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  • Thank you.

  • GraphQL.

  • You might have heard of it by now, and, if you have, you've heard about how to it's great

  • for performance, backwards compatibility, and great for those hard to get out stains!

  • Probably!

  • There's seemingly nothing it can't do.

  • But have you wondered how?

  • How can GraphQL have these supposed superpowers?

  • I think the key to this lays in its basic building blocks.

  • In this talk, we will start off by taking a look at the schema definition language,

  • RSL, and the resolvers, and understand how they work together to execute a query.

  • Then I will show ways to use these features to graph all the things before finally entering

  • the "don't try this at home" portion of the talk.

  • First, g, the ' day, how is it going?

  • We work on building tooling services and platforms to enable at Red Bubble.

  • I'm the maintainer of Lis Sass and notes Sass.

  • So let's jump right into it.

  • The schema is the skeleton of GraphQL.

  • It's what gives it its shape.

  • Everything else builds on top of or happens because of the schema.

  • It is defined using the schema definition language.

  • We are we have an example schema.

  • We're using "type" to define conference.

  • Our conference type is a name field which we set as a string.

  • String is one of the skeletypes, in graph, and others like ints, floats, and booleans

  • and the other suspects.

  • We have a speakers' field which has an array of the speaker type.

  • It's not a built-in type, so we define it ourselves.

  • Our speaker has a name and a favourite emoji.

  • This gives me licence to use member throughout the talk!

  • We have some fields with exclamation marks and others don't.

  • It means a field is omitted but still valid.

  • IDs are convenient for querying and mutating data.

  • Speaking of querying and mutating data, we have the query types called root types.

  • There are others too but we're not going to talk about them today.

  • On our query type, we have a conference field that returns any conferences we know about.

  • We also have a speaker's field that has a required emoji argument and returns some speakers.

  • We have a mutation type.

  • It has a speak field, that takes a speaker ID and a Conference ID.

  • Something to note, it's common to refer to fields on query mutation types.

  • You see return-type mutation looks like the return type of a query field.

  • A field on a mutation could return things like booleans but as richer types as part

  • of the expressiveness of GraphQL.

  • There is some detail as to how these are defined that we won't go into today.

  • The important thing to take away from this is the field in the query type to ask for

  • information whereas fields and mutation type typically change things.

  • Lastly, the resulting data from mutation can be expected to have the changes already applied.

  • The schemas are the skeletons of GraphQL and at their beating heart.

  • They bring life to GraphQL.

  • With the amazing things that GraphQL can do, you would think they would be pretty complicated,

  • but it's the simplicity of resolvers that is the key to their flexibility.

  • It's just a function.

  • It takes a couple of arguments.

  • We're going to talk about these three today, but there are others.

  • You can define a resolver or any or all fields on your schema, including fields in the query

  • type, the speak field, and fields on any type like the emoji field on the speaker type.

  • Inside a resolver, you can do anything it could do in any other JavaScript function.

  • The only requirement is that it returns of value in the shape that matches the type of

  • the field that it is responsible for.

  • Here we have a map of resolvers.

  • It has a query object representing the query type.

  • And a query object, there is a speaker's resolver.

  • A speaker's query has an emoji argument.

  • We can access that argument by the name on the arc's argument on its resolver.

  • We know from our schema that the query should returning the or an array of speaker types.

  • Here it's returning an array of objects which have an integer ID field and a name and an

  • emoji string field which means they match the expected shape of the query and all is

  • well.

  • Remember, the conference field doesn't have an exclamation mark so it's entirely optional

  • here.

  • Our speaker mutation - here we have a speaker mutation loading data from the context by

  • the conference ID argument.

  • Conference is a bit special.

  • It makes it useful for storing things like configuration or services like database connections.

  • After it is loaded, the speaker ID argument is appended to the conference object, the

  • - finally does a query for the conferences that the speaker is attending.

  • So that was a lot.

  • But it is just a groundwork for what is coming up next.

