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  • : edX is learning destination where we have learners from ages of eight years old to 95

  • years old on our platform. And so we've always had this interest in having a diverse set

  • of courses whether at the high school level or university level, professional education

  • and so on. A lot of our courses right now are university level courses and learners

  • are looking for more basic courses, you know, they lack many of the prerequisites. And some

  • of these prerequisite courses come from high schools. And so therefore it is really important

  • that we get the high school courses on the platform. Certainly high school level courses,

  • very basic courses, are more challenging from universities because universities tend to

  • focus on courses that are at the university level.

  • And so with organizations like GEMS and high schools and so on we have the opportunity

  • to get high school level courses that can be more on ramps, can serve as on ramps to

  • university level courses. The challenges that are posed with high school level courses is

  • that high schools very often don't have the resources or video production capabilities

  • and so on to create some of these quality courses. And so there tends to be more of

  • an issue of how do you do the production? How do you provide the support for courses

  • like this? So our thinking there is that edX has a services

  • team. We are very interested in getting what are called advanced placement level courses

  • in the U.S. So one example is that we could use our production team to provide support

  • for some of these courses. We're also looking for funding from philanthropists and other

  • foundations that might be able to provide the funding for these courses. We can then

  • partner with high schools or other organizations like GEMS that can then create these courses.

  • GEMS, for example, has a large cadre of teachers that are already providing, offering courses

  • in a number of areas. And so an organization like GEMS is a natural one to partner to get

  • these high school courses. We also are thinking about courses that are

  • before the advanced placement level. Think of pre-algebra for example. And we're also

  • developing a lot of tools that will enable students to do simulations and various kinds

  • of online laboratories. That tends to be a challenge as well and we are looking to develop

  • a small team within edX that can create some of these enriched content types as well.

  • So STEM subjects versus humanities subjects tend to have different kinds of components

  • that you need. In the STEM area one of the areas that tends to be challenging are laboratories.

  • How do you provide the kind of hands on laboratory experience. At edX we've created online labs

  • that we call, you know, virtual laboratories based on simulation technology. So there students

  • can have a game-like experience as they work with the circuits lab or as they work with

  • the chemistry lab. Or in physics, you know, they can work with an object like a pendulum

  • so they can set the object at various places and see how it moves around all through simulations.

  • So we're able to use simulation technology to provide a rich game-like experience for

  • the labs in STEM subjects. Now let's understand that, you know, not everything

  • is possible to do. So, for example, in chemistry it is hard to capture the smell. But you can

  • certainly look at color and some of the other compositional issues as you titrate different

  • chemicals in various quantities and so on. Now in the humanities side there are other

  • challenges. You may not have the laboratories along the lines of lab benches and so on but

  • in humanities you have other challenges that we try to address in different ways. One example

  • is for assessments in humanities tend to be assessments tend to focus heavily on open

  • responses such as an essay, for example, or a descriptive response.

  • That tends to be challenging. So edX addresses this challenge by developing technologies

  • that can automatically grade and provide feedback for essays. So we have several technologies

  • to do that, three in fact. One of them is called AI Assessment. This technology uses

  • machine learning to grade essays where the professor grades the first 100 essays, for

  • example, against a rubric. And then that is -- that kind of grading trains a statistical

  • machine learning model which can then grade a number of other essays and provide feedback.

  • A second technique is called peer grading where students grade each other's work. And

  • the third technique is called self-assessment where the students can grade themselves. So

  • that tends to be an issue with humanities. Another challenge with humanities is how do

  • you create the small group feel of small group discussions. And for that on the edX platform

  • we've created cohorts. Cohorts is a way for the instructor to divide a big discussion

  • forum into smaller fora so that students can have a more intimate group discussion feel.

  • We also work with a partner, Google, who integrated instant handouts into our platform that enables

  • students to connect with a small group of other students and have instant chat or a

  • video chat session with the other students. That can begin to simulate the kind of small

  • group feel that you might find in small liberal arts colleges.

: edX is learning destination where we have learners from ages of eight years old to 95


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オンライン学習に関するアナント・アグラワル (Anant Agrawal on Online Learning)

  • 46 4
    richardwang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日