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Hey there, it’s Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be to create
a business and life you love. And this ain’t Q&A Tuesday, you know why? It’s a very special
episode today. We have one of my dear friends who also happens to be an incredible spiritual
Featured on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday as one of the next generation of thought leaders,
Gabrielle Bernstein is making her mark. Expanding the lexicon for the next generation of spiritual
seekers, Gabby is the number one bestselling author of Add More -Ing to Your Life: A Hip
Guide to Happiness and Spirit Junkie: A Radical Road to Self-Love and Miracles. And now she’s
launching her new book, May Cause Miracles, published by Random House. Gabrielle is also
the founder of the social networking site HerFuture.com for women to inspire, empower,
and connect.
Gabby, Gabby, Gabby. Welcome to MarieTV!
I am freakin’ psyched to be back on MarieTV! Second time.
Second time, I know.
So good.
Your first episode, the first one that we did together, was all about manifesting and
I think, I don’t know, like 35,000 people watched that video as of right now.
They were diggin’ it, yeah.
They’re really, really diggin’ it.
So I know you have a new book here, which is May Cause Miracles, your brand new book.
Thank you.
This is huge. So, tell me about this book. It says it’s a guidebook of subtle shifts
for radical change and unlimited happiness. I am so proud of you for this, this is amazing,
but I wanna hear what inspired you? Why did you write this next book?
So you and I talk about this a lot.
We really want to listen to what our audience wants and needs from us.
And so I write my books based on what the call is from the audience. So if people are...
I can sense it. It’s not even necessarily some things people say, I can feel it.
So when I wrote my book Add More -Ing to Your Life, it was very clear that I needed to give
people... it’s called A Hip Guide to Happiness. It needed to be very easy and fun for people
to digest.
Spirit Junkie I felt that my audience needed to know more about me and needed to see myself
qualify the work and say, “Ok, this is who I am. This is how I got here.”
And then when this book came to be, it was really clear to me that it was time for my
readers to be given a handbook and I kept feeling the sense of this call from people
saying, “I just wanna know how to do things. I want to be told what to do.”
That’s really, really interesting because I’ve seen that a lot in my work and just
throughout my career that people want to be given the step by step to anything.
And they...
And you do a great job of that.
Thank you.
But they don’t wanna figure it out on their own and I know that this is... it’s a 42
It’s a 40 day guide.
It’s a 6 week course and it’s broken up into all the different corners of our lives.
So from our personal experience with ourself to our body image to our finances to our experience
of the world to our romantic relationships.
Kind of cover everything.
That’s awesome.
40 day guide, yeah.
And so tell me more about how the book is broken down. So it’s a 40 day guide, there’s
Every day has the same ritualistic practices. So every morning you wake up with a morning
reflection, which this is also really based on my personal practice.
So I was like, “Oh, well what works for me? Let me put this into a practice for everybody
And I really have to say that it works because obviously I’m walking around a pretty happy
girl, you know?
You know, I will say this too, and I love this because you and I have been friends for
years and so I see you when we’re out doing things in the world, like we got to do Oprah
together, and I also see you at parties, but I also hear from you, you know, you call me
up. And that’s one of the things I love about you is that you walk your talk. And
so I love that you’ve put everything that you do down into a book for the rest of
us to be able to learn. So that’s awesome.
That was kinda part of the call. Like, the audience kept saying, “Well, what is it
that you do? How do you start your day? How do you practice these principles? How do you
keep it going?” And so that was really the main message was saying, “Ok, here’s a
morning reflection. Start your day with this new idea. Here’s an affirmation that goes
along with that. You can continue to practice with that affirmation throughout the day.”
And then the final part was at the end of the evening to really sit in contemplation
and that’s when I really do most of my journaling and I do some reading and I open A Course
in Miracles. And so I’ve given all the heavy lifting in the evening because I think people
don’t wanna do that self reflective work in the mornings.
And they don’t have a midday break...
...not everybody.
So it’s an evening exercise to just go a little bit deeper, do some journaling, get
a little dirty.
