字幕表 動画を再生する
Hey, everybody, It's Jesse.
Welcome to live coating with Jesse.
And we have a lot to do today.
I want to get this app submitted to the APP store today and I'd love to do it while I'm on the stream s o I think city.
So if you can hear me, put some in the chat.
The, uh, live stream is Analects.
Look a little bit weird.
Ah, but let me know otherwise I'm gonna get started.
I see is a lot of people in the chat saying hello.
So hey, everybody, just a quick Ah, quick intro.
We've been working on this app for This is the fifth livestream.
Alright, cool.
It looks like you can hear me for some reason.
My video preview in the like the stream settings panel is saying the videos private, which is really odd since obviously you are in the chat.
But I've never had it Show that before.
All right, so we've been working on this app for five live streams now, and, um, we are using we're connecting a react native app that's built with Expo with a brain computer interface called the Notion by a startup company called Know Rossi, and we've successfully connected it so that it measures we wear this device.
It measures are level of focus.
And when we dropped below a certain level, the screen changes to read and it makes a device vibrate.
So just really kind of like bare essential functionality.
And now I want to actually put it out there so we can test it on devices.
Eso We had a lot to do before we can put it out there.
And I've been going over some of the documentation just so that I have some idea of this process.
This is my very first time actually publishing.
So I've I've made a few APS that that definitely work, and I can run on devices, but I've never actually going through the step of putting it out to the APP store.
And there's a few extra things you need to do to get your app from working too publishable.
So that's what we're gonna do today.
I'm gonna set a, um, timer and here on one of my other screens.
And when that timer goes off so it's going to 25 minutes when the timer goes off, I'm gonna go over to the live chat.
I'm gonna answer some questions.
So there's a lot of you in the chat.
I see you.
And I'm not going to ignore you forever.
I'm just gonna focus on doing the work for about 25 minutes, and then I'm gonna go the Shatt answer as many questions as I can.
So feel free to ask as many questions as you want in the chat.
I will get to them and you keep it, keep it positive and try to keep the spam down.
Ah, the last couple of streams.
It's been a little bit weird.
We've had a lot of, ah, people spamming the chat.
And by that I mean, um, they're just they keep saying the same things over and over again or just typing in a bunch of nonsense over and over again.
It makes it really hard to read the chat for everybody watching.
So try to keep that to a minimum.
If I see that you're doing that, then I will, um, stop you from being in the chat.
So, uh, I really I won't even mention anything.
Like I'm just gonna stop you from, you know, chats.
Um, there's not going to really be a warning.
I don't have time for that.
Especially if you get a lot of people in the stream like we have right now.
So, um, if it gets too bad, I might have a moderator.
But really, it's it's never been a problem before.
I mean, we've done, like, literally hundreds of streams, and it's only been the last few streams.
It's been a problem.
So obviously any type of, like, bad language or, you know, saying mean things to each other, stuff like that, you're gonna be out of the chat.
So let's keep it all positive.
Hey, All right, so let's get started.
If you want to try to follow along, this project is on Get hub.
I believe I put a link in the description to the code on Get helps.
You can check out the code.
I'm also gonna be on, um, the, uh on expo.
So their documentation let me put the link to the docks that I'm using in the chat.
So I got a lot of these windows open for things that we need to do, and so I'm gonna be jumping around a little bit, but This is where I started at the link.
I just put in the chat.
Eso this started this way I started.
We're gonna start from here.
So we're starting with, um, deploying the app.
All right.
So from deploying the app, I believe I went to distributing or deploying.
Yeah, this is the distributing, so we need to create native builds.
So to build the app.
I told you it's gonna be a lot of jumping around here.
The docks for Expo are actually really good, but it's there's a lot of steps here.
Uh, so we we've I believe we do have the expo cli installer.
Um, already which Actually, Aiken, let me double check that now, uh, make sure having a stone.
I know I have installed in one of my machines, actually might not have it on this one, so you might need to do that.
Uh, let's make some space here, because we're gonna be in the in the terminal a bit more than normal, so I want to see All right, it looks like yeah, we have this installed, Otherwise we wouldn't be getting all of this stuff, so yeah, I believe the OFHIS Expo now, it says for Windows users, we need to have, um, wsl enabled.
So we need to do that.
So, this step, if you're on a Mac or if you're on Lennox, you probably won't need to do this step.
If you're on Windows, you need to do this step.
So let's do this s o.
I have the documentation open already.
For this.
We do install the windows, uh, subsystem for Lennox, so I'll make this a bit bigger.
I've never done this before.
Let's see.
Let's see if it works.
So we need to copy this and run it in power show as an admin.
So let's tryto open Windows Power Show and let's see if we can run his administrator.
All right.
So running power show as an admin.
See if I could make it bigger.
All right?
