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  • make sure you check all five of us out if you knew that any channels we've been friends for quite a while, and it's given us the opportunity to experience things on twitch and off a twitch in person, with you guys and all of the place, we're super lucky to be given the opportunity to do what we do.

  • We all recognize that, and it does mean a lot that you come out Thio, watch us and help out, as Tim would say, any truce and chat, because for real it it really does mean a lot.

  • But while we all like to use our platforms to, ah, you know support, we use them to support our families and and all that, um, we also have the opportunity Thio do something crazy with it, right?

  • Something big where we go any further.

  • If you have not heard of ST Jude Jude Children's Research Hospital, I'm gonna give you given opportunity.

  • Thio fully understand what it is on what they do way.

  • Focus on what's in front of us on our screen in our house, our town, you get the picture, but take a moment to consider something that's happening all over the globe.

  • Nearly 90% of the world's Children live in developing countries.

  • And while cure rates for cancer in developed countries are about 80% cure rates for developing countries can average less than 20%.

  • And that's just the reported cases.

  • It doesn't have to be this way.

  • ST.

  • Jude Children's Research Hospital is changing the way the world understands, treats and defeats childhood cancer and other deadly diseases.

  • By partnering with medical facilities around the world and freely sharing our discoveries, ST Jude is improving diagnoses and advancing treatments.

  • Simply put, one child saved at ST Jude means thousands more saved worldwide, thanks to donations from people like you.

  • ST Jude is finding cures saving Children everywhere.

  • That is the undeniable truth on then some Jude.

  • They pay for all of the treatment, the travel, uh, food, housing, everything.

  • If you If you go to ST Jude for help, uh, they cover it all because Children around the world and you can't you cannot show me a kid that deserves toe.

  • Have can't it just It just just doesn't exist.

  • ST.

  • Jude has been a big part of my life for a while now, too as well as Tim and Tyler and now Paul and Trevor and everybody.

  • There's a lot of people in twisted support.

  • ST.

  • Jude reasons that that kids are literally the future on DA.

  • And people need to understand that helping these thes Children fight these horrible things is very important.

  • If we don't do it, it was gonna And so that's why we do things like this.

  • But the kids at ST Jude, like said they are were incredible.

  • I wanna take two seconds and introduce you to a few of them.

  • So you know exactly kind of Children that you are helping when you support causes like what we're trying to do that No way.

  • Tell me about your picture.

  • It's sun and the clouds are moving in is about to really, really hard.

  • The ocean.

  • Here's me, Papa, What are you doing at the beach?

  • Swimming.

  • Are you afraid to get in the water?

  • It's safer in the pool.

  • Who are these?

  • Me.

  • My breath.

  • He cries a lot.

  • What is it?

  • Crawl.

  • Don't payin attention, they said, OK, come on through.

  • But it's us concert listening.

  • Is little waken want to be a teacher or a lot and I want to be a lawyer because I like to boss People who want to be a meteorologist wears that as we stopped 100 mouths out.

  • It is getting from harmful to stand out here.

  • Can you tell me what the most boring job in the world is?

  • A mailman?

  • I'm guessing you don't want to be a mailman.

  • No, I do not want to be means Earth phrase in your head.

  • Off speed.

  • Really fast speed baking Lightning is my superpower of evil.

  • I see.

  • See their evil eye has your green evil eyes are green eyes Sean Miller.

  • What color?

  • Your eyes green.

  • Where?

  • One wish.

  • Meet Steph Curry being a mermaid.

  • Second wish is to be on the Weather Channel at Valentino's and third wish is to go to Disney World.

  • Maybe baby pigs.

  • Some Labrador does pet monkey e When I first saw you, you didn't have any hair.

  • Why is that?

  • Because I had cancer.

  • Do you remember when you didn't have any hair?

  • What did it feel like?

  • Give me moment May simply make money.

  • I felt when you're a blockhead, your hair never grows back.

  • But look here.

  • It's all the way to my What do you call these shoulder?

  • Kay, Can you tell me what it's like to be at ST Jude is in June?

  • Please the world.

  • Me?

  • You can make friends.

  • People.

  • Here's a dude like it's like your family is fun being here, eh?

  • If you had millions of dollars, what would you do with it?

  • I would donate it here.

  • It sent you to help the kids.

  • This angel ready?

  • This?

  • No, my stinky tea.

  • You ready to smell is taking feature.

  • So Oh, those kind of people that you're helping support when you support ST Jude ST Jude Children's Research Hospital?

  • As far as I'm concerned, every single person that is there is an actual hero.

  • Uh, and they're doing Maur than many of us potentially realize reducing cancer rates around the world, helping Children that do not They do not deserve the have what they have doing everything that they can help them the way they do that, it's the support from people like you.

  • Now, before we go too much further, I want to call.

  • I want to make a reference Thio to Tim's roast.

  • All right, Tim, I'm sure he just fell asleep, as usually does when reference it.

  • But there was a joke that was made, Uh, that kind of turned into, Ah, an animal of its own from Trevor May, if you remember.

  • But seriously, it's my pleasure to be up here with these four guys Three guys, four guys, or as I call our boy band for millionaires and Paul Police that I think his name's Paul.

  • He just keeps following us around.

  • So, uh, based on that and ah, very deep reference to the self titled album Cover from In Sync.

  • If you do the Charity command and Chad, it's available for purchase right now, until April 14th you've got three weeks.

  • 100% of the proceeds go directly to ST Jude Children's Research Hospital on behalf of myself, Tim the town manager, Trevor May And I guess Paulus well for millionaires.

  • And and if, for some reason white and blue and gold is not good enough for you, you've got multiple options.

  • This is available right now.

  • All five channels will be promoting it for three weeks straight.

  • It's on Twitter.

  • It's gonna be on instagram when we get a chance.

  • I just supposed to tweet about it as well.

  • There you go.

  • Deviate Shot l a slash four mil.

  • I hope you enjoy the heck out of this thing.

  • It is a fantastic piece of artwork.

  • Ash.

  • The same person that does the art for, um, destiny.

  • Community podcast.

  • She's drawn me is my character in destiny.

  • Multiple times did the art for this, and they just could not.

  • They just turned down absolutely fantastic from Trevor myself injured in the Tap Man and the random Apple employees that seems to follow us around.

  • Even the u.

  • R L four doesn't have fallen in more millionaires.

  • Ball again.

  • Deviate saddle a slash four mil.

  • It is on your screen right there.

  • Bold designs available.

  • If they're available in a number of different styles as well, it ships globally.

  • Anywhere in the world can obtain this, and 100% of the proceeds go directly to ST Jude Children's Research Hospital.

make sure you check all five of us out if you knew that any channels we've been friends for quite a while, and it's given us the opportunity to experience things on twitch and off a twitch in person, with you guys and all of the place, we're super lucky to be given the opportunity to do what we do.


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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日