I like it. So... so, you know, all of our MarieTV viewers, we have folks that maybe
spirituality and God is not really a part of their conversation. But, I have to say,
I think most of them it is part of it whether they consider themselves religious or spiritual,
they’re very open minded to it. And the title of your book is May Cause Miracles.
How do you define a miracle?
So to simplify a miracle, it’s really when we shift our perspective, when we see something
with more love. And it’s often that we’re walking around in these sort of crazy cocoons
thinking, “Oh, I can’t. I don’t have enough. I can’t change my body. I’ll never
have that partner. I can’t have that experience of life that I wanna have.”
And so when we’re locked into that cocoon of negativity, we really feel as though there’s
no way out.
But through these practices we begin to shift our thinking. And the moment that you shift
your thinking, the moment that you say, “I want to see this differently. I’m ready
to see this differently,” that’s when the miracle occurs.
So that’s awesome because I’ve heard you, you know, I attend your lectures and we always
talk and I love that idea that a miracle is simply a shift in perspective. I feel like
that’s so powerful because it doesn't mean, like, the clouds have to part and someone
comes down and then all of a sudden that your life is necessarily different because some
outside force came and, you know, changed your home or gave you a new job. But really
the power of a shift in perception, I know for me, whenever I do have that shift, my
entire life does feel different.
Yeah. Well, when you have that energy shift, then you open the floodgates for everything
to fall into place. And often what I teach is that there’s really a lot of powerful
energy working on our behalf and this is... this is science too. It’s quantum physics.
You know?
It’s like we are vibrating at a certain frequency, and we talked about this in our
last episode.
If you start to think with higher thoughts and move into a more enlightened way of being,
then you literally... it’s almost like you open this massive door for all of the guidance
that you need to expand your life. And the books will come in, the teachers will come
in, the resources will come in, the support system, the publicity will come in to get
the messages out. Whatever it is that you need, you actually say, “I’m ready for
this,” and you open the door for it.
So, Gab, I know this is airing right now and we just... we’re right at the beginning
of 2013 and so many people have resolutions at this time of year. They’re pumped up,
they’re ready to, like, make all these big changes, and I know that May Cause Miracles
can help people actually transform their habits and behavior. Tell me more about that.
Well, one of my big intentions for this book was to make it really helpful for folks that
are ready to make that resolution stick. Because when we hit January 1st, everyone’s like,
“Oh, I’m ready to make changes,” and they’re, like, all psyched about it. And
so that’s when...
That sounded like South Park. That sounded like...
Well, did you want me to do Cartman?
Can you do...?
Hey, Cartman. So we have this experience of wanting to make change.
And we’re ready for that transformational experience. So, for me, it’s like jackpot,
let’s got on these folks now. Let’s give them the tools when they're in that place
of willingness.
Because that’s what most of the book is about, is really opening up to willingness.
But January is a hotspot, it’s like right when we’re all willing to change.
We’re ready to do something different. And so that’s really the first step to having
any resolution stick is having the willingness to make it happen.
So let’s talk about willingness a little bit more, because I find willingness to be
this really kind of magical state, magical kind of tool. Because, for me, if I’m hanging
on to my point of view or my perspective, there’s almost like whenever I’ve been
really bratty, there’s no willingness inside me to even have it transform, whatever my
bratty state is, because I’m so committed to my own point of view. And I think that
for many of us, and I’d love to hear your opinion on this, you know, we say we want
change but we’re not really willing to let go of either our behaviors or our way of thinking.
And so have you noticed that with your work? Like, the willingness piece is a bit of magic?
Yeah, I think that people have to hit a hard enough bottom to really wake up and say, “I’m
ready to do this.” You know?
So it’s like, for me, I’ve been on a path of trying to give up coffee for several years.
And something just hit me. You know, I was given some guidance from one of my spiritual
teachers, it was like, “You need to clean that up if you wanna go big.” You know?
And sometimes there’s just those moments when you’re like, “That was enough of
a bottom.”
And that was just a moment for me to say, “I don't wanna do that anymore.”
And so I think that you can’t deprive someone of their bottom, they have to have that experience
naturally, and there will maybe many moments of just, you know, reverting back to old behavior,
reverting back to old behavior, until you’re really ready to commit.
