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  • Mmm.

  • Holen Hello, speaking.

  • No way.

  • No way.

  • Really?

  • Oh, thank you.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you, guys.

  • We've been renewed Season two except for video season two.

  • Look!

  • Oh, baby, it's been so long, but it's going to be good Thio He even said now that they're actually bringing in a season two that they're going to ramp up the Siri's and vamp itto.

  • We've even got more jacks up.

  • The guys that ever told Jack we were even able to afford jacks up the guy.

  • I'm so crazy that I'm so happy that Season two is here.

  • Let's kick it off with a buying.

  • Let's laugh like we've never laughed before seeing it too.

  • We're back, baby smash like right now, if you're excited for Season two of Except the Funniest Home Videos, let's let's getting everyone.

  • What did we say on the Siri's?

  • Let's just jump into it, Rufus.

  • I can't remember.

  • So simple text he sent what you see The lady?

  • Oh, you're late.

  • Jealous.

  • He's a stunning best stuff in there.

  • He's legitimately looked like he was like, Hey, what's up, girls?

  • Hey, what's up?

  • Use?

  • You want a piece of this ram action that probably wasn't a RAM way.

  • Save me?

  • No, that's that's way too narcissistic Friday.

  • 27.

  • What kind of McDonald's has a message?

  • Wait, don't actually have an answer It.

  • There's no way McDonald's has an answering service while you wait one day.

  • Whose messages?

  • Air.

  • They're going to take Runnels.

  • Hello?

  • Yes, you're through to McDonald's.

  • Yes.

  • No, Big Mac's not in right now.

  • Do it.

  • Would you like to leave a message?

  • Oh, no.

  • Oh, no.

  • Attention, beautiful.

  • There's something super just glorious of our people running into each other and be immediately doing what they said not to do.

  • Idiot.

  • Attention!

  • Attention!

  • Oh, God, I can't I can't swear on season two.

  • What was that?

  • What's happening?

  • Oh, no.

  • Season Two.

  • What's going on?

  • Who did this to me again?

  • I swear in season two.

  • What's going on?

  • We're not allowed to YouTube demonetisation.

  • What I missed when I could swear I miss what I was able to swear all the time.

  • And I was able to just yell, you know, like a long time and no one.

  • No one had any problems with it.

  • Yeah, I guess that's for okay.

  • They've said that since season two is around.

  • We got rid of swearing, but we were able to afford nicer things.

  • They said the budget is much higher this time like this.

  • We couldn't afford that last season.

  • All of this is new.

  • Everything here, all of it.

  • Is it worth it on an all new doctor?

  • Bill, you're ugly.

  • You're disgusting.

  • I'm gonna kill you!

  • Give me a damn!

  • Doctor!

  • Feels the Stoke hole Savage.

  • I didn't know Dr Phil would come after you like that.

  • I mean, he did try and break into my house one time.

  • I want the money.

  • Uh, I'll raise enough hell till you give in and give it to me.

  • What do you think?

  • That way.

  • Yes, Doctor.

  • Phil, get it.

  • I just keep picturing in my head.

  • It's like Dr Phil in a mob movie.

  • He's just sitting down at the chair and be like So you owe me $200.

  • What are you going to do now?

  • You're ugly, You're stupid and I want the money.

  • Now my doctor feel kind of sounds a little bit like Obama.

  • You know Obama.

  • What's his last name?

  • Obama care Obama.

  • Oh, Obama's his last name.

  • His first name is Thanks.

  • Well, we may not have swears anymore, but at least we still have way.

  • Were friends another tip?

  • Gun safety.

  • You always keep your gun on safety when you're not ready.

  • I'm sorry I told you once.

  • Please tell me that was unintentional.

  • I mean, even if it's intentional, that's amazing Comedic timing.

  • Son of a bitch.

  • Glad I'm sorry.

  • Okay, dammit, Clad!

  • Get in the truck.

  • I don't want to see you around here anymore.

  • This is my daddy left, Dad.

