字幕表 動画を再生する
You know, it never.
I can never I can never get it right.
I can never get it right here we are, starting a new year.
And I really thought I had it this time.
Thank you, Kelly, Who just sent me a message in the slack that popped up that I saw that I was muted.
Okay, so I'm welcome back, happy son, and be in the summer.
Happy start of school.
Back to school.
Almost a Labor Day weekend is the holiday weekend.
A Friday afternoon here in the United States, where I live in New York City.
I'm broadcasting live from the Tisch School of the Arts at New York University.
I have, uh I haven't seen the chat catch up to me, and I know that the chat, the live chat that's going on during during the stream is usually about 30 seconds behind.
So now I see that someone says Leo says Now we good.
So I assume that means the sound is going.
Could you could hear the music.
I think what was playing before?
So I have a whole lot of really wonderful happy things to announce.
I'm gonna talk about something called the P five gs Web editor.
That is the primary topic.
Today's live stream will be for the total beginner, for the most part will be a few things that I'll do that aren't that are that involved.
Things that I that you would have to know about already in terms of programming, to be able to follow along in full detail.
But as always, I try to have everything friendly and available to the beginner.
But today I am returning to my roots and going back to create the first intro to You're about to learn to code for the very first time videos.
I'm replacing some of the videos on my channel that have gone out out of date.
So if you're kind of here for the machine learning lower level tensorflow programming stuff that I also sometimes d'oh go enjoy dinner or breakfast or go back to sleep, whatever it is you were doing, I want to begin today enforcement with some very sad news.
I'm gonna bring up the Web browser, hear Madden.
It's only fitting that I I'm not sure if I pronounced his name correctly.
Madden is a coding train viewer for a long time a member of the slack community, someone who made countless contributions on the quoting train.
Get hub!
I was poring through all of these commits from Maren.
I was looking at some of the messages that Madden wrote Maren sadly passed away.
I believe this week I actually don't know the date that I was learning to this news on Twitter.
I wanted to take, uh, till the marriage is not something I ever met.
A Marron, I think, though, is one it is.
I don't have anything prepared to say, but I think that what I want to say is that one of the reasons why I enjoy and love getting to do this is that the the material that I put out on this channel, other people find it, and they send me things back.
They teach me things.
They're kind to me and answering my questions.
They join the slack community.
They help somebody else they contribute on Get hub.
You know, I d'oh earn a small living from this channel in addition to the work that I do at N y U.
But there's more to it also than that, and Mayor and I think it's someone who really for me, even though I never met him or never spoke voice to him only chatted to get Hub is somebody that I I really came to know our feel that I know.
And I'm really, really sad, sort of crushed to hear this news.
So, um, today's Lifestream is dead.
It to Martin.
Is Dick dedicated to Maren?
I encourage you to check out the website man in D h dot and l.
I believe there's a place where you can leave online condolences and most of America's from the Netherlands.
If I'm correct, somebody correct me if I'm, um if I'm wrong.
So I think if you click on here, see, most of it's in Dutch.
Um and, um, I'm getting some notes that maybe my sounds.
It'll also look at that for in a minute.
So in the future, I might try to do a fund raiser around suicide awareness on That's something that I'm looking into.
YouTube has a new platform called YouTube giving, but this today's live stream back to the beginning, I think is appropriate is dedicated to Maren.
I'm gonna beat my microphone, Um, and take?
Um just about 30 seconds of silence.
You know, I'd ask you in the chat Thio e.
I know that everybody watching this is the stream comes in a different time.
Last 30 seconds.
20 seconds later.
45 seconds to take a moment.
Take 30 seconds.
Thio, take a break from the chat and I will be back.
Okay, Um I also want to say that I'm wearing It's awkward transition, but I'm gonna go back into coding tutorials as I typically dio on Fridays.
I also I'm wearing this shirt from the made by Tae Yun Choi as part of his project Distributed web of care.
I was like, Oh, actually just got that Sure I want to wear on the coating dream should I wear today It's a symbol of what I think to me To me I love Italian is doing with his project distributed web of care I have to look over here on my monitor, see what's written on it.
But a lot of times when we think about technology, we think about control user machine, learn.
And what about thinking about care?
What about unlearned?
We're all after all, rather un compute herbal.
So this is a shirt from Tae Yoon Choice Project distributed web of care.
