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  • I thought I would wander into a bit of a minefield and talk about Lift and what causes Lift in aeroplanes.

  • And there are several entirely erroneous, or partially erroneous explanations,

  • and actually very few entirely correct explanations actually 'cause it's quite complicated.

  • [Brady] Well how do we know yours is going to be right?

  • Ah. It probably won't actually, in its entirety, but, well you shouldn't say that on video. [guffaw]

  • [Brady] Ha ha, where do you want to start?

  • Maybe we should start with some of the wrong explanations. So the classically

  • wrong explanation invokes a thing called the Bernoulli Effect, and says ok so you've got your aerofoil and it's flying through the air but let's think of

  • things in the reference frame of the aerofoil so we'll have that stationary and move the air streaming past it. And the classic

  • explanation has the air going above and below the wing and kind of joining up when it gets around the other side.

  • And of course there is more air kind of going higher and lower as well.

  • And the classically wrong explanation says, "so the air going over the aerofoil

  • has further to go than the air going under the aerofoil so in order to meet up with the air at the other end it

  • has to travel faster," and then there's this thing called The Bernoulli Effect

  • [which] basically says that when air is traveling faster, its pressure decreases and that's really just the

  • Conservation of Energy. That's really just saying that the energy of the air molecules is partly

  • in random motion, which creates pressure, partly in the streaming motion, and

  • in order to conserve energy, if you increase the amount of streaming energy, you decrease the amount of pressure energy.

  • So the pressure up here, [be]cause these air has got further to go than this air, it's traveling faster, [the] pressure is reduced,

  • therefore the pressure above the wing is lower than the pressure below the wing.

  • Pressure is just the force per unit area. That means that actually the force above the wing pushing down on the wing is less than

  • the force below pushing up and therefore the thing just rises. Which all sounds very plausible.

  • [Brady, incredulously:] But the Bernoulli Effect is a real thing!

  • Yes!

  • [Brady:] Is that not the Bernoulli Effect you just described?

  • That _is_ the Bernoulli Effect I just described. There are at least two flaws with this argument.

  • The fundamental one,

  • that I kind of slipped in there, is saying that the air meets up on the far end.

  • So there's no reason why, you know, when the air leaves from this end,

  • it doesn't kind of make an agreement with its pal here, that's it's gonna meet up when It gets to the other end.

  • There is no reason why the air traveling above should get to the far end at the same time as the air traveling below. In fact the air traveling above

  • travels so much faster, that it gets there *before* the air traveling below in reality.

  • So that's the first fallacious part of the argument, is that It has to travel faster to meet up

  • with its friend at the farther side of the journey past the airfoil.

  • [Brady] But professor, if you just said that in fact It gets there faster, doesn't that mean that we get like a Hyper-Bernoulli Effect?

  • You actually get more lift than that naive argument would predict. So there's a second argument which is sometimes put forward about why this can't be the

  • explanation, and this one's not quite so true, and the argument goes that if It were true,

  • then It wouldn't be possible for an aeroplane to fly upside down. Which of course they can. [Brady: yes] So here's our aeroplane,

  • here's our aeroplane flying upside down. If the previous argument was true (which to some extent, it is) [then] this aeroplane would just fly straight

  • into the ground, because the lift effect we were talking about before is now pulling it in this direction

  • instead of that direction. But of course the pilot has other things that they can alter, and in particular they can move the nose

  • of the plane up and down, which of course has the effect of moving the wing. And by changing the angle of attack, with the wing like

  • this, the airflow we were talking about before, there's a thing called the stagnation point, which is the point at which the air kind of

  • splits between either going above the wing or below the wing, and the stagnation point as you change the angle of attack in this

  • way moves downwards. The previous arguments still sort of holds because actually the air going above the

  • aerofoil is still going further than the air going below the aerofoil, so the Bernoulli type effects that we were talking about before still occur.