  • He was around for many years, but he left because you're a screw up.

  • You always falling over knocking down.

  • You gotta shoot people.

  • That bird over there is dead.

  • Now I'm talking about gun safety and you're off here shooting guns.

  • What are we gonna talk about that I'm a changeup?

  • Minutes to one, working out.

  • You can't open water, but I think you got the wrong workout program.

  • Damn, They're just roasted him.

  • Are you kidding?

  • He's still after it.

  • Come on.

  • Oh, no.

  • What?

  • I'd love one, but ladies did.

  • It just popped it open.

  • Really way with that classic, huh?

  • Are you saying that women can't be strong and powerful and open up water bottles.

  • Is that what you're saying?

  • Come on, straight night t get the brain.

  • Are the fifties already?

  • Some of those things are just genuinely extremely hard to open.

  • Okay, I'd like a chair of toasty ho's case.

  • So I'm being like, Oh, no, this one's called.

  • I have a bad case of diarrhea, Japanese learning English First of all, can we just appreciate how the word diarrhea really just looks like word shit?

  • It really is just a monstrous word.

  • Diarrhea spelled that way is de monetize Herbal diarrhea swallowed this way is not de monetized.

  • So we're going to We're making money this time.

  • Remember season one when every single episode of the series got claimed Andy monetize I do because I made them on.

  • None of them are monetized.

  • What's happening?

  • No e wait.

  • I need to learn the deads.

  • I have a bad case of diarrhea.

  • I have a bad case of diarrhea.

  • I have a case of diarrhea.

  • What's again?

  • Japan knocks it out of the park.

  • My God, running into the hospital like ma'am.

  • Excuse me, She's like, Okay, right this way.

  • Of course I have a bad case of diarrhea.

  • I have a bad case off.

  • No, just stay there, okay?

  • I know you're new to this.

  • Leave me alone, Jack.

  • I've suffered enough.

  • I've been doing for years.

  • I'm trained.

  • Hey, Siri.

  • I have a bad case of diarrhea.

  • No, it doesn't, does it?

  • And just in case have you guys heard about Cho?

  • We got a brand new collection out the reflective collection, and it's awesome, and I really like it.

  • This is one of the windbreakers that we have with new shirts.

  • We've you long sleeves.

  • Look, what do you care aboard friends today and you'll never get away.

  • I'm jacks up the guy, and I endorse this message.

  • That's a great price.

  • You can wear your chair.

  • Oh, my God.

  • The future is now technics awful.

  • Yes, there's two of them.

  • It's just like, hey, friends here, classic mean template.

  • Meet me and all my friends hanging out.

  • Don't forget that it's made to make you look really cool.

  • That is some fat Alfa energy.

  • If you're walking down the street.

  • Never was like, what is he wearing?

  • And then you just go and then you just sit down.

  • Everything's gonna be like mother of God.

  • I need one.

  • I need one right now.

  • £323.

  • £591 for two were not just get fight.

  • Do you want to sit down once, Twice or five times with the low price of $1296.

  • I did it.

  • I bought one.

  • It's gonna ship in December, so we'll have a follow up video.

  • When Whenever the singer Ryan's I'm gonna be so cool, I'm gonna walk down the street and what everybody else is like, Man, there's nowhere to sit.

  • I'll just be like, Okay, that's enough laughing for the day.

  • My sights have officially burst.

  • I'm seeping all over.

  • My floor is not right.

  • No way have double face, Jack.

  • We have cloaked Jack.

  • And then we have regular Jack, the host of your Evening of the Jacks up the gay variety smasher.

  • Thank you guys so much watching this video.

  • There's plenty more of jacks up, guys.

  • Funniest home videos that you guys can watch down below into the description.

  • Go back and watch all of season one to see what you missed out on.



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私は博士フィルがこれを言ったとは信じられない - Jacksepticeyes おかしなホームビデオ(シーズン2) (I Can't Believe Dr Phil Said This - Jacksepticeyes Funniest Home Videos (Season 2))

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日