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  • PROFESSOR: Well today we're going to learn about something

  • quite amazing.

  • We're going to understand what we mean by a program a little

  • bit more profoundly than we have up till now.

  • Up till now, we've been thinking of programs as

  • describing machines.

  • So for example, looking at this still store, we see here

  • is a program for factorial.

  • And what it is, is a character string description, if you

  • will, of the wiring diagram of a

  • potentially infinite machine.

  • And we can look at that a little bit and

  • just see the idea.

  • That this is a sort of compact notation which says, if n is

  • 0, the result is one.

  • Well here comes n coming into this machine, and if it's 0,

  • then I control this switch in such a way that the switch

  • allows the output to be one.

  • Otherwise, it's n times factorial of n minus one.

  • Well, I'm computing factorial of n minus one and multiplying

  • that by n, and, in the case that it's not 0, this switch

  • makes the output come from there.

  • Of course, this is a machine with a potentially infinite

  • number of parts, because factorial occurs within

  • factorial, so we don't know how deep it has to be.

  • But that's basically what our notation for programs really

  • means to us at this point.

  • It's a character string description, if you will, of a

  • wiring diagram that could also be drawn some other way.

  • And, in fact, many people have proposed to me, programming

  • languages look graphical like this.

  • I'm not sure I believe there are many advantages.

  • The major disadvantage, of course, is that it takes up

  • more space on a page, and, therefore, it's harder to pack

  • into a listing or to edit very well.

  • But in any case, there's something very remarkable that

  • can happen in the competition world which is that you can

  • have something called a universal machine.

  • If we look at the second slide, what we see is a

  • special machine called eval.

  • There is a machine called eval, and I'm going to show it

  • to you today.

  • It's very simple.

  • What is remarkable is that it will fit on the blackboard.

  • However, eval is a machine which takes as input a

  • description of another machine.

  • It could take the wiring diagram of a

  • factorial machine as input.

  • Having done so, it becomes a simulator for the factorial

  • machine such that, if you put a six in, out comes a 720.

  • That's a very remarkable sort of machine.

  • And the most amazing part of it is that it fits on a

  • blackboard.

  • By contrast, one could imagine in the analog electronics

  • world a very different machine, a machine which also

  • was, in some sense, universal, where you gave a circuit

  • diagram as one of the inputs, for example, of this little

  • low-pass filter, one-pole low-pass filter.

  • And you can imagine that you could, for

  • example, scan this out--

  • the scan lines are the signal that's describing what this

  • machine is to simulate--

  • then the analog of that which is made out of electrical

  • circuits, should configure itself into a filter that has

  • the frequency response specified

  • by the circuit diagram.

  • That's a very hard machine to make, and, surely, there's no

  • chance that I could put it on a blackboard.

  • So we're going to see an amazing thing today.

  • We're going to see, on the blackboard,

  • the universal machine.

  • And we'll see that among other things, it's extremely simple.

  • Now, we're getting very close to the real spirit in the

  • computer at this point.

  • So I have to show a certain amount of reverence and

  • respect, so I'm going to wear a suit jacket for the only

  • time that you'll ever see me wear a suit jacket here.

  • And I think I'm also going to put on an appropriate hat for

  • the occasion.

  • Now, this is a lecturer which I have to warn you--

  • let's see, normally, people under 40 and who don't have

  • several children are advised to be careful.

  • If they're really worried, they should leave. Because

  • there's a certain amount of mysticism that will appear

  • here which may be disturbing and cause

  • trouble in your minds.

  • Well in any case, let's see, I wish to write for you the

  • evaluator for Lisp.

  • Now the evaluator isn't very complicated.

  • It's very much like all the programs we've seen already.

  • That's the amazing part of it.

  • It's going to be-- and I'm going to write it right here--

  • it's a program called eval.

  • And it's a procedure of two arguments in expression of an

  • environment.

  • And like every interesting

  • procedure, it's a case analysis.

  • But before I start on this, I want to tell you some things.

  • The program we're going to write on the blackboard is

  • ugly, dirty, disgusting, not the way I would write this is

  • a professional.

  • It is written with concrete syntax, meaning you've got

  • really to use lots of CARs and CDRs which is exactly what I

  • told you not to do.

  • That's on purpose in this case, because I want it to be

  • small, compact, fit on the blackboard so you can get the

  • whole thing.

  • So I don't want to use long names like I normally use.

  • I want to use CAR-CDR because it's short.

  • Now, that's a trade-off.

  • I don't want you writing programs like this.

  • This is purely for an effect.

  • Now, you're going to have to work a little harder to read

  • it, but I'm going to try to make it clear

  • as I'm writing it.

  • I'm also--

  • this is a pretty much complete interpreter, but there's going

  • to be room for putting in more things--

  • I'm going to leave out definition and assignment,

  • just because they are not essential, for a mathematical

  • reason I'll show you later and also they take up more space.

  • But, in any case, what do we have to do?

  • We have to do a dispatch which breaks the types of

  • expressions up into particular classes.

  • So that's what we're going to have here.

  • Well, what expressions are there?

  • Let's look at the kinds of expressions.

  • We can have things like the numeral three.

  • What do I want that to do?

  • I can make choices, but I think right now, I want it to

  • be a three.

  • That's what I want.

  • So that's easy enough.

  • That means I want, if the thing is a number, the

  • expression, that I want the expression

  • itself as the answer.

  • Now the next possibility is things that we

  • represent as symbols.

  • Examples of symbols are things like x, n, eval, number, x.

  • What do I mean them to be?

  • Those are things that stand for other things.

  • Those are the variables of our language.

  • And so I want to be able to say, for example, that x, for

  • example, transforms to it's value which might be three.

  • Or I might ask something like car.

  • I want to have as its value--

  • be something like some procedure, which I don't know

  • what is inside there, perhaps a machine language code or

  • something like that.

  • So, well, that's easy enough.

  • I'm going to push that off on someone else.

  • If something is a symbol, if the expression is a symbol,

  • then I want the answer to be the result, looking up the

  • expression in the environment.

  • Now the environment is a dictionary which maps the

  • symbol names to their values.

  • And that's all it is.

