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  • TADGE DRYJA: So today will be some sort of future technologies, future developments that

  • might not be around yet, but are interesting things to look for.

  • And if you're interested in researching these kinds of things, you want to make a EmenG

  • out of this or want to make a-- who knows?

  • PhD probably is a little overkill for a lot of these things.

  • But if you're interested in this kind of research, here's some things we'll talk about today--

  • block slash block filters or committed bloom filters, sharding, accumulators, and UTXO

  • commitments.

  • OK, so, first one I'll talk about is block filters.

  • So I don't think I ever really talked about what a Bloom filter is.

  • I'm still not really going to explain how they work, but the basic idea, the sort of

  • high level-- here's the prototype.

  • Here's the function prototype.

  • Here's the interface that Bloom filters have.

  • So you make a filter from a bunch of objects.

  • And in this case, objects are just bytes, right?

  • Or some string of bytes.

  • And Bloom filters usually use hash functions under the hood.

  • A lot of times, they don't use cryptographic hash functions.

  • They can use sort of faster functions, where there may be collisions.

  • But in this case, it's not like a security problem.

  • So you've got a bunch of objects.

  • They might be addresses, which are 20 byte pubkey hashes, or your UTXOs, which you can

  • represent as a 36 byte TIXD and out point, or TIXD and index.

  • So they're small, right?

  • So either 20 bytes, 36 bytes, sometimes 32 bytes.

  • You put these list of data objects and make a filter, and you get a filter out.

  • And the filters are usually a kilobyte sometimes.

  • But the idea is it's sort of a mix of hash functions.

  • And then you say, OK, I want to match filters.

  • Usually, a different person does this and says, OK, I've got a filter that someone generated.

  • And I compare it against this object and see if there's a hit, all right?

  • So I see, OK, that matched.

  • This object matched the filter, or this object did not match the filter.

  • And this returns a true or false.

  • And so what's interesting about these is you can have false positives.

  • So it may be that this object was not in here.

  • It was not used when creating the filter, but it still returns true.

  • So it's sort of matching against multiple different hash functions, seeing, hey, do

  • any of these bits match?

  • And it says, oh, yeah, this object may have been in this filter.

  • However, there's no false negatives.

  • So if you did put, say, address A into this filter and then matched this filter against

  • address A, it would always return true.

  • There's no way you can put something into the filter, and then it doesn't show up when

  • you try to match against it.

  • So this is useful for lots of things.

  • Bloom filters are definitely not restricted to cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, or anything like

  • that.

  • They're used all the time in various databases, all the time in things like that.

  • The current way they're used in Bitcoin is for SPV filtering.

  • So we defined SPV, like, months ago.

  • The basic idea is I'm a client.

  • I don't want to download and verify the whole blockchain.

  • I want someone else to do that.

  • I assume the miners are doing the right thing.

  • I assume the rest of the network is doing the right thing.

  • And I just want to know about my data.

  • So I'm not going to download the whole block.

  • I'm not going to verify all the signatures or keep a UTXO set on my own.

  • I'm just concerned with my UTXOs in my wallet.

  • So what I do-- and this exists today.

  • You can do this.

  • You make a Bloom filter of all your UTXOs and addresses.

  • So you say, OK, here's all my addresses that I'm hoping to receive money on.

  • I've got 20 of them, 30 of them, 100 of them-- however many-- although Bloom filters don't

  • really work once you have too many.

  • But so the idea is if you have five addresses, let's say, you start a wallet.

  • You don't have any money.

  • You're pretty sure you don't know of any money yet existing.

  • But you say, OK, I made five addresses.

  • I told these addresses to people.

  • They might have sent me money.

  • That'd be nice.

  • So you make a Bloom filter of all these addresses, right?

  • So let's say you've got, OK, address A-- dot dot dot-- A through E. And you make a filter.

  • OK, so you say I've got my filter F. I then send that filter F to a remote server.

  • So there's the cloud.

  • There's some Bitcoin full node out here.

  • It receives filter F. OK, so this got filter F. And it knows that this filter F is specific

  • to me, right?

  • So it sees that, hey, I'm a client.

  • I'm an SPV client.

  • I connect to a full node, and I say, hey, I sent a message that's called load filter.

  • And I say, hey, load filter, here's my filter F. Only send stuff to me that matches this

  • filter.

  • 99% of all the whole thing-- everything going on in Bitcoin, I don't care about.

  • Here's a filter, and only send me messages that match this filter.

  • And so when it sends a transact-- well, they send INV messages, right?

  • When it sends an INV message with inventory, saying, hey, I found this thing that you might

  • be interested in, normally, a full node to another full node-- so let's say there's communication

  • between two full nodes, Full2.

  • These guys will talk to each other about every transaction they see, right?

  • So if they see a transaction, it's valid.

  • There's nothing wrong with it.

  • They'll just send it to each other to propagate transaction throughout the network, so they

  • can get mined later.

  • However, if a filter has been loaded, it says, oh, OK, I will only send you INV messages

  • that match this filter.

  • So if there's a transaction that doesn't have any of these five addresses as an output,

  • they're just not going to send it to you.

  • Similarly, when a block comes out-- this is the big one.

  • Normally, blocks get propagated the same.

  • They just send you the block.

  • Here, we do something called a Merkle block.

  • I don't send you a regular block.

  • I filter everything within the block and send you only the things that match to that filter.

  • So generally, it gets very small.

  • So the Merkle block might just have one transaction in it.

  • And it has the sort of Merkle proof up to the root.

  • So the server sends only the matching transactions in the block, which can drop from a megabyte

  • to less than a kilobyte.

  • And then the client says, oh, cool.

  • There's a transaction where I received money.

  • Great.

  • Also, let me update my filter to include this new transaction that I received.

  • So if that gets spent later, I want to know about it, even if it doesn't send to one of

  • these five addresses, right?

  • So if you're only matching on addresses, you can only sort of get money.

  • But if you're matching on these UTXOs, you can lose the money as well.

  • And you don't want to lose money, but you sort of want to know when everyone else thinks

  • you lost money.

  • So this works today.

  • This was implemented 2012-ish.

  • The history behind it was the first Android Bitcoin wallet.

  • Andreas Schildbach wrote it, and it didn't do this, right?

  • It just downloaded the whole block and then threw away most of the data and only kept--

  • it wasn't a full node, and then it didn't keep a UTXO set.

  • But it did download everything.

  • And then they were saying, OK, this is really slow.

  • We want a decentralized way to do this kind of thing, where instead of just connecting

  • to a server-- so the other model I explained, again, weeks ago was, you just have some server.

  • And you tell it the address and say, hey, here's my address.

  • How much money do I have?

  • And it sends you transactions, and you maintain your wallet that way.

  • This is nicer because it's decentralized, right?

  • Every full node can do this.

  • And by default, if you download Bitcoin 0.16 or whatever recent versions-- not even recent--

  • since like 0.7?

  • I don't know.

  • Most of the versions will have this capability, where if a client says, hey, here's a Bloom

  • filter.

  • Load it.

  • Your full node will load that filter.

  • And then every block that comes in or every block that's requested, they will match against

  • the filter.

  • The filter match function call's not too heavy.

  • It involves a bunch of hash functions.

  • It's not too slow, but it's slower than doing nothing, right?

  • It's slower than just sending it directly.

  • OK, so this is nice, right?

  • You can sync the entire chain in way less data and having SPV security.

  • Problems-- it's really bad for privacy.

