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How is your Minecraft month?
Tell me what are you doing for Minecraft month?
Minecraft year question mark??? (HMmmMMmMmMM???)
Welcome back to LehWhAIhhY
It's time for Minecraft memes (no, it's time to raid Area 51)
sAave it, I dOn't likE MInecrAFt seRieS
It started off completely ironic
And now it's 100% unironic (thank you, fella gamers)
I'm a Minecraft channel, I don't care
Do you know how much I enjoy just playing games again?
It feels like I get a second chance of being (a gamer channel) a kid again
It's wonderful
LET'S GET INTO *clap* THE *clap* MEMES
Meanwhile in an alternate universe..
Goddamnit- *laughs in realisation*
Whoever did this... (probably water sheep)
I love how my skin looks like a sheep, it's so awful.
Ahh, please, I'm sorry! I'M SORRY WATER SHEEP I didn't understand
I didn't understand
Of course, we also have to address the elephant in the room...
Jöergen, rest in peace...
Legends never die. ?
Jöergen 2 has passed away. Sorry spoilers!
But I think it's a good time as any to.. have something to laugh about. Some memes to appreciate
..Did the lights just change or am I crazy? JÖERGEN??
Jöergen second?
Who is a good boii?
Who's a good boii?
so cutee..
aww.. Edgar...
Who did this? MEME DICne_Dr- what?
Amazing, I love this- *while chuckling* Oh! He woke up from a nightmare, I didn't get it
Edgar's been a surprisingly good boi lately.
You know, Edgar listens to my videos as well? Whenever I do the intro
He always sits down because he knows I'm about to record, and whenever I do an outro (even though I don't have an outro)
He can still tell and he gets excited. What if he knows about Sven?? oH mY GuW
Guys, don't tell Edgar about Sven, okay?
Another amazing fan art by Naterix.
"Guard it well, okay?"
WeLL He DiDn't!!
! I need to get another iron golem-
Oh my gosh.
I said it wrong.
It's stone golem!
Sven: Loyalty III
Blast Protection IV
Feather Falling IV
Aqua Infinity-- *wheeze
Jöergen: Curse of Vanishing
Sven after surviving the tenth creeper explosion- Steak-*laughs*
Steak will bring Sven through.
I cannot deal with any more.
You may take my horse,
You may take my water sheep, but my Minecraft dog will live. Forever.
Yes. I just ignore water cow
I don't care about water cow
No one cares about water cow.
IKEA was so popular in PewDiePie's Minecraft series that they made one in real life
WhAt??(you never played Youtuber Simulator) Why does it look fake tho?
I feel like maybe you guys can relate to this
Once you play enough Minecraft, you look at certain structures and you're like "that would look good in Minecraft."
"I bet I could build that in Minecraft!"
No, I don't have PrObLeM!
When you invite her over to play Minecraft but she starts reaching for your diamond leggings
WHY ARE YOU near my MeAtBAll?!!
Can we just appreciate the lines on the headset and the chair conne-
BrUh, this has to be
experimentation... HoW tHe FrIcK dId I dO tHaT?
OhHh *zooms in on connecting lines*
*highpitch* WhAt? YoU nEvEr PlAyEd TuBeR sImUlAtOr?
I just realized I can technically review the memes like this and you will still see it. So
why not?
There's a way Felix can bring a panda home. Don't let this die in newest.
WhAt? (you never played Youtuber Simulator)
No way, that will - OoHwHaT! *laughs*
WhAt? (you never played Youtuber Simulator) With Sven too!
Why is he carrying baby?
Why is Jöergen grey?
What is thi- Jöergen can never-
JöErGeN CaN nEvEr FiT iN bOaT
Delete this right now!
This is fake.
This is how you know it's fake.
Dinnerbone is near minus two hundr-
Oh I forgot about... *laughs* dinnerbone
what? (you never played youtuber simulator)
That sad moment when Dinnerbone is technically more safe at the bottom of the ocean..
It's not called being lost.
It's called tactical placement.
Felix- she's probably thinking about the wedding.
*in girly voice* FeLiX sHoUlD bUiLd A cHuRcH fOr WaTeR sHeHEEheEHEEp
Oh yeah, cuz I - I told you guys that it was Marzia's idea with the water sheep Church
Which was a damn good idea,
because so far..
everything's just..
