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  • if Chad Dave L thought he could slip away from Hawaii unnoticed, he was mistaken.

  • Dad, check out the citizens salutes, recording his every move.

  • Regular folks with cell phones get right in his face.

  • You leaving Hawaii?

  • Finally, last night, Day Bell, whose wife, Lori, remains in jail awaiting imminent extradition to Idaho, was spotted at the airport in Hawaii, apparently on his way home.

  • Laurie Day.

  • Belle is charged with two counts of child desertion.

  • Her two kids have not been seen since September.

  • Before her arrest, the day Bells were dogs by citizen sleuth who followed them wherever they went.

  • So Chad Day Belle, who writes books about doomsday, should get used to the attention even when he's back home.

  • Both Lauren Chad Able have denied any wrongdoing, all right.

if Chad Dave L thought he could slip away from Hawaii unnoticed, he was mistaken.


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B2 中上級

アイダホ州の子供たちの義父チャド・デイベルさんがハワイを離れて行方不明になっています。 (Missing Idaho Kids' Stepdad Chad Daybell Leaves Hawaii)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日