  • You're sending a Bloom filter, right?

  • So it's this thing that's created from your list of addresses.

  • But in practice, it's got about the same security as just telling them all your addresses, right?

  • So it's sort of like, oh, I'm sending a hash of my address, instead of my address.

  • Well, yeah, but I know all the addresses in existence on the Bitcoin network.

  • I can just try to match it, try to hash and stuff like that.

  • When you do Bloom filters, there's this sort of false positive rate that's sort of a knob

  • you can twist.

  • And you can say, oh, I'm going to make a Bloom filter where 10% of the time, when you perform

  • this match filter for any given object, I'm going to create a filter where 10% of the

  • time, it'll just return true.

  • So I can dial in a false positive rate.

  • So I can say, OK, I'll make it 1%.

  • And then when I get these matching transactions from the full node, yeah, I'll get an extra

  • few transactions that don't match my filter.

  • Or they match my filter, but they don't actually match anything I'm looking at.

  • And that will improve my privacy, right?

  • Because then the full node doesn't see what's-- he doesn't know what's truly mine.

  • In fact, you don't even know what the false positive rate is.

  • When you receive a filter, you don't know what the false positive rate is.

  • You just see, OK, these things match, and you send them.

  • Another strategy is OK, I'm a SPV client.

  • I connect to a bunch of full nodes, and I can give different filters to each one.

  • I think the initial software did this.

  • And because you can sort of put some randomness into your different filters to hope-- why

  • did they do this?

  • It actually makes it worse.

  • It actually makes it worse because if these full nodes collude-- collaborate-- whatever.

  • If these full nodes share the information of the filters, it makes it easier to determine,

  • to sort of filter out the false positives.

  • Because they'll have different false positives because they had a different filter.

  • And so if they collaborate, if they work together, they can say, oh, well, I got some false positive

  • transactions.

  • I did, too.

  • We can filter out the ones that one of us had as a false positive and not the other,

  • right?

  • So we can detect the false positives we're sending to the client.

  • So privacy is really bad.

  • There's a paper written I think 2013 or 2014, where they basically broke the whole privacy

  • argument for this Bloom filter based SPV.

  • And they said in practice, you can get like 90 something percent of the addresses and

  • UTXOs that people are sending for the software.

  • And their recommendations were like, yeah, I don't see how you make this work privately.

  • There's just no privacy here.

  • It's slow for the servers, so when you're running-- I don't know if you can see.

  • When you're running a full node-- OK, I should close that.

  • Don't even know what that is.

  • When you're running a full node, you can see here's all the nodes that are connected to

  • my full node and running downstairs.

  • Most of them are other full nodes.

  • Oh, OK, these are not.

  • I don't know what those are.

  • Those are not true.

  • All these 0.9, 0.99s, they're not actually nodes at all.

  • They don't seem to ask for anything.

  • And then some people put their version message.

  • They put an address.

  • Hopefully, someone will send them lots of money.

  • It's not going to happen.

  • That's weird.

  • There's like no SPV-- well, OK, bitcoinj.

  • So that's a Java implementation, which does filter load.

  • And so we can look-- hm.

  • A fee filter, but no filter load.

  • Well, that's weird.

  • Someone's sending me lots of different fee filter messages.

  • There's lots of weird stuff going on in the Bitcoin network.

  • But I weirdly don't have any SPV filter load things going on right now, which is unusual.

  • I don't know.

  • It changes a lot, too, based on-- so also, you can sort of track your hourly data usage.

  • And this server basically is only for-- all this traffic is the clients connected.

  • You know, Bitcoin.

  • And so I'm doing, like, a gigabyte every hour, which is a lot for a home connection, but

  • not too bad for here.

  • But in December, everyone was interested in Bitcoin.

  • And so you had lots of people downloading it, running it.

  • And it would be something like 10 times this, where just tons of people were installing

  • it, downloading it, getting a whole blockchain, and then probably after losing interest, deleting

  • it, but whatever.

  • And a lot of SPV clients doing filter loads can slow down your server.

  • It can take CPU time.

  • Right now, yeah, OK, so 6%, 2%.

  • It's pretty low CPU usage generally for Bitcoin, even with that many-- however many that was--

  • 30 or 40 different other nodes connecting and downloading stuff.

  • Basically, this is like receiving transactions, verifying the signatures, and sending them

  • out.

  • And granted-- but this is per core, right?

  • So if I have 2%, that's 2% of a single core.

  • It's really not much.

  • And then I guess Cryptokernel's only using 1%, so even less.

  • So yeah, it's not much, but when you have a lot of SPV clients, it can start using a

  • lot of CPU.

  • OK, so how do we improve this?

  • This is a new-ish idea.

  • It's actually about two years old.

  • And it was kind of interesting.

  • It was just a random anonymous internet person posted on the mailing list.

  • I think his email address was some inappropriate swear word or something.

  • Anyway.

  • But whoever this person was just said, hey, why don't we do it the other way?

  • Why don't we do it backwards?

  • And instead of having the client create a Bloom filter and send it to the full node,

  • have the full nodes make Bloom filters from all the transactions within a block.

  • And then the client will just ask for that filter.

  • The client can then perform the filter match function on their own UTXO set.

  • And then if they do find a match, they request the entire block.

  • Right?

  • So this is a different model.

  • I don't know.

  • Does it get the idea where, OK, so you're a client.

  • All you do is request filters.

  • So you say, filter please.

  • So you have some kind of filter request.

  • And then the full node just says, OK, for every block in the blockchain, I'm going to

  • create a filter, right?

  • I take all the objects in the block, which are basically all the addresses used in every

  • transaction, all the UTXOs spent in every transaction.

  • I concatenate that, so there's going to be 5,000, 10,000-- a lot of these objects.

  • Put it into a really big Bloom filter, generally bigger than the ones used in this method.

  • Because usually, a wallet won't have thousands of addresses or thousands of UTXOs.

  • It's possible, but in this model, usually, you've got 20, 30, maybe 100.

  • But in this case, you're going to have thousands.

  • Make a larger filter, create the filter, and store it for each block.

  • So maybe it's 20 kilobytes or something.

  • And maybe in this case, they're only like 1 kilobyte.

  • So you have a filter.

  • And then the node will request these filters for every block.

  • So it's OK, this block, get the filter.

  • Get the filter.

  • And then perform the matching on their own, right?

  • So they've got the filter.

  • They see, hey, does this filter match any of my addresses?

  • So is there anything in this block that may have paid me or anything in this block where

  • my transactions may have been spent?

  • And if they get a true, they just request the whole block.

  • They just download the whole 1 megabyte block or whatever it is.

  • And there may be false positives, right?

  • So they might be downloading the block for no reason.

  • They download the whole block, see there's nothing of their address.

  • Yeah.

  • AUDIENCE: How does that work if we increase the block size to a ridiculous amount?


  • TADGE DRYJA: Wait, ridiculous amount block size?

  • Yeah, I guess.


  • TADGE DRYJA: Well, I mean, they're not going to actually-- I don't think any of these have

  • actually 32 megabyte blocks and that no one's using them.

  • Even Bitcoin now, right, where the actual block usage has gone down substantially.

  • You've got like-- I don't know-- 500k or something average now?

  • It's low.

  • Occasionally, you have lots of little transactions saturating the mempool and then full blocks

  • for a few hours.

  • But it's gone down, and it's not even at full usage.