It's gotten worse.
You know, I'm starting to think that water sheep isn't such a good person after all.
I don't know. Is it just me or..?
Fortnite youtubers when Fortnite is losing popularity-
You know what?
"I'm something of a Minecraft youtuber myself."
(pewds) I mean, I can't really fault it
I mean, I guess I played it for the meme but
I haven't paid attention to what anyone's doing,
and it's so goddamn liberating
Alinity threw a cat- Okay, great! I don't care! (same pewds, same)
I just want to play Minecraft!
Pewds in 2015:
Oh, no..
It's really cool to have an audience that enjoys what I enjoy and I don't have to be playing Minecraft every day or some effin-
*wheeze* Pewds in 2019: it's another beautiful day in Minecraft!
This is interesting because... how do I explain this?
Cause this ties into why I never played Minecraft,
because Minecraft became so explosively popular, right?
and and and
everyone would just play it,
and it felt like people were playing it just because it was popular
and not because they were actually *having fun doing it
and people literally base their entire channel around Minecraft
I mean, I'd literally done the same,
so.. but it - it's different because
for a lot of these channels, that would be it, you know?
They play Minecraft and they can't move on to something else
What I always enjoy with YouTube was that
I could do different things and I still have an audience doing different things.
Especially back in 2015, like,
there's so many big Minecraft channels then, that don't exist today because...
Their work didn't translate into other stuff and eventually people get bored of it
It's not to rip into them,
But it's also one of the reasons where I was like, well, I don't want to become like that. It seems awful
But then again, here I am *laughs*
You know, if Minecraft gets boring I can just move on to other things-
--I T W I L L N E V E R H A P P E N!
Sven purposely hurting himself to get a free steak
Steaks- *wheeze*
Good meme.
How Sven has not died.
"watching Pewdiepie Let's Play"
"börk" "huh?"
"Come with me, Sven."
"This is a portal to go back."
"Be more careful this time." oh-
Death is watching my Minecraft Let's Play guys--
This is huge.
Death is sponsoring this Let's Play.
That's epic
Remember him.
This is him. *laugh*
Oh my god the camera angle as well heHAhAHaahAHA
10/10 meme
(Alien of Area 51) I am gonna kidnap more people I know how to do it now.
The best fighting strategy I've seen in a while Wow.
Oh, it's Homer Simpson meme. I got it
See I got the meme. I still- I'm still fresh down with the memes. Okay.
Just cuz I play Minecraft doesn't know
myeah, it took me a bit long in it.
I bet it went down this way
"Hey Marzia, I'm gonna do a live stream with Jack Black."
Marzia: "Oh, really?"
"He was mha furst crhshush!" Felix:
"say sike right now."
I mean, yeah 100%
"Poor Boat Cow" "Bros, I can explain.."
"My church isn't big enough."
"You got a church? I only got a grave."
"You guys are getting gravehehehes?"
Good meme good meme.
You guys always act like you're better than me. (says the prev person who did this subs but messed up a LOT smh)
I guess you could put Fortnite
Reading in the corner or something. I don't know
Sven: *does nothing* Pewdiepie:--
"Incredible job!"
Or scientists. Okay.
I made your house a more epic and more Swedish.
See this is what I was talking about. Yes.
Okay, that just looks epic.
Cool it's a be-
The thing is like yeah, this is dope as freak
and I really appreciate it
but at the same time it's like
Anytime I update my house. It's not gonna look as good as this
and it'll just be a disappoint--*realisation hits*
You can increase the size of Tree of Life??!?
Wait, did he just skin Tree of Life?
You can't just skin Tree of Life.
Alright, no problem bro
I'll just uh- I'll just build this in a second. It's whatever
Pewdiepie: So I made a few changes to the house between videos--the house before
the house after *wheeze*
Release the footage
We need to see the creation of the Swedish Meatball.
He definitely made it himself parts aren't even
Thanks, guys.
You literally just build it ground up. It's so easy.
That's how all meatballs are made
f r o m t h e e a r t h
That's where they get their wisdom and sexiness
4 things are infinite:
the universe
winrar 40-day trial
Sven's health (ya boiiii)
Did you know you can look at this tail
and the..
angle of the tail means his life
*wheeze* Is that an Ender Chest?