I I'll tryto include some links.
Thio teens work in video description.
Okay, so they're waas um there was some a couple notes about Maybe my shirt tag is Okay.
Well, that's that's pretty typical for me.
There were some notes.
Thank you, Chris.
Purge in for, um, posting the note in the slack channel about the national suicide Prevention Lifeline, which is 1 802 738255 That's obviously a United States number.
Okay, So and, um, thank you, moderators for moderating the chat que weak bond in particular and others of those who are moderating.
Everything okay with the sound before I move on, I'm just going to have a little drink of water.
Check the whiteboard camera.
Let's see here.
Is it working?
It is not on.
Of course.
When I drink that water, you can really hear it, right?
It's very like awkward and weird sounding.
Probably coding train brought to you by water.
First of all I have, this chair is like in the shot, which is a problem.
Where can I put it.
Just put it here.
Uh, white board.
Everything okay?
Sound is fine over here.
Um, I am back.
I'm going Thio.
I will include links Thio Marin's website and his commits and work out with quitting train in the description closing.
This looks I have setting up some stuff.
Oh, and this is a force.
Something I'm going to talk about ongoing business.
Another thing I'll mention is that I have, um I think that sounds a little quiet.
Uh, sounds okay.
You know, I prefer it to be a little bit quiet.
To be honest, I say, won't you be able to hear it?
But I'll get a little a bit excitable, get a little bit loud.
And, um, when that happens, sometimes the microphone can peek or distort.
And Macha, who does a lot of video editing for posting stuff separately afterwards, always boost the volume.
It's easier to boost it, then correct it down.
So unless there's a significant problem with you being able to hear it, Yeah.
So I do have some new branding stuff that's coming along the way.
You can see here this there's gonna be some new T shirts with this new bouncy letters coating train logo.
Um, I you'll notice that in the chat there, I have new emojis and icons for the members.
That's a thing that's part of the YouTube membership program.
You're interested?
I want believer that point.
But those of you who were members of the chat can go ahead and blast some of those emojis.
And so there's new.
There's a lot of new stuff coming with new characters and some new T shirts, stuff and stickers and things like that.
Um, okay, Uh um, Let's see.
All right, so let's go.
So this is what you know.
This is ah, a bit of a tricky time of year for me, as I mentioned many times already.
I worked at New York University, and so I have classes.
Starting next week, I'm teaching three classes, which is a lot on one of the meeting Tuesday from the meets on Wednesday and Monday's a holiday.
But in particular, one of the classes that I'm teaching is the introduction to programming for total beginners, and I see that there was a new member that joined Valka, I think was out cuts.
Ah, a new member of the joint, Alka.
Thank you, Elka.
Of course the camera goes off those good timing.
Um And, um, so I need to buy my previous video belt around here.
I think I'm just gonna start.
I gotta cover this laptop.
I haven't a laptop so much to discuss.
I have new workflow.
I'm gonna do a video about the new workflow.
But I can't get to that today, because what was I trying to get to here?
Yes, I need to go to YouTube.
You, too dot com slash the coating train.
And I need to go to, uh Well, I could subscribe to the channel.
I created a new Google.
Look out.
Just to be long into something here, you subscribe another subscriber.
Um, I'm gonna go to here.
There we go.
I'm gonna go.
Let's just look here.
No, no, no, not here.
Don't show me an ad.
Don't you mean at all right.
So in theory and a new member, another new member question is are the lights flashing at home?
Meyer Shaw.
Thank you for joining fire shot.
So, um, thes air these videos for the learned to code from scratch.
You've never coded before course and they are.
Many of them were made.
I would say two or three years ago.
Some of them were made last year.
A year ago?
If we start getting into the classes with s six stuff that I started doing Okay, sorry.
There's something.
There's some, like, weird delay going on.
That's weird.
So, like, the output of this into my monitor is behind, I don't think that's gonna cause a huge problem.
Uh, let me just test something with you all just to see if because you is this out of sync for you.
I don't care so much, but I'm curious.
Is the new computer?
I didn't notice this when I did my test run through.
You're gonna be able to hear me type because the typing is kind of loud.
And I want you to say when you hear the sound of the letter a dozen letter a appear and I'm gonna look over here too.
So for me, I see it immediately.
And then it appears on the monitor of what I'm live streaming a little bit later.