  • So and Bitcoin cash, yeah, you've got 8 megabyte max size, but--


  • TADGE DRYJA: Right, right.

  • And they're going to do 32 megs full sized.

  • But still, the actual blocks are like 10k, 20k, whatever.

  • I mean, yeah, but if you did have actually 32 megabyte blocks, a false positive would

  • be a big problem for a light node.

  • Because now you have to download this 32 megabyte block, look through the whole thing.

  • Actually, there was nothing of interest.

  • It was a false positive.

  • OK, try again.

  • But yeah, you can download 32 megs.

  • It's not the end of the world.

  • And if you're only downloading one out of every 100 maybe, if you have a 1% false positive

  • rate, it's not too bad.

  • That's like 32 megs a day or so.

  • But anyway this model is-- and not only that, you can request all the filters, match them,

  • and then download from someone else, the full block, right?

  • You can request a block, download it from someone else.

  • So this full node, they know you requested all the filters.

  • They don't see anything else other than that.

  • And then another full node just sees you requesting blocks and thinks nothing of it.

  • Because that's totally normal.

  • This is a lot nicer model for privacy because the full nodes don't learn anything other.

  • At most, they learn you downloaded this block and not this other block.

  • So maybe you have transactions in this block, but not this one.

  • But that's a much bigger sort of needle in a haystack problem, where OK, here are the

  • blocks they used.

  • What are the commonalities between these sets of blocks they were downloading?

  • Possible to maybe weed things out, right?

  • If the blocks are small, and there's only a few transactions, and they download the

  • entire blockchain from a single node, and that node can track, OK, which blocks are

  • being downloaded?

  • What are the common transactions or addresses in these?

  • It's possible.

  • But it's a lot better for privacy than the current model and a lot better for CPU, right?

  • So privacy-- great.

  • Great improvement.

  • The server has much lower CPU, because it can pre-compute all the filters for every

  • block, right?

  • So as soon as it downloads a block-- or a few seconds later-- there's no rush.

  • Compute a Bloom filter for it, store it on disk-- because it doesn't change-- and then

  • when anyone requests it, you've already got it on disk.

  • So you just read it off the disk, send it over the network, you're done.

  • The current model where you don't write these to disk because they're sort of client specific,

  • so client connects in, sends you a Bloom filter, you have to keep that in RAM, and then match

  • all the things against this specific filter for this specific user.

  • Whereas in this model, you make a filter for the block, save it, you're good.

  • Yes.

  • AUDIENCE: Is the filter for the block [INAUDIBLE] given you're just sending the addresses and

  • not [INAUDIBLE]?

  • Or is it just less data?

  • It's just not the full block, right?

  • It's just the--

  • TADGE DRYJA: Yeah.

  • So if it were the addresses and the UTXOs, then it would be really big.

  • It would be-- oh, maybe like 40% of the whole block size.

  • So the idea of the Bloom filter is you squish it down.

  • So the Boom filter itself might only be like 20k.

  • And so yeah, the basic way a Bloom filter will work is you take sort of a bunch of hashes

  • and populate a bit field with them.

  • So the thing is, if you keep adding objects to the filter, the filter will eventually

  • just be like FFFF.

  • And everything will match it.

  • So you need to sort of decide how big the filter should be when you start creating and

  • adding objects to it.

  • So with this, you can get it down to about 20k, and then it'll have a pretty low false

  • positive rate, but not tell you exactly what the addresses and UTXOs were.

  • So it's a nice trade-off to have.

  • Yeah, so I mean, the perfect sort of easiest Bloom filter would be, here's a list of all

  • the addresses and all the UTXOs-- basically a block minus the signatures, which is sort

  • of what you can get with segwit, where you say, hey.

  • In segwit, you can say, hey, give me the block without all the segwit data.

  • Because I'm just looking for things.

  • I don't want to actually validate the signatures.

  • So if you did that with regular-- yeah, it drops it by about 50%.

  • But the Bloom filter drops it substantially more.

  • So if you did this, it'd be better-- lower CPU for the server.

  • It's also harder to lie and omit things.

  • So in the current SPV model, if someone is running a client-- it says, hey, here's my

  • Bloom filter.

  • And the full node responds.

  • The full node can easily just omit things.

  • So there was a transaction that did hit the Bloom filter and did match.

  • And address A was present in a transaction, and the full node just doesn't send it.

  • There's really nothing the client can do to detect that kind of thing, which in general,

  • it's not the end of the world.

  • In normal Bitcoin usage, if you don't hear about a transaction, maybe you'll hear about

  • it eventually.

  • The worst they can do is sort of lie about you-- they say you didn't get paid, but you

  • actually did.

  • Not the worst thing in the world, although in Lightning Network, that can change a little

  • bit in that you want to know about the transactions that potentially close the channel and immediately

  • respond to them.

  • So that's more of a security problem with Lightning.

  • So with this, it could be harder to omit things, especially if you commit the Bloom filter

  • into the Coinbase transaction.

  • So if this committed filter becomes like a consensus rule, and you say, OK, everyone

  • makes a 20 kilobyte Bloom filter.

  • Everyone takes the hash of that and puts it into an op return in the Coinbase transaction

  • the way they do a segwit.

  • Then it's a consensus rule.

  • Then it becomes essentially impossible for the full nodes to lie or omit anything.

  • Because you can say, hey, I've got the headers.

  • Give me the Coinbase transaction and a Merkle proof for it.

  • And now I've got the Coinbase transaction.

  • And now, hey, give me that filter that matches this committed hash in the Coinbase transaction.

  • So they would have to do valid proof of work to lie or omit.

  • Whereas now, they can just easily omit anything they want.

  • Oh, lying also.

  • So it becomes harder to lie because it's in a block, right?

  • So this is operating on the block level.

  • The current SPV does not operate on the block level.

  • So you can get unconfirmed transactions over the wire that match your filter.

  • I think this is a really bad idea.

  • I'm not 100% sure why they put it in.

  • But there's still people who like it.

  • But the whole idea of SPV is that you're verifying the proof of work, right?

  • You're verifying that the miners validated this.

  • And you think, well, the incentives are such that miners don't want to mine invalid things.

  • They won't get paid.

  • So if it's in a block, I'll accept it as OK.

  • For mempool transactions, if it's just an inv message for a transaction that's not in

  • a block yet, there's no SPV security at all.

  • And it's trivial to send an invalid transaction to an SPV client, this currently.

  • So if you say, hey, here's-- and it's not only is it trivial, but you can also try to

  • figure out what their addresses are, and lie to them, and say that, hey, you just got thousands

  • of coins.

  • So that's the current problem with SPV usage.

  • You're basically telling the full load your addresses, and you're accepting transactions

  • without proof of work.

  • So the full load can say, hey, here's a transaction that sends you 5,000 coins to an address that

  • I think you have.

  • Because I tried to figure out your address from your filter.

  • And it's got an input that doesn't actually exist, right?

  • So I'm just saying I'm spending 5,000 coins from here.

  • And the from part isn't actually a thing.

  • But since you're an SPV node, you don't know that.

  • So there's like a-- let's see.

  • Lie to SPV is like a branch on Bitcoin [INAUDIBLE].

  • OK, yeah.

  • So there's a branch that Peter Todd made called Lie to SPV.

  • I don't know.

  • Quick and dirty hack to lie to SPV wallets.

  • They can't verify amounts, so yeah.

  • So you can just sort of detect-- well, if you want to look at it.

  • You can detect their addresses.