  • How it's done?

  • Well, we'll see that later.

  • It's very easy.

  • It's easy to make data structures that are tables of

  • various sorts.

  • But it's only a table, and this is the access routine for

  • some table.

  • Well, the next thing, another kind of expression--

  • you have things that are described constants that are

  • not numbers, like 'foo.

  • Well, for my convenience, I want to syntactically

  • transform that into a list structure which is, quote foo.

  • A quoted object, whatever it is, is going to be actually an

  • abbreviation, which is not part of the evaluator but

  • happens somewhere else, an abbreviation for an expression

  • that looks like this.

  • This way, I can test for the type of the expression as

  • being a quotation by examining the car of the expression.

  • So I'm not going to worry about that in the evaluator.

  • It's happening somewhere earlier in

  • the reader or something.

  • If the expression of the expression is quote, then what

  • I want, I want quote foo to itself evaluate to foo.

  • It's a constant.

  • This is just a way of saying that this evaluates to itself.

  • What is that?

  • That's the second of the list. It's the second element of the

  • list. The second element of the list is it's CADR. So I'm

  • just going to write here, CADR.

  • What else do we have here?

  • We have lambda expressions, for example,

  • lambda of x plus x y.

  • Well, I going have to have some representation for the

  • procedure which is the value of an expression, of a lambda

  • expression.

  • The procedure here is not the expression lambda x.

  • That's the description of it, the textual description.

  • However, what what I going to expect to see here is

  • something which contains an environment as one of its

  • parts if I'm implementing a lexical language.

  • And so what I'd like to see is some type flags.

  • I'm going to have to be able to distinguish procedures

  • later, procedures which were produced by lambdas, from ones

  • that may be primitive.

  • And so I'm going to have some flag, which I'll just

  • arbitrarily call closure, just for historical reasons.

  • Now, to say what parts of this are important.

  • I'm going to need to know the bound variable

  • list and the body.

  • Well, that's the CDR of this, so it's going to be x and plus

  • x y and some environment.

  • Now this is not something that users should ever see, this is

  • purely a representation, internally,

  • for a procedure object.

  • It contains a bound variable list, a body, and an

  • environment, and some type tag saying, I am a procedure.

  • I'm going to make one now.

  • So if the CAR of the expression is quote lambda,

  • then what I'm going to put here is--

  • I'm going to make a list of closure, the CDR of the

  • procedure description was everything except the lambda,

  • and the current environment.

  • This implements the rule for environments in the

  • environment model.

  • It has to do with construction of procedures from lambda

  • expressions.

  • The environment that was around at the time the

  • evaluator encountered the lambda expression is the

  • environment where the procedure resulting interprets

  • it's free variables.

  • So that's part of that.

  • And so we have to capture that environment as part of the

  • procedure object.

  • And we'll see how that gets used later.

  • There are also conditional expressions of things like

  • COND of say, p one, e one, p two, e two.

  • Where this is a predicate, a predicate is a thing that is

  • either true or false, and the expression to be evaluated if

  • the predicate is true.

  • A set of clauses, if you will, that's the

  • name for such a thing.

  • So I'm going put that somewhere else.

  • We're going to worry about that in another piece of code.

  • So EQ--

  • if the CAR of the expression is COND, then I'm going to do

  • nothing more than evaluate the COND, the CDR of the

  • expression.

  • That's all the clauses in the environment that I'm given.

  • Well, there's one more case, arbitrary thing like the sum

  • of x and three, where this is an operator applied to

  • operands, and there's nothing special about it.

  • It's not one of the special cases, the special forms.

  • These are the special forms.

  • And if I were writing here a professional program, again, I

  • would somehow make this data directed.

  • So there wouldn't be a sequence of conditionals here,

  • there'd be a dispatch on some bits if I were trying to do

  • this in a more professional way.

  • So that, in fact, I can add to the thing without changing my

  • program much.

  • So, for example, they would run fast, but I'm not worried

  • about that.

  • Here we're trying to look at this in its entirety.

  • So it's else.

  • Well, what do we do?

  • In this case, I have to somehow do an addition.

  • Well, I could find out what the plus is.

  • I have to find out what the x and the three are.

  • And then I have to apply the result of finding what the

  • plus is to the result of finding out what the x

  • and the three are.

  • We'll have a name for that.

  • So I'm going to apply the result of evaluating the CAR

  • of the expression--

  • the car of the expression is the operator--

  • in the environment given.

  • So evaluating the operator gets me the procedure.

  • Now I have to evaluate all the operands to get the arguments.

  • I'll call that EVLIST, the CDR of the operands, of the

  • expression, with respect to the environment.

  • EVLIST will come up later--

  • EVLIST, apply, COND pair, COND, lambda, define.

  • So that what you are seeing here now is pretty much all

  • there is in the evaluator itself.

  • It's the case dispatch on the type of the expression with

  • the default being a general application or a combination.

  • Now there is lots of things we haven't defined yet.

  • Let's just look at them and see what they are.

  • We're going to have to do this later, evcond.

  • We have to write apply.

  • We're going to have to write EVLIST. We're

  • going to write LOOKUP.

  • I think that's everything, isn't there?

  • Everything else is something which is simple, or primitive,

  • or something like that.

  • And, of course, we could many more special forms here, but

  • that would be a bad idea in general in a language.

  • You make a language very complicated by putting a lot

  • of things in there.

  • The number of reserve words that should exist in a

  • language should be no more than a person could remember

  • on his fingers and toes.

  • And I get very upset with languages which have hundreds

  • of reserve words.

  • But that's where the reserve words go.

  • Well, now let's get to the next part of

  • this, the kernel, apply.

  • What else is this doing?

  • Well, apply's job is to take a procedure and apply it to its

  • arguments after both have been evaluated to come up with a

  • procedure and the arguments rather the operator symbols

  • and the operand symbols, whatever they are--

  • symbolic expressions.

  • So we will define apply to be a procedure of two arguments,

  • a procedure and arguments.

  • And what does it do?

  • It does nothing very complicated.

  • It's got two cases.

  • Either the procedure is primitive--

  • And I don't know exactly how that is done.