I don't know how to make it make the text bigger, but I'm just copying and pasting what I just got out of this window on the right hand side and enable windows optional feature.
All right, so it looks like it's doing something here.
Let's see.
Do you want to restart a computer to complete operation now.
Oh, no.
I gotta restart.
All right.
It looks like we're gonna have to restart.
So here's what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna restart which, based on the stream is just gonna freeze up for, like, a second.
The restarts on this machine, because it's pretty new, are actually very quick.
So, um, let's just get it over with now.
Um, let's restart.
I should be back.
Hang in there for maybe, like, I don't know, two minutes at the most.
And, um, and we'll do this restart.
All right.
Can you hear me now?
In my back, it looks like I'm back.
So, uh, I'm gonna keep going.
All right.
Sweet back up.
Actually, the thing that took me the longest that was really quick restart was that it restarted May.
And by default, my YouTube account is set to my personal account.
So it tried to log me back into the free code camp, um, control panel, but it wouldn't let me in because I wasn't free code camp.
So, um, I switched on my phone for a second just to give you an update.
But anyway, it's working now, So let me turn the stream off my phone and let's bring to get rid of my VPN and bring up my code sweets, Actually.
Honestly, like, uh, if you get a good window system restarts air really fast.
It used to be windows were, like, super hard to restart.
Um, looks like there's a V s code extension for the windows Lennox subsystem.
So I'm just going to stall it because it seems like, uh, cool.
I'll read about more about that later on.
Um, but I guess it's good to have semantic highlighting has been applied.
All right, so now that we have that we can continue on, we need to install a Linux distribution.
I think I'm gonna go with Boon to because that's what I'm used to using, uh, out of out of any limit.
Destro, um, I don't really know if anybody has any suggestions as to whether it to install a boon to 16.4 or 18.4 Let me know in the chat.
I've used 16 more often.
Um, but I don't really know what the difference is in upgrading to 18 So I'm gonna have to make a decision here and like three minutes.
So just let me know.
Let's go 16.
Alright, so looks like we got one vote for 18.
We'll go with 18.
I mean, honestly, it's obviously the new the newer versions who may as well go with the newer version.
I'm open this in a new windows.
I can keep the documentation open and ah, three, the next.
It looks like we open it up.
We just get it.
It installs it and then we initialize which already have that documentation open as well.
We'll do the initialization, all right.
Looks like everybody's saying 18.
Um, gam 002 says do Ah, Debbie in.
It's the most stable.
Uh, if I had more time to research, maybe I'd think about Debbie in, but for right now, like it's been a while since I used a boon to.
But I'm more familiar with all the commands and stuff, so I think you should go to Boon to not I don't really think that we're gonna have to do that much with it.
I think it just needs to be installed to do the rest of the steps for Expo.
Um, but let's get that and get it started.
Yeah, it's open Mike Shaw store.
Get it?
It's still all right.
It's going pretty quick.
It doesn't seem like it'll be too, too much longer.
So once we get this, we need to initialize.
So let's look at de steps while we're waiting for the install and, ah, dish.
Uh, eso launch it and we need to set up an account updating upgrade the packages.
Hopefully, this doesn't take too long.
And that's it.
All right, that's that's pretty.
Seems pretty easy.
Um, before I could just get that started and then move on to another step.
And while we're waiting for that to finish, this is, uh, really sweet home, uh, colors they got.
Look at this.
They got the weather on here.
I wonder how they had that all set up.
Anyway, That's pretty cool.
This is gonna go.
I'm actually glad I'm getting installed.
I'm installing this.
I'm gonna probably play around with this after the stream.
Ah, they're cool.
So almost done with the ah, installation.
Looks like maybe 75% of the way done there.
So we'll get to that in a second.
I think we can get rid of this step.
We can get rid of this step now.
And what else can we get rid of?
All right.
So let's launch it.
Oh, installing this may take a few minutes, so not a problem.
We got other steps that we can do that don't depend on this.
Step it.
Uh, So there's a guide here to, ah, deploying to the APP stores.
And there's a lot of stuff making sure it works on different phones.
I'm going to skip over a lot of that because really this for this first n v p.
Like it just needs to work on my phone.
All right, That was really fast.
Enter a new user name.
All right?
I'm just gonna enter, uh, my name, and I'm gonna create a password with last pass on.
Let's pace that in there, See if it lets me paste.
All right.
So I guess it's not allowing copy and paste, so I'm just gonna have to type in the password.
All right, cool.
So we're in now.
We need to do our after get.
So copy this.
We're gonna do sudo, which, like, lets you run as an admin and then update and, uh, upgrade all our ups.
Taste that.
Why is it not letting me paste anything?
Thank you.
All right, well, I'll just type it in pseudo abs a grade.
And yet she, uh uh oops.
I messed it up.