  • And then I think that one just sort of opportunistically, if it finds a match, just multiplies the amount

  • that they're receiving by, like, 100.

  • And there's no way that they can validate that since it's in mempool.

  • So this also makes it on the block level, which is what SPV really should be.

  • So that's nice.

  • Downsides-- mainly that it's going to be higher network traffic for the client, right?

  • So even at low false positive rates, the entire rest of the block is essentially a false positive,

  • right?

  • So they're like, hey, there's one transaction in this block I want to get.

  • I have to download the whole block to get it.

  • So yeah, more network traffic for the client, which is a downside, but it helps with privacy.

  • So there is current development.

  • Lighting Labs-- basically [INAUDIBLE] working on-- it's called neutrino.

  • It's a variant of this.

  • So, and then hopefully, something like this will eventually get into Bitcoin Core itself

  • and replace the current server side Bloom filter code.

  • Hopefully, but something to work on.

  • Any questions about the Bloom filter stuff?

  • Cool, OK.

  • OK, other issue, sharding.

  • So this is mainly being worked on in the context of Ethereum.

  • And it's sort of their sort of holy grail of scalability.

  • It's common in the database world, where you've got d data objects, n servers.

  • So in the case of Bitcoin or these blockchains, you just store d times n, right?

  • Every node stores all data.

  • Instead, store something closer to d itself and shard the data over all the servers, so

  • that each server holds like d divided by n, right?

  • So if you have 10 servers and a gigabyte, have them each store 100 megs.

  • And then you still got all the data.

  • Of course, if they actually store exactly d over n-- and you need to coordinate it so

  • they all store their own little shard-- and then if any single node goes down, well, you're

  • stuck.

  • So this is sort of the limit.

  • And there's no redundancy there.

  • But you can have different redundancy ratings.

  • So you could say, OK, well, any-- you could have [INAUDIBLE] you're coding.

  • So if any five nodes or any 20% of the nodes disappear, we're still OK.

  • So in the database world, this is a well studied problem.

  • But in the context of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and blockchains, it's more difficult.

  • It's difficult here because you're in this adversarial environment, where people are

  • trying to break your system at all times.

  • People want to create transactions that are invalid.

  • Because that can be worth a lot of money.

  • I can say, hey, you don't know about this shard, but I'm telling you that on this shard,

  • I have a lot of money.

  • And I'm sending it to you, so give me your house or whatever.

  • So the idea is to split a single UTXO set into multiple smaller sets, and that part

  • is OK.

  • But you need communication between the shards, right?

  • So you could say, OK, well, making sort of a bunch of different UTXO sets, each node

  • can choose their own UTXO set that they're keeping track of.

  • And then you have some kind of merge mining between the UTXO sets, but you need swaps

  • between the shards.

  • It's kind of an interesting thing to think of.

  • We already have multiple UTXO sets, right?

  • So as of this morning, tracks 1,614 different currencies, 10,000 markets.

  • There's supposedly $434 billion going around.

  • Is this sharding, right?

  • And it's sort of a joke, but in a real sense, it has taken scalability pressure off of Bitcoin

  • and off of any individual currency because there's so many of them.

  • So if you didn't have Dogecoin, maybe there will be more Bitcoin transactions.

  • AUDIENCE: And how does this play into Bitcoins that are just running on Ether?

  • TADGE DRYJA: Right, so in the case of ERC-20 or ERC-721, it actually is worse.

  • Because now you've got sort of multiple UTXO sets all being managed by a single UTXO set.

  • So if you want to keep track of how many-- I don't know.

  • What's an ECR-20 token?

  • If you want to keep track of how many Pied Piper coins there are, you need to download

  • the entire Ethereum blockchain.

  • So that's sort of the opposite of sharding in that now any single UTXO set you want to

  • keep track of, you need to keep track of all of them.

  • However, in this case, if I want to keep track of my Bitcoin UTXO set, I don't need to download

  • Dogecoin.

  • So that's great.

  • And if people want to swap between Dogecoin and Bitcoin, they can do so-- well, Dogecoin

  • doesn't have segwit support, right?

  • So it's a little harder.

  • But Vertcoin, Litecoin-- a lot of different coins have fairly easy swaps.

  • But it's more than just swaps.

  • We need actual fungibility between the shards.

  • Because if I can say, oh, I'm going to use Litecoin, and I can just swap to Bitcoin whenever

  • I need to pay someone who accepts Bitcoin, right, maybe.

  • But maybe Litecoin drops in value 20% with respect to Bitcoin.

  • And then I tried to pay.

  • And this is sort of getting ahead of the real use cases of these things.

  • Because well, Bitcoin also drops 20% randomly against whatever asset you're trying to buy.

  • And so but Bitcoin does tend to be a bit more stable than most of the smaller market cap

  • coins.

  • I mean, you can sort of think that generally, if you have a bigger market capitalization,

  • you're going to tend to be less volatile.

  • And we've seen that in Bitcoin, where it still seems ridiculously volatile, right?

  • It's gone down 50% since January.

  • And most currencies in the developed world don't do that.

  • But if you actually compare it to in 2011, it dropped, like, 95% in a month or two.

  • Yeah.

  • AUDIENCE: It's more likely to be liquid supply [INAUDIBLE]

  • TADGE DRYJA: Yeah, so sometimes, there is a currency that has these really inflated

  • market caps.

  • So you'll see one where someone makes a coin and says, OK, I'm making a million coins.

  • And I'll sell you one for $100.

  • And really, I still have all of the coins, and one other person has one of them.

  • But we can sort of do the math and get a market cap of $100 million that way.

  • So a lot of the coins do that to sort of inflate.

  • Because a coin market cap is literally a ranking.

  • And it even says rank.

  • So if you click EOS, it'll say rank.

  • Where does it say there?

  • Yeah, rank five.

  • So it's the fifth best, presumably.

  • And yeah, to what extent-- how many actual people hold these things?

  • They just sort of made them up.

  • But there's all sorts of problems with this.

  • But the idea is, if you really want sharding, you want the swaps between the shards to not

  • really have counter parties and to maintain the same value.

  • You want fungibility between the shards, so that you can quickly and easily say, OK, well,

  • I've got something on shard A. I'm going to pay someone who's using shard B. And I don't

  • want any friction.

  • I don't want any exchange between there.

  • So this is hard.

  • There's a lot of cool research going on here.

  • And if it works, it's a real scalability improvement.

  • This is sort of the holy grail.

  • I don't really see much in-- in Bitcoin, they're sort of like side chains.

  • But those weren't really talked about as a scalability improvement.

  • And it's mostly the Ethereum crowd that are like, this is our real sort of holy grail

  • for scalability.

  • So it's interesting to look at.

  • I haven't kept up.

  • I've read a little bit about their most recent sharding ideas.

  • So it's cool if it works.

  • But there's a lot of sort of different assumptions that go in.

  • Yeah.

  • AUDIENCE: What are some of the current plans to do sharding?

  • TADGE DRYJA: They sort of like-- a lot of them hinge on fraud proofs.

  • So the idea is, you've got, say, five different chains going along.

  • And you don't validate the other four.

  • You say I'm going to only validate this one.

  • There's four others going on.

  • And if, in my chain, something bad happens, like a transaction with an invalid signature

  • gets confirmed, or transaction has more coins coming out than going in-- something like

  • that-- you provide a small fraud proof.

  • You provide a proof that says, OK, you don't need to know everything that's going on in

  • this chain.

