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  • There's a different energy to people in New York.

  • What's up, man?

  • How you doing way?

  • Listen, when an icon walks in, you got cameras rolling.

  • You gotta keep the cameras rolling.

  • My brother Harry.

  • Harry Smith.

  • Yes.

  • This is fun aboard.

  • Lee gets good.

  • Name was No Harry Smith on board.

  • Let me spell it out again.

  • On board.

  • Lee, go for board.

  • Lee First go for portly and then back.

  • Capital B.

  • Yes.

  • Oh, ok.

  • Yes, yes, yes, E Yes.

  • Why, Theo Way something.

  • Something bad boys for life is coming out.

  • Me and Martin Lawrence is very funny.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Oh, my God.

  • I got your house.

  • You get, uh, 17.

  • 16 way We'll go back and forth for a couple days will be great for you.

  • Right up there.

  • You're not gonna go there.

  • It's too far.

  • I'll come pick you up.

  • I'll come pick you up.

  • We'll drive out Now.

  • You know what was crazy about people born and raised in New York?

  • Like they'll ask for permission for nothing.

  • They like They just go for it.

  • Way met up with, like, a local legend, Tiger Hood.

  • 10 years ago, he found a golf club in the trash.

  • Can Bowman.

  • Way too much.

  • Oh, well, we're getting a little urban dolphin, man.

  • And like, he had no riel golf experience whatsoever.

  • And he started making golf balls out of milk cartons and developed urban golf has become a lifestyle golfing man.

  • It's like after days without is like, got sponsorship deals from Nike and me.

  • Go meet.

  • Oh, boy, Try my skills on the urban golf links.

  • Wait here.

  • Nico goes in the building.

  • Are you doing out here?

  • Destroyed back there, Troy, right?

  • Yeah.

  • There you are.

  • Hey, we got there.

  • That's Tiger Hood.

  • He's setting stuff up like we wanted you dead.

  • We don't talkto to take a good later.

  • Never.

  • Gilmar?

  • Uh oh, That's hot.

  • That's hot, man.

  • Because, you know, I did some urban golfing in I am legend.

  • I was I was up on the back of the airplane hitting balls off into a car park or something like that.

  • I mean, I'm not No, I'm not trying to say that I started earning coffee, but I would never expect you got going, huh, Brother club.

  • You gotta get when I go.

  • I just got one, but I just got destroy.

  • Detroit's a choice.

  • A pro.

  • So Troy's out here.

  • She's not putting a glove on.

  • Look at that.

  • Look at that.

  • Yeah, Yeah, that's right.

  • You see it?

  • Look, now, watch this.

  • This would have perfect this out.

  • Professional golfer warms up like this.

  • Yeah, exactly.

  • All right.

  • I'm gonna see if I can do the professional joint where they track the ball and are tighten up.

  • It goes, Troy tell you she's laughing and everything.

  • She's laughing and she's smiling.

  • She's gone, but she's getting frustrated for real.

  • Wait.

  • Green jacket.

  • Oh, learning.

  • Definitely learning curve.

  • I couldn't do that.

  • I was flying right a little bit on me.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Oh, you know, I mean, you know, felt company coming in.

  • You know, I was struggling.

  • I was struggling earlier.

  • I was struggling earlier, you know, with my with my wedges, You know, I shifted down.

  • You know, I have a 56 shifted down 60.

  • You know, uh, you know, the greens greens were a little tight, but I feel confident.

  • I just wanted one thing.

  • My mama No.

  • One thing on my mind, but I don't think Tiger Hood one thing.

  • Tiger Hood for it for inviting way.

  • Thank y'all for coming out.

  • You know, Tiger Hood we got, you know, we came out here.

  • What you're doing is really special.

  • Really fine.

  • I love your lights and the energy and is an absolute pleasure to meet you.

  • Thank you.

  • Appreciate you.

  • Draw you in L A.

  • I'll get you.

  • I'll take you out to Sherwood.

  • Your mom.

  • Darlene.

  • Far enough.

  • And that is a barrier to my sister's Bridget Per lean bar, Barrington and Bridget way out here.

  • We were rocking with Tiger hoods out here.

  • He got some heat going on out here way might have to do our re alive New York City tournament.

  • You know, we want to get the best of the best out here, you know, way gonna do something for real out here in these streets.

  • Tiger Hood Classic.

  • He's not that told He's on a curve.

There's a different energy to people in New York.


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B1 中級

ラリー・デイビッドに会って、かなり、かなり、かなり、かなり良かった... (Met Larry David and it was pretty, pretty, pretty good...)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日