Yet when I move my hand, it's instant.
So there seems to be a little bit of a delay, but I think that's gonna be fine.
I mean, we have to live with it right now.
If that's a major issue for anybody, let me know.
Um okay.
Um thank you, everybody.
All these nice message in the chat.
Love seeing that.
Okay, so in theory this fall, I intend to remake all of these videos.
That's crazy.
I don't think I'm going to do that.
But I am at least going to make remake 1.1.
Introduction P five gesture.
Torrey A ll.
This workflow video is gonna go away.
It's not gonna go away.
It's still gonna exist.
But that workflow video is not for a total beginner.
Instead, it will be about the P five Web better, which I will talk about.
Then I'll get to basics of drawing.
So I want to see if I can redo today.
This was a 12 minute video.
This was a 15 minute video and this was 15 minute view.
And by the way, when I say we do, it's not like I just went rewatch the just doing the same idea.
But I'll probably do it a different way with different examples.
And just with my war gray hair.
So that's the, um um, so that's the no delay.
People are saying everything's fine or it's a tiny milliseconds.
Okay, so that's the core plan.
What else do we want to do?
No, I want to announce the P five Web better.
I'm kind of doing that already, but I will say a few more words about that.
I want to do the new intro to code A drawing tutorial.
A colored.
These are for complete and total beginners.
So if you've never coated before, ever, today is a live stream to tune into it.
But of course, everything will be edited.
Recorded an uploaded later too.
Then I have this idea.
The move.
I shouldn't say this now because what if I don't get to it?
What time is it now?
Um, five o'clock.
I have I have some time, but I also run out of steam.
The snake coding challenge is the most viewed video on my channel.
It's also like I use constructor functions instead of six classes.
I didn't have the p five Web editor when I made that.
I did some weird stuff in that video that makes no sense, probably so.
I thought I would try today as a coding challenge.
Snake Game re ducks.
And it's kind of true that this is just a grab at work shoes because, like, I'm sort of curious.
Like, Why did that video catch fire?
And if I do it again, I probably won't.
But will it?
I'm just sort of curious, but also feels like it's worth worth giving another crack at.
So if anybody wants to tell me that's a terrible idea, I will listen.
But I'd probably do it anyway.
And then a number six on this list, we find a working marker.
Um, I'm looking at the chat.
Number six on this list is I want to make some videos about how to, uh, make AP five course with Google Classroom.
So and this will relate Thio me announcing the p five y better.
So let me get to that.
I'm not I'm not announcing the P five Web entered the P five Web.
Better has already been announced by the people who made the P 51 better.
I am pointing you to that announcement just to be clear, so I do work closely with the processing foundation I helped to found to create the process foundation.
I've been working on processing since 2004 on defy go to medium dot com slash at processing or GE You can see this recent post Hello, p five gs Web editor.
So this is the p five jazz.
It's just really distracting to me.
I'm sorry when I scroll and then it's like, I see it the court of my eye, the scrolling coming later, but I'm gonna get used to This is the P five Web editor announcement.
I do need to deal with this laptop and putting some green in front of it.
I encourage you to watch this promo video.
It has.
Uh, I'm just gonna play it without sound.
You will not hear it, so I'm gonna let it play.
So this is the announcement video.
It has, uh, all the people who worked on people who worked on the project contributed into it.
Talk about Look, there's me with, like, a longer beard and Orioles had Orioles go Orioles.
Right, Sabir Khan.
The reason why I'm one to mention Sabir Khan has been working on education outreach for the Crossing Foundation He has a whole video about how to do education with P five, and I think in more sort of overview.
And I would like to do some nuts and bolts of like, You're a high school teacher and you use Google Suite already.
How can you integrate that with P five and the Web editor?
It's saying that I'm doing this semester.
Here's Cassie, who is the creator of the P five Web editor, So I encourage you to watch these videos on your own.
Read about it.
There is a full overview video with Cassie of all of the features.
Not well, the bulk of almost all of the features of the Web editor.
It's about a 20 minute video of casting walking through everything.
I'm not gonna make one of those myself.
It exists right here from the creator of the Web editor, So I encourage you to watch that there is a video here from Matura, who is a recent TP alum and researcher on a research resident who, with many other people, all credited in this video.