  • But I'll provide enough data to convince you that this specific transaction is broken.

  • And then I try to broadcast to the other people in those other four subchains.

  • And then they know, OK, something's going on wrong here.

  • Let's freeze-- let's not accept any cross shard swaps from that one.

  • And then the other-- this chain will have to reorg.

  • So the idea is as long as you have-- and it sort of makes sense.

  • As long as you have some number of people checking it that can then broadcast it between

  • the different shards, you can assume that they're doing OK.

  • Yeah.

  • AUDIENCE: Problems temporarily arise from [INAUDIBLE].

  • So you'll have a situation where [INAUDIBLE].

  • And then you wait two days, and then the transaction [INAUDIBLE] which relies on data from two

  • years ago for that shard.

  • All of those shards have disappeared.

  • So you have a choice.

  • Do you do it to your real or just accept that that money is gone?

  • TADGE DRYJA: Yeah.

  • Or just accept that, oh, well, it's two years ago.

  • So I'll assume it's OK.

  • AUDIENCE: Yeah.

  • TADGE DRYJA: Yeah.

  • Which is probably more dangerous.

  • Yeah, so sort of availability and liveness are other issues here, where if in Bitcoin

  • or Ethereum-- well, it's more of an issue in Ethereum.

  • In Bitcoin, there's a lot of copies of the full set.

  • So if you're not sure about something, you can pretty easily get the entire blockchain,

  • even though it's like 180 gigs, and go through it.

  • There's so many copies of it out there.

  • In Ethereum, a little bit less so.

  • Well, there's more full nodes.

  • But full is sort of redefined.

  • And so it may be harder to get the full thing.

  • And in the case of sharding, if you divide it too finally, it may be that you lose data,

  • and no one has it.

  • And then you're in real trouble.

  • OK, so that's sharding.

  • OK, accumulators-- this is something I'm actually looking at.

  • I'm not going to go into the details of what I'm working on, but accumulators in general.

  • This is a cool-- so accumulators, as I will describe, are nothing new.

  • But if you read the papers-- so one of the first papers was called One Way Accumulators

  • in, like, '93.

  • And if you read the paper, a lot of the words jump out.

  • It's like, hey, this might be useful for Bitcoin.

  • It's like, set membership, and timestamping, and signature aggregate.

  • It's got a lot of stuff in there that's like, hey, this could be useful.

  • So an accumulator is basically a cryptographic set.

  • And there's some set operations that you can do and then provide proofs.

  • So, the simplest-- well, not even the simplest.

  • The simplest would just be add and prove.

  • But sometimes you can add.

  • Sometimes you can remove.

  • Sometimes you can prove something's in there.

  • Sometimes you can prove something's not in there.

  • And if you can do all four, that's even better.

  • So the idea is, you take an accumulator.

  • And you add an object to it.

  • And in general, objects are going to be strings of bytes or just numbers, right?

  • And then it spits out a new accumulator.

  • Essentially, it modifies the accumulator in place.

  • So if you delete-- you say OK, I've got an accumulator.

  • And I want to delete this object.

  • Well, it'll modify in place and return a different accumulator.

  • And then maybe I want to prove that this object is in this accumulator.

  • And it will return a Boolean.

  • Like, yep, that worked, or no, it didn't.

  • So the simplest example, which I think is kind of fun, composite numbers.

  • So accumulate prime numbers.

  • So to add, multiply.

  • To delete, divide.

  • So really, if you're going to do this, you start with 1.

  • 1 is not a prime, I guess, but whatever.

  • So let's say you've got-- so yeah.

  • 1 is not a prime, so that works.

  • So you cannot prove any prime exists within that accumulator.

  • Anyway, but let's say you start with 1, and then you added 3 to the accumulator.

  • So you multiplied by 3, and you get 3.

  • Now I want to add the number 5 to the accumulator.

  • So I multiply by 5.

  • I get 15.

  • And now I want to add 7 to this accumulator.

  • So I've got my accumulator, which is 15.

  • I add the number 7 into it, and I get 105, right?

  • I just multiply by 7.

  • I get 105.

  • Wait, is it called fundamental theorem of arithmetic?

  • I think that's what it's called, where everything's a product of primes.

  • It's got some cool name.

  • So everything's a product of primes.

  • And everything has a unique factorization.

  • So 105 is 3 times 5 times 7, right?

  • There's no other ways around it.

  • And if you want to delete, you can say, OK, well, I'm going to delete the number 5 from

  • this accumulator.

  • Just divide.

  • Now I get 21.

  • And then I want to prove 7 is in there.

  • So I can say, hey, 7 is in this accumulator.

  • It was added, but not deleted.

  • And I can do that, right?

  • I tried to divide 21 by 7, and it worked.

  • I want to divide, and I want to make sure there's no remainder.

  • I want to see that it divides evenly.

  • So I get a true.

  • Yep, if I divide 21 by 7, I get 3.

  • 3 is a natural number.

  • It works.

  • So this is kind of cool.

  • It is not really [INAUDIBLE].

  • Oh, but this works even if you do modulo.

  • So you could do modulo some big prime and have just formality based accumulators.

  • So anyway, you get the idea, right?

  • I think in this case, you can also prove things are not in there.

  • But this is limited to prime numbers.

  • Anyway, but the idea is, keep adding things to it, removing things from it, and proving

  • that things are in it.

  • So there's RSA accumulators, which are some of the most well-known.

  • And that's you've got some RSA number, which is basically a product of two large primes.

  • And the accumulator itself is of constant size.

  • And the proofs are also of constant size.

  • So we call this a proof.

  • You're just giving the number itself in this case.

  • So it's efficient, but the RSA accumulators use trusted setup.

  • So the idea is you need to find some composite number n, which is p times q, where p and

  • q are prime, where nobody knows p and q.

  • Or nobody knows or you trust that the person who does know p and q not to screw around

  • with the accumulator.

  • Because the person who-- if knowledge of p-- I think it's actually knowledge of p or q--

  • will let you create proofs that, hey, this object is in the accumulator when really,

  • it isn't.

  • So that's not so much fun for Bitcoin.

  • If you need trusted setup, people don't really like that.

  • There's all these other accumulator assay ideas.

  • Some are one way where you can't delete.

  • You can add things to the accumulator, but there's no way to remove it.

  • Sometimes you can batch things, where, OK, if I want-- so you can see in the composite

  • number accumulator, you could batch things.

  • Where if I add 105 to the accumulator, I'm performing one operation that essentially

  • adds three objects, right?

  • 3, 5, and 7.

  • Some can be batched like that, some cannot.

  • Some have trusted setup, some don't.

  • So there's different tradeoffs for all these different use cases.

  • And in the case of Bitcoin, the idea of an accumulator would be put the UTXO set in it,

  • or put the STXO.

  • Like, spent the transaction outputs into it.

  • And then prove, in the case of UTXOs, prove that it's in the accumulator.

  • Or in the case of STXOs, prove that it's no longer in the accumulator.

  • Right?

  • Provided proof of non-inclusion, that, hey, it's not in this STXO set.

  • So, well, with the STXO inclusion-- so let's say you did it that way.

  • You'd have headers, and then you've got this STXO accumulator.

  • And what you can do there is say I've got a transaction.

  • It's got some inputs.

  • I prove that this input exists in the headers, right?

  • I provide you an SPV proof.

  • So I say, OK, at some point, this was created, right?

  • This input.

  • Maybe a year ago, I showed you, OK, there is this header.

