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which one out of the three out of three I think it was Gulas are hardest.
Then uber then snapped.
And I think part of that was also the composition.
Eso Google had used a line that so there's this guy called her CIB And he writes like he wrote this block post about, like negotiating.
Um and he says, Like before we continue our video, I just want to say that we are sponsored by hosting ER today.
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Break it down to, like, detail steps again.
So let's do uber like Screw Facebook State engineer.
So Okay, So when did you start to decide?
Like, Okay, I'm gonna switch jobs on down like, would you do how many questions did you do that?
Would you do like before, uber like, start before the interview?
Yeah, I'm like, Yeah, let's just talk from beginning.
So I think it was around the summer of last year 2018 when I first started thinking about it.
So first I did Explorer transferring internally, but there was no head count.
Yeah, So?
So then I started, Like, writing up a rough plan.
Um, and then I was I was kind of studying, but, like, not really seriously, it's not every day, like in July and August.
And then I think I got a call from a Google recruiter on day since I had interviewed them before.
They let me go straight in on site.
And so that was when I scheduled it out.
Like like, almost two months.
L on dso since I was already studied for Google.
A dying man apply for, I guess, many companies as possible.
So I applied or like, replied to like around 20 companies.
Come on.
So I just made a post about it.
Said are the numbers in my head, but basically out of those 20 have 11 phone screens on dhe, then 11 phone screens.
I like past eight of them.
And then I decided on sites with six um and, uh, last night like that Funnel, My final looks totally different.
Mind was uber, which rejected me in under 22 minutes over.
Rejected me for a different team before.
Is this how you apply for teams?
Uh, yeah, yeah.
Just for context.
I asked Cyrus to refer me to uber and then within five minutes.
Thank you.
That didn't even call you sexy.
And then And then I also applied to other companies.
Um, I guess I'm not super comfortable sharing just because I owned this youth you channel.
But basically, it's too big companies.
And yeah, so then and then I did to phone screen and into onset and then two offers nice 100%.
Yeah, except for uber, but yeah, I knew I wanted to d'oh to get, like, a lot of on sites for practice.
Oh, that's true.
And then I also wanted it for a negotiation.
I got fucking lucky, you know?
Because because because I want to I'll just blurt out.
You know, when I went to that was like, my first on site and thank God I got it, but yeah, nice.
But I also actually had a coffee, Does something different.
They make you do it courting challenge.
I just googled the cooling challenge, and I found it, and I just I just fucking coffee.
Face it.
It was totally fine.
I remember.
Um, I, like borderline fail with the first phone screen.
So I gave me give you a full stream.
Yeah, I think the challenge.
It was so easy.
It's like they gave me the challenge.
I I just like I copied the question.
I pasted it and it was a Chinese websites, like, Yeah, I just you know, Yeah, I actually remember the phone number is one of the hardest they get.
I got a code hard on, then I barely got it.
I got a second phone screen because I'm borderline already.
Oh, nice.
Yeah, and I heard like a They do a lot of, like cultural interviews.
Yeah, and I heard the pale Very well, too.
Anyways, so after you did your on site and all of them, um, yes.
So So which were the aunts?
I say you did again.
Six on sites.
Three of them are Google uber and step on, then three others.
Yeah, so?
So yes.
So uber was it like the Coke Harvey called Medium versus now.
Which one?
Yeah, out of the three out of three.
I think it was Gulas are hardest.
Then uber then snapped.
And I think part of that was also the composition eso Google had, like all five rounds were coding like data structures out of them's, whereas uber had they had a system designed around and they had behavior around And then I think same snap and I had, like, actually study a lot with a system design because I really wanted, like, a more senior level.
Um, so because Google is like all five coating, I was like it was pretty exhausted.
Yeah, yeah.
So I also I also had, like, similar experience with a company.
I also had a 55 I'll go rounds.
Um, like I think I got lucky because because, you know, it's either, you know what you don't like once, right?
Like, there's always a trick to these album questions, you know?
And then yes, So then that one, it was fine.
I did it.
And then for theatre company, he was like to quoting rounds.
And then was it three?
Yeah, it was two quoting around three system designed three said one like behavior, or like the airship or whatever that's called.
And yet was fucking long.
Holy crap.
I think it literally took from, like, nine till, like, five.
But for the system designed, I use that rocking the inner workings of my interview.
Um, yeah, I paid for that, but I realized I like every case they have.
They always say the same thing.
They dio I guess his repetitions.
Yeah, actually want to help me with one question because, like, the system designed question at that company, it's not always like, Oh, you know, Bill, whatever.
Sometimes I ask you something specific, Like, for example, I think once they said like, Oh, you know, you have this memory space, you get double block.
How should you like, format the memory so that it's efficient bubble blower?
You already have, like, a buffer and something that, and that was annoying, cause I remember, like when I was when I was doing it, you know, at one point I was doing and I was like, Okay, I'll stop you over here because, you know, it took you longer than most people.
I feel I feel assistant is on.
It's so broad that like, yeah, they go, if that's what it is.
A specific team.
All right?
They can go.
Really was lame because, like, Yeah, it was like a data infrastructure position, and I didn't even want to do the infrastructure.
But day they didn't have any position for, like, absolute.
Anyway, so on.
And then you got offers from Google snapping uber.
