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going to the basement to make my post-workout smoothie because max is
sleeping upstairs and you never wake up a sleeping baby that's the rule in this
house hi guys welcome back to my channel today we are doing a fun video which is
a day in the life of a new mom with a major pimple just an extra bonus for you
guys I wanted to say huge thank you to Joe Fresh for partnering up with me for
this video super excited Max is sleeping right now he has his
little morning nap so I have time to run and get all my stuff ready have the
monitor beside me so he should be okay realistically I am working from home so
this is gonna be for me but you know balancing with being with math so that's
gonna be fun there's a lot of moms out there that are doing this hustle working
from home going to the office so this is a shout out to you guys
you rock today I have a few like emails to do and stuff like that so it's kind
of chill so I'm gonna take this five minutes that I have because I know every
time I start getting ready he wakes up I'm gonna just prepare myself for the
day I'm at home well I dunno just like the little browse and a little concealer
to feel a little human my skincare routine and I'm ready
your opportunity to amplify your focus and maximize your mindset to create the
best day possible
so and while he's still sleeping I'm kind of going to the clothes that I got
for him so these are from Joe Fresh to have a new sprout collection which is
basically a newborn capsule collection and it ranges from ages zero to twelve
so there's something for like every stitch or a baby
I am dying over these cute little things oh my god so I just washed them I didn't
buy much for max obviously because I had Jake and Ben and all their stuff and I
kept a lot of it but there's always like this essential collection that every
baby you just wears over and over again especially for the first year because
it's so little and you have to change diapers and it's like you wanted to be
comfortable because they go to sleep so often so it can be anything that's still
complicated to put on or things that are just like too hot or the fabrics are not
soft so with every baby the only thing that I always buy new is this capsule
collection these are kind of the things that I always look for like 100% cotton
cute colors that are just versatile these onesies that he basically lives in
all kids live in for the first year of their lives you want to make sure that
it's just like easy access and things like that so that's really important
other stuff that I got is this because he started with the spitting up and just
you know milk is pouring everywhere I'm obsessed with these babes that are so so
cute and so stylish so you can put them like it I feel like I can wear this kind
of cool these are really cute just to kind of look stylish and this doesn't
like aggravate their neck because it's really soft here with the seam come on
you can match it again just like a basic cute onesies they're stars here just it
starts you already know pants actually like to put pans and ones
it's because then you don't have to like open the whole wanted to change their
diaper so that don't get really cold especially when we're out or when it's
two separate pieces you can just kind of pick up the hands and just change the
and I got hats for him because I found that he sleeps longer when he has a hat
on I'm guessing it's because the hat keeps them warm because he's still bald
right so it gets cold really fast these are really cute for gifts too I'll
actually I have some football friends that are gonna pop soon yay
and that's dead okay I'm gonna put it in his closet you should be waking up in
like 30 minutes
sitting for lunch is something that I started doing only recently within the
first month and I have what a newborn is insanity I mean I was just trying to
keep up between like eating and feeding myself and trying to nap and then taking
care of him because they get up every like min depends how lucky or have
between two to three hours some babies like every hour so they need to feed I
need to be changed they need to burp and it's like crazy so now that he is 2
months we have like longer stretches of sleep so I can actually get things in if
it's feeding myself and just like relaxing I can't say I can nap there in
the day so much and I know that there's a lot of people that are like good nap
when your baby naps a lot of those people who are you those people I'm
still breastfeeding but I am supplementing with formula so try to
best feed him as much as I can and especially now because I feel like my
milk supply it's going down a little bit because I've been going a lot to the
office recently and I would spend like kind of a long stretch of time without
him during the day so now I am focusing on staying more home and trying to get
that knocks of my back up and I feed him whenever I can sometimes though I do
have to top him off with formula just because I don't have enough you guys are
also seeing this house without Jake and Ben they're in school I can't even
imagine how I would possibly be able to shoot a video with all of them here
because that's insanity usually it's very very loud someone screams mama
every second of the day so this is luxury this is me on vacation I have to
say that baby number three I am so much more relaxed just I think like not so
hard of myself and not feeling like I'm not doing something or don't understand
what he's about and why he's crying with Jake because it was my first I was just
constantly on edge it constantly felt like I wasn't doing something right and
you know would get stressed out and like my body would get a little tight when he
starts crying or he wakes up and screaming like it was insane so I do
feel a difference even with the way they are the babies
like Max is so chill no he cries obviously but it's very much of a
console where Jack is more like this because I was like this so the way you
are definitely affects your baby that's why I think I'm such a big promoter of
moms taking care of themselves and taking you know if you don't need help
reach out and ask for help you think a lot of us just think that you know we
can do it all by ourselves and just feel uncomfortable seeking help
or being frustrated that someone else is not doing a good enough job like you do
but you gotta give yourself some room to breathe because being a mom is such a
demanding job so you really want to make sure that you have what to give because
let me tell you everyone wants a piece of you all the time to stretch stretch
stretch stretch stretch reg reg reg reg reg reg reg I'm ready to in booboo yeah
let's do it
who is this angel let's stretch out it's me oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh
good boy hey one hand up and the other one up oh but you ready to eat I think
you're ready let's do it worked out for me with Jake and Ben but now that I
passed the first month that was probably the worst the first month is the worst
for breastfeeding and for a general life because you're like in the days now it's
like it's so nice I'm actually enjoying these moments when it's just him and me
especially when the boys are here I want to stand to breastfeed him or like run
upstairs or something you know kind of sneak in a little time I would just
myself and Max and that's really nice
we do have help if you guys follow me you know that we have a nanny on days
when I'm home and I don't need anyone to babysit him like I'm with him she'll
usually take care of just like cleaning up and stuff and doing laundry which is
huge help huge because I actually then get to work and I get to spend time with
math cuz obviously with three kids the amount of laundry there is to do it will
occupy me for hours upon hours so that's how I do things around here the birthing
is the most satisfying thing in the world one day Bert and the whole family
is so happy that stuff the other boy at the beginning I was so stressed out with
breastfeeding about the kitty latch properly did this did we do that today
is he choking is he not choking and this is takes about 40 minutes or so 30 to 40
minutes feed Burk Facebook feed repeat
how is it possible aren't you possible to resist you you tired already
oh okay party time and we're spinning party
animal Thank You Dean knuckle okay let's see if you have cocky you know my brains
all we do is eat and sleep and poop and play it's only do
boo boo monkeys animals you don't care about the animals do you you don't care
well I'm done working ten minutes of straight work it's a big accomplishment
you smile and we are done we are done you are clean my beauty you are clean
and ready to go no really no me more
that was an app of like 15 minutes right this is basically what we do around here
this is newborn life and all the other stuff you see online
it's all a lie most of the days when I spent home and it's just me and max
that's what we do I'll try to go down for a nap with him at around 2:00 or
3:00 p.m. that way I can actually get enough and he sleeps better right boo
boo but otherwise it's just change feed burp and repeat that I know
tough life it's about 4 p.m. now so I'm gonna start getting all ready to pick up
the boys soon and then it's gonna be chaos
I feel like when it's chaos in this house yeah you do I know you do you just
have a gang of you guys just a gang of my boys what else can we tell them do
you enjoy being my son and my good mummy and my good mummy
yes are you happy with me I love you I love you anyway so this is what you guys
this is the life of a newborn mom the fact that I'm even wearing my outfit
today is a big step the first probably month I was either in my robe or in my
pajamas so there's progress okay we're moving
bye guys love you maxi say bye bye