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  • Sometimes science means looking for the extremesthe biggest, smallest, oldest, and furthest.

  • 2019 was no different.

  • Here are three of the science-est things we found this year.

  • First up, in June, scientists published a letter in the journal Nature announcing

  • they'd found microscopic fossils of what might be the world's oldest fungus.

  • The fossils were found in shale rocks from Arctic Canada that scientists sliced up and put into an acid bath.

  • This is a well-established technique that dissolves the rock but can leave fossil material intact.

  • The end result was a kind of organic paste the scientists could examine under a microscope.

  • There they were able to identify long, thin, branching cells that looked remarkably like

  • hair-like structures called hyphae found in modern fungi, as well as spores.

  • And chemical analysis revealed signs of a substance called chitin, which fungi use to build their cell walls.

  • It was enough evidence for the scientists to declare these microfossils to be the world's oldest known fungus.

  • They dated the surrounding rocks to somewhere between eight hundred ninety million and one billion years old.

  • This would be amazing, because it's roughly twice as old as the previous oldest known fungus,

  • though genetic analyses of fungi actually predict they should be about a billion years old.

  • It's nice when the fossil record and laboratory methods agree.

  • However, not all researchers agree with these claims.

  • For example, they're not convinced the material in the fossils really was chitin.

  • But if these are microfossil fungi, they could help us understand how the group came to be.

  • More broadly, it could also teach us about how life first spread from the ocean to the land.

  • Where these fossils were found was likely once a shallow estuary.

  • In modern times, many plants partner with fungi.

  • Perhaps these early fungi helped plants get a foothold on land too.

  • Now, from biology to physics.

  • In March, scientists publishing in the journal Science announced they'd designed a circuit

  • to detect the weakest radio signal physically possible.

  • Radio is the name we give a specific range of wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum.

  • The most basic unit of electromagnetic radiation is the photon.

  • So the weakest possible radio signal would be a single photon.

  • But detecting a single photon can be harder than you'd think.

  • You need a device precise enough, for one thing.

  • And when you're trying to zoom in that much, even minor background events can be a problem.

  • It's possible for photons to just pop in and out of existence, especially in warm environments,

  • adding to the difficulty of detecting a specific one and creatingnoisybackground signals.

  • To get around these problems, the team invented something new

  • a device that could both stabilize and listen to a radio photon, and get rid of that noise.

  • The design used a qubit, the principle behind quantum computers.

  • Qubits, which can be electrons or photons or any other kind of quantum object, can store information,

  • sort of like a traditional computer uses bits.

  • And a special kind of circuit is used to hold on to that qubit.

  • The team needed to tinker with the basic quantum circuit design,

  • which doesn't work super well with radio photons, to work better with their target wavelength.

  • Their design was also able suck away noisy background photons,

  • effectivelycoolingthings down, and letting them detect precisely the one photon they were trying to tune into.

  • A weak signal might sound not that useful, but there are times scientists might like to be able to spot a single photon.

  • Tech like this could one day be used to improve MRIs, or give a boost to radio astronomers studying super-faint sources of radio waves.

  • Finally, let's talk geology.

  • In February, also in Science, scientists announced they'd found what might be the biggestpeakson Earth: like giant mountains, but... not on the surface.

  • The Earth is composed of many different layers.

  • There's the crust, mantle, and core, but those main layers are subdivided into smaller ones.

  • In this case, the scientists were studying a boundary in the mantle, about 660 kilometers down, called the… 660-km boundary.

  • They wanted to know how significant that boundary was.

  • Previous research had suggested the two layers of rock had chemical differences, implying that they weren't smoothly mixing.

  • We can't dig that far down to check, of course.

  • The deepest hole we've ever dug is just twelve kilometers.

  • Instead, they analyzed seismic waves detected after a huge earthquake struck Bolivia back in 1994.

  • Seismic waves can travel like ripples on a pond through the Earth, and, like ripples,

  • they will bounce, bend, or refract if they hit an object or if there's a change in density.

  • The scientists used powerful computers to analyze data collected from that old earthquake.

  • They revealed the boundary was a craggy mess, smooth in some places, but riddled with huge dips and peaks in others.

  • Overall, the topography was more extreme than the Rocky Mountains.

  • These underground peaks between the layers, if they were on the surface,

  • could potentially rival the Himalayas as the biggest mountains on Earth -- though it was hard to tell for sure.

  • Besides being a cool way to peer into the center of the Earth, this can also give us a better understanding of how the mantle mixes.

  • For instance, the chemical differences between layers might be due to

  • the remains of ancient tectonic plates that were drawn down into the mantle.

  • 2019 saw science tackle some of the biggest, smallest, and most ancient questions out there.

  • But then again, that's what science does every year.

  • Our year here at SciShow wouldn't have been a success without the support of our patrons.

  • We are so super grateful for you guys, and we think we have just the coolest community of supporters anywhere.

  • If you'd like to get involved, check out

  • ♪♪♪



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2019年の一番高い・一番小さい・一番古い科学 (The Tallest, Smallest, and Oldest Science of 2019)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日