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Hey, it’s Marie Forleo, and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be to create a business
and life you love. Today I wanna talk about something very important. You know, one of
the biggest questions I get asked is from viewers who want to make a difference, and
here’s the question: Marie, how do I make a difference, how do I do something bigger
than myself, if I don’t have that much time and I don’t have that much money? Well,
today I have your answer.
I wanna talk about what I believe to be the moral, economic, and humanitarian issue of
our time: the empowerment of women and girls. Back in 2009 I read a book called Half the
Sky by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn and I still believe that this is one of the
most important books I’ve ever read in my life. A few months ago I learned that they’ve
taken this book and turned it into a documentary film, and I was fortunate enough to get an
advanced screening and it is spectacular. It’s a film that I believe every single
human being on the planet needs to watch. Have a look.
The challenge that women and girls face around the world is not an easy topic to talk about,
but we really think it is the moral challenge of this century.
These problems exist because we’ve created them, so it’s up to us to fix them.
The way that Nick and Sheryl use stories to break through the indifference that still
exists when you talk about women and girls is exactly the right way to go about it.
You understand the story always. This is how people get engaged.
Nick and I wanted to galvanize people into action, because we know it takes a world to
bring about this change. We’re utilizing every tool and platform available to get the
message across.
We’re gonna be going on a journey to some of the places in the world where the oppression
of women and girls is truly at its most extreme.
I read Half the Sky and I thought, “That’s really what I want to do. I wanna go and see
things for myself.”
You had the traffickers hold a gun to your head?
You’re going to take their money. The girl is their money. Of course they’re not happy
with you.
It still does seem as if something is wrong if thousands of... thousands of girls are
getting raped and in all of Freetown only one rapist is prosecuted.
You know what lasts longer than beauty? Being smart lasts a lot longer than being pretty.
This little hospital, built on a garbage dump, has reduced maternal mortality rate of the
women who come here to one quarter of the national average.
We need to be able to have our voices heard.
Our biggest challenge here is to create opportunities. Convince the mothers every single day of our
existence that your doctor does not have to be bound by fate. She needs to be allowed
the power to create her own fate.
Pretty powerful, huh? Here’s the reason I am so passionate about this work: studies
show that when women are economically empowered, everyone wins. Families are healthier, more
kids go to school, there’s more idea capital in innovation, and economies flourish. Here’s
the thing, I’m all for you achieving everything that you want, but there’s gotta be more
to your life than just achievement. You’ve gotta have fulfillment. And fulfillment comes
when you contribute to others, when you give something of yourself to something beyond
Here are 3 different ways that you can make a difference starting right now:
1. Start with you. One way of giving to the world is fulfilling your own potential and
taking advantage of the opportunities that you have available to you right now. You know,
one of the best things about seeing a film like Half the Sky is that it shines a light
on all the incredible opportunities you have in this very moment. So if you have access
to education, if you have a safe place to sleep every night, if you live in a place
that you have the freedom to speak your mind, you have opportunities that others would,
and do, die for. Ask yourself what opportunities do you have around you right now and how can
you let that inspire you to fulfill your own potential? Living a great life creates a ripple
effect around you, and when you become more, you have more to give. You inspire more people
just by being a living example of possibility. Now, I know starting with yourself may not
seem like a way to give back, but it really is. Because when you change your life, you
change the world.
2. Use your voice. Ok, so this one is easy. Go watch the film. Watch it on PBS, if you
can’t watch it on PBS you can see clips on YouTube or HalfTheSkyMovement.org. We’re
gonna have links below to help you out. Then, use your voice to spread the word. Choose
just one person in your life and make a direct call, whether it’s your mother or your brother
or your sister or your girlfriend or your aunt or your grandmother, call one person
and make them watch this film. If you like social media, you can get the word out that
way. You can Tweet, you can Facebook, anything you want. Once again, we’re gonna help you
out with links below. You have a voice, and if you’re watching this video right now,
you have the freedom and the resources to share it. So use your voice and spread the
3. Get engaged. Do something. Choose an organization that you learn about in Half the Sky and get
engaged. Whether you donate money or you donate time or just help by spreading awareness,
do something. Don’t think you won’t make a difference doing one small thing. Think
about it, there are thousands of people watching this MarieTV episode right now. Now, imagine
if each of us chooses to do just one thing. That’s thousands of small actions added
up together. There’s no way that’s not gonna make a difference. As Margaret Mead
once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change
the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
So there you have it, three really doable ways to start making a difference right now.
So here’s my challenge to you: Choose at least one of these ways and commit to taking
action today. You can do more if you want, but I want you to commit to at least one and
tell me about it in the comments below.
As always, the best discussions happen after the episode at MarieForleo.com, so go there
and leave a comment now. Did you like this video? If so, subscribe to my channel and
share it with your friends. This is such an important issue, I want you to share it all
over the place. If you want more great resources to have a business and a life you love, plus
personal insights from me that I only share in email, come on over to MarieForleo.com
and sign up for email updates.
Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams. The world needs that special gift
that only you have. Thank you so much for watching and I will see you next time on MarieTV.