But the neat thing about January and New Year’s time is that people are kinda like looking
back at last year and they’re like, “Oh, I got shit to do.” You know?
So they’re ready to make some change.
And that’s what this is really, hopefully gonna be a major guide for people to make
that change stick. And the main way that the change will stick is because of the repetition.
Mm. Tell me about that.
So all the yogi’s and the metaphysicians have used these practices, 40 day practices.
So when I do a cun delini meditation, I’ll do it for 40 days. And the purpose of the
40 days is, one, from a neuroscientific perspective, it’s literally changing the neural pathways
in our brain.
You know, we’re... we’re creating new patterns. And then from a spiritual perspective,
it’s just the more you call on spirit, the more you call on a higher way of thinking,
the more that way of thinking becomes your reality.
And so it’s really just the repetition of a new thought.
Love it. Absolutely love it.
So you know one of the things we love to talk about is the idea of winning in your business,
creating a business that you love, creating a life that you love. And whether you’re
an entrepreneur and you have your own business or you’re working in a company or you’re
a freelancer and you work for many different companies, you know, money is one of those
hot topics. And I know that you and I often have fun conversations about this, about the
spirituality of money and, you know, can making more money be spiritual and just the idea
of abundance. And I know that on page 174 you have this, and I thought this was gorgeous:
“The ego has a get mentality rather than a give mentality. When we’re ego minded
with money, we believe we need to get more to be happy. Our peace and salvation has a
dollar amount. Giving can often become an afterthought when getting is the primary function.
And the course teaches to have, give all to all. This concept is confusing to the ego,
but throughout your miracle minded practice you’ll gain real clarity around the true
purpose of giving.” Talk to us a little bit about giving, the ego, getting, and how
that relates to money.
It’s so trippy. You know, the ego, it’s like money and sex are the places where the
ego is just like, goes crazy.
Right? So it’s like with money in particular, people really get hung up about, like, this
sort of hoarding mentality or I need more to get that fulfillment or a way of, you know,
feeling like I’m good enough in the world. Often I’ve seen in people, and I’m sure
you may see this in your practice because you really help people... you see people start
earning more.
But sometimes even when they’re earning more, it’s not... it’s like, “Oh, well
then what’s next?”
And it’s like a lot of this sort of like hovering over, “What’s next? I need more.
I need more.”
And so we need to really hold that energy of yes we can receive more, yes we can earn
more, but we also can give more. And the process of giving, and you know this because you’re
business is very philanthropic. You know?
But not even just being philanthropic, just being a generous person in general. The experience
of saying, you know, “I’m gonna give, I’m gonna write that check, I’m gonna
hire that person, I’m gonna employ people.” This kind of energy is not that hoarding mentality.
And the ego thinks, “I’ve got to hold it all for myself, I have to hoard it, it’s
never enough.” But that give mentality really shifts a lot energetically. It sort of gives
you this essence of abundance. And the essence of abundance is really what starts to call
more abundance into your life.
And so we need to start to open up to the practices of being willing to give.
I love that. Being generous, for me, I always try and look for the places where I’m not
being generous, like, that’s one of my practices. So if I ever catch myself being stingy, you
know, and it can show up in all kinds of places for all of us. I know, you know, one of the
places where... like, Josh and I will order out and he’ll be like, “Oh, can I have
some of that?” I’m like, “No, it’s mine. Why didn't you order the good thing?”
I always have the right thing.
I’m the opposite.
Are you really?
I always order the crappy thing.
Yeah so, you know, but I think it’s fun for us to look at the places, you know, for
me especially if I feel like, “Oh, you know what? I’m doing good,” in terms of generosity
with money. But where am I not being generous with my love? Or where am I not being generous
with, you know, other aspects of my life? And it’s kind of, I think, it’s a fun
You know?
And we were also talking about, you know, tithing and sedacca and, you know, the sedacca
tradition is give 10% of your earnings monthly.