  • Here's a Merkle proof that this was in a block.

  • So this exists.

  • Then I also prove somehow that it doesn't exist in here, right?

  • It exists, but it was never spent.

  • So now you can accept that, oh, OK, he gave me an SPV proof.

  • He gave me a non-inclusion to the STXO set proof.

  • So I know this transaction, this input still exists and can be spent.

  • So what this would do, if you get it working, you don't need to store the UTXOs anymore.

  • You just store the accumulator, and then everyone provides proofs that, hey, I've got these

  • coins.

  • But so right now, if you store the UTXO set, it's a couple of gigabytes-- 3 or 4 gigs.

  • And when someone sends a transaction, you just look in your UTXO set, right?

  • So you see this input.

  • You say, hey, does that exist in my UTXO set?

  • OK, it does.

  • Cool.

  • We'll now verify the signature, verify everything else about the transaction.

  • If it doesn't exist in my UTXO set, I'm like, hey, you're trying to spend something that

  • isn't there.

  • So what would be cool is if you got rid of the UTXO set and only used an accumulator.

  • Because the accumulators are constant size.

  • So even if the UTXO set is 20 gigabytes, well, I've got this 10 kilobyte accumulator thing

  • on my hard drive.

  • And I just modify that in place.

  • And now I don't need to store a bazillion gigabytes.

  • And I basically can have the same security as a full node.

  • I'm still a full node, but I just don't store the UTXO set.

  • I just require either SPV proofs or STXOs-- different proofs from the people trying to

  • spend the transactions.

  • So this is really cool.

  • Constant size, the proofs are small.

  • Sometimes the proofs are really small.

  • And then the wallets track the proofs.

  • So some questions.

  • Proofs can be like constant size, or sometimes they're log n.

  • If the proofs are o of n, then it's not useful, right?

  • Because you might as well store the UTXO set at that point.

  • Also, what is n?

  • Is it the number of transactions, blocks?

  • Can you aggregate these operations?

  • So there's a bunch of questions there.

  • Another really big problem-- so I was talking to Peter Wool, who's sort of one of the premier

  • researchers on Bitcoin.

  • He had been talking to people at Stanford about a lattice based accumulator that did

  • not need trusted setup.

  • And he was very excited about it because it was like, hey, there's no trusted setup.

  • You have constant size proofs.

  • The accumulator itself is pretty small.

  • CPU wise, it seems doable.

  • The thing that sort of killed it was you couldn't batch operations that accumulated.

  • And the other thing is we need some kind of bridge node.

  • So the idea is, normal transactions, right?

  • They just say, here's my input.

  • I've got a couple inputs.

  • I've got a couple outputs.

  • I don't provide any proofs or anything.

  • I just point to what I'm spending.

  • And you look in your UTXO set and see if it's there.

  • With this new idea with accumulators, you're going to have to stick proofs on.

  • So really, it's an extra data structure, probably per input.

  • So you say, hey, I'm a node.

  • I run an accumulator.

  • I don't keep the whole set.

  • So for all your inputs, please provide proofs.

  • And wallets can maintain these proofs and attach them to their transactions.

  • And then the nodes will verify them.

  • However, right now, most wallets don't have these proofs-- have no idea that this is a

  • thing, right?

  • So if you're the first node to do this and say, hey, I'm getting rid of my UTXO set.

  • I'm only going to verify proofs that these UTXOs exist.

  • Most of the wallets won't provide those proofs.

  • And so as a new node, say, hey, I got rid of my UTXO set, but no one's giving you proofs.

  • OK, I'm just stuck, right?

  • I see a block come out.

  • I can't validate it.

  • So you're going to need some kind of transition, right?

  • If you started from scratch and say, OK, the responsibility of every wallet is not just

  • keep your private keys and keep track of what your UTXO is, it's also to keep track of a

  • proof.

  • So that when you want to spend it, you give it to someone else.

  • If you started that way, great.

  • But if you want to transition, what you're kind of going to need is a bridge node.

  • And the idea of a bridge node is you've got-- so here's an accumulator node, where it requires

  • proofs.

  • Here's a old node that just has regular UTXOs.

  • So when the old node sends a transaction, this gives TX proof, right?

  • So this basically has proofs for everything, like all proofs.

  • So the bridge node can provide proofs.

  • You'll need one bridge node, right?

  • So if these accumulator nodes talk to each other, they can send the proofs along to each

  • other and stuff like that.

  • The old nodes cannot send proofs because they're not aware of it in their software.

  • But if you have the new nodes, you can say, OK, well, when I receive a transaction, I

  • verify the proofs.

  • I also keep the proofs and give them to other peers who want to verify them.

  • But you need some kind of bridge between these two networks.

  • Yeah.

  • AUDIENCE: You would just keep that running until everyone switches?

  • TADGE DRYJA: Probably forever.

  • So yeah.

  • So the issue with the bridge node is like, well, if you're an old wallet, you don't to

  • keep track of these proofs.

  • So, how much of a problem is this?

  • And the lattice based accumulator, that was sort of what killed it, was that you couldn't

  • batch operations.

  • Sorry, and the proofs changed.

  • That's not the case with the sort of silly prime number accumulator that I showed.

  • But in the lattice space one, the proofs changed every time an accumulator operation happened.

  • So every time an ad happened, your proof had to change.

  • So you didn't just need to add something and modify the accumulator in place.

  • You had to modify your proofs in place as well.

  • And so if you're a wallet, and you've got three UTXOs, that meant that every block,

  • you'd have to do a couple thousand operations, right?

  • Because every block, you're going to have a few thousand adds and a few thousand deletes

  • to this accumulator.

  • Every time one of those happened, you'd have to modify your proof for each of your three

  • UTXOs.

  • So, a little ugly but doable, because you've got three UTXOs.

  • You basically 3x the number of operations, set operations in the block.

  • The bridge node, on the other hand, has to keep track of something like 70 million UTXOs.

  • Right?

  • That's about how many there are right now.

  • And so since there's no way to batch it, that means you're going to have maybe 10k times

  • 70 million every block.

  • It's just not going to happen.

  • And then it's like, well, maybe you can sort of try to shard the bridge nodes.

  • And this bridge node only keeps track of this portion of the set.

  • But it just looked really daunting.

  • And that was why he was sort of like, yeah, I don't think this lattice-- I think it's

  • really key that either there's some kind of batching operation, where we can consolidate

  • all the operations within a single block to one set operation for the accumulator, or

  • try to make it so that the proofs don't have to be updated or something like that.

  • So this is still an unsolved problem, although I'm working on a fun way that I think might

  • work to do this.

  • And I don't want to-- because this is videotaped.

  • It's going on the internet and stuff.

  • I don't want to talk about it.

  • But if you have questions, we can talk about it at office hours or something.

  • So if it works, it'll be cool, although in some cases, it might-- so in the case of that

  • bridge node, it was the bridge node that really killed it.

  • Because it was just like, oh, you're going to have to do billions of operations per block.

  • But in other cases, it's like, well, you can have accumulators that seem good, but aren't

  • actually faster.

  • Because verifying the proofs takes a long time or something like that.

  • So it's sort of like with the range proofs or something like nimble-wear where the o

  • of n is great.

  • But you've got these constant factors that, in practice, end up meaning you're not actually

  • faster, right?

  • Because the Bitcoin UTXO set, well, it's 4 gigs.

  • Not even, right?

  • It's 3 and 1/2 gigs now.