  • We're going to take a look at practical use of resolvers to feel how they work together

  • and give you the versatility of GraphQL.

  • The simplest resolver is one that returns an object.

  • Earlier, we saw a resolver and all good because it returned a resolver that matched the shape

  • of the speaker type before how does GraphQL match the speaker shape?

  • Is there some kind of internal validation engine or some form of intro expect on their

  • return type or AI?

  • GraphQL can do these magical things.

  • Why not build AI in there?

  • No doubt there is a way to return these types.

  • If you're like me, you're thinking about how you would have done it yourself.

  • I've shown you how it happens.

  • Every field from GraphQL gets a default resolver.

  • The default resolver is straightforward.

  • For any field, it takes the object, the parent object and tries to be the access a field

  • as a function call, or an object property on the parent.

  • Importantly, this happens recursively, so, if a field returns a type, the field's return

  • type is a custom type, then all the fields on that type have their resolvers called.

  • This is what happens in our case.

  • The schema for our speaker's query returns return type to a null or an array of speaker

  • type.

  • GraphQL takes the speaker value.

  • If it is null, it's returned.

  • If it is an array, the value is iterated over and a resolver default is called for each

  • speaker field.

  • The parent armed for the resolver is the object at the current loop of the array.

  • If a resolver for a field returns the wrong time, GraphQL throws an error.

  • Also, if the return type of the initial speaker's query isn't null or an array, we also get

  • an error.

  • The default resolver is a great example of how we use building blocks to solve tricky

  • problems like validation.

  • So, a common use case for GraphQL is putting it in front of existing APIs.

  • This really its bread and butter and what gave it momentum to start off with.

  • Even here, there are interesting possibilities.

  • Here, I've updated our speaker query to make an HTTP request instead of returning a hard-coded

  • API.

  • The schema could have different types.

  • In this case, you iterate over the JSON and transform it to the phenotype you expect.

  • Once again, we've added the conference resolver to the speaker type.

  • There are a couple of interesting things happening here.

  • Firstly, using both jQuery and fetch.

  • Because, why wouldn't you?

  • You have the entire power of JavaScript and MPM at our resolvers, so we might as well

  • use it all.

  • We are iterating over the array of speakers, and for each of those speakers, the conference

  • resolver has called from an entirely different API.

  • Here, GraphQL's essentially aggregating across multiple APIs in order to resolve a single

  • query.

  • The remaining queries are resolved using a default resolver.

  • You can have a resolver with any or all fields.

  • You can resolve all fields by its own API and users wouldn't be any the wiser.

  • I'm not saying you should do this but you could if you wanted to.

  • GraphQL got a lot of attention early on because of how well it worked as a facade on top of

  • these fragmented APIs which often had incompatible methods of authentication, different transport

  • types or content types.

  • We can expose a single interface over - you have, APIs, without having to rewrite any

  • of them.

  • It wasn't long before people start rescinding these ideas, sometimes cutting out the APIs

  • altogether and going straight to the database.

  • Some truly innovative people have gone as far as defining the schemas themselves in

  • a different language.

  • Here, we are resolving a speaker query by making a -gate query.

  • We are pulling the database operation - we set this up earlier.

  • Because you have the full power of JavaScript to get a disposal here, you can do all the

  • things you would do in an attractional RM, like read or write instances, whatever the

  • requirements of that field might be.

  • If you can use a database, there's no reason you can't use any other kind of of data store.

  • Here, we are mixing and matching between relation al databases, elastic searches, at the field

  • resolver level.

  • Being able to make these choices at the field resolver levels allows us to fit best-fit

  • solutions for the requirements of an individual field and changes of requirements over time

  • as our systems change.

  • By no means saying this is unique to GraphQL, simply aiming to illustrate the ease as which

  • these capabilities are achieved between - within the play between schemas and resolvers within

  • GraphQL.

  • This is actually my favourite use case.

  • I said earlier that the platform team is a bubble, we focus on enabling everyone, not

  • just engineers.