Updates and great.
All right, cool.
That's doing its thing.
Well, it looks like some eep says control shift copy and paste for copying, pacing, and Lennox terminal.
Oh, and Michael says to All right, sweet.
Thank you for that.
I will definitely be using that in the future.
Um, all right, so we just need to wait for that.
And one of the next steps we need to have is an app icon and a splash screen.
So, um, I'm gonna go with the, um It says we need to provide something that's least 512 by 512 pixels.
Um, but we need 10.
24 by 10.
24 for Iowa.
So eventually, we're gonna be on IOS.
So I think we're just gonna go with 10.
24 by 10.
Um, I do want to continue.
Yes, let's continue.
So I have a free, um, image editing software.
Ah, gimp.
G I m p.
I'm just gonna use that.
Let's see, I think I already started a didn't save.
I started, like, right before the stream, a template.
But we can just create it again.
So I'm just going to create one.
That's the dimensions we want in 24 by 10.
So we have this.
We have our background, and, uh, let's let's just make a solid color background.
I don't know what color to d'oh.
Ah, it was just There we go.
There's our paint bucket.
Uh, color.
Phil is a pattern, Phil.
Well, what patterns could be D'oh background background color.
Phil, Phil, Whole selection.
All right, colors.
Right now we have black and red.
They're black and white.
Let's change it to something else.
Um, how about just this blue color?
But she's blue.
I think our buttons blew in our app.
So that's like, the only color we're using other than, like, the red color.
So let's do that.
Why is that not filling, um, for ransom?
Here we go.
All right, so we got our color here.
Let's make a new layer, uh, new layer and let's call this layer text and inside our text layer, let's add a text box.
And I'm just gonna tape in our text box, um, s f on the color we're gonna we're gonna make the color white so we can actually see it.
And let's make the text like, like, 100 pixels on.
Let's use, uh, there we go.
But use this fun.
I don't know why I can't see it because the color air got change.
There we go.
You can tell I'm not like I'm not at all very skilled at this kind of work.
So my icon is just gonna be letters.
We're just gonna make big letters on a background because I I'm not skilled at anything artistic.
So eventually, it be cool to, like, get a real icon.
But for right now, I just need to get something done.
Actually, me.
Let me check back in on this Lennox thing.
It looks like everything ran.
All right, so I think we're good and we're good with Lennox.
I'm gonna leave it open just in case.
There's another step that I forgot about, but I think we're good and everything's fine for that step of getting in the Lenox district running.
Uh, so let's see, that looks like pretty much in the center.
I'm not too worried about it.
So we can export this, as so we can do is 1st 1st thing we can do is save.
And let's say this as just s f dot Exe cf.
So that way we can come in and edit it if we need to.
They were gonna export it as a paying.
Uh, so s f dot PNG.
Okay, so we have that exported.
Let me check.
I think my 25 minutes is up the time I got reset when I restarted.
So let me, um let me go back to the chat right now for about five minutes, I'm gonna go back to the chat.
I'm answer some questions when we come back.
We're gonna take this same design here and just change the dimensions, and we're gonna make a splash screen, and then we should have everything we need to go forward with doing our first like build.
Maybe we might use the android simulator in Andrew's studio to do one test run before we actually deploy it.
But we're getting close to being able to deploy this.
All right, so let's see the chat.
Um, there's a lot of people saying Hello, So, Hello, everybody.
Um, someone says, stay home.
Stay safe.
Corona fact.
Yeah, for sure.
Let's see.
Um, someone's asking, Will I learn Web development?
And this I assume they're asking, like in this live stream where you learned web development?
Um, this one?
Probably not.
Because we want a lot of the setup work.
There's not really a lot of code going on in this dream.
Uh, but in the previous streams, we do a lot more code, so you might learn a little bit more from that.
Uh, see, I'm full stack murdered Web developer.
Um, so that's Ah, What?
Mongo Express react and engine X.
Is that Maren having?
That's right.
Um, I need Or is it not?
Engine exit node?
I can't believe I can't remember what burn stakes stands for.
Um Is the end and murder Notre Engin X?
Let me know in the chat, because I can't remember.
Ah, I need a project.
Please help me.
Actually worked on up work, but I don't get any job last month.
Ah, and then there's your Skype.
So, yeah, if anybody needs, Ah, murder stack developer for a project, check out the chat at the beginning of the stream for, um, uh, new new ruse.
Um, in, um, has their skype info in there.
Actually, a lot of people are getting laid off.
Um, at least in the United States, a lot of people are getting fired because of the Corona virus.
So, um, that's rough.
Like, hang in there, everybody, um, I know that stuff.
My wife lost her job on Monday S O.
I definitely understand.
Um, things were rough.
So if you can help each other out if you didn't lose your job, like, you know, try to help you help out where you can, uh, someone asked what coding language this is.