And then why did you choose uber?
Oh, yes.
Oh, I got offers from five of the six, and then the three in serious Contention, where Google Uber and Step and s I ended up choosing uber because, Well, first of all, ghoul gave me a pretty low offer.
So they're notorious for down leveling on, then uber and snap because they know your tour.
I expected because I bombed, like, one of the questions on the good things that actually matter.
I think it does look like because I did.
I did really well, uber and snap offer on sites, and I got like, like, top of the range for the level offers.
So they the numbers are not higher than with Google, where the offer's already top.
Or was it because you negotiated?
They're already talking.
Yes, actually, yeah, eso actually with both Google with both uber and snap.
The offers were like the base and equity already maxed.
Oh, um, and I think part of that was I had actually done some, like, pre negotiation.
Like I had, like, set it up so that they knew that they would be competing with all these other companies.
Eso, like both uber and stab recruiters, knew that a ghoul on site and then, like, I think that's one thing like you don't like.
You can tell Rikers about upcoming on sites, especially they see my kind of impressive, even if you aren't sure if you're gonna pass it.
Um, and then once, like, even before they gave me the numbers, I had already told them when I was expecting and like the other companies offers.
So, yeah, I got I got a pretty high initial offer, okay?
That just, like dig in two more to dislike TC negotiation.
Oh, in case you guys don't know what t C s, it's total compensation.
If you go on blind, you wouldn't know what t c you know.
So T c How did you like?
Was it ordered that Max to t c U S O yes.
So what t.
I think I think the most important thing is knowing how much you're worth.
And I think the Esso, like he said, Blind is really good for getting that an idea and also double stuff.
Why, you see, like, specific offers, h level.
So I really knew kind of the max range on dhe.
Then I knew that I didn't really care if it was like, I didn't care how the offer components were broken up.
So, like, if I could get component the components Base Equity bonus and then sign on bonus on So I didn't really care how they split it up.
If I wanted, like, 20 K more, I didn't care.
It was like like, sign on versus place because your companies don't negotiate base as much.
So So let's go back to, like, exactly what happened.
So which offer did you get first?
I think I got I got I got snapped first on then and then to give an offer.
Did you negotiate them?
Uh, yes, I think.
Yeah, I think I negotiated.
I think that's not They did raise the equity.
No, I'm just a little bit on then became the max And then I had already told another.
That's important.
I had told off these recruiters that was gonna take a while, so they didn't try to pressure made by saying like you only have three days to decide on.
And I think you will see this in Block Post.
But basically, like, never accept that, um, that usually there is bluffing.
And if they aren't bluffing us from our company, but yes.
Oh, yes.
Oh, I, um I told them the son of good, but I think about it, Um, and also a negotiation you don't want to be like.
It's not, like, adversarial thing.
It's kind of like trying to find something.
It's a good deal for both of you.
Uh, so yeah, so I told them that sounds good, but I need time to think about it.
I'll let you know when I get, like, other numbers and go.
And then.
Then you got uber.
Yes, goes.
And that was a hired and sent Well, actually, before I got sober, I had already gone.
So I guess that kind of company is Deanie.
So I had gotten like an offer from Company D.
That was a bit weaker and total compensation.
But the base salary was like significantly higher, actually.
But I was able to use that to say, like, based on this, you guys raise your equity on.
So that's one thing where, like even if another company's offers on the whole, like weaker, you can take a specific component and say, you know, like I you know, I rally really value liquid liquidity right now we're, like, consistent like, ah, steady state salary.
And so based on that, no king, you guys improve your offer and then you prove your snap offer.
And Dan, you got your uber offer?
Yes, and was the uber offer hired and it's now s o.
It was It was roughly equivalent on dso over.
The recruiter, like already knew exactly what the snap offer was gonna be, Um and yeah, so it was roughly quantum bits.
It's hard to compare because uber is a private company.
Were snapped this public right.
And so I I was pretty confident uber was going to I p o um, this year, um, which I think to what turned out to be true and on then But then, like snap is like public and equity vest every month s Oh, it's a lot more.
A lot, lot lower risk, but also at the same time.
Like pretty high risk too, because Snape wasn't doing that Well, yeah, eso Yeah, I had to come up in their own way of comparing two ended uber increased their offer because of your snap off.
Yes, eso actually, yes.
Oh, the, um Well, there was already the max And so I knew that the main thing could've proven with signing bonus.
So I went on blind, did some searching to see if it was possible on.
Then I eventually like pushed for certain signing bonus.
And I used a line that so there's this guy called her CIB And he writes like he wrote this block post about, like, negotiating.
And he says, like s So you have this long time none of these compete companies competing for you.
So at the very end, the final like strategy should use is like because right now your leverage is that you have these other companies.
You have time on your hands, a zone element on.
So if you give away that time advantage, then you can get something back for it.
And so basically, what you do that, as you say, I can sign right now, like basically, and the process with everybody else.
If you guys give me 25 more on Dhe, then yeah, and then usually wanted to get it, because the deal right away, So interesting.
So you got a little bit up?
So, Indiana, what was a TC for?
Like, snap uber like Google?
So that depends on how you calculated but basically around through UK for snapping uber and then for Google about like, 240.
That's the reason.
So 300 k for, like, snapping uber.
And what level is that?
44 And that's pretty much at the top.