  • The way we do this is let people bring their own tools and adapt our systems to work with

  • them.

  • Enter spreadsheets.

  • Who doesn't love a good spreadsheet in I know I do, our copy writers do, our data scientists

  • do.

  • They're practically ubiquitous and this makes them a powerful tool for enabling and encouraging

  • contributions.

  • Spreadsheets are fantastic for GraphQL because they are already structured.

  • They come with their own schemas in the form of columns and rows.

  • Here our speaker's query is loading it from disk, filtering the speakers to knows matching

  • the emoji we passed them as a query alter.

  • Now, anyone in our organisation can drag and drop a new spreadsheet on the GitHub UI.

  • This kicks off our pipelines, and if the test passes, this is live for everyone to see,

  • no engineer was required for this process.

  • I mentioned at Red Bubble, we have a lot of this GraphQL distributed and a lot of configuration

  • services to back this up.

  • These configurations services are different to other services in that they fetch configuration

  • on deploy and fetch low locally.

  • They're not meant to be used in request.

  • They may get over-the-wire updates as their lifetime goes on.

  • We like the approach for - but it covers the complexities.

  • Is is is the configuration stored in memory or on disk?

  • What happens when we receive an update?

  • How do we validate the new configuration?

  • We tried a few ways of managing and exposing configuration in our services and as you might

  • expected, we eventually landed on GraphQL.

  • Loading configuration files in resolver is pretty straightforward using the FS promises

  • API.

  • If we're unable to load the configuration for any reason, the server fails to boot.

  • This works really well in many cloud environments because currently running it deploys will

  • keep running until new versions can come up, so we don't lose any downtime.

  • Next up internally, we created a configuration object by querying for that GraphQL configuration.

  • If some important data is missing or if the data is otherwise unsuitable, the query fails

  • and the service failed fails to boot again.

  • Here, GraphQL's acting as an internal API abstracting over the node files APIs and abstracting

  • over the complexities of dealing with validity and freshness.

  • So some of you may have the inned in a previous slide, it was a chicken-and-egg scenario,

  • how to load configuration and put it in context if we are loading configuration inside a resolver?

  • This is where we do something nifty.

  • We create multiple GraphQL servers with their own schemas and resolvers.

  • One server handles incoming requests and reloads configuration by querying the second GraphQL

  • server.

  • That's right.

  • You can even use GraphQL to abstract over GraphQLs running on the same machine.

  • In fact, just about any API that is simply reads and writes can be represented as GraphQL

  • queries and mutations.

  • This is a real - this got me thinking - a light build up bulb moment for me.

  • What if our JavaScript APIs were GraphQL?

  • What if the browsers had a GraphQL interface?

  • This is my friends when things go off the rails.

  • Welcome to the don't try this portion at home.

  • Don't try this at home portion of the talk.

  • I hope by now I've been able to convince you that enough about any read or write interface

  • can be like plastered over with graphical representation.

  • This got me thinking: the browser has read and write APIs.

  • Surely these could have some graphical interfaces.

  • As it turns out, there's nothing about GraphQL that inherently limits you in server environments.

  • As long as you have a schema and resolver map, most implementations are happily run

  • in the browser.

  • Why?

  • I think there are a couple of good reasons for this.

  • We live in a world of heavy browser feature fragmentation, and even when those features

  • exist, like the rolled out in a progressive manner, with API fragmentation in those features.

  • There's the complexities of dealing with progressive enhance the and degradation because it's fun.

  • Admittedly, I did if for the fun, but there's something valuable in the idea of the interface

  • across all our web languages.

  • Let's look at some examples.

  • We've looked at how we use resolvers to interact with data stores, but the browser has a bunch

  • of its own data stores.

  • We have the web storage APIs in local storage and session storage, web SQL databases, and

  • cookies.

  • With a bit of creativity, you can stuff any kind of data inside a URL.

  • There's a handful of libraries that do this for us acting as an interface across a buffer

  • of these storage engines with using a mix of feature detection or polyfills.