Clare, Carney, Opie and Louise and many other people have worked on making the P five Web editor accessible for people who are blind or have low vision right from the beginning.
And so you can watch that video to learn about that.
And, um, there's a great question in the chat from Coal, which I want Thio Answer in a second.
And then there's also this video about P five gs.
For educators.
Sauber talks about a lot of different initiatives related to computer science, education and particularly in K through 12.
And how how you can use P five Js if that's what interests you.
There's a lot of work going on with the New York City Department education and the C s for all initiative.
They've been directing the writing of a new curriculum written by Luisa Herrera, who is also teaches here, tp there's a whole P five curriculum.
I will point you to that if you but you'll find it in the description.
So this is Today is a wonderful day if you are a teacher, if you are a beginner, I think that all of these resource is have been launching her out there.
Okay, so, um, I encourage you to.
All these videos are on the Processing foundation YouTube channel.
How do we get to that YouTube processing foundation?
So if you don't already subscribe Thio the processing foundation I Look, I'm gonna subscribe.
I'm something like, I don't know what Google account this is that I just made, but so I encourage you to subscribe to the processing foundations YouTube channel.
And if you have the means, you can also support the processing foundation's work.
It's a non for profit charity here in the United States.
Uh, crossing foundation dot or ge slash support.
That's not the right u R l slash support.
Okay, so All right, so that is check announced P five Web.
Better let me quickly answer a question that was asked about by coal in the chat.
And I'm sorry.
I'm looking at the slack.
So cool asked something like, I'm gonna rephrase the question.
Um, will the p five Web editor change the process of uploading coating challenges so I don't plan to exclusively use the P five Jess Web editor on this channel.
It will certainly become a core tool.
My mission is to show a variety of ways of coding.
You know, again, I do focus a bit on using processing and P five and related libraries.
But I knowed and I'm gonna be using visual studio code.
I'm gonna show you some tricks that I have to use a different terminal, this term thing that the slack channel and people have helped me set up because I'm very out of date with my stuff.
So But if I do a coding challenge in the web editor, it will facilitate people making their own versions of it and sharing those very easily.
And I will talk about that and show that as I get into the Web editor itself.
All right, um, I've got to get into this material, so let me figure out.
Let's get a good fun.
Okay, I got to figure this out.
Now, here's I really, really hope I don't suddenly like, spend 45 minutes on this.
Please keep me in check.
But the web editors layout is a little bit awkward compared to how I usually done my videos.
I'm going to just quickly try to set something up.
So first, let me get a good font size.
Uh, those were watching.
How is this fun size?
Um, and, uh, let me know.
I kind of feel like it needs to be a little bit bigger.
Let's go to 36 fillets here and 404 100 shows up there.
One thing I can't do easily.
If I zoom, that's fine.
It's okay that I can live with.
All right.
So p five Web editor Now there's two options.
I'm gonna try something here.
This is right.
First, let's try to get this laptop to go away.
So I've got some green paper cloaking device, and this is my extra laptop where I look at the slack channel for members, it's a too big OK, that's fine.
I you know, I am always erring on the side of making it larger.
Yes, me, I am to me.
I saw the CSS modifications to flip the Web editor and also increased the console.
Oh, I didn't know me.
I am so me.
Can you put that in like a get hub?
Because that'll be the easiest way for me to grab it onto this computer.
I played around with it, but I didn't actually do it on the log.
So if you could put it like a get hub, Jeff, um, I'm a little bit afraid of doing that?
Because I'm a little afraid.
If the Web editor looks different on my screen compared to other people's, they're going to be confused.
I think it just being flipped is sort of not a big deal.
And I could also acknowledge that the other thing I could do is I can flip myself.
Oh, but my words on my shirt will be backwards.
I guess maybe I'll flip you some CSS hacks to flip the and we could make that a chrome extensions for people who, you know, it could become a feature of the Web editor itself.
How am I doing here with this laptop?
So far, so good.
Uh, Fozzie, I was asking, What's a gist?
Get have just is a single page lightweight way of sharing a code snippet that is much more lightweight than creating a full get hump depository.
Just a way of like when you quickly share some code with you.
Um, right.
This is green paper.
I will prove to you it's green paper.
Uh, there you go.
Now I need, um Okay, let's see.
You know, certainly this is the kind of thing that I should do in advance.
