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It's a clear evening at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida, and on your screen is a live view of Falcon nine as it prepares for its 7:10 p.m. Eastern Time launch from Space Launch Complex 40 in Florida.
My name is Shiva, and I'm a Falcon integration test engineer.
Here it's Basics Headquarters in Hawthorne, California and welcome to our launch coverage of the J.
Sat 18 Pacific one Mission.
Now, today we're launching a single high throughput communications satellite with two payloads aboard or two sets of communication equipment.
One of the payload is for Sky Perfect J sat and the other for Pacific.
We'll hear a little bit more about that later on in today's coverage.
Now, at this point, we're just under T minus 12 minutes and counting with all systems currently go.
So let's take a closer look at Falcon nine on the pack, starting from the base of the rocket and working our way up, we have the first stage atop that, the second stage and finally at the very top.
Our pair load failings, bearings, which in claps a late the satellite.
Now the first stage makes up the bottom 2/3 of the vehicle, and it accelerates the rocket from the launch pad to the edge of the Earth's atmosphere, using its nine Merlin engines.
Today's first stage is a little bit city, and that's because it previously flew to Dragon Resupply missions earlier this year.
Sierra, 17 and Sierra's 18 today makes its third flight.
Will be attempting to recover this first stage on our drone ship.
Of course I still love You, which is currently stationed about 350 nautical miles off the east coast of Florida.
Now above the black composite Inter stage sets our second stage, and its job is to carry the satellite into orbit.
Second stage will separate from the first stage, about 2.5 minutes into Flight A.
It'll ignite its Merlin vacuum or em back engine for today's mission and back will ignite twice to carry the J.
C sat 18 Pacific one satellite to a geosynchronous transfer orbit.
First ignition should happen shortly after stage separation on the second, about 27 a half minutes into flight.
Finally, the very top of the rocket is our nose cone structure, called the payload faring.
It's 17 feet and diameter, and it protects the satellite from the atmospheric forces.
Heating and contamination that occurred during liftoff and ascent once we're at the edge of space will jettison the fairing halves back to the earth about 3.5 minutes into the flight.
Now we are attempting to recover Both the bearing have today on a recovery vessels Mystery and Miss Chief.
Our hope is to catch one of the haves in Mysteries Net and the other in Miss Chief's.
We will not have live coverage of the fairing recovery attempt the police state to into our social media for updates as we receive them.
So with that, let's take a closer look at the Rocket and the satellite.
Hi, I'm Kate Thais, a senior program reliability engineer here at Space six.
We're currently tracking no issues as we count down to our 7:10 p.m. Eastern lift off time Falcon nine rolled out to the pad with the J C.
Said 18 Pacific one satellite around 2 a.m. Local time and went vertical at 12:30 p.m. In fact, this is the fastest turnaround we've had to date just 11 days and roughly seven hours since our last launch from Space Launch Complex 40 At T minus one hour.
The chief engineer held a technical pole and at T minus 38 minutes, the launch director held a propellant load launch.
Go no go pull.
Everything was a go so f nine began prop loading three minutes later at T minus 35 minutes.
For our propellants, we use oxidizer and fuel.
The oxidizer is super chilled liquid oxygen, also called blocks, and the fuel is rocket grade.
Kerosene or RP one second stage is fully loaded with its fuel.
While first stage is on track to complete fuel load about six minutes before launch, Liquid oxygen is loading.
Currently, liquefaction is currently underway on both stages.
Like I mentioned before, it's super chilled liquid oxygen.
Lowering the locks is temperature, increases its density and gives Falcon nine increased efficiency.
We want to keep the locks as cold as possible, while Falcon nine is still on the ground, so we don't complete liquid oxygen loading until the last couple of minutes before lift off.
Soccer nine uses helium to keep the fuel and liquid oxygen tanks pressurized route flight while propellant depletes This also helps the RP one and lox flow correctly into the Merlin engines without any air bubbles.
Healing load began before the Webcast Mint live, and we'll continue to top it off until 90 seconds before lunch and about 45 seconds.
Engine chill procedures will begin will be opening the pre valves between the first stage propellant tanks and the nine Merlin engines to allow a little bit of that cold liquid oxygen to flow into the turbo pumps.
This will bring the hardware down to a temperature close to that of the super chill propellant that will be flowing through at lift off.
We're now at T minus seven minutes and 20 seconds.
The vehicle is healthy and we're currently working no issues.
Spacecraft team transferred the satellite to internal power at T minus 23 minutes, so they're ready for lunch and are just monitoring spacecraft telemetry.
The Rangers go air and sea space has been cleared, the weather is green and all systems continue to go for an on time liftoff of 7:10 p.m. History.
As I mentioned earlier today, we're launching a single satellite with two payloads aboard, one for sky Perfect J.
Sat and the other for Pacific Sky Perfect.
Sat is one of the largest providers of multi channel pay.
TV Broadcast service is in Japan operating the largest satellite communications business in Asia.