  • So the other argument goes:

  • that actually even when you're flying the right way up, you have a bit of an angle of attack, so the way you really

  • fly an aeroplane is with the aerofoil slightly tilted.

  • And the argument goes that the air essentially just

  • bounces off the underside of the wing, and heads on down this way

  • and you can see that the air molecules, through this process, have acquired a momentum downwards. And that means that the aerofoil will acquire a

  • momentum upwards just from Conservation of Momentum.

  • Brady: Yeah the plane's just being *battered* into the air.

  • It is, it's been pushed up by air bashing into it.

  • There are a couple of reasons why this is wrong.

  • What happens on the upper side of the aerofoil remember is that the air goes

  • over, and actually also ends up being bent downwards. The air traveling over the top of the wing, by acquiring downwards momentum,

  • means that It has to be transferring upwards momentum to the wing as well, and so in fact the air traveling over the wing is

  • also contributing to the lift. It actually contributes _more_ of the lift than the air [that's] going underneath

  • the aerofoil.

  • It really comes down to the fact that you can't really think about a gas like air as just a load of little ping-pong balls.

  • One easy way to think about that is if you were to,

  • to hold your hands up in front of your face and blow against it. [Whooshing sound as he blows]

  • The air actually hits your hand and then shoots out to the sides.

  • Now if you were just throwing ping pong balls at the wall that would never happen, right? They would just bounce straight back at you.

  • And It really is because

  • air as a gas behaves in a very different way from this collection of individual particles. You have to worry about the

  • interactions between the particles as well.

  • Which means that these kind of simple momentum conservation

  • ideas about how . . . an aeroplane can fly can't be the whole story.

  • Brady, incredulously: How does an aeroplane fly? [Guffaw]

  • Okay.

  • So.

  • The physics for this sort of goes back to Leonhard Euler in the 18th Century,

  • who came up with a set of things called the Euler Equations.

  • And the Euler Equations, you can write them down mathematically (it's all quite complicated) but actually physically what they're saying is that as air moves around

  • there are three conserved quantities you need to worry about. The mass is conserved, which it just says that molecules don't appear and disappear, that

  • they have to kind of flow continuously so you have Conservation of Mass.

  • Momentum is conserved.

  • Just from Newton's Laws,

  • which kind of goes to one of those slightly spurious explanations we were looking at,

  • and Energy is conserved.

  • Which of course is where the Bernoulli Law comes from,

  • and you need to conserve all three things at the same time.

  • And that's why neither of those previous

  • explanations can be the whole story, because each kind of borrows bits of the physics but doesn't do the whole thing at the same time

  • The way these three things behave together is really quite complicated, which is why you get these complicated flow patterns around

  • wings like this and you have to start worrying about effects like turbulence and those kinds of things. Although each of those

  • previous arguments kind of captures some aspect of what's going on, you really need to think about all three of them at the same time

  • and actually if you really want to do things properly, you have to worry about

  • viscosity effects, that If you've got one load of air traveling at a particular speed it'll tend to drag the next lot of air along

  • at a similar speed. It's very hard to have one lot of air going very quickly and the other lot not moving at all.

  • So you have these

  • viscosity effects that air kind of drags other bits of air around and if you want to put that in as well then you have

  • to take the Euler Equations and add this viscosity effect and then you end up with a thing called The Navier-Stokes Equations

  • which were only invented in the Nineteenth Century,

  • which are the full set of equations you really need to solve, to understand what's going on with it.

  • [Brady] What is going on with it?

  • So ok, so remember we're trying to do these three aspects and really we,

  • you know, you need to do Conservation of Mass, Conservation of Momentum, and Conservation of Energy, all at the same time.

  • So here's what's going on.

  • Here's our wing. The air above is kind of being squeezed together.