  • So in practice, there's probably a lot of cool cryptographic technologies.

  • And you can write a whole paper and have all these cool things.

  • And then if you actually implement it, it's like, well, it actually goes twice as slow

  • as just using the regular.

  • Also, this is super optimized.

  • One of the biggest sort of code engineering things that has happened in Bitcoin Core is

  • OK, how can we make database updates to this?

  • How can we make different caching, different flushes to disk, and editing level DB itself.

  • So making this UTXO set database operation faster is a big thing in Bitcoin.

  • So it's pretty optimized.

  • And even if you've got something that seems like in computer science terms, hey, this

  • is log n instead of n, like, yeah, but what about the constant factors?

  • So that's another issue for these.

  • OK.

  • Other things-- I was going to talk-- well, yeah.

  • I'll do last one, and then we can maybe end a little early and talk about projects if

  • you want.

  • UTXO commitments, which is somewhat in the same region as accumulators-- a little bit

  • different idea.

  • And this exists in some coins.

  • Like in Ethereum, Joe Bonneau was saying that you basically have a tree of all the different

  • contracts that exist, all the different addresses in Ethereum.

  • And the root of that tree appears in every block header.

  • So you can make these proofs that coins exist based on a block header.

  • So it exists in Ethereum.

  • It doesn't exist in Bitcoin, but people have been talking about it for years.

  • The simplest would say take a hash of the UTXO set and put it in every Coinbase transaction.

  • And make that a consensus rule, so that when you mine a block, you have to take the hash

  • of the UTXO set that you're aware of.

  • Put it in the block so that everyone can see it.

  • And if everyone disagrees, they're going to invalidate that block.

  • This is really simple.

  • You probably want to do a little bit fancier than this.

  • A bit more useful-- instead of just taking a linear hash of the entire UTXO set, make

  • it a Merkle tree, right?

  • And that way, yeah, sure, it's very little extra hashing.

  • Well, no, wait, twice as much hashing, right?

  • But anyway.

  • 2x the hashing, but now you've got the ability to make small proofs.

  • And then you can prove an output exists at a given block height pretty easily at SPV

  • level security.

  • So currently, you can prove that a transaction exists at a block height.

  • And you can also prove that a transaction was consumed at a certain block height, right?

  • So if you have all these different blocks, 2, 3, 4, 5, you can say, hey, here's a Merkle

  • proof that transaction 1 was included in block 2.

  • And then you can prove here, OK, here's transaction 2 that consumes one of the outputs from transaction

  • 1.

  • But you can't prove just given-- but also, you can omit this proof, right?

  • So if you want to prove that-- so at block 6, how do I prove that the outputs from transaction

  • 1 still exist at block 6?

  • You're stuck, right?

  • You basically have to go through blocks 3 through 6 and look at the whole thing.

  • So with current SPV proofs, we can prove inclusion, right?

  • You sort of think of this as an accumulator, where you've got-- a Merkle tree is kind of

  • an accumulator.

  • I can prove inclusion, and then I can prove transaction 1 is in block 2.

  • I can prove that transaction 2 consumes transaction 1 in block 5.

  • But you have to rely on me to give you that proof honestly, right?

  • If I'm trying to cheat you and say, oh yeah, I've totally still got money, I can't prove

  • that it hasn't been deleted.

  • Whereas with a UTXO set commitment, if every block, there was a total commitment to every

  • UTXO, I could just say, hey, at block 6, my output from transaction 1, it's still in there.

  • Well, it wouldn't be in this case.

  • But I could prove it at block 4, right?

  • And say, hey, look, transaction 1, it's still in there at block 4.

  • No longer there at block 6.

  • Depending on how you construct the UTXO commitment, you may be able to provide non inclusion proofs,

  • which is also really cool.

  • So for example, if you had it be a Merkle tree, if it was just in order insertion--

  • so this is TX1, this is TX2, this is TX3, and you make a Merkle tree that way, then

  • you cannot prove that something's not in it, right?

  • So when TX3 gets deleted and now TX4 goes here, and TX5 comes here, you can't prove

  • the TX3's not there anymore in any real way.

  • However, if you sort them so that every time so now you sort them canonically, so like

  • by hash, just like greater than, less than, and then the order gets all weird, right?

  • So now TX5 is here and TX6 is here because TX5's hash is closer to 1 and stuff like that.

  • Then you can prove non-inclusion.

  • So then you can say, hey, TX3 is not here because TX3 would be between 5 and 4, right?

  • Just based on what the hash looks like.

  • And I can show you 5.

  • I'm going to prove for it.

  • I can show you 4 and approve for it.

  • I can show that these two things are adjacent, right, in the tree.

  • And there's no 3 there, and it would be there.

  • If it existed, it would be right here.

  • And I can show that it's not there.

  • So then I have non-inclusion proofs in the UTXO set, which could be used for some kind

  • of fraud proof.

  • So if someone makes a transaction spending something, you can say, no, look, here is

  • the last block.

  • Here's the UTXO set hash.

  • And here's a proof that this input doesn't exist.

  • So this must be an invalid transaction.

  • That would be really cool, too.

  • Because then you could propagate that on the network and sort of prove fraud.

  • So this is an idea that's been around for a long time.

  • I think maybe the reason it hasn't yet been implemented is, no one can really agree on

  • exactly how to do it.

  • A lot of people are like, yeah, we should do that.

  • That would be cool.

  • Yeah, you can prove [INAUDIBLE].

  • So, one thing you could do would be to skip years of initial block download.

  • So I don't really care what happened from 2009 to 2015.

  • I assume it was fine, right?

  • I'm going to start my synchronization in 2016 and just synchronize the last two years.

  • So I'll go get this UTXO commitment from end of 2015.

  • I will then not just get the commitment, but download a UTXO snapshot from that time.

  • And then I'll check that it matches the committed UTXO set hash.

  • And then I'll just start from there and then become a full node, where I didn't check the

  • first six years or something.

  • And its interesting mix of SPV security and regular full node security, and I think personally

  • that's probably OK, right?

  • If you only verify the last six months of signatures, well, if everyone's been wrong

  • for six months, we have bigger problems, right?

  • If there's some erroneous transaction in 2015 and the entire network has been just extending

  • for three years without reorging, like, wait, what?

  • So on the one hand, you don't want to do this for today's blocks, right?

  • Because then the miners have full control.

  • And the miners can just make up transactions.

  • And if you really just say, oh, well, the miners are doing the right thing, then they

  • get a lot more power.

  • But if you say, well, other people are validating it in real time.

  • And I assume that that's the case, and I'll validate six months' worth of transactions.

  • So I'll pick up any errors in the last six months and be able to report them.

  • But I will assume that after a certain amount of time, I'm pretty sure it's been OK.

  • Everyone else has been looking for this.

  • So that's a slightly different model than full nodes.

  • But in practice, not really.

  • Because if you look at the code for Bitcoin today, there's assume valid, which doesn't

  • check signatures.

  • It sort of has a block hash and says, OK, anything before this, don't check signatures.

  • The developers themselves have said, yeah, every signature before here is OK, so you

  • have to check the signatures, which is a little nicer.

  • Before they had check points, where it would just not validate anything before a certain

  • block hash.

  • So you sort of already have things like that to speed up the initial synchronization process.

  • But a UTXO commitment would make it a lot more sort of decentralized.

  • Because right now, it's just the programmers are like, well, this is last year.

  • Everyone's validated.

  • Let's just hard code this into the code, into the client.