Satellite we're lunching today will provide K band coverage, and improved mobile and broadband service is for customers into Egypt.
Pacific Reason in crew, including Far Eastern part of Russia.
What the Sky Perfect J SAT group values the most as a satellite operator is to be connected anytime, anywhere.
We operate in control geo stationary satellites at 36,000 kilometers from the Yokohama Satellite Control Center and two other control centers nationwide.
We use geo stationary satellites to provide stable communications in the air and sea in order to provide prompt rescue and support during and after disasters.
It is necessary to secure quick communication.
Satellite communication is a big asset.
In addition, we have partnered with low Earth orbit satellite operators and from Jackson, we acquired small demonstration satellites.
Way will enter into the sensing business that collects and uses space data for image analysis.
We provide intelligence to make informed decisions in partnership with planet labs.
Incorporated orbital insight incorporated and others, we will continue to take on the challenge of delivering smiles.
Space for your smile.
Sky Perfect J SAT Group.
Now, while this is our third lunch for Sky Perfect J sat, it's our first for Pacific Pacific is a next generation broadband satellite operator, which provides high speed, low cost, reliable broadband to rural areas and suburban areas of the Pacific and South East Asia.
Today's satellite will connect previously unserved or underserved populations in Southeast Asia and the Pacific islands with affordable, high speed broadband.
When broadband catches the world, the world changes, opening up new possibilities for business communities and people.
Broadband is at the heart off.
Everything we do.
We connect people with affordable high speed satellite Bergman so they can fully participate in the digital world.
With 56 high powered beams are Pacific one suffer like reaches 600 million people in 25 nations across Southeast Asia and the Pacific.
Problems Based on the Boeing 702 MP platform and supported by Advanced Technologies, Pacific one delivers fast, efficient and reliable because Carl give it changes everything education, have care, social services and business.
It drives tourism shows, economic development and powers.
Critical government service is our satellite.
Braathen is a catalyst for change, improving people's lives, making a lasting difference to families and their communities.
Way our heart of road We are a big thank you to the teams at Sky Perfect J sat in Pacific For all of the hard work they've put into making today's launch possible.
We're currently at T minus three minutes from liftoff.
Falcon nine is now moving into the final stages of the countdown.
The first and second stages are now both fully loaded with a £1,000,000 of kerosene, fuel and liquid oxygen.
The first stage had finished prop loading actually just finished prop loading on DDE t money.
60 seconds.
You'll hear the call out that Falcon nine isn't startup.
This means that the Rockets autonomous internal flight computers have taken over the launch countdown.
The J.
Sat 18 Pacific satellite continues to be healthy.
We're attracting no issues on the rocket.
Weather is looking good and the Grange in the range is green.
And for some reason, we don't get to launch tonight.
Our backup window is tomorrow at the same time, right?
Not right now.
Falcon nine is go for lunch.
Let's listen into the countdown that's deluxe.
Close closed out and vehicles on internal power talking and start up.
Go for launch.
T minus 15 seconds.
Nine seven.
Okay, three.
Yeah, look range.
Liftoff of Falcon nine carrying the J.
Sat 18 Pacific one satellite to Geo Stationary transfer orbit.
Stage one is now in full power.
Everything looks nominal now.
You heard the call for throttle Dina's supersonic.
We're approaching Max.
This is when the rocket goes through a moment of greatest aerodynamic pressure.
Nine is experiencing maximum aerodynamic pressure now.
The next three events that we have coming up, we'll be in rapid succession, main engine cut off stage separation and second engine start.
One main engine cut off, or, as you'll hear it called out.
Miko is where all nine engines of Falcon nine first stage show down.
Just heard the call up for M back engine Chill again.
That's when we're pre chilling those turbo pumps on the second stage.
Now the Miko will be followed by stage separation or the separation of the first and second stages.
Finally, second engine start, where we'll light the Merlin vacuum engine on the second stage kid and begin to carry the satellite to its target orbit.
Let's listen in for those Miko coming up in 20 seconds.
So Trajectory is looking good engines still at full power on the left hand side of your screen stage way there on your screen.
As the second engine execute, the second stage engine begins to glow a bright orange.
We have confirmation stage.
Err on the side of the stage separation and second engine start one.
It's on the left hand side of your screen that you'll see Stage one as it begins its descent to the drone ship.
Of course I still love you.
You can actually see the lights of Cape Canaveral there in the background and then on the right hand side of your screen, like I said, is the second stage.
So we're coming up to faring deployment.
We jettison the fairing to shed any unnecessary weight from the second stage.
Bearing separation is confirmed, so as you see there, bearing has separated again.
We are attempting to catch those on our recovery vessels, but we now have confirmation that second stage is performing nominally and we are looking good.
So far for today's mission.
Acquisition of signal for Amita.
Now, at this point in the mission, the first stage is currently on a parabolic trajectory from the launch site going towards, Of course, I still love You, which again is about 350 nautical miles off the Florida coast.
