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  • What do I have to push, sub-basement? >>Woman: Sub-basement.

  • [Buzzing safety alarm]

  • I'm at the National Institute of Standards & Technology in Washington D.C.

  • and I'm going to the sub-basement.

  • It's getting dark down here.

  • We're going to find out how they're going to redefine a kilogram.

  • The kilogram is in trouble.

  • Since 1799, it's been defined as the mass of a metal cylinder,

  • in a locked vault in a basement in Paris.

  • But over the last century, careful measurements of this international prototype kilogram

  • and in-theory-identical national standards from around the world,

  • have shown that their masses are diverging.

  • The spread has grown to around 50 micrograms, or 50 parts per billion.

  • And having a standard of mass that changes is unacceptable.

  • Plus, the kilogram is the last of the base SI units to still be defined by a physical object.

  • The metre, for example, used to be defined as the length of a platinum bar in Paris,

  • but in 1983 it was redefined as the distance light travels

  • in 1/299,792,458 of a second.

  • This definition means that the speed of light is set to exactly 299,792,458

  • point 00000...

  • et cetera, metres per second.

  • Note how this works: first, you take the existing definition,

  • say, the length of that metre bar,

  • and you measure as carefully as you can how it relates to a physical constant of the universe:

  • the speed of light.

  • Then you set the exact value of that constant

  • and use *it* to redefine how long a metre is.

  • I know this might seem circular, but, importantly, it moves the point of truth

  • off of the physical object, and onto the unchanging constant of the universe.

  • So, naturally, the thought is to do the same thing with the kilogram.

  • But... using which constant, and how?

  • [Heavy mechanical noises]

  • Well, there are a number of different strategies that were attempted

  • but the two that achieved the greatest success were:

  • 1) using a silicon sphere to determine and set Avogadro's number

  • and 2) to use a Watt balance to determine and set Planck's constant.

  • >>DEREK: Hi, how ya' doin'? I'm Derek. >>JON: Pretty good. >>DEREK: Nice to meet you.

  • >>DEREK: Where is the Watt balance?

  • >>STEPHAN: The Watt balance is behind these closed doors, and...

  • >>DEREK: It's in there?

  • >>STEPHAN: It's correct, and right now the problem is that...

  • We are in a crunch to get a number by the end of May.

  • >>DEREK: What's the number?

  • >>STEPHAN: The Planck's constant. This is what we measure with the Watt balance.

  • In 2011, the General Conference on Weights and Measures

  • decided that the kilogram should be redefined based on Planck's constant,

  • but that doesn't mean that the Avogadro approach was futile.

  • I mean, you can use Avogadro's number to calculate Planck's constant and vice-versa.

  • So, ultimately, both approaches are going to be used to redefine

  • Planck's constant and Avogadro's number simultaneously.

  • >>STEPHAN: One good thing about having silicon spheres,

  • is that you only want to redefine if you have agreement between different numbers, right?

  • And the silicon sphere method is a method in my mind that comes out of chemistry.

  • You measure Avogadro's constant, which is a constant that comes out of chemistry.

  • This method comes out of physics, we measure Planck's constant.

  • So if they both agree, it's a pretty strong sign, right? Because you know chemistry and physics agree.

  • Now, since I've already discussed the Avogadro approach in a previous video,

  • here I want to focus on the Watt balance.

  • It's actually now called a Kibble balance in honor of its inventor, Bryan Kibble,

  • who actually passed away in 2016.

  • You know, traditional balances work by equating the gravitational forces on objects in two pans.

  • The Kibble balance looks kind of similar, but all of the balancing happens on the left-hand side,

  • where a mass pan is attached to a coil of wire in a magnetic field.

  • On the right-hand side is a motor.

  • The whole apparatus is sealed and operated in vacuum.

  • The balance operates in two modes:

  • Weighing mode and velocity mode,

  • and both are required to determine Planck's constant.

  • In weighing mode, a kilogram mass standard is placed on the mass pan

  • and then current is passed through the coil in the magnetic field

  • and adjusted until the weight of the kilogram is equal and opposite

  • to the electromagnetic force on the coil.

  • The equation for this is Mass times the local gravitational acceleration

  • is equal to the Magnetic field, times the length of wire in the coil, times the current flowing through it

  • In this equation the variables that are difficult to measure exactly are the magnetic field strength, and the length of wire in the coil

  • But luckily the Kibble balance allows us to get around this problem using velocity mode

  • In velocity mode the kilogram mass is lifted off the mass pan and now the motor on the other side of the balance is used to

  • Move the coil back and forth at constant velocity through the magnetic field.

  • This motion induces a voltage in the coil which is equal to the magnetic field,

  • times the length of wire in the coil, times its velocity.