But the way my life works these days is I get into this room about 10 minutes before I set the time, and so I very rarely think that did the trick.
I very rarely, um I have a lot of I did spend some time here yesterday at least getting this new computer working.
So it got a bit of a faster computer.
I have an e key that works.
I would like to get it.
I was thinking of getting a mechanical keyboard.
Is that when, um when was her name went?
Sorry when new cat Suze was here?
Okay, this is a shorter you, Earl.
Okay, so I've got it from me.
I am so me.
There was a bug in it.
I am so me that well, we would probably I would love to fix if possible, which is that Let me try getting that first.
So, um me, me, I am so me dot For me, I am so dot me dot a dot TX Oh, no.
But I needed that.
So that's good.
What was useful to me was somebody made a version that was like, uh that I could turn into, like, a little jobs.
Bookmarklet and I could just press and it flipped it around.
Otherwise, I suppose I could add this in, like by going to the developer console or something.
I should know how to do this, right?
And if I go down like here, into, like, the styles or something and I also want to make this bigger, like, I can add it here somehow.
It's amazing that I don't know how to do this.
Um, that's b dot t x t.
Okay, So what I'm gonna do this is a little I do have a video tutorial about making a bookmarklet, uh, bookmarks bar.
New ad page.
So I think Did it have jobs?
So if I add that something, you can just say Oh, no.
Whips flip p five.
Put this in here.
And now if I click this Yeah, the bug is Let's see if that bug is there.
I want to be able to move this back and forth.
Is there anybody have any idea of how I could fix this?
So I'd love to fix that.
I can live.
I can live with it.
for right now.
But this would be then.
Ah, people are gonna ask, How do I flicked it?
So I better acknowledge that I'm doing that.
I'm going thio.
I can also like, but that's fine.
Can I remove this?
Uh, okay.
Let me lock my thing in here so that good?
I didn't spend too much time on that Look.
Oh, that looks like Ah, a little more green.
Right on the worst.
A tiny bit more green.
Sorry, everybody.
I'm kind of an idiot because I don't need all that space, but I just didn't do it high enough over here.
Now I need another piece of tape.
No easy way to fix that.
Okay, well, I will just live with it.
I think that's okay.
The other thing that I was going to do is slip myself, but I think I'll keep it this way.
Okay, One more piece of tape and we should be ready for the worst of this.
I didn't do it evenly.
Now I have to like, do it.
Come on.
Everything's gonna be okay.
How do we do?
All right.
Can you notice anything?
Let's Let's minimize this and see.
Yeah, all right.
Of course.
If I walk over here, it's a little bit weird, but that's fine.
Okay, We are in good shape.
Just pretend there's a pulley.
That's very good.
All right.
I think I'm ready.
I'm just cycling the cameras here, by the way, for sale.
I'm like a NASCAR driver here with my new laptop.
Just kidding.
I mean, I'm not getting water.
H 20 get back to me.
All right?
Um, I don't think that I need oops.
Wrong button shoots.
Uh, okay.
I don't think that I need this list written out here anymore.
If somebody could help me to remember it, obviously, if you take a snapshot of it, but it's it's pretty obvious.
All right, so So let me be clear about what I'm doing here.
I'm actually teaching at N Y u A new online course for any an unwise you undergrad to sign up for and learn to code.
It's all gonna happen online through Google classroom.
There's lots of features for interaction and discussion and sharing of sketches there, the videos for that course or what I'm doing here on this channel for the public to consume.
I have a dream of someday having also a version of the course like that public people could sign up for in some way.
But I'm not ready for that yet.
Like to do things small and incrementally.
So I am not going to be referencing that course in the public videos.
But I do need to make some specific content.
I have two fearsome things out.
So this first video that I'm about to do will introduce the course.
And I don't do scripts.
I probably Sometimes I have a good mental outline of what I want to talk about.
Sometimes I just spin my wheels.
I'm not really sure what's gonna happen right now, but I am going to just do my best.
Can I raise this up a tiny bit?
Uh uh, And I'm gonna go to P five J s Stop work and processing foundation, not organ in processing.
Oh, boy.
I don't want to be a prostitute.
I just got this, but I need to make a new video for the home page of Process of Gondor.
OK, somebody get me to do that and my phone is ringing.
I gotta turn up the notification on this.