  • Anyway.

  • So this is an idea.

  • The issues-- timing is probably one of the biggest issues.

  • If it's consensus critical, then the miners need to put this into their blocks.

  • And miners also need to verify it when they get a block.

  • And adding even a second to creating and verifying a block can centralize mining a bit.

  • Because the idea isl I want to be able to immediately start mining as soon as I see

  • a block.

  • Because a larger miner doesn't need to verify the block that just came out, right?

  • Because they created it.

  • If they created a block themselves, they know it's fine.

  • They build on top of it immediately with zero propagation delays, zero verification delay.

  • Smaller miners or miners receiving that block have to make sure it's correct before mining

  • on top of it.

  • So adding even a one second creation verification delay is something that a lot of the programmers

  • are like, mm, if you can get it down to half a second, maybe we're OK.

  • We want this functionality, but not at the cost of increasing that.

  • That's the worst time to add something.

  • If you can defer it, if you can say, oh, well, you need to verify this, but you can do it

  • after the fact or something, then it's fine.

  • So this I ran up against this because I had this fun idea, where you could half aggregate

  • Schnorr signatures within a block and do it non-interactively.

  • And it was really cool, and I'm pretty sure it works.

  • But it added, like, three seconds to block verification, so that killed that idea.

  • So one of the issues, yeah, timing.

  • Another issue is it does encourage more SPV level verification, where you can sort of

  • see that a lot of people will now use this method to not run a full node.

  • Because they're like, well, I can just get these compact proofs for all the UTXOs, whether

  • inclusion or non-inclusion.

  • So why run a full node?

  • I don't need to verify it because other people are.

  • You don't really want to encourage that because there's so much of that already.

  • Also, the biggest is probably there's got to be a better way to do this.

  • So there's all these different ideas on how to do it.

  • And they never seem to settle or converge on a single way.

  • So the three main ideas are sort of hash based UTXO sets, elliptic curve based commitments,

  • and RSA based commitments.

  • And there's a lot of overlap with accumulators, in that you're sort of-- the UTXO commitment

  • could be the sort of route or the hash of the accumulator itself.

  • That you want to prove that something's in there or prove that something's not in there.

  • And the EC one is the current one that Sip was looking at was looking at, but it never

  • made sense to me.

  • Because it's trivially-- you can provide invalid proofs really easily.

  • So it's all trusted.

  • But his idea was, well, let's say you have a node that you synced up, and you want to

  • sort of port that to somewhere else.

  • You can do that very compactly with an elliptic curve based UTXO commitment, which is cool,

  • but you can't trust the inclusion or non-inclusion proofs.

  • And there's RSA ones that also-- yeah, so there's some overlap there.

  • Anyway it's a pretty cool idea.

  • It does exist in Ethereum, which is just hash based that Joe Bonneau sort of explained the

  • tree thing they used.

  • But that doesn't provide for non-inclusion proofs, which would be fun.

  • So yeah, so this is another research area.

  • Any questions about UTXO commitments?

  • There's a bunch of-- Bram Cohen's Bitfield thing.

  • Have you seen that?

  • Yeah.

  • So that was a really interesting case of-- in computer science terms, it's o of n.

  • But he got it so that it's actually one bit per spent transaction output.

  • So the idea would be maintain a TXO set, right?

  • So for every transaction output ever created in order, you have just bits, right?

  • So if eight transaction outputs are created, that's a byte.

  • And you leave it all as zeros when they're unspent.

  • And when they have been spent, you just set it to 1.

  • And the thing is, yeah, there's 70 million, but if it's that-- well, there's more.

  • There's hundreds of millions.

  • But if it's bits instead of bytes, that's pretty small, right?

  • It's maybe 100 megabytes if you have 800 million outputs ever.

  • And then you can quickly see on your hard drive, OK, this output has been spent.

  • And you can provide proofs and stuff.

  • So the Bitfield thing was a kind of an interesting one.

  • OK, it's o of n, but 1 bit per object.

  • And you can sort of quickly sort between them.

  • So these are some of the things that-- I think that's it for today, right?

  • I was going to talk about covenants, but that's another story.

  • So these are some of the current research issues in Bitcoin, blockchain, cryptocurrency.

  • And there's lots of other topics.

  • But these are some of the big ones that I'm aware of and I know people working on.

  • But yeah, there's lots of ways to improve privacy, scalability, functionality.

  • It's certainly not like-- and sometimes people say, oh, well, Bitcoin was made in 2009.

  • And it's like blockchain version 1.0, and we need to make blockchain 4.0 or whatever.

  • And to some extent, yeah, Bitcoin is annoying to change, right?

  • It's difficult to change, and you've got the idea of a bridge node, and can't we just start

  • over?

  • It'd be so much easier.

  • In some cases, yes, it would be nicer to start over.

  • But that's sort of the challenge.

  • It's like, wait, can we make this system better, but maintain backwards compatibility?

  • And so, in a lot of cases, like the accumulators or the client side Bloom filter checking,

  • it's not a fork at all, right?

  • The miners don't have to change anything.

  • If you don't know about this new change, you don't have to change anything.

  • And so there are totally optional ways to improve some of these things.

  • And that's a fun challenge, right?

  • You're given this system.

  • It's sort of like trying to improve an airplane while it's in flight, where you're like, OK,

  • I'm going to make it faster, make it better while it's flying.

  • We can't even land.

  • So yeah, that definitely makes it harder.

  • But other things are-- but what's also interesting is that there's not that many things in it

  • that really require starting over from scratch.

  • So I know at the New York City Bitcoin Core Developer Meetup in March, Bram Cohen, who

  • made BitTorrent-- he's making his own coin, I guess, now.

  • And it's kind of interesting because usually, the Bitcoin people don't like alt coins or

  • are sort of wary of them, and don't invite alt coin people to their events and stuff.

  • But Bram Cohen invented BitTorrent, so everyone sort of owes him in some spiritual way a couple

  • thousand bucks for all the music and movies they've downloaded, right?

  • So it's like, oh, Bram, he helped us out.

  • So he comes to these things.

  • And he was asking at the thing in March, OK-- asking a lot of people-- if you were going

  • to start Bitcoin over from scratch, what would you change?

  • All the people who were programming this for years and dealing with all the annoying problems

  • in it gave, if you started from scratch, what code do you change?

  • Or what sort of basic infrastructure things do you change in the system?

  • And there weren't that many, right?

  • A lot of people were like, oh, there's the little things.

  • Like, oh, get rid of the little silly op zero in multi sig.

  • Get rid of this, or change a couple of these things.

  • But not a lot of really fundamental changes people would want to have made.

  • Some people were saying, hey, maybe instead of pointing based on TXID, be able to point

  • height and index, so you can have a lot smaller there.

  • Some different opcode things, but what was interesting is that-- and also, it's a super

  • biased sample.

  • And it's like, if you're asking all the people who work on Bitcoin, well, yeah, they sort

  • of like how Bitcoin works, or at least, they've grown accustomed to it.

  • So you might want to ask other people if you want to sort of think out of the box.

  • But there weren't a ton of major changes that people wanted to have made.

  • So it does seem that it's a fairly well thought out base of a system.

  • And then I'd say the Ethereum design is the other design that's very different, right?

  • The account based versus UTXO base.

  • And a lot of the people who work on Bitcoin think that account based is worse.

  • A lot of people maybe in Ethereum case think UTXO base is worse.

  • They do have tradeoffs.

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