  • Now we have two equations which we can solve for B times L and so we can set them equal to each other and

  • eliminate these variables without having to know precisely what their values are

  • and if we rearrange a little bit you get voltage times current equals mass times gravity times velocity.

  • on the left hand side, there is electrical power and on the right hand side, mechanical power,

  • and that's why this was called the Watt, the unit of power, balance

  • But how do you go from this to Planck's constant the number that relates a photon's frequency to its energy?

  • Well it turns out there's actually a way of measuring voltage accurately using a macroscopic quantum effect that involves Josephson junctions

  • so a Josephson junction consists of two superconductors separated by a thin piece of insulator

  • Now if you apply a microwave radiation to that junction, you create a voltage across the device and its value is precisely known to be

  • hf over 2 e. Where h is Planck's constant, f is the frequency of the radiation, and e is the charge on an electron

  • Now by tuning that frequency and stacking as many of these Josephson junctions as you want in series

  • you can create virtually any voltage you like very very precisely.

  • The way this is used in the Kibble balance is a stack of hundreds of thousands of Josephson junctions

  • are put into the circuit with the coil as it is moved through the field

  • and so you exactly balance the voltage which is induced in the coil using those Josephson junctions

  • So you can measure that voltage very very accurately.

  • But how do we measure current?

  • Well it turns out this voltage measuring method is so good that instead of trying to measure current directly

  • we instead measure V on R which is the same thing

  • So this current is passed through a resistor, and we measure that voltage again using Josephson junctions

  • And then to measure resistance we use another macroscopic quantum effect called the quantum hall effect.

  • Which is Beyond the scope of this video but,

  • suffice is to say that the resistance measurement will be an integer fraction, one over p

  • times Planck's constant divided by the charge on the Electron squared

  • So if we sub all of this into our equation and solve for h, we have that Planck's constant is equal to four

  • over p n squared, those are all constant numbers that we know, times the local acceleration due to gravity times velocity

  • divided by frequency squared times the mass which is one kilogram.

  • So here we have a very precise equation for Planck's constant in terms of the mass of one kilogram

  • Now to get an answer that's good to say, ten parts per billion

  • You need to know all of these values very accurately

  • So to measure V for example the velocity of the coil as it moves through the Magnetic field,

  • we use a laser interferometer

  • as the distance to the coil changes the interference Fringes pass over a detector

  • And essentially by counting how many fringes go past in a certain period of time

  • you can determine the speed of the coil very accurately

  • To measure g, a device called a gravimeter was used

  • to map out the local acceleration due to gravity in the balance room before it was built in there

  • The gravimeter actually drops a corner reflector down a vacuum tube and measures its acceleration

  • again through interferometry, counting the fringes as they pass

  • This is a 3D printed map of the acceleration due to gravity in the Kibble balance room

  • The bump is due to the mass of the powerful and very heavy permanent magnet that's in the balance

  • The acceleration due to gravity must continually be measured because it can be affected at this level of precision

  • By the positions of the sun and moon and even the water table underneath the building

  • In 2018 the kilogram will no longer be defined by an object in Paris

  • Instead it will be defined based on the fixed value of Planck's constant

  • which is being finalized right now as a result of all these measurements from the Kibble balances and silicon spheres

  • So right now what we do is, we put the mass in, and we get h out

  • and in 2018, after redefinition, h will be fixed and you use that to realize the unit of mass

  • >>STEPHAN: Easy >>DEREK: Yeah, just that-- just that easy. >>STEPHAN: Yeah -

  • >>DEREK: Just that simple. >>STEPHAN: Simple

  • Hey, this episode of Veritasium was supported in part by viewers like you on Patreon

  • and by Audible, who, as you probably know because they're longtime supporters of the channel

  • are leading providers of spoken audio information

  • including audiobooks original programming news comedy and more

  • And for viewers of this channel they offer a free 30-day trial.

  • Just go to

  • You know, recently I've been traveling around the world to Israel, London, Mexico City

  • And tomorrow I'm off to New Orleans because I'm shooting stuff for Netflix and

  • What I'll be listening to on the plane is Steven Pinker's The Better Angels of Our Nature

  • This is an awesome book that takes a scientific and statistical

  • approach to the question of when is the best time to be alive as a human and his answer, is now.

  • Whether it seems like it or not, violence and all the terrible things that humans have had to deal with

  • has been on the decline for centuries and if you want the

  • statistical proof for that you should check out this book it is fantastic

  • And if you want you can download it for free by going to

  • Or you can pick any other book of your choosing for a one-month free trial

  • So I want to thank audible for supporting me, and I want to thank you for watching.

What do I have to push, sub-basement? >>Woman: Sub-basement.


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B1 中級

kgの再定義方法 (How We're Redefining the kg)

  • 16 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日