  • It's possible there's some type information just like we

  • made closure for, here, being the description of the type of

  • a compound thing--

  • probably so.

  • But it is not essential how that works, and, in fact, it

  • turns out, as you probably know or have deduced, that you

  • don't need any primitives anyway.

  • You can compute anything without them because some of

  • the lambda that I've been playing with.

  • But it's nice to have them.

  • So here we're going to do some magic which I'm

  • not going to explain.

  • Go to machine language, apply primop.

  • Here's how it adds.

  • Execute an add instruction.

  • However, the interesting part of a language is the glue by

  • which the predicates are glued together.

  • So let's look at that.

  • Well, the other possibility is that this is a compound made

  • up by executing a lambda expression, this

  • is a compound procedure.

  • Well, we'll check its type.

  • If it is closure, if it's one of those, then I have to do an

  • eval of the body.

  • The way I do this, the way I deal with this at all, is the

  • way I evaluate the application of a procedure to its

  • arguments, is by evaluating the body of the procedure in

  • the environment resulting from extending the environment of

  • the procedure with the bindings of the formal

  • parameters of the procedure to the arguments that

  • were passed to it.

  • That was a long sentence.

  • Well that's easy enough.

  • Now here's going to be a lot of CAR-CDRing.

  • I have to get the body of the procedure.

  • Where's the body of the procedure in here?

  • Well here's the CAR, here's the CDR is the

  • whole rest of this.

  • So here's the CADR. And so I see, what I have here is the

  • body is the second element of the second

  • element of the procedure.

  • So it's the CADR of the CADR or the CADADR.

  • It's the C-A-D-A-D-R, CADADR of the procedure.

  • To evaluate the body in the result of binding that's

  • making up more environment, well I need the formal

  • parameters of the of the procedure, what is that?

  • That's the CAR of the CDR. It's horrible isn't it?

  • --of the procedure.

  • Bind that to the arguments that were passed in the

  • environment, which is passed also as part of the procedure.

  • Well, that's the CAR of the CDR of the CDR of this,

  • CADADR, of the procedure.

  • Bind, eval, pair, COND, lamda, define--

  • Now, of course, if I were being really a neat character,

  • and I was being very careful, I would actually put an extra

  • case here for checking for certain errors like, did you

  • try to apply one to an argument?

  • You get a undefined procedure type.

  • So I may as well do that anyway.

  • --else, some sort of error, like that.

  • Now, of course, again, in some sort of more real system,

  • written for professional reasons, this would be written

  • with a case analysis done by some sort of dispatch.

  • Over here, I would probably have other cases like, is this

  • compiled code?

  • It's very important.

  • I might have distinguished the kind of code that's produced

  • by a directly evaluating a lambda in interpretation from

  • code that was produced by somebody's compiler or

  • something like that.

  • And we'll talk about that later.

  • Or is this a piece Fortran program I have

  • to go off and execute.

  • It's a perfectly possible thing, at this

  • point, to do that.

  • In fact, in this concrete syntax evaluator I'm writing

  • here, there's an assumption built in that this is Lisp,

  • because I'm using CARs and CDRs.

  • CAR means the operator, and CDR means the operand.

  • In the text, there is an abstract syntax evaluator for

  • which these could be--

  • these are given abstract names like operator, and operand,

  • and all these other things are like that.

  • And, in that case, you could reprogram it to be ALGOL with

  • no problem.

  • Well, here we have added another couple of things that

  • we haven't defined.

  • I don't think I'll worry about these at all, however, this

  • one will be interesting later.

  • Let's just proceed through this and get it done.

  • There's only two more blackboards so it

  • can't be very long.

  • It's carefully tailored to exactly fit.

  • Well, what do we have left?

  • We have to define EVLIST, which is over here.

  • And EVLIST is nothing more than a map down a bunch of

  • operands producing arguments.

  • But I'm going to write it out.

  • And one of the reasons I'm going to write this out is for

  • a mystical reason, which is I want to make this evaluator so

  • simple that it can understand itself.

  • I'm going to really worry about that a little bit.

  • So let's write it out completely.

  • See, I don't want to worry about whether or not the thing

  • can pass functional arguments.

  • The value evaluator is not going to use them.

  • The evaluator is not going to produce functional values.

  • So even if there were a different, alternative

  • language that were very close to this, this evaluates a

  • complex language like Scheme which does allow procedural

  • arguments, procedural values, and procedural data.

  • But even if I were evaluating ALGOL, which doesn't allow

  • procedural values, I could use this evaluator.

  • And this evaluator is not making any

  • assumptions about that.

  • And, in fact, if this value were to be restricted to not

  • being able to that, it wouldn't matter, because it

  • doesn't use any of those clever things.

  • So that's why I'm arranging this to be super simple.

  • This is sort of the kernel of all possible language

  • evaluators.

  • How about that?

  • Evlist--

  • well, what is it?

  • It's the procedure of two arguments, l and an

  • environment, where l is a list such that if the list of

  • arguments is the empty list, then the result is the empty

  • list. Otherwise, I want to cons up the result of

  • evaluating the CAR of the list of operands in the

  • environment.

  • So I want the first operand evaluated, and I'm going to

  • make a list of the results by CONSing that onto the result

  • of this EVLISTing as a CDR recursion, the CDR of the list

  • relative to the same environment.

  • Evlist, cons, else, COND, lambda, define--

  • And I have one more that I want to put on the blackboard.

  • It's the essence of this whole thing.

  • And there's some sort of next layer down.

  • Conditionals--

  • conditionals are the only thing left that are sort of

  • substantial.

  • Then below that, we have to worry about things like lookup

  • and bind, and we'll look at that in a second.

  • But of the substantial stuff at this level of detail, next

  • important thing is how you deal with conditionals.

  • Well, how do we have a conditional thing?

  • It's a procedure of a set of clauses and an environment.

  • And what does it do?

  • It says, if I've no more clauses, well, I have to give

  • this a value.

  • It could be that it was an error.

  • Supposing it run off the end of a

  • conditional, it's pretty arbitrary.

  • It's up to me as programmer to choose what I want to happen.