No way
the Pewdiepie pack with the LWAIY merch HAha
cute (no u)
Mom, can we have Bob Ross?
No. There is Bob Ross at home *error sounds intensifies*
at hoHOme
Oh my god,
that is perfect, I feel like I've seen this before
but that is the most perfect lineup thing I've ever seEHeEhEEheeheaHAHA
There's a rare IKEA fish!
I need it now give it to me.
Give it to me.
Felix' inventory: Sven's inventory
Pdpie with Jack Black
Peter pie with James Charles
Pewty pie with Ken
Pewdiepie recording alone
Yeah, me and Ken is like a married old couple everyone keeps saying it
I built a Jöergen out of Legos what? That's awesome
What? (you never play Youtuber Simulator)
That's awesome. I want a Jöergen out of Legos
I only post late at night in the US because Europeans are nicer
and that's a fact
are we?
I didn't know, okay.
Pewds missed a hidden chest in the jungle temple. Help him see.
I found it. Thank you.
I went back to get all the cobblestone and stuff like that.
Maybe I should stop playing without the camera. I feel like-
It won't be interesting. I'm just like I need to get the cobblestone.
That's all I do and I say nothing, there's no point.
Time traveler: Who are you watching Me: Pewdiepie
Time traveler: Oh, you mean biggest Fortnite channel Me
say sike right now
On vacation with my cousin. We found IKEA borb
What? (you never play-)
IKEA borb's so popular that they made the meme into real life
What? That's crazheheey.
When you go from being the biggest reaction youtuber to being the biggest Minecraft youtuber
P A R K O U R !
Uhhh Patient: I have fear of pewdiepies outro
Therapist: WhAt? (you never play Youtuber Simulator)
Don't worry guys
there won't be the Pewdiepie outro in this video (wHAt?) because I'm editing today's video (WhAT?) and
Because I'm too lazy to download it and put it inside the edit, so don't worry
There won't be any outro.
Now that Pewds is a true Minecrafter. He will be extremely uncomfortable looking at these
I guess I'm not there yet. *laughs at the fact he does not feel anything, what a sociopath*
What you can do that!? *sociopathic laugh*
Beauty pie logic can anyone understand it
Peter pie: This game makes zero sense
older PewDiePie: Bamboo? Frick, yeah, I can make shampoo
Well, it rhymes, dummy
Anything is possible if it rhymes you dummy dumb
Felix's last surviving horse, Dinnerbone
is still at the bottom of the ocean, so he means to rescue him
Well, I already recorded it,
--the next episode and it's not what I'm doing, okay-
I-I-I'll stop playing for a couple days
Just so that we are cau-caught up, okay.
I kind of got a little head of myself--
--but I don't want to stop playing
Wait, there's another IKEA bird
There's an ikea bird that looks like that
can I dye him? But if I put dye on him like the Sheep
Can I dye him?
How do I find that IKEA bird?
Villager: spends entire life mastering craft to become Leatherworker and provide for family
Pewds: You're our new DJ's.
I keep struggling to find a DJ how many people have we had as a DJ at this point?
I wish Sven could ride on Jöergen. That would be so cute
Mojang: Write that down! Write- I mean-
It's not a bad idea.
Petition for Pewds to sell shoe merch
Th-that actually looks pretty good.
Felix after killing Ender Dragon
"Ender Dragon was like a father to me"
Okay, you will never understand
9 year olds after every Minecraft video
More Minecraft, please.
*more dying water sheep noises*
We've come a long way fam, how do I make it boom? I
I- I feel like my elevator everyone seems so impressed by it.
Like if you knew how it works,
you would not be impressed
*more wheeze*
It just looks- it looks complicated this cuz of all the wiring
Me:WHaAaatTT?! (you never play-)
a random guy: You never played Tuber Timulator? (finally someone who speaks our language)
Me: Did you just understand me? wha-
How- how do you know the forbidden language (tis' the dark arts of nine year-olds)
Nobody: Jack Black in PewDiePie's house:
Not funny didn't laugh.
