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  • Good morning Hank, it's Tuesday. Today's video is like the human heart

  • and barbershop quartet harmonies: it comes to you in four parts. Part 1: The Holidays.

  • Hank, here in the United States there are several holidays coming up.

  • And this year both Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve fall on Tuesdays, and I will be taking

  • both those days off.

  • Part 2: related. I've been thinking about burnout a lot lately.

  • I'm not really burnt out at the moment, but I am starting to think differently about

  • the role work plays in my life.

  • Ever since I was about 22, I've worked many nights and most weekends.

  • I don't recommend working that way and I don't need to, but I've continued to do it anyway.

  • My central goal for the next decade is to do fewer things that the world constructs aswork

  • and more things that are valuable but not usually imagined aswork,” like spending time with family

  • and doing the dishes and sleeping and reading and volunteering my time and talents to causes I care about.

  • I'm just saying that out loud in the hopes that it will make me accountable.

  • Part 3: The Project for Awesome.

  • So Hank, back in 2007 when we first came up with the idea for the Foundation to Decrease Worldsuck,

  • it was mostly a joke, like we "decreased worldsuck" by paying for people to go to their first concerts.

  • Which is a value added to the universe, I think, but maybe not the most efficient one.

  • But then the Project for Awesome started to grow, and the Foundation to Decrease Worldsuck

  • became a real charity that can accept tax deductible donations despite its very silly name.

  • And last year, the Project for Awesome raised its ten millionth dollar for charity.

  • The P4A is my favorite time of the year, and I can't wait for the strange mix of exhaustion

  • and exhilaration it brings.

  • The 13th annualhow is that possibleProject for Awesome will happen this year

  • between noon Eastern Time on Friday December 6th and noon Eastern on Sunday December 8th,

  • but the Indiegogo will launch this year on December 3rd.

  • There will be many amazing perks availablemore on those next weekand because the Project for Awesome

  • is a volunteer-run organization, except for credit card fees and the cost of making

  • and shipping physical perks, all donations go to charity.

  • As in past years, during the first half of the Project for Awesome,

  • we'll be raising money for pre-selected charities, Save the Children and Partners in Health,

  • both of which our community has worked with for over a decade, and both of which have excellent reputations

  • for reaching and assisting the most vulnerable people in the world.

  • I should mention that this year's P4A fundraising will be entirely separate from the project

  • we announced a couple of months ago with Partners in Health Sierra Leone.

  • Over 3,000 of you have joined us in donating to support the strengthening of Sierra Leone's healthcare system,

  • and we are so grateful and excited to watch that progress over the next several years.

  • But during this year's P4A, as in past years, we're raising so-calledunrestricted funds,”

  • which allows PIH and Save the Children to spend the money wherever it's most needed.

  • Partners in Health, for instance, might need money to support a clinic in the Navajo nation

  • or to buy medical supplies in Haiti. They know better than we do where the funding gaps are,

  • and unrestricted funds are really important to charities, so we're keeping the Sierra Leone project separate.

  • If you have any questions about this or about anything, please leave them in the comments!

  • It occurs to me that someday YouTube will probably move the comments section to like a sidebar,

  • and then it will look to people like I'm just pointing at my pants.

  • And then it occurs to me that someday, YouTube will not exist at all. But back to the Project for Awesome!

  • Right, okay, so during the second half of the Project for Awesome, as in past years

  • we will be raising money for charities chosen by you.

  • YOU make a great video in support of a charity you think deserves a grant

  • and then upload it on Friday December 6th,

  • and if people vote for it at, that charity might receive part of the funds

  • raised during the second half of the Project for Awesome.

  • So we're counting on you to make great videos and pick worthy charities. Alright, let's talk about money!

  • Hank and I will be matching the first $150,000 raised in this year's Project for Awesome.

  • And I know lots of you have donated to lots of causes, so really no pressure,

  • but if you would like to join that matching fund, you can email us at

  • That email address is also in the dooblydoo and in the comments below.

  • If you are able to join the matching fund, you will be thanked profusely

  • and it really does help drive donations. Okay, Part 4!

  • For making it to the end of an update video, you win a picture of my brother and me as reindeer

  • one of the amazing months of the 2020 Project for Awesome calendar.

  • Rudolph, I'll see you on Friday.

Good morning Hank, it's Tuesday. Today's video is like the human heart


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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日