  • It's convenient for me, right now, to write down that this

  • has a value which is the empty list, doesn't matter.

  • For error checking, some people might

  • prefer something else.

  • But the interesting things are the following ones.

  • If I've got an else clause--

  • You see, if I have a list of clauses, then each clause is a

  • list. And so the predicate part is

  • the CAAR of the clauses.

  • It's the CAR, which is the first part of the first clause

  • in the list of clauses.

  • If it's an else, then it means I want my result of the

  • conditional to be the result of evaluating the matching

  • expression.

  • So I eval the CADR. So this is the first clause, the second

  • element of it, CADAR--

  • CADAR of a CAR--

  • of the clauses, with respect to the environment.

  • Now the next possibility is more interesting.

  • If it's false, if the first predicate in the predicate

  • list is not an else, and it's not false, if it's not the

  • word else, and if it's not a false thing--

  • Let's write down what it is if it's a false thing.

  • If the result of evaluating the first

  • predicate, the clauses--

  • respect the environment, if that evaluation yields false,

  • then it means, I want to look at the next clause.

  • So I want to discard the first one.

  • So we just go around loop, evcond, the CDR of the clauses

  • relative to that environment.

  • And otherwise, I had a true clause, in which case, what I

  • want is to evaluate the CADAR of the clauses relative to

  • that environment.

  • Boy, it's almost done.

  • It's quite close to done.

  • I think we're going to finish this part off.

  • So just buzzing through this evaluator, but so far you're

  • seeing almost everything.

  • Let's look at the next transparency here.

  • Here is bind.

  • Bind is for making more table.

  • And what we are going to do here is make a--

  • we're going to make a no-frame for an environment structure.

  • The environment structure is going to be represented as a

  • list of frames.

  • So given an existing environment structure, I'm

  • going to make a new environment structure by

  • consing a new frame onto the existing environment

  • structure, where the new frame consists of the result of

  • pairing up the variables, which are the bound variables

  • of the procedure I'm applying, to the values which are the

  • arguments that were passed that procedure.

  • This is just making a list, adding a new element to our

  • list of frames, which is an environment structure, to make

  • a new environment.

  • Where pair-up is very simple.

  • Pair-up is nothing more than if I have a list of variables

  • and a list of values, well, if I run out of variables and if

  • I run out of values, everything's OK.

  • Otherwise, I've given too many arguments.

  • If I've not run out of variables, but I've run out of

  • values, that I have too few arguments.

  • And in the general case, where I don't have any errors, and

  • I'm not done, then I really am just adding a new pair of the

  • first variable with the first argument, the first value,

  • onto a list resulting from pairing-up the rest of the

  • variables with the rest of the values.

  • Lookup is of course equally simple.

  • If I have to look up a symbol in an environment, well, if

  • the environment is empty, then I've got an unbound variable.

  • Otherwise, what I'm going to do is use a special pair list

  • lookup procedure, which we'll have very shortly, of the

  • symbol in the first frame of the environment.

  • Since I know the environment is not empty, it must have a

  • first frame.

  • So I lookup the symbol in the first frame.

  • That becomes the value cell here.

  • And then, if the value cell is empty, if there is no such

  • value cell, then I have to continue and look at the rest

  • of the frames.

  • It means there was nothing found there.

  • So that's a property of ASSQ is it returns emptiness if it

  • doesn't find something.

  • but if it did find something, then I'm going to use the CDR

  • of the value cell here, which is the thing that was the pair

  • consisting of the variable and the value.

  • So the CDR of it is the value part.

  • Finally, ASSQ is something you've probably seen already.

  • ASSQ takes a symbol and a list of pairs, and if the list is

  • empty, it's empty.

  • If the symbol is the first thing in the list--

  • That's an error.

  • That should be CAAR, C-A-A-R. Everybody note that.

  • Right there, OK?

  • And in any case, if the symbol is the CAAR of the A list,

  • then I want the first, the first pair, in the A list. So,

  • in other words, if this is the key matching the right entry,

  • otherwise, I want to look up that symbol in the rest. Sorry

  • for producing a bug, bugs appear.

  • Well, in any case, you're pretty much seeing

  • the whole thing now.

  • It's a very beautiful thing, even though it's written in an

  • ugly style, being the kernel of every language.

  • I suggest that we just--

  • let's look at it for a while.


  • Are there any questions?

  • Alright, I suppose it's time to take a small break then.


  • OK, now we're just going to do a little bit of practice

  • understanding what it is we've just shown you.

  • What we're going to do is go through, in detail, an

  • evaluation by informally substituting through the

  • interpreter.

  • And since we have no assignments or definitions in

  • this interpreter, we have no possible side effects, and so

  • the we can do substitution with impunity and not worry

  • about results.

  • So the particular problem I'd like to look at is it an

  • interesting one.

  • It's the evaluation of quote, open, open, open, lambda of x,

  • lambda of y plus x y, lambda, lambda, applied to three,

  • applied to four, in some global environment

  • which I'll call e0.

  • So what we have here is a procedure of one argument x,

  • which produces as its value a procedure of one argument y,

  • which adds x to y.

  • We are applying the procedure of one argument x to three.

  • So x should become three.

  • And the result of that should be procedure of one argument

  • y, which will then apply to 4.

  • And there is a very simple case, they will

  • then add those results.

  • And now in order to do that, I want to make a very simple

  • environment model.

  • And at this point, you should already have in your mind the

  • environments that this produces.

  • But we're going to start out with a global environment,

  • which I'll call e0, which is that.

  • And it's going to have in it things, definitions for plus,

  • and times, and--

  • using Greek letters, isn't that

  • interesting, for the objects--

  • and minus, and quotient, and CAR, and CDR, and CONS, and

  • EQ, and everything else you might imagine in a global

  • environment.

  • It's got something there for each of those things,

  • something the machine is born with, that's e0.

  • Now what does it mean to do this evaluation?

  • Well, we go through the set of special forms. First of all,

  • this is not a number.

  • This is not a symbol.

  • Gee, it's not a quoted expression.

  • This is a quoted expression, but that's not what I

  • interested in.

  • The question is, whether or not the thing which is quoted

  • is quoted expression?