Um, Bee, I am so me in terms of a pool request.
Let's actually let me talk Thio Cassie, who is the creator of the web editor and see, take her temperature on that and whether that's gonna get in the way of other things that are happening.
But I'm I'm interested in that has a future, and I blow that extra preferences.
So anyway, let's we'll have a discussion about that.
Sorry, baby.
Einstein was asked about whether to, like, actually pull request making this flipping thing a feature of the Web editor itself.
Um, okay, uh, let's see.
What can I go to reference?
Yeah, that's good.
Our exhibition, maybe exhibition.
Be good.
Okay, um, bothering me that my laptop is, like, kind of off, But I also want to be further this way.
So all the way.
All the way.
All the way.
All the way.
All the way.
All the way.
All right, I'm ready.
Look, I'm gonna wing it.
That's what I always d'oh!
I could always do it again.
Right, You guys.
Whoa, I too much.
I remake the content again.
I was actually watched about a week ago.
My other intro to P five video and in that video I said, Like I said in the middle, like, Boy, this is completely different than my last attempt.
But I wasn't live streaming at the time, so clearly had done it a few times.
Also thought that video was kind of terrible, but I watched those, like, Terrible.
So anyway, all right.
Welcome, Thio.
The first video in what is a playlist of many, many, many, probably too many videos about learning to code.
If you have never written any code before if you never program before If you dad don't know anything about programming, it's my intention for this playlist to be for you.
So this is the first introductory video.
I'm just gonna talk about the pieces of the puzzle that I'm going to use throughout this video.
Siris on dhe show you where all those things are and kind of a little bit about the history of those things just to get started in learning to code learning to code.
You don't have to have no anything.
And all you need is a computer with a web browser to fall along.
You download anything install anything.
I'm so excited about that.
Now here's the thing.
If you choose today, August 31st 2000 and 18.
If this is the time of the recording, there's many videos that follow this in the playlist.
Many of those videos were done a year ago, two years ago, three years ago.
They're using the same exact stuff that I'm going to show you, but the screen is gonna look a little bit different.
So I'm starting over because there's a new tool that just came out today, called the P five jazz Web editor.
And it's the tool that I want to use four people following this tutorial, Siri's So the first few videos will have that tool in it.
And the rest of the videos are just gonna have the same concepts that you could keep using in that editor, and maybe someday all of them will be replaced.
I have no idea.
I'm gonna stop talking about that.
That's not the important part, but I wanted to make that clear.
If you happen to be, if you're just one race ahead and see all the videos, all right, so what does it mean?
Toe learn to program.
What does it mean to program?
What it means to program is to write instructions for the computer to fall up.
Now, this can happen in a number of different weights, But you need a programming language which provides a syntax.
Okay, I was doing fine, but then I needed to stop for a second.
I feel like I can always stop, and we're gonna have an edit point when I'm doing the thing where I come over here.
I don't know why I'm coming over there.
All right, I will address this.
Luke asked.
I'm curious.
Why are you making a whole other Siri's when you've already done it?
It's a very valid question, and I'm not confident it's a good decision to do this in terms of given incident time.
It would definitely make sense.
But I do think it's important it is hard for people to follow that tutorial.
Siri's if they because there's not a central I want, I want to restart it with the P five.
So Okay.
Um, okay.
Um okay.
What does it mean to program the computer?
What it means to program the computer is to write a set of instructions for the computer to follow you right now is a human being.
Could write me a set of instructions.
Follow You could say, do some jumping jacks and you could say, Touch your nose and touch your head.
And, like, I don't stretch your hands between muscle, which is a big night.
We need to do with all these back.
But that aside, what was I talking about?
Oh, uh, that's the kind of thing that we could do with each other as human beings.
But there's something interesting about that, right?
If you said to me, do some jumping jacks, I'm able to do that.
You could say, um, thank you much for being an editor.
I didn't have an editor in the past.
You could say, Do some jumping jacks.
You could say, Jump up and down with your hands going up on your feet Going out.
You could say, Please, would you do some jumping jacks?
Jumping jacks?
Do jumping jacks?
Do you could say in all sorts of different ways, and through human interpretation, I could understand what you're trying to say and interpret it and follow your instructions, programming and programmed the computer to do something is a different process.
You have to be very, very specific, and you can't get things out of order or make a slight mistake or miss a word or miss a piece of punctuation.
