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  • Hi, I'm Lisa Bardot and this is Intro to Procreate: Learning to Draw on the iPad.

  • Procreate is an iPad app that lets you draw anytime, anywhere, with the world of art media literally at your fingertips.

  • Procreate is a powerful and intuitive painting and drawing app for the iPad and can be used to create extremely detailed and advanced artwork,

  • but it is also perfect for beginners because it's so intuitive to use.

  • Procreate enables you to have every type of drawing and painting medium and limitless colors anytime, anywhere.

  • It's perfect for helping you establish a daily art making practice.

  • I'm Lisa Bardot, an illustration artist as well as photographer, maker, and all-around creative person.

  • I am an avid believer that creativity is essential and fundamental to all humans and

  • the enabling of creativity and others is a big part of my work.

  • I've been using procreate for over five years.

  • I use it for

  • illustration work as well as lettering and sketching, and I am the owner of Bardot Brush one of the leading brush creators for Procreate.

  • Let's jump right in and learn about the best hardware to use with Procreate.

  • The dream team for using Procreate is the iPad Pro and Apple Pencil.

  • You can draw in Procreate with your finger or a third party stylus, but no other tool matches the

  • responsiveness and control of the Apple Pencil.

  • This is how the Apple pencil normally looks. Mine just looks a little special because I put stickers on them.

  • As of this recording, the Apple pencil only works with the current iPad Pro released in late

  • 2018, as well as all previous models of iPad pro, and

  • The 9.7 inch iPad released in early 2018.

  • I recommend getting as large of a screen size as you can afford.

  • I use the 12.9 inch iPad pPro and I love having a large area to work on.

  • If you have less of a budget to work with,

  • the 9.7 inch iPad is a great option because it's the only non-Pro iPad that works with the Apple pencil.

  • I also highly recommend getting a matte screen protector for your iPad.

  • The glass screen of the iPad can feel a little sticky or slippery,

  • so a matte screen protector is going give you a nice smooth feeling when you draw.

  • In this tutorial, you'll get a crash course in the Procreate app. You'll learn the basics, tips, tricks, and everything

  • you need to get you drawing as quickly as possible.

  • Let's get started!

  • The gallery view is the first thing you'll see when you open procreate.

  • Here you can browse and open all of your artwork as well as start new pieces.

  • Tap the plus sign to start a new file.

  • You'll see a variety of canvas size templates and you can easily create your own.

  • I like to use a high-resolution canvas when I work in Procreate.

  • It gives me the option to print my work later on, plus a lot of the brushes I use are optimized for a high-resolution canvas.

  • Let's create a canvas that is

  • 5,500 by 4,000 pixels

  • This is my favorite size to work with because it takes up the entire iPad screen. When you're getting set up,

  • I'd also create a vertical canvas that is 4,000 by 5,000 pixels and a square canvas that is 5000 by 5,000 pixels.

  • Let's name this canvas "High-Res Horizontal".

  • Tap "Done" and that takes us right into the canvas interface.

  • The first thing we'll do is take a look at the brushes.

  • Tap the paintbrush in the upper right to access the brushes panel.

  • Procreate comes with a variety of pre-installed brushes covering a range of mediums and styles, but

  • the real magic of Procreate is that you can install or even create your own custom brushes. If you tap on a brush

  • you'll see that each brush has dozens of settings that manipulate a texture and a shape.

  • You don't need to get to know these settings right now, but just know that they exist.

  • Tap the arrow to exit the brush settings here. In my brush list

  • I've got all the brushes I've ever created sorted into sets. To start off, play around with the different brushes.

  • Each brush has different abilities so experiment with different levels of pressure,

  • the speed of your strokes,

  • as well as the tilt of your Apple Pencil to see what different effect each brush can produce.

  • The sliders on the Left allow you to control brush size,

  • 00:04:31,830 --> 00:04:33,830 and Opacity.

  • You can pinch and spread to zoom in or out and rotate your canvas.

  • Do a quick pinch to have the canvas go back to filling the screen. If you make a mark you want to undo

  • simply tap with two fingers anywhere on the canvas.

  • Tap with two fingers and hold to undo multiple.

  • Tap with three fingers to redo.

  • Tap and hold with three fingers to redo multiple.

  • Use three fingers to "scrub" off the screen and clear all.

  • Let's take a look at the eraser tool.

  • I'm going to color in a portion of the screen then select the eraser, which is right here.

  • The cool thing about it is you can use any of your brushes as an eraser.

  • Let me undo that.

  • If I look at my brush, I can see that I'm using this one.

  • Now if I tap and hold the eraser, it will automatically select that brush to use as an eraser.

  • Now I can erase and have my eraser marks match the brushes and it will look seamless.

  • Let's talk about my favorite thing in the world: color!

  • Tap the circle in the upper right and you will see the color picker. Use the outer ring to select your hue,

  • and use the inner disc to fine-tune the lightness darkness or saturation of the color.

  • Let's lay down a few colors.

  • You can quick select a color by tapping and holding on the screen to invoke the eyedropper. It lets you easily select a color

  • that's already on the canvas.

  • Let's save these colors we've made.

  • Open the color panel and tap "Palettes". Tap the plus sign to create a new palette - make sure it's set to default.

  • Tap back over to disc and we have a new empty color palette to fill up.

  • Select the yellow. To save a color, just tap a square in the palette. Let's add all these colors to the palette.