  • And so abstracting over data source is something that GraphQL is already good at.

  • It's a really great fit for the scenario.

  • We are, we've taken the spreadsheet consolidate from earlier, but reading a file off disk

  • we're using it as an abstraction over various browser storage APIs.

  • Libraries will progressively enhance or degrade, depending on which APIs are available in the

  • current environment.

  • More importantly, the user APIs don't get to juggle all the different APIs themselves

  • or learn a whole new third-party API.

  • They're just looking at the schema for the types required and executing queries and mutations

  • as they already know how to on server.

  • Just like on the server, a browser has equally capable of making network requests to APIs.

  • Just like on the server, we can call it working APIs within the resolvers.

  • Just like - we can gratefully degrade depending on what is available in the operating environment.

  • And that, my friends, is running GraphQL in the browser.

  • I think that's pretty cool.

  • So I thought I would end it here.

  • Like, in many ways, browser JS isn't different from the server side JS.

  • It's not surprising they're able to use GraphQL as an abstraction layer over finicky APIs.

  • There's something unique to the browser.

  • Does GraphQL still hold up in this new world?

  • For example, our good old buddy, the DOM.

  • DOM libraries are nothing new.

  • Some started our JavaScript journeys with DOJO.

  • Even new, like, in React - here is an example of what a schema might look like for document

  • query selector.

  • All the dollar-sign functions in jQuery.

  • And this is what the resolvers might look like.

  • We have a document query to get to our document object and the document type has APIs we care

  • about and fields.

  • The resolvers for those fields just call methods on the parent, the parent being document in

  • this case.

  • And I think things - things pretty much work as expected.

  • By now, you should not be surprised by anything on the slide.

  • It's like previous examples we've seen before.

  • The question you might have is why?

  • Why even do this?

  • And I get it: I was up front.

  • These aren't necessarily good ideas.

  • They're just ideas, but honestly, slides like this I think is why.

  • Every time I forget to await my fetch only to have JavaScript yell at me that I can't

  • use top-level awaits is why.

  • Every time I forget Node list aren't actually arrays is why.

  • Every time I decide whether to have to decide to use a callback or a promise interface is

  • why.

  • All the reasons you might use jQuery today because it's easier is why.

  • Something about these slides really speaks to me.

  • But I have to concede, building and maintaining a schema like this for the entirety of the

  • DOM is kind of absurd.

  • I get shivers thinking about what it would take to maintain.

  • So maybe some enterprising folks could generate schemas and resolvers by scraping things like

  • MDN or W3C specs or get crazy with web IDL, or maybe if we don't have the schema.

  • I know I spent you 20 minutes saying they're amazing and the skeleton of GraphQL.

  • That's all true, but also I'm really lazy, like super lazy.

  • Did you see that schema?

  • It's massive, and it's not getting any smaller any time.

  • So if we don't have schemas, we don't need resolvers, either.

  • I know, the beating heart of GraphQL, life blood, blah, blah, blah ... if I squint my

  • eyes and tilt my head and use imagination, this looks like the resolver we had in our

  • DOM APIs.

  • So what if we define our own default resolver?

  • A single resolver that was general enough to handle any field for any DOM API, if it

  • follows a general pattern of fields being properties or functions on their parents,

  • then we don't really need the schema.

  • Like the DOM is the schema, like MDM becomes our schema.

  • I thought it was a nifty idea and gave it a shot.

  • So I have some demos coming up.

  • I think this stuff is cool.

  • I've been told it's probably just me!

  • If you think this stuff is kind of cool, how about giving it a clap so I know to continue.

  • [Applause].

  • All right.

  • So, in the interests of tile, I have demos prepared earlier.

  • As I mentioned, we could abstract over things like network requests.

  • So here we are making our request to some random API that someone kindly allowed cause

  • on for me.

  • - calls on for me.

  • You can see here, we are essentially querying for our window object, run the object calling

  • fetch.

  • In fetch, we're passing an array of arguments that line up to the argument forward of the

  • fetch API.