And this is called syntax.
This is like probably the least interesting thing to start talking about when you start talking about learning to program.
But the reason why I was thinking about it is because you need a particular language in which to communicate with the computer and languages could be high level or low level, meaning they can sound war like common language.
Or they can sound more technical and cryptic.
That could be manipulating the internal memory and guts of the computer directly.
Or they could be just writing some instruction to something that sounds like English but then is translated by some other system.
This 10 double decks is good.
I'm going to start this part over.
Give me, like, a just give me a couple.
Mulligan's on this.
I'll actually get into the rhythm of this.
Yeah, Suk.
Oh, yes.
Describe right.
You should start with pseudo code.
That's a good uh um, Kelley Murphy is giving me a good good suggestions.
I just want to kind of hit the bell.
Okay, so what does it mean to program?
So what?
I mean by programming coding.
He is writing instructions for the computer to follow up, and you might think of that.
And in this course, the way that I am to start, it's going to be all about writing instructions for the computer to draw a picture.
Now there's many different applications of coding related to data and sound and music and texted websites.
And but the place that I'm gonna start in this course is drawing pictures and animation.
It's not the correct way or the best way even to learn the program, but it's the way that can be that I'm comfortable with and that I think, is well suited for certain audience.
And perhaps you watch.
If not, I don't know.
So I might say something like draw a rectangle and that the instruction and then the computer draws a rectangle to the screen.
I might say something like Draw 10 rectangles and then the computer would draw 10 rectangles to the screen.
This is much like how you might say to me, do a jumping Jack and I would do this or do 10 jumping jacks, and I went to 10 jumping jacks.
Well, there was something about stretching my hamstrings that I said earlier.
It's a good joke that got out.
Yeah, thing is getting better.
This is going to get the hand straight thinking.
I think I have it in my head.
Have you guys ever seen the movie Ground Hog Day?
Welcome to Grand a day, All right, so what does it mean to program the computer?
So what it means to program a computer is to write a set of instructions for the computer to follow.
And the way that I'm going to frame that, for the purpose of this course is all about writing instructions for the computer to draw pictures.
So in other words, you could imagine a window on the computer screen, and you're providing instructions for things that should appear in the window.
Draw a rectangle, draw a blue rectangle, draw 10 rectangles, draw a rectangle in a circle that erecting a circle and alternate the colors.
Black and white, black and white, black and white.
There are so many ways that we could think about how you be might in English or whatever.
Your native languages instruct the computer to follow some algorithms.
An algorithm being a series of steps to execute to solve a problem writing code is code instructions to execute an algorithm, a series of steps to solve some technical problem.
Now, you miss course, we're not going to say something.
Hopefully, you might solve some problems, but you could also just play around an experiment and make beautiful pictures, and that's where we're going to start.
But we need some way of doing this together, drawing a rectangle drunk circle.
The computer doesn't understand that you and I could understand that if we speak the same language or even if we don't, we might be able to use body language or some other way of human intuition to communicate.
But the computer requires specific syntax and the thin tax that you need.
The syntax is defined by the programming language you choose to write your code in, and boy, oh boy, oh boy.
You know Google, go have fun.
Googling what's the best programming language to learn in 2400 that doesn't make it to 2020 40.
Whatever time in the future that you're watching this video, I don't I'm not gonna worry myself with any of that stuff.
I'm gonna pick something.
I'm going to pick a programming language called Java script.
The reason I'm going to pick it is because it's the one that I know a little bit.
And it also happens to be one in which there is a particular library.
I'll talk about what that is.
That is a library of code of helper functions of things that will help you along and JavaScript called p five Js.
And this is a particular library that's created by a nonprofit organization called the Processing Foundation.
I'll include lots of links about the process foundational of its initiatives.
It's an open source project, which means it is all they're available all out.
How p five James works is all available for you to learn and find out about.
And as a beginner, one of the missions of P five is beginners.
Luring the code cannot aren't just users of p five, but can be contributors to be five, so you could participate in helping to make this tool that you are learning to use.
I encourage you to get involved with that.
I'm happy to help facilitate that.
So, by the way, P five gas also grew out of another project.
That's part of the Process Foundation, which is just called processing.
It uses very confusing I Rose and stop talking about different programming languages.