To successfully land, the first stage will need to do a few things.
First, it'll need to re orient so its engines and heat shield enter the Earth's atmosphere first.
Then it will reignite three of its Merlin engines for entry burn to reduce the air dynamic forces and heating experience as it transitions back into the thicker parts of the Earth's atmosphere.
Once it's in the atmosphere, the grid fins will take over, guiding the rocket towards, Of course, I still love you when we're above the drone ship.
A little after tea, plus eight minutes into flight center, Merlin engine will ignite for landing burn, followed by landing like deploy and hopefully a gentle touchdown on.
Of course, I still love you.
Entry burn is scheduled to begin in about a minute.
From now on.
It'll last about 20 seconds.
First and second stage continue to follow a nominal trajectory and we're seeing some slight plumes on the left.
That's the shot from the first stage.
We're obviously in the earth's shadow right now.
On your right side is Thesent Comte.
Stage and back engine continuing its burn Just about 20 seconds away from entry burn.
Begin stage one AT T s has Safed Stage One Entry Burn startup and there's relight of those three Merlin vacuum engines.
Fun fact, Casey sat 14 was actually the first time space like, successfully landed a geosynchronous transfer mission on a drone ship.
Since then, we've made 43 successful land dings between drone ships and on land Stage one.
Entry burn shut down, and we're hoping to make tonight's attempt or 47th successful for stage recovery.
So if you're just joining us, the first stage just concluded its entry burn.
It's on its way back to, of course, I still love you.
The second stage is continuing its first engine burn towards the parking orbit that's taking wth e.
Sat 18 Pacific one satellite up into orbit around the Earth to prepare for a second burn happening shortly after now landing burn on the first stage and secondary engine cut off.
Number one will have in about the same time.
Both of those air scheduled for about T plus eight minutes.
Stage one entry trans Sonic second stage has entered terminal guidance This point in the mission.
The grid fins are guiding the first stage towards Of course I still love you.
Well, hopefully get a video feed back here for the first stage Shortly.
Stage on landing Murder startup Stage two f T.
S is Safed If you go one stage on landing leg deploy.
Ah, a bunch of things happened there.
Secondary engine cut off one space and 10 56 has just recovered it for the third time.
This is our 47 successful landing.
Congratulations to the whole team here.
With that, the second stage is currently in orbit.
Will continue coasting for about 20 minutes until the phasing is correct for secondary engine Start number two We're gonna pause live coverage for now, but we'll be back in about T plus 27 minutes for em Back engine relight.
Until then, please enjoy this animation of the vehicles progress and we'll see you back here shortly.
Come on, Expect loss of signal.
Wait Okay.
You later.
No, thank you.
Welcome back to the Webcast for J C.
Sat 18 Pacific one.
Thanks for hanging out with us while we coasted through there.
In case if you're just joining us, we had an on time launch of Falcon nine, followed by successful drone ship Landing of stage one.
Stage two was confirmed for good orbit.
So we're now approaching second engine start to engine.
Chill has begun on the Merlin vacuum engine.
And, um, in about 30 seconds, we'll see the second relight of em back.
Bear on your screen.
We can see em back as it has reignited little difficulty maintaining the video stream there.
It's a little hard to get video from space, as you might imagine, but will bring that back to you as we can provide it.
We're waiting to hear the confirmation of good orbit.
Sorry, I misspoke.
We are waiting for a second engine cut off, followed by good orbit.
Fun fact Stage two is approaching the coast of Africa right now.
So it made quite some distance in the little bit of time that we were coasting.
Thank you.
And second engine cut off as we lose the cheesy orange glow of em back there.
So we're waiting on that confirmation of normal orbit insertion for appeal.
And we have confirmation of good orbit.
So now that that's the case, we will be coasting for the next five minutes or so.
So we'll be back just before a T plus 33 minutes for satellite deployment.
Stay tuned, Mark.
Okay, welcome back.
Once again to our broadcast.
Bert Jacy said 18 Pacific one second stage is currently over Africa and about 20 seconds are you?
20 seconds.
2015 seconds will have payload deployment There on your screen.
You see deployment of J.
Sat 18 Pacific one.
I always love watching as the satellite floats away from second stage out into space again.
This was Geo stationary transfer orbit.
So with that confirmation of deployment, we will bring our Webcast to a close.
Thanks for tuning in for our lift off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, followed by a successful stage one drone ship landing.
And as you just saw successful satellite deployment thank you to our customer Sky Perfect.
J sat into Pacific for entrusting us with today's mission.
We also want to give a big thanks to the Air Force is 45th Space Wing for providing range, safety and to the Federal Aviation Administration for life's musicians.
Today's martyrs.
Now, of course, we also want to thank all of you, our viewers, for tuning into today's launch.
Please follow our Web site and social media platforms for updates on our next missions and milestones until the next time we hope you have a wonderful rest of your evening.