  • You can reorder the colors. Just tap, hold, and drag. To delete a color, tap & hold, then tap "delete".

  • This little finger icon is the smudge tool.

  • It can smudge, smear or soften, or combine brush strokes and colors.

  • The opacity slider controls the strength of the smudging. This can be useful for things like creating smooth color transitions in your drawings.

  • Moving on to layers.

  • Layers are very powerful, and one of the most useful elements of Procreate, and are packed with a ton of amazing features.

  • Tap these two squares in the upper right to open the layers panel. At the bottom is the background color. By default

  • it is white, but tap it to select any color as your background

  • Let's stick to white.

  • Double tap the color disc near white to automatically select a pure white value. This double tap feature works in nine points on the color

  • wheel and can help you find ideal color values.

  • Back to the layers panel. Tap the layer to access the layers menu. You'll see several options:

  • rename, select, copy, fill, clear, and more. Tap "clear" so we can start fresh.

  • Let's select yellow from our palette and draw a banana shape. To fill this area with color quickly,

  • tap the color circle and drag it into the shape.

  • For the details of the banana,

  • we're gonna put those on a new layer. Tap "layers" and tap + to create a new layer. Now I'm gonna select a blackish-brown

  • and a different brush

  • and draw my details

  • Because I'm working on a new layer, I can edit and erase and the banana layer remains unaffected.

  • Tap this checkbox to hide and show layers.

  • I want to add more texture to this banana.

  • 00:08:24,770 --> 00:08:30,639 That looks pretty crappy. Undo that. Go to that layer and swipe right with two fingers to enable Alpha Lock.

  • The layer will look like it has a checkerboard pattern behind it.

  • You can also tap and see that alpha lock is enabled. Now when I draw

  • the new color only appears where I've already drawn on that layer.

  • Let's add a new layer.

  • I'm drawing a half circle shape and erasing a bit off the top to give me nice sharp corners.

  • To do the inner orange sections, I'm going to create a new layer. Tap it and turn on Clipping Mask.

  • This is a function similar to Alpha Lock where what I draw will only appear within the confines of the art on the layer below.

  • But this time I can draw in a new layer. I can even turn on Alpha Lock on that layer and add texture and details.

  • Select multiple layers by swiping right with one finger on each layer. Reorder layers by tapping, holding, and dragging.

  • Change the opacity of a layer by tapping the "N" on that layer and adjusting the slider. You can merge layers by pinching them together.

  • You can also duplicate a layer or delete a layer.

  • There are a lot more layer options so play around and see what they do.

  • Here's another really awesome feature.

  • Can't draw a straight line to save your life? Have no fear, quick line and quick shape are here! Draw a line,

  • But don't pick up your pencil. Voila! Perfect line. You can move it around.

  • or put another finger on the canvas to make it snap in 15 degree increments. Tap Edit Shape at the top to edit further.

  • You can also do ovals or circles,

  • rectangles and squares,

  • triangles,

  • or weird crazy polygons.

  • Okay, let's clear all that away we'll draw some perfect circles. Oh that's really bad.

  • But that's okay. And then well go ahead and fill them in and then I'm gonna add a new layer.

  • Okay, we'll draw some stems. The Quick Shape feature also works with arcs too so we're gonna use that here.

  • And then I'm just gonna add a little bit of texture to those cherries just like we did before with Alpha Lock,

  • a little bit darker red.

  • Let's take a look at the selection tool.

  • It's the "S" shaped icon in the upper left. Tap it to enable Selection Mode. This menu pops up at the bottom,

  • so I like to zoom the canvas out a bit to see everything. There are several types of selections

  • but the one I use most often is Freehand.

  • You can tap, tap, tap to make a polygon selection or just draw a selection shape freehand.

  • You also have the option to feather or soften the selection edges and

  • clear the selection. You can make rectangle selections,

  • and ellipse selections.

  • Okay, now I'm going to show you the transform tool. Let's make a new layer and we're going to write the word "fruity".

  • Nothing fancy,

  • but I am gonna take the eraser tool and just kind of clean up the edges as I like to have

  • nice sharp corners on my letters.

  • Perfect. Well, maybe not perfect. Let's fix that F. It's kind of over too far.

  • I'm gonna first select the F and then tap the arrow

  • to access the transform tool.

  • This is what you use to move elements around the canvas. You can use the options at the bottom to flip,

  • rotate,

  • you can also grab this little green handle and rotate.

  • If you turn the magnetics off you can kind of move freely and you can

  • resize any which way you want. If you have magnetics on

  • you'll get little guides when you move around, and

  • If you resize, you'll maintain the uniform shape. Another way to resize objects is by pinching and zooming.

  • And no matter what when you do this, it will always maintain that same

  • size ratio.

  • If you need to zoom in while in Transform Mode, hold down the arrow icon with one finger and spread out to zoom.

  • Tap, tap, tap in any direction to nudge your selection pixel-by-pixel.

  • And we'll zoom back out. If I tap the transform arrow without making a selection,

  • that's gonna select the entire contents of that layer.

  • The distort function allows you to manipulate like this if you drag on the corners,

  • or if you grab the edge, it'll kind of make a shearing effect, and

  • then there's also the warp option, which you can really get crazy with. You can even, like, fold over,

  • grab in the middle, and move it around and just get really weird with it. I'm gonna reset that.