It's built on top of a programming language called Java, which sounds a lot like Java script.
And in fact, John's gift was named job script because at the time, Java was like this super cool thing to use, and it still is for me, I suppose.
I mean, I like it, but I don't know if you've ever been to one of those Web pages where it's like giving you lots of error messages about a job.
Apple it.
It's not so well suited for sharing on the Web, and JavaScript is the programming language of the browser.
So if you want to make this strange picture, which is Square Circle Square, Circle Square happened in the browser by writing instructions in Java script, you can use the P five Jess Library.
You can share it instantly with your friends with your family with your co workers with your fellow students get feedback.
I'm gonna show you how to do all of this in this video series.
Pause, pause, pause, Pause!
Now, again, it's important to note this is not the only way to learn to program.
You know, if you were here in the room with me, I would ask you to just, like, shut out the names of other programming languages you know about you might say, like python or C or C Sharp or Kobol or B.
I don't know something else there.
What about we could keep going on and on the air in no particular order.
My goal for you in this course is to learn about the concepts of programming.
To be creative with programming.
Thio discover how to realize your own ideas through coding and vote, and this is a nice place for us to start.
We're gonna get the benefit of being put our stuff instantly in the Web browser.
And if some day you discover some of these other tools make sense for other projects that would like to learn this is going to give you a foundation of knowledge for that in this playlist in this series and all the videos that I'm going to make them and walking through, learning to code you will also supplied by accident.
Learn a little bit about something called HTML and a CSS, HTML and CSS or the other pieces of the puzzle for making something appear on a Web page.
I am going to focus, focus, focus on Java script, and you're not gonna see anything about HTML CSS for quite a while.
But there's these underlying other mechanics for how content is formatted and styled to appear on a Web page.
So while this is not a Web development course, because think about Web development, you might by accident, learned to do some Web development by taking.
You're really taking this course.
But by watching these videos and following along, I have I What have I missed?
This is actually being recorded right now is part of a live stream.
You go check, see if there's any questions.
All right.
Um uh, I forgot I should've mentioned, like, scratch or block Lee.
That's a good There's a good few back in questions, um, or I'm looking in the shot.
I do have a CSS tutorial um and I will be.
Aye, but yes.
So my goal.
I wish I had a regular schedule, but I hope to be here every Friday, continuing doing this stuff on other things, too.
Have you ever written Kobol Neil's rights?
If you've ever written Kobol, Peach people come the greatest language of all time.
I should have gone down a list of programming languages All people are gonna talk about.
I forgot Jake Weary.
That's not a programming language is like a people.
All right, all right.
Enough with the enough with a enough with the request.
So Okay, so let me pull up the I just want to get that medium post up again so I can reference it.
Oh, my God.
Um, hello?
Hello, people.
I'm sorry.
Um, or it.
All right.
Um uh, I'm sad.
I'm very sad That the joke with the stretching of the hamstrings of my back problems not gonna make it into a fight.
I'll have to live with that math arrow in the way here.
All right.
Uh, all right.
Uh, all right, let me move on with this.
I think that was fine.
It was It is what it is.
And now I'm going to move on.
All right, So I'm wrapping up this first video, this sort of introduction.
I suppose I should probably introduce myself a little bit if this happens to be the first video that you're watching.
I know.
No, I don't need Thio.
Forget about that.
All right.
So I'm wrapping up this video.
Um, and then the next video is really working to get started.
I'm gonna show you this is what your type.
And then this is what happens.
And this is why this happens when you type it.
And this is what happens if you type it this way.
This breaks it, but this way fixes it.
And we're just gonna rinse and repeat and risk Repeat to that over and over again for all the little fundamental pieces of building blocks off learning to create your own software.
But I want to just show you a few Urals that you could poke around and read about before you move onto the next video.
If you're interested.
So this is the P five jazz website.
This is the website that has a a place where you can learn about the P five jets project.
This reference page is gonna be very important cause it's the place we're gonna look up like.
I forgot what this thing does.
We're gonna look at the reference page.
This learned page has some additional tutorials that you could look at.
There's lots of examples here that we could click around and play with.
I'll just show you one right now.
Let's go to soft body and you can see like, Oh, this looks fun.
So this is the kind of thing that you're gonna learn how to do.
How do you draw shape with an algorithm?
How do you define a set of steps to draw somethin