  • I'm evaluating an expression.

  • This just says it's this particular expression.

  • This is not a quoted expression.

  • It's not a thing that begins with lambda.

  • It's not a thing that begins with COND.

  • Therefore, it's an application of its

  • of an operated operands.

  • It's a combination.

  • The combination thus has this as the operator and this is

  • the operands.

  • Well, that means that what I'm going to do is transform this

  • into apply of eval, of quote, open, open lambda of

  • x, lambda of y--

  • I'm evaluating the operator--

  • plus x y, in the environment, also e0, with the operands

  • that I'm going to apply this to, the arguments being the

  • result of EVLIST, the list containing four, fin e0.

  • I'm using this funny notation here for e0 because this

  • should be that environment.

  • I haven't a name for it, because I have no environment

  • to name it in.

  • So this is just a representation of what would

  • be a quoted expression, if you will.

  • The data structure, which is the environment, goes there.

  • Well, that's what we're seeing here.

  • Well in order to do this, I have to do this, and

  • I have to do that.

  • Well this one's easy, so why don't we do that one first.

  • This turns into apply of eval-- just

  • copying something now.

  • Most of the substitution rule is copying.

  • So I'm going to not say the words when I copy, because

  • it's faster.

  • And then the EVLIST is going to turn into a cons, of eval,

  • of four, in e0--

  • because it was not an empty list--

  • onto the result of EVLISTing, on the empty list, in e0.

  • And I'm going to start leaving out steps soon, because it's

  • going to get boring.

  • But this is basically the same thing as apply, of eval--

  • I'm going to keep doing this--

  • the lambda of x, the lambda of y, plus xy, 3, close, e0.

  • I'm a pretty good machine.

  • Well, eval of four, that's meets the

  • question, is it a number.

  • So that's cons, cons of 4.

  • And EVLIST of the empty list is the empty

  • list, so that's this.

  • And that's very simple to understand, because that means

  • the list containing four itself.

  • So this is nothing more than apply of eval, quote, open,

  • open, lambda of x, lambda of y, plus x y, three applied to,

  • e0, applied to the list four--

  • bang.

  • So that's that step.

  • Now let's look at the next, more interesting thing.

  • What do I do to evaluate that?

  • Evaluating this means I have to evaluate--

  • Well, it's not.

  • It's nothing but an application.

  • It's not one of the special things.

  • If the application of this operator, which we see here--

  • here's the operator--

  • applied to this operands, that combination.

  • But we know how to do that, because that's the last case

  • of the conditional.

  • So substituting in for this evaluation, it's apply of eval

  • of the operator in the EVLIST of the operands.

  • Well, it's apply, of apply, of eval, of quote, open, lambda

  • of x, lambda of y, plus x y, lambda, lambda,

  • in environment e0.

  • I'm going to short circuit the evaluation of the operands ,

  • because they're the same as they were before.

  • I got a list containing three, apply that, and

  • apply that to four.

  • Well let's see.

  • Eval of a lambda expression produces a procedure object.

  • So this is apply, of apply, of the procedure object closure,

  • which contains the body of the procedure, x, which is

  • lambda-- which binds x [UNINTELLIGIBLE]

  • the internals of the body, it returns the procedure of one

  • argument y, which adds x to y.

  • Environment e0 is now captured in it, because this was

  • evaluated with respect to e0.

  • e0 is part now of the closure object.

  • Apply that to open, three, close, apply, to open, 4,

  • close, apply.

  • So going from this step to this step meant that I made up

  • a procedure object which captured in it e0 as part of

  • the procedure object.

  • Now, we're going to pass those to apply.

  • We have to apply this procedure

  • to that set of arguments.

  • Well, but that procedure is not primitive.

  • It's, in fact, a thing which has got the tag closure, and,

  • therefore, what we have to do is do a bind.

  • We have to bind.

  • A new environment is made at this point, which has as its

  • parent environment the one over here, e0, that

  • environment.

  • And we'll call this one, e1.

  • Now what's bound in there?

  • x is bound to three.

  • So I have x equal three.

  • That's what's in there.

  • And we'll call that e1.

  • So what this transforms into is an eval of the body of

  • this, which is this, the body of that procedure, in the

  • environment that you just saw.

  • So that's an apply, of eval, quote, open, lambda of y, plus

  • x y-- the body--

  • in e1.

  • And apply the result of that to four, open, close, 4--

  • list of arguments.

  • Well, that's sensible enough because evaluating a lambda, I

  • know what to do.

  • That means I apply, the procedure which is closure,

  • binds one argument y, adds x to y, with e1 captured in it.

  • And you should really see this.

  • I somehow manufactured a closure.

  • I should've put this here.

  • There was one over here too.

  • Well, there's one here now.

  • I've captured e1, and this is the procedure of one argument

  • y, whatever this is.

  • That's what that is there, that closure.

  • I'm going to apply that to four.

  • Well, that's easy enough.

  • That means I have to make a new environment by copying

  • this pointer, which was the pointer of the procedure,

  • which binds y equal 4 with that environment.

  • And here's my new environment, which I'll call e2.

  • And, of course, this application then is evaluate

  • the body in e2.

  • So this is eval, the body, which is plus x y, in the

  • environment e2.

  • But this is an application, so this is the apply, of eval,

  • plus in e2, an EVLIST, quote, open, x y, in e2.

  • Well, but let's see.

  • That is apply, the object which is a

  • result of that and plus.

  • So here we are in e2, plus is not here, it's not here, oh,

  • yes, but's here as some primitive operator.

  • So it's the primitive operator for addition.

  • Apply that to the result of evaluating x and y in e2.

  • But we can see that x is three and y is four.

  • So that's a three and four, here.

  • And that magically produces for me a seven.

  • I wanted to go through this so you would see, essentially,

  • one important ingredient, which is what's being passed

  • around, and who owns what, and what his job is.

  • So what do we have here?

  • We have eval, and we have apply, the two main players.

  • And there is a big loop the goes around like this.

  • Which is eval produces a procedure and

  • arguments for apply.

  • Now some things eval could do by itself.

  • Those are little self things here.

  • They're not interesting.

