the water things happen its life and
we are busier today than ever there are things that I do on days when it doesn't
necessarily start off right things like just putting some music and dancing it
already puts me in the right mood so don't think that if your day doesn't
start off right the day is gone it's like remembering that you have the
control to turn it around and to make it whatever it is that you want to make it
have number three the daily affirmations honestly I
pretend to do it with my kids everyday like for their sakes but actually I do
it with myself a lot and it's just kind of reminding myself like Who am I and
what I'm capable of and just you know telling yourself that you're worthy that
you are ready that you're in control of your life there are three sentences that
I repeat quite often on a daily basis and those are number one everything
starts with me number two I have the power to change today number three I
take responsibility for my life hack number four and it's one that is
very popular I still haven't mastered it quite yet
but I'm working on it and it's organize your life organizing whatever's around
you but you know what it's not it's not working for me right now like I'm trying
it doesn't work there's too many things going on but I don't let it put me down
so what I do do just to give that something of some sort of organization
in my life is decluttering even when I go to my closet and just give away or
donate things that don't serve me anymore they'll bring me pleasure that I
don't use this is huge for me and it does make me feel so much better the
same with like beauty products I would go through my bathroom counter and I
make sure to eliminate things that are either done I don't like I think someone
else might like it and they're not like work for me so that already makes me
feel better life hack number five is pushing yourself physically exercise
have been such a gift for me I started loving exercising probably when I was
about 24 like after having two kids before that I would drag myself to the
gym I would dread it and now I'm still dreading it but I also
know that this is such an act of self-love it's such a thing that will
not only make me physically stronger and healthier but also make my mind stronger
and healthier and also will show me how strong I am how its mind over matter
which helps me with the rest of my life and all the other things that I do I
don't have to tell you about the bajillion different studies that showed
how exercise is so important for a good quality of life for aging gracefully for
doing everything for being normal for not losing your mind for like being
positive strong person life hack number six is do something that scares you on a
daily basis would be ideal but even once in a while just to shake you up a little
bit no just like get you out of your little cocoon that we sometimes get into
it I try to do it as often as I can one of the things that trying something
that scares me brought me is you guys this channel this channel was an active
field of fear and do it anyways being on camera talking to the camera putting
myself out there was such a scary scary thing for me and I went and I did it
just to prove to myself that I can do it and look what it yielded like look where
it brought me to I am so proud of it and I have so many more experiences so
highly recommend to always keep in mind that if you feel that fear yet
butterflies like not fear of like your body and your mind telling you know not
to do it but like you know that feeling where you really want it and you know
that it can be really cool and you have those nerves butterflies you're scared
do that that one life hack number seven is cut out negativity and I'm not being
like that person psycho I feel sad nothing to be sad about stop being sad
I'm talking about negativity that's coming from experiences or places or
people things that are maybe around you and you're not aware of but those bring
negativity into your life obviously it's very natural to feel sad sometimes to
have failures and it's totally okay to feel these emotions I think that it's
important to feel these emotions I'm completely against being constantly
happy all the time I think that it's unnatural
I do believe that you'll learn from different experiences but if you really
sit with yourself and connect yourself and look around the people that are with
you the things that you do on a daily basis there are some things or people
that may be a constant source of negativity letting dose and start
walking away from it is so important so please please be mindful enough and
self-aware enough to see where the negativity is coming from anakata
Black Hawk number eight is reward yourself something that I've noticed
that I do a lot with my kids is that I give them a little incentive to do
things that I know they hate doing and I don't know if it's gonna bite me in the
butt in the future but I feel like that really gets them to just forget about
the annoying task they have to do and think about what comes after it and I
started implementing it with myself like as an adult and with other people around
me they're not aware of it but I do it all the time it's really cool and you
can do that at work you can do it in your personal life if it's even working
out you can tell yourself you know what after this workout I'm gonna do
something that I'd like whatever it is that you like do it hack number nine is
to avoid anything single-use so I'm not saying that it has to take over your
whole life because honestly I've tried to cut drastically this one use plastic
stuff and it's really really difficult because there are moments where you know
I'm running somewhere and I forget to bring my reusable cup or usable straw or
things like that but I make a really conscious effort every single day to try
to avoid single-use plastic bottles to not get straws if not needed to pay a
little extra for all it's a composable bag things like that that you can do
bring your own shopping bag not to you those road use bags that are plastic
instead just like take produce and either by those multi-purpose bags or
just don't put them in a bag I don't know why we feel like bananas need to be
bad like what next hack is thank you notes this has been a really interesting
practice that I started doing that made a huge impact on my life I started
thinking about this whole showing gratitude practice and I found that a
lot of us don't do it enough so what I started doing is just sending random you
know messages to my friends or the people I just spoke to or just met with
I saw just sending even Gary like I love your text in the middle of the day out
of nowhere or you know I appreciate you are you doing
great you're doing a great job just like a text that will brighten someone else's
day I love you I love you out but also just by that action that you're doing it
but showing that gratitude and showing the love and sharing thank you and
actually like makes me feel more grateful for you know this person and
other people that I have in my life that made it so impactful and so amazing so
these are my 10 lifehacks I hope you enjoyed it thank you so much for
watching and I hope you have an amazing 20 20 to find out which 8 items are no
longer where look like here thank you so much for watching