  • It's a little complicated to figure out exactly why, just because, you know if there were a wall up here it would kind of make

  • sense that actually suddenly it's being pushed into this narrower space and everything's being squeezed together. But there isn't, there's just a whole lot more

  • air up there. But again this comes out of the equations that the air ends up being squeezed in this way.

  • Because it's being squeezed into a tighter space but you've got the same amount of air,

  • remember the first of the things we have to conserve is mass. To get the same amount of air through

  • but in this squeezed region instead of this sort of wider region, it has to travel faster. So the air is Indeed

  • traveling faster above the wing than it is below the wing, so that part is true.

  • Not because it has to go further, just because the geometry of the obstruction here

  • squeezes the air together. It really is just the way the air flows around an obstruction like this, so it is traveling faster so that's

  • the Conservation of Mass. The air here is compressed, which means it's traveling faster, which means Bernoulli's Law,

  • Conservation of Energy, says that the pressure here is lower which means that the force downwards on the top of the wing is less than the

  • force upwards, and therefore that's the phenomenon of lift.

  • But then the last part, like if you think about it, the gas originally all flowed in like this, and by the end it's all flowing downwards like this.

  • So that the air has Indeed acquired a downwards momentum, and we have to conserve momentum.

  • You know if the air is now flowing downwards, being pushed downwards, that means that the wing is pushed upwards, and

  • so you can Indeed you think of this globally as a Conservation of Momentum effect that the air

  • globally acquires downwards momentum due to these various phenomena we've just been talking about, which means that the wing acquires an upwards momentum.

  • So you can see all three of these aspects all feed into the explanation.

  • The Conservation of Mass, the Conservation of Energy, and the Conservation of Momentum, and really

  • you can't extricate any one of them and say "that's the reason why!"

  • You really have to think about all three at the same time in order to understand the global phenomenon.

  • Brady: Between The Bernoulli one and the Conservation of Momentum one, which one is more important? Which like. . .

  • I don't think you can separate it out in that way. I think you really have to think about all three at the same time. Because the

  • physics equations you're solving, [you] really are solving for all three of these things at the same time. And if you were to fiddle with one

  • of them, that would affect the others.

  • So actually you can't say "Lift is being caused by Conservation of Momentum"

  • or "Lift is being caused by Conservation of Energy through the Bernoulli Effect." It really is the

  • combination of both of them together with the Conservation of Mass which is causing the effect.

  • Well I guess the last thing to say is that

  • reality is always more complicated

  • than any of these simple explanations, and actually if you really want to design a wing you have to do very complicated

  • hydrodynamic simulations in three dimensions because this is not a real wing, in fact, you know this is just a piece of cardboard,

  • and actually real wings are fundamentally three dimensional entities, and so for example, one of the other

  • aspects you have to worry about with a real wing is that it has an end. And at the end of It you

  • have all sorts of effects like vortices being shed off the end of the wing and what-have-you which actually have a

  • significant effect on the lift of the wing as well. So although as a physicist, this is the explanation, if you want the engineer's

  • explanation as to how a wing works, you really have to give an even more complicated story.

  • Brady: I mean you showed me a bunch of things at the start that you described as like the fallacies, and yet a lot of it ended

  • up being part of the final explanation.

  • So it felt like those fallacies were okay [Prof: Right], there were just other things at play as well.

  • That's true. No I agree and that's a fair reflection that actually you know, I

  • refer to them as fallacies but they are, I guess, "partial truths" would probably be a better explanation for them.

  • Brady: So the Bernoulli Effect does make planes fly.

  • [The] Bernoulli Effect does make planes fly. So does Conservation of Momentum.

  • So in some sense everyone's right, so maybe everyone should be happy.

  • . . . water. So i got over there

  • some water, which I'll go and collect and we'll go another 20 paces that way, and show you that the water will

  • extend the range even further.

I thought I would wander into a bit of a minefield and talk about Lift and what causes Lift in aeroplanes.


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リフトと翼 - 60のシンボル (Lift and Wings - Sixty Symbols)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日