  • Also eval evaluates all of the arguments, one after another.

  • That's not very interesting.

  • Apply can apply some procedures like plus, not very

  • interesting.

  • However, if apply can't apply a procedure like plus, it

  • produces an expression and environment for eval.

  • The procedural arguments wrap up essentially the state of a

  • computation and, certainly, the expression of environment.

  • And so what we're actually going to do next is not the

  • complete state, because it doesn't say

  • who wants the answers.

  • But what we're going to do-- it's always got something like

  • an expression of environment or procedure and arguments as

  • the main loop that we're going around.

  • There are minor little sub loops like eval through

  • EVLIST, or eval through evcond, or apply through a

  • primitive apply.

  • But they're not the essential things.

  • So that's what I wanted you to see.

  • Are there any questions?

  • Yes.

  • AUDIENCE: I'm trying to understand how x got down to

  • three instead of four.

  • At the early part of the--

  • PROFESSOR: Here.

  • You want to know how x got down to three?

  • AUDIENCE: Because x is the outer procedure, and x and y

  • are the inner procedure.

  • PROFESSOR: Fine.

  • Well, I was very careful and mechanical.

  • First of all, I should write those procedures again for

  • you, pretty printed.

  • First order of business, because you're probably not

  • reading them well.

  • So I have here that procedure of--

  • was it x over there--

  • which is--

  • value of that procedure of y, which adds x to y, lambda,

  • lambda, applied that to three, takes the result of that, and

  • applied that to four.

  • Is that not what I wrote?

  • Now, you should immediately see that here is an

  • application--

  • let me get a white piece of chalk--

  • here is an application, a combination.

  • That combination has this as the operator

  • and this as the operand.

  • The three is going in for the x here.

  • The result of this is a procedure of one argument y,

  • which gets applied to four.

  • So you just weren't reading the expression right.

  • The way you see that over here is that here I have the actual

  • procedure object, x.

  • It's getting applied to three, the list containing three.

  • What I'm left over with is something which

  • gets applied to four.

  • Are there any other questions?

  • Time for our next small break then.

  • Thank you.


  • Let's see, at this point, you should be getting the feeling,

  • what's this nonsense this Sussman

  • character is feeding me?

  • There's an awful lot of strange nonsense here.

  • After all, he purported to explain to me Lisp, and he

  • wrote me a Lisp program on the blackboard.

  • The Lisp program was intended to be interpreted for Lisp,

  • but you need a Lisp interpreter in order to

  • understand that program.

  • How could that program have told me anything there is to

  • be known about Lisp?

  • How is that not completely vacuous?

  • It's a very strange thing.

  • Does it tell me anything at all?

  • Well, you see, the whole thing is sort of like these Escher's

  • hands that we see on this slide.

  • Yes, eval and apply each sort of draw each other and

  • construct the real thing, which can sit

  • out and draw itself.

  • Escher was a very brilliant man, he just didn't know the

  • names of these spirits.

  • Well, I'm going to do now, is I'm going to try to convince

  • you that both this mean something, and, as a aside,

  • I'm going to show you why you don't need definitions.

  • Just turns out that that sort of falls out, why definitions

  • are not essential in a mathematical sense for doing

  • all the things we need to do for computing.

  • Well, let's see here.

  • Consider the following small program, what does it mean?

  • This is a program for computing exponentials.

  • The exponential of x to the nth power is if--

  • and is zero, then the result is one.

  • Otherwise, I want the product of x and the result of

  • exponentiating x to the n minus one power.

  • I think I got it right.

  • Now this is a recursive definition.

  • It's a definition of the exponentiation procedure in

  • terms of itself.

  • And, as it has been mentioned before, your high school

  • geometry teacher probably gave you a hard time

  • about things like that.

  • Was that justified?

  • Why does this self referential definition make any sense?

  • Well, first of all, I'm going to convince you that your high

  • school geometry teacher was I telling you nonsense.

  • Consider the following set of definitions here.

  • x plus y equals three, and x minus y equal one.

  • Well, gee, this tells you x in terms of y, and this one tells

  • you y in terms of x, presumably.

  • And yet this happens to have a unique solution in x and y.

  • However, I could also write two x plus two y is six.

  • These two equations have an infinite number solutions.

  • And I could write you, for example, x minus y equal 2,

  • and these two equations have no solutions.

  • Well, I have here three sets of simultaneous linear

  • equations, this set, this set, and this set.

  • But they have different numbers of solutions.

  • The number of solutions is not in the form of the equations.

  • They all three sets have the same form.

  • The number of solutions is in the content.

  • I can't tell by looking at the form of a definition whether

  • it makes sense, only by its detailed content.

  • What are the coefficients, for example, in the

  • case of linear equations?

  • So I shouldn't expect to be able to tell looking at

  • something like this, from some simple things like, oh yes,

  • EXPT is the solution of this recursion equation.

  • Expt is the procedure which if substituted in here,

  • gives me EXPT back.

  • I can't tell, looking at this form, whether or not there's a

  • single, unique solution for EXPT, an infinite number of

  • solutions, or no solutions.

  • It's got to be how it counts and things

  • like that, the details.

  • And it's harder in programming than linear algebra.

  • There aren't too many theorems about it in programming.

  • Well, I want to rewrite these equations a little

  • bit, these over here.

  • Because what we're investigating is

  • equations like this.

  • But I want to play a little with equations like this that

  • we understand, just so we get some insight into

  • this kind of question.

  • We could rewrite our equations here, say these two, the ones

  • that are interesting, as x equals three minus y, and y

  • equals x minus one.

  • What do we call this transformation?

  • This is a linear transformation, t.

  • Then what we're getting here is an equation x y

  • equals t of x y.

  • What am I looking for?

  • I'm looking for a fixed point of t.

  • The solution is a fixed point of t.

  • So the methods we should have for looking for solutions to

  • equations, if I can do it by fixed points, might be

  • applicable.

  • If I have a means of finding a solution to an equations by

  • fixed points--

  • just, might not work--

  • but it might be applicable to investigating solutions of

  • equations like this.

  • But what I want you to feel is that this is an equation.

