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So the question that comes up a lot in the modern world is, Why learn PHP?
We hava java?
We have python.
We have ruby on rails.
We have a whole bunch of other programming languages that many people say are far, far, far superior to PHP.
So why take the time?
Why bother to learn PHP when you can learn a better programming language?
The reason that I argue that people should learn PHP is that it is used a tremendous amount in Web applications that you are going to be using on a day debate day basis, or that you may run into.
If you look at applications that Aaron wide use applications such as WordPress applications such as Drew People or June blah many of the open source Web applications that you will download and install it, your server will use PHP.
PHP has been around for a long time.
It has been a very popular programming language.
And so the fact of the matter is that a lot of Theo open source Web applications that you'll be downloading and deploying will simply use PHP.
Is that the best programming language for these applications?
Could they run better if they were coded for a different programming language.
Maybe, But the fact of the matter is is with these open source projects, when they've already put 10 years or Maur into creating their their platforms, they're not gonna go back and rewrite it into ruby on rails or python just to make it a little bit faster and life.
So basically, they keep using PHP.
And so one of the important things to realize about PHP is just It is used by a tremendous amount of Web applications, open source Web applications that you're going to be using on a day to day basis in i t.
And so, even if PHP isn't the best programming language, theoretically, you should know how to be ableto hack or go in there and take a look at the code and know what's going on.
Another reason that I think it's good to learn PHP is frankly, PHP is a ridiculously easy programming language.
It doesn't have the same rules that a lot of other programming languages d'oh so you can go in and you can slap together some code that will do something functional, actually do something useful for you or your organization relatively easily.
I honestly argue that within one week of picking up, you know, a book or taking a class for PHP, you should be able to create little applications for your organization that will do what your organization needs anything from collecting information for things like e mail addresses for news blasts to be unable to do little databases for things like asset control.
Essentially, it's very simple.
You learn how to create a form, and he learned to use PHP to take the information from that form to dump it into my sequel database.
And then you learn PHP for how to new queries and basically, how to take information from the database to do reports.
You think about that, and that's a lot of that's done in the real world.
A lot.
A lot of I t work realize riel real products that are used basically are submitting information, dumping into the database and then being with poll information from the database.
And so PHP does that very easily.
And so this is something that you can learn again in 10 2040 hours Max and you can actually be producing things that you can either sell or use within your organization.
The final reason that I say you should learn PHP is remember that we're not married and programming languages.
There's this weird thing in this modern world where people say, Ah, you shouldn't learn PHP.
You should learn python or C Sharp or something else And be clear.
I'm not saying that the only programming language in the world you should know it's PHP.
Frankly, that's probably not that useful.
PHP basically dynamically rights Web pages.
So if you're gonna learn PHP, he also really should know JavaScript.
And you should also needs no CSS.
You also need to know HTML at the absolute least on and then beyond that, it's wise to know other programming languages, So it's important to realize just because you learn PHP, you're not getting married to this programming language.
It's not you.
You learn PHP, and now you shall never be able to code and any other script the language ever again.
That's not the case.
You take your 10 2040 hours to learn PH.
You get, you get to create some applications.
You get to really understand what a server site scripting language is you really get to understand how it works with databases and other things.
And then as you're doing that you think, Huh?
I would really like to do something else.
PHP doesn't d'oh!
And then you find out Oh, maybe that's done in Java script.
Oh, maybe node.js does that.
Oh, I want to create, you know, client based applications where I don't need a server.
Maybe I should use python instead.
And that's the thing is you can take PHP.
You can start with PHP.
You can learn about variables you can learn about.
If l statements, you can learn about functions you can learn about loops.
You can learn about the basic core concepts of programming.
And then when you get to the limit of PHP because you will get to the limited PHP relatively quickly, then you can go out and go, OK, what I really want.
My application to dio is X, Y or Z, and then you can figure out a ***.
In order to do that, I need to use JavaScript, or in order to do that, I need to use Java.
Or in order to do that, I need to use C sharp, and then you can go from there.
So please place realize Mary pH be so important.
Reason seller in PHP is it's very it really is.
It's very useful.
You could be creating useful applications within a week.
It's used by many, many, many of the open source Web.
I have questions that you're gonna be downloading and using anyway anything from wordpress toe help desk systems.
It's just you would be surprised how many of these open source applications that you download and that you'll find that they're done in HTML or in PHP and then finally, again, you're not married to it.
Learn PHP, get good a PHP and then learn some other program languages again.
In the modern world, you do have to realize in the modern world, it's not the day, day and age where you could learn one programming language and be good That that that's what you could build your career off of.
Now it is five.
I think 55 programming languages is probably what you should be comfortable with, Um, to really feel like you're solid in your career.
So if PHP is one of those, then you have ah, you a few other languages that you can learn in there.
So that's why you should learn PHP and why PHP is important.