And that’s trippy for people. That’s, like, super hardcore for folks to wrap their
heads around. But, you know, they may wanna consider tithing, the finding that there’s
a place where you’re spiritually fed. And we were talking and we both get checks, like,
random checks or I’ll get a random PayPal statement from somebody and the subject says,
“Tithe,” and it’s, like, $45. And these are the moments when people are saying, “Oh,
you have been feeding me spiritually. I’m going to give.”And I do the same, I mean,
I send checks to my Kundalini center, I send checks to my coaches, you know, just thank
Yeah. No, it is. I remember the first couple of times that that happened, I didn't know
what was going on. I was just like...
Why are these...?
Yeah, I was just like, “Why is this money coming?” But then I saw the little... the
little check and it was really, really beautiful. Gabby, I absolutely love this book. Anything
else that you want to talk about before we go into our challenge for our readers? Anything
else that you really wanna let us know? Because I want everybody to go out and get May Cause
Miracles. I mean, books, for me, are such a source of learning and inspiration. I have
so many books. Josh is always telling me, like, “You’ve gotta get rid of some of
them.” I’m like, “No, they’re my friends.” And I just cannot tell you how much I love...
I love all of your books, but this one I’m really, really excited about because it’s
so practical and it gives us the step by step for true transformation.
Yeah, I mean, I guess I can just sort of close with the fact that I’m just so grateful
that people will be able to have this book as a resource.
And so my hope and intention for everyone is to crack people open. And I can only do
so much, you know, we can only, you know, say what we can say and we can only make suggestions.
But it’s really the reader or the viewer that can say, “I’m gonna go take action.”
And so my hope and my intention is for anyone who watches this episode or anyone who picks
up this book really gets the hit that they need to get to work. And that’s when the
real cracking open occurs, when we actually start to take those daily practices and commit
to the daily practices.
I love it.
And so I hope everybody gets really cracked open from this book.
Yes! So you know what we do here on MarieTV, we always like to challenge you, our viewers,
to take action because insight, I believe, without action is absolutely worthless. So,
Gabs, I know kind of back in our green room we were talking a little bit about what we
could challenge people with today and you had a really good idea. Like, no matter where
you are in your life, whether you’re looking at improving your finances, you wanna see
a miracle around your relationships, maybe it’s around your body or your health, any
aspect of your life, Gabby’s gonna tell you right now what we wanna hear from you
in the comments.
So I really wanna make sure that people can become willing to witness what is not working...
...and become prepared to shift it.
And so they can share with us what they’re willing to shift.
And so looking at your life, taking an inventory, what’s not working? What am I willing to
shift? And putting it out there is major.
I think so.
That’s a massive statement.
It’s really courageous and it also allows other people to support you because, as you
know, our MarieTV audience, our community, is probably one of the most inspiring, positive,
and supportive places on the planet. So you can feel safe that you put the place that
you wanna see a shift happen in the comments below. And so are we starting out with kind
of the place that we’re in a little bit of pain or discomfort with?
Yeah, I mean, there’s a place where you may feel, “Ok, I’m done with this.”
And when you get to that place, it’s really empowering to say, “Hey world, I’m done!”
I’ve been instagramming photos every day of my green juices instead of my coffee and
telling people publicly I’m ready to let go of my coffee and I’m choosing this instead.
And, I’m telling you, having the audiences and people viewing that shift...
...is helping me stay comfortable.
Awesome. So that’s what we want you to do. In the comments below, let us know, what are
you willing to let go of? What are you done with? Make a public declaration and also let
us know what you’re moving towards and how we can support you. Gabby, it is such a pleasure,
always, to have you on MarieTV. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule
to be with us here today and to help us kick off the new year right. I love you dearly.
Thank you.
And for you, as you know, MarieTV rocks and if you like this video, please like it and
share it with your friends. And if you want even more great resources to create a business
and a life you love plus some personal insights from me that I only talk about in email, get
your butt over to MarieForleo.com right now and sign up for email updates. So what I’m
gonna leave you with is what I always leave you with. Stay on your game and keep going
for your dreams because the world needs that special gift only you have. Thank you so much
for tuning in and I’ll catch you next time on MarieTV.