  • It's an expression with several instances of various

  • names which puts a constraint on the name, saying what that

  • name could have as its value, rather than some sort of

  • mechanical process of substitution right now.

  • This is an equation which I'm going to try to solve.

  • Well, let's play around and solve it.

  • First of all, I want to write down the function which

  • corresponds to t.

  • First I want to write down the function which corresponds to

  • t whose fixed point is the answer to this question.

  • Well, let's consider the following procedure f.

  • I claim it computes that function.

  • f is that procedure of one argument g, which is that

  • procedure of two arguments x and n.

  • Which have the property that if n is zero, then the result

  • is one, otherwise, the result is the product of x and g,

  • applied to x, and minus n1.

  • g, times, else, COND, lambda, lambda--

  • Here f is a procedure, which if I had a solution to that

  • equation, if I had a good exponentiation procedure, and

  • I applied f to that procedure, then the result would be a

  • good exponentiation procedure.

  • Because, what does it do?

  • Well, all it is is exposing g were a good exponentiation

  • procedure, well then this would produce, as its value, a

  • procedure to arguments x and n, such that if n were 0, the

  • result would be one, which is certainly true of

  • exponentiation.

  • Otherwise, it will be the result of multiplying x by the

  • exponentiation procedure given to me with x and n minus one

  • as arguments.

  • So if this computed the correct exponentiation for n

  • minus one, then this would be the correct exponentiation for

  • exponent n, so this would have been the right

  • exponentiation procedure.

  • So what I really want to say here is E-X-P-T is a fixed

  • point of f.

  • Now our problem is there might be more than one fixed point.

  • There might be no fixed points.

  • I have to go hunting for the fixed points.

  • Got to solve this equation.

  • Well there are various ways to hunt for fixed points.

  • Of course, the one we played with at the beginning of this

  • term worked for cosine.

  • Go into radians mode on your calculator and push cosine,

  • and just keep doing it, and you get to some number which

  • is about 0.73 or 0.74.

  • I can't remember which.

  • By iterating a function, whose fixed point I'm searching for,

  • it is sometimes the case that that function will converge in

  • producing the fixed point.

  • I think we luck out in this case, so let's look for it.

  • Let's look at this slide.

  • Consider the following sequence of procedures.

  • e0 over here is the procedure which does nothing at all.

  • It's the procedure which produces an error for any

  • arguments you give it.

  • It's basically useless.

  • Well, however, I can make an approximation.

  • Let's consider it the worst possible approximation to

  • exponentiation, because it does nothing.

  • Well, supposing I substituted e0 for g by calling f, as you

  • see over here on e0.

  • So you see over here, have e0 there.

  • Then gee, what's e1?

  • e1 is a procedure which exponentiate things to the 0th

  • power, with no trouble.

  • It gets the right answer, anything to the zero is one,

  • and it makes an error on anything else.

  • Well, now what if I take e1 and I substitute if for g by

  • calling f on e1?

  • Oh gosh, I have here a procedure of two arguments.

  • Now remember e1 was appropriate for taking

  • exponentiations of 0, for raising to the 0 exponent.

  • So here, is n is 0, the result is one, so this guy is good

  • for that too.

  • However, I can use something for raising to the 0th power

  • to multiply it by x to raise something to the first power.

  • So e2 is good for both power 0 and one.

  • And e3 is constructed from e2 in the same way.

  • And e3, of course, by the same argument is good for powers 0,

  • one, and two.

  • And so I will assert for you, without proof, because the

  • proof is horribly difficult.

  • And that's the sort of thing that people called

  • denotational semanticists do.

  • This great idea was invented by Scott and Strachey.

  • They're very famous mathematician types who

  • invented the interpretation for these programs that we

  • have that I'm talking to you about right now.

  • And they proved, by topology that there is such a fixed

  • point in the cases that we want.

  • But the assertion is E-X-P-T is limit as n goes

  • to infinity of em.

  • and And that we've constructed this by the following way.

  • --is Well, it's f of, f of, f of, f of, f of--

  • f applied to anything at all.

  • It didn't matter what that was, because, in fact, this

  • always produces an error.

  • Applied to this--

  • That's by infinite nesting of f's.

  • So now my problem is to make some infinite things.

  • We need some infinite things.

  • How am I going to nest up an f an infinite number of times?

  • I'd better construct this.

  • Well, I don't know.

  • How would I make an infinite loop at all?

  • Let's take a very simple infinite loop, the simplest

  • infinite loop imaginable.

  • If I were to take that procedure of one argument x

  • which applies x to x and apply that to the procedure of one

  • argument x which applies x to x, then this

  • is an infinite loop.

  • The reason why this is an infinite loop is as follows.

  • The way I understand this is I substitute the argument for

  • the formal parameter in the body.

  • But if I do that, I take for each of these x's, I

  • substitute one of these, making a copy of the original

  • expression I just started with, the

  • simplest infinite loop.

  • Now I want to tell you about a particular operator which is

  • constructed by a perturbation from this infinite loop.

  • I'll call it y.

  • This is called Curry's Paradoxical Combinator of y

  • after a fellow by the name of Curry, who was a logician of

  • the 1930s also.

  • And if I have a procedure of one argument f, what's it

  • going to have in it?

  • It's going to have a kind of infinite loop in it, which is

  • that procedure of one argument x which applies f to x of x,

  • applied to that procedure of one argument x, which applies

  • f to f of x.

  • Now what's this do?

  • Suppose we apply y to F. Well, that's easy enough.

  • That's this capital F over here.

  • Well, the easiest thing to say there is, I

  • substitute F for here.

  • So that's going to give me, basically--

  • because then I'm going to substitute this for x in here.

  • Let me actually do it in steps, so you can see it

  • completely.

  • I'm going to be very careful.

  • This is open, open, lambda of x , capital F, x, x, applied

  • to itself, F of x of x.

  • Substituting this for this in here, this is F applied to--

  • what is it--

  • substituting this in here, open, open, lambda of x, F, of

  • x and x, applied to lambda of x, F of x of x, F, lambda,

  • pair, F.

  • Oh, but what is this?

  • This thing over here that I just computed, is

  • this thing over here.