Oh gohhdd
Here we go
Pity pie: Builds a grave from gold for his favourite horse
Also Pewdiepie: builds a grave from emerald blocks a huge meatball with an elevator
I'm glad you pointed that out
and a beautiful church for a sheep he hated
You'll never understand what me and water sheep had
Minecraft Mondays are better than Fortnite Fridays, and that's a fact.
Thank You Metro, very cool *reads the article title* ( pewds ) That's sweet
Yes, I saw this and it was super helpful. Thank You
Maxime zero, I'm learning a lot about redstones.
This next one really really helped me the uh- the block power one, yeah.
No no, this one I didn't know they could send a signal through a block that was really useful actually
Because then you can power it from the sides
Super epic.
Having an iron golem that is not yours could be dangerous, Pewds
If you accidentally hit him,
Sven could try and attack it and would kill Sven.
You think it's when we lose against stone man.
Get out of here
Plus they keep despawning because I keep forgetting to give them a name tag
What's worse than heartbreak falling into lava and losing your diamond
IKEA Tower was became so popular that it became a thing in real life
WhAt? (you never played-)
People finding Pewdiepie minecrafts seed is just making it worse for pewds as he said he wanted to give it--
--after he had fought the ender dragon, so people wouldn't ruin the experience for him
Since the seeds is out now, please don't ruin it for Felix.
Don't worry about it, okay
I said it in the last video that I didn't want the minecraft seed.
It sounds so weird using my seed but--
Apparently some very
nifty people
Figured out what my minecraft seed is
just by pinpointing locations in my map.
Which is pretty awesome. It's pretty impressive
But ironically at the very same time I send my video I that I don't want to keep my seed because I don't want people to spoil
To spoil but no one's spoiled so far. So I think it's totally fine. (thank you fella 9 year olds, very cool)
Basically, this means you all can experience meetings Jöergen and Sven for the first time yourself
When Felix grandkids ask him if he knows who this PewDiePie guy from their history textbook is
"Well, of course, I know him. He's me."
My gosh. I really do look like everyone
That is terrifying
Jöergen died after exiting from the Nether,
a place full of Magma Blocks.
Sven nearly died when Pewds boat was pulled down by Magma Blocks
Water sheep got crushed--
by M A G M A B L O C K S
There's too many patterns here and I don't like it
Are we gonna talk about how both Jöergen 1 and Jöergen 2 suffocated?
Fs in the chat (FFFF)
Vox, who is waiting for Pewdiepie to do something wrong for a month
Pewdiepie who just wants to play Minecraft
Another reason why I love Minecraft
Started out as an IKEA tower in my creative world turned into a tribute to the entire series up to height limit.
Well, the horses
They got diamonds
That is epic
*sincere joyful noise* (i wuv you pewds, pls keep being happy)
Whoa, that's so cool with a wavy flag
What is- is that--
is that water sheep? *wheeze*
(100 mill leggo bois)
That is sick, dude
That was actually really dope.
(pls help credit this poster on the comments pls. many thx)
Let's look at the whole thing
When Felix forgot about saving Dinnerbone two episodes in a row, "sad Dinnerbone noises"
Sorry Dinnerbone, you're gonna have to hang out for at least then one more? Okay
*dying water sheep noise*
Felix actually regrets it. Here's a message from water sheep
I forgive you-
*more dying water sheep noises*
I think someone's knocking
Nah, I'm gaming (pewds' true colour is gradually showing)
H U N D R E D *clap*
Alright gamers
Thanks for smashing like and watching another video (for those who don't, I'm watching you. go smash that like yo)
I really appreciate it.
Check out merch if you want (represent.com/pewdiepie) Memoriam for Jöergen 2
Fs in the chat (then go buy the damn merch, come on)
and uh- I see you guys tomorrow (cue lazy Poods' outro cos he is too lazy to download the actual one when he is editing)
WHaT???? YoU neVeR PLaYeD TuBBer TImuL8TeR
*choked water sheep noises*
You know, it's fun, right?
Well, I'll cut you a deal
Test out the game and then you can tell me you like it or not *awkwardly leaning on le awesome chair*
*trying to remember the next line*
And it's free and that's a great price.
I don't know (actually me too, I took the outro for granted)
I have no memory clearly (but pls just rmb to save Dinnerbone the next time you play Pewds)