  • We are saying fetch this URL and then causing the JSON method on that response.

  • Under the covers, you may await this, but you don't have to care about it.

  • It's done for you.

  • And here we can see the output, just for the saying that I'm not lying.

  • And you can get the result here by calling the path on which we made the query, so our

  • result is window reflect JSON.

  • You may think we've already showed how resolvers can make requests.

  • This is different, it's not resolvers making the network request, the query itself is the

  • network request.

  • We're resolving how to make requests.

  • It's a bit unique, I think.

  • So that is all well and good.

  • What about the DOM?

  • I promised the DOM.

  • So here, we're emulating what I talked about earlier, we are taking - querying the document,

  • querying the query selector role and giving it an parliament with the P tags.

  • On the resulting P tags, we're pulling properties off.

  • I think of this like a map.

  • Like, what we've saved here, because you don't have to know what this returns.

  • Is it an array, not an array?

  • How do we cast an array?

  • Is it going to yell at me?

  • All those areas you probably run into like I have.

  • And we can see the output here.

  • We can see the properties coming out.

  • That's not going to impress you.

  • Let's try this one out!

  • So here, we're doing the same thing, except we are using GraphQL aliases.

  • We are essentially saying passing a document in, saying this is the root purely for the

  • sake of indentation and readability but also for the sake that we can show we can operate

  • on the resolve to something else.

  • Passing in a document, doing three queries of the DOM and assigning those results to

  • variables.

  • We are saying our good boys are querying for all the Dojo emojis.

  • There are some dogs and not dogs here.

  • We're also querying for the non-Dojos, and for the yummy Dojo.

  • These though you the results of the variables, but really bringing this home, we can actually

  • pass this variable back into another query as the context, and here, we are doing the

  • mutation, calling set attribute on our first good est boy, and we are giving it a style

  • and increasing the font size.

  • If we scroll up - oh, I changed the name - if we scroll up!

  • Giant hot dog!

  • [Applause].

  • As you may have guessed, this is the hungry boy.

  • We can query the DOM, we can mutate the DOM.

  • What else can we do?

  • We can also do animations on the DOM using web animation API.

  • Here, we are getting our hungry boy once again, and we're using the web animation API by calling

  • animate on the resulting thing and giving it the object of the web animation specs.

  • We are spinning it and scaling it up and down.

  • We can change these.

  • This is all live.

  • I'm not lying to you.

  • This is, like, so here we have had to do is look at MDN, find the API, and it's the same

  • query interface.

  • We didn't care how it returned or how it worked.

  • If we want to reuse the animation?

  • How do we copy it around and use it?

  • We can use the GraphQL fragments.

  • We are querying two different nodes in our yummy node.

  • We are giving a spin and a bounce animation.

  • These are defined down here asking from fragments on the element type before we have one that

  • bounces and one that spins, and then named as such.

  • If we uncomment this - woah, ... . Animations as variables.

  • That's the best I got.

  • I'm sorry!

  • [Applause].

  • I know some of you are thinking: DOM, who uses the DOM?

  • I'm more about the jQuery life.

  • For you, we have this.

  • We are passing our jQuery as the root context and can call jQuery as northerly.

  • We're doing our request for the item and calling animate function.

  • We're animating properties if the way that you would in jQuery.

  • These can be used together.

  • There's no limit to the hilarity that can ensue with enough animations.

  • Let's give this one more spin before I wrap up.

  • And there we go.

  • GraphQL on the DOM in the browser.

  • [Applause].

  • In closing, I started by saying GraphQL superpower be and shaped everything else like a - this

  • makes GraphQL infinitely versatile.

  • With a little creativity, we can GraphQL all the things and move towards a universal query

  • language before the web.

  • Thank you.

  • [Applause].

Thank you.


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GraphQL.ユニバーサルクエリ言語に向けて by Michael Mifsud|JSConf EU 2019 (GraphQL: Towards a universal query language by Michael Mifsud | JSConf EU 2019)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日