  • But I just wrapped another F around it.

  • So by applying y to F, I make an infinite series of F's.

  • If I just let this run forever, I'll just keep making

  • more and more F's outside.

  • I ran an infinite loop which is useless, but it doesn't

  • matter that the inside is useless.

  • So y of F is F applied to y of F. So y is a magical thing

  • which, when applied to some function, produces the object

  • which is the fixed point of that function, if it exists,

  • and if this all works.

  • Because, indeed, if I take y of F and put it into F, I get

  • y of F out.

  • Now I want you to think this in terms of the eval-apply

  • interpreter for a bit.

  • I wrote down a whole bunch of recursion equations out there.

  • They're simultaneous in the same way these are

  • simultaneous equations.

  • Exponentiation was not a simultaneous equation.

  • It was only one variable I was looking for a meaning for.

  • But what Lisp is is the fixed point of the process which

  • says, if I knew what Lisp was and substituted it in for

  • eval, and apply, and so on, on the right hand sides of all

  • those recursion equations, then if it was a real good

  • Lisp, is a real one, then the left hand side

  • would also be Lisp.

  • So I made sense of that definition.

  • Now whether or not there's an answer isn't so obvious.

  • I can't attack that.

  • Now these arguments that I'm giving you

  • now are quite dangerous.

  • Let's look over here.

  • These are limit arguments.

  • We're talking about limits, and it's really calculus, or

  • topology, or something like that, a kind of analysis.

  • Now here's an argument that you all believe.

  • And I want to make sure you realize that I could be

  • bullshitting you.

  • What is this?

  • u is the sum of 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8, and so on, the sum of a

  • geometric series.

  • And, of course, I could play a game here.

  • u minus one is 1/2, plus 1/4, plus 1/8, and so on.

  • What I could do here--

  • oops.

  • There is a parentheses error here.

  • But I can put here two times u minus one is one plus 1/2,

  • plus 1/4, plus 1/8.

  • Can I fix that?

  • Yes, well.

  • But that gives me back two times u minus one is u,

  • therefore, we conclude that u is two.

  • And this actually is true.

  • There's no problem like that.

  • But supposing I did something different.

  • Supposing I start up with something which

  • manifestly has no sum.

  • v is one, plus two, plus four, plus 8, plus dot, dot, dot.

  • Well, v minus one is surely two, plus four, plus eight,

  • plus dot, dot, dot.

  • v minus one over two, gee, that looks like v again.

  • From that I should be able to conclude that--

  • that's also wrong, apparently.

  • v equals minus one.

  • That should be a minus one.

  • And that's certainly a false conclusion.

  • So when you play with limits, arguments that may work in one

  • case they may not work in some other case.

  • You have to be very careful.

  • The arguments have to be well formed.

  • And I don't know, in general, what the story is about

  • arguments like this.

  • We can read a pile of topology and find out.

  • But, surely, at least you understand now, why it might

  • be some meaning to the things we've been writing on the

  • blackboard.

  • And you understand what that might mean.

  • So, I suppose, it's almost about time for you to merit

  • being made a member of the grand recursive order of

  • lambda calculus hackers.

  • This is the badge.

  • Because you now understand, for example, what it says at

  • the very top, y F equals F y F. Thank you.

  • Are there any questions?

  • Yes, Lev.

  • AUDIENCE: With this, it seems that then there's no need to

  • define, as you imply, to just remember a

  • value, to apply it later.

  • Defines were kind of a side-effect it

  • seemed in the language.


  • are order dependent.

  • Does this eliminate the side-effect from the


  • PROFESSOR: The answer is, this is not the way these things

  • were implemented.

  • Define, indeed is implemented as an operation that actually

  • modifies an environment structure, changes the frame

  • that the define is executed in.

  • And there are many reasons for that, but a lot of this has to

  • do with making an interactive system.

  • What this is saying is that if you've made a system, and you

  • know you're not going to do any debugging or anything like

  • that, and you know everything there is all at once, and you

  • want to say, what is the meaning of a

  • final set of equations?

  • This gives you a meaning for it.

  • But in order to make an interactive system, where you

  • can change the meaning of one thing without changing

  • everything else, incrementally, you can't do

  • that by implementing it this way.

  • Yes.

  • AUDIENCE: Another question on your danger slide.

  • It seemed that the two examples that you gave had to

  • do with convergence and non-convergence?

  • And that may or may not have something to do with function

  • theory in a way which would lead you to think of it in

  • terms of linear systems, or non-linear systems. How does

  • this convergence relate to being able to see a priori

  • what properties of that might be violated?

  • PROFESSOR: I don't know.

  • The answer is, I don't know under what circumstances.

  • I don't know how to translate that into less than an

  • hour of talk more.

  • What are the conditions under which, for which we know that

  • these things converge?

  • And v, all that was telling you that arguments that are

  • based on convergence are flaky if you don't know the

  • convergence beforehand.

  • You can make wrong arguments.

  • You can make deductions, as if you know the answer, and not

  • be stopped somewhere by some obvious contradiction.

  • AUDIENCE: So can we say then that if F is a convergent

  • mathematical expression, then the recursion

  • property can be--

  • PROFESSOR: Well, I think there's a technical kind of F,

  • there is a technical description of those F's that

  • have the property that when you iteratively apply them

  • like this, you converge.

  • Things that are monotonic, and continuous, and

  • I forgot what else.

  • There is a whole bunch of little conditions like that

  • which have this property.

  • Now the real problem is deducing from looking at the

  • F, its definition here, whether not it has those

  • properties, and that's very hard.

  • The properties are easy.

  • You can write them down.

  • You can look in a book by Joe Stoy.

  • It's a great book--

  • Stoy.

  • It's called, The Scott-Strachey Method of

  • Denotational Semantics, and it's by Joe Stoy, MIT Press.

  • And he works out all this in great detail, enough to

  • horrify you.

  • But it really is readable.

  • OK, well, thank you.

  • Time for the bigger break, I suppose.

PROFESSOR: Well today we're going to learn about something


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講義7A:メタサークル評価者、その1 (Lecture 7A: Metacircular Evaluator, Part 1)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日