The app is built with java skips.
So with react.
All right, somebody's spam in the chat.
Let's Ah, hi.
We're gonna hide that.
So let's see.
Amir asked if there's a playlist of this.
You know what?
Now that we have Ah, you know, we're up to five streams now.
I think I will make a playlist of this.
So that will be coming.
I'll try to make a playlist of some point today for it.
Someone asked what this apple be able to do.
Um, this apple be able to track the level of focus that you currently have on whatever you're doing and then warn you when your love will focus is dropping.
Uh, Char Bell says, What are you using for rendering react?
Um, not exactly sure what you mean by rendering react native, But, uh, we use, um Expo.
Uh, so that's I don't know if that's exactly what you mean, but that Let me know if that answers your question.
Benson asked.
If it's morning your night, it's 12:30 p.m. where I'm at right now.
Ah, bloody creature says, Don't waste your time Self top programming takes too long.
Um, well, it does take a while, but ah, I don't think it's a waste of time.
Like, to be honest with you, teaching myself to program was huge thing like, um, in terms of being able to provide for my family.
Like if you take like the job I had before I started to teach myself programming in the job I have now, I make about five times as much money per year now as I did before.
Uh, and that was just from self top programming.
So it took me a while.
Took me a couple of years.
I didn't get there overnight.
I had jobs in between, Um, but, you know, it's definitely is better.
Like, No, I didn't have to spend any money on going to university or all that time.
I was able to make money the whole time.
So, uh, I don't think self taught programming it takes too long or is a waste of time is actually a really good way for me to keep working and keep learning and keep paying the bills from providing for my family without having to go into debt from student loans and stuff.
And now, like, I'm very lucky, Uh, I'm able to make more money for my family than I ever thought I would be able to.
Um, so yeah, it worked out for me.
A lot of people are asking like what we're doing for this app.
So I explained that a couple times already.
So, um, I guess if you're just joining you didn't hear the explanations.
You can always rewind like before beforehand in the stream to hear the explanation and then come back to the like what we're doing now, Um, if you're joining a little bit late, want to catch up?
You can always, like, rewind the stream to the beginning, and then play it on double speed, and then you'll you'll get everything that happened and you'll catch up with us on the live.
So I recommend on that if you joined, like in the middle, and you're totally lost, that's a good option.
Uh, I see.
Blazing up says Never even heard of react native before.
Is it good?
Um, I think it's good.
I think if you already know Java script, then it's a really, really good way to build native APS.
Um, without having to learn different languages for Android and IOS.
Oh, no, my time here.
Quit again.
Uh, that's it.
I'm done with this timer.
This is like, three streams in a row Now that my time quit working.
So I gotta find a new timer.
That one is just not working for us.
I thought it had been a long time here.
All right, so I didn't get through all the questions I'm gonna stop and get back to the code.
Uh, I'll come back to the questions, though, All right, so we've saved this as our APP icon.
Now we need to do a, um, sign ISS.
We need to do a splash screen, which I also have up here, actually.
Well, let's let's upload this while we're waiting.
So I found this This site, which is AP icon generator, which you upload your icon in 10.
24 by 10.
24 pixels.
And then it will give you icons in different sizes and files.
So, uh, let's let's do that.
Um, we're gonna name it, um, get blood.
So let's upload our file, which we named, huh?
What do we name it?
It should be right here.
Unless it went to a different folder Now the default folder to save those files.
It's right here.
That's really odd.
It's looking r r folder system in.
That's weird.
Let me export it again.
See where it went.
Sf top, PNG.
Oh, the winning the documents.
That's weird.
For some reason, the default folder was documents.
All right, so we'll go to documents this F area, and I want to name it the same thing that we have in our app.
Currently just to, like, save time.
So it's icon dot PNG Generate these.
I'm not gonna worry about the IOS stuff for now.
Will do.
Um, probably a different stream at some point and do the IOS building everything.
Uh, all right, so we have our icons, and I want to unzip these.
I think I open this twice.
Yeah, I did.
All right.
So what did it send me?
Send a lot of different files here.
Let's see what the heck?
It's it.
I just want That's all right.
Well, let's just extract them all for now so we can take a look at him here, See what we want.
I think this over AP icons.
All right, so this one looks like play store.
That's what we really want.
Uh, so I'm just gonna grab that one, I think.
For now, I'm just grabbing this one.
I think we just need one for now.
I actually think What is the difference with this?
Yeah, Maybe we didn't need to do that.
You know, I'm not going to use those.
I thought we'd get like, different ones.
That would have been that would have worked.
But I think I'm just going to pull over the file that we made so in our documents.
And so we have this sf on.
I'm gonna pull that over.
There are assets, and I'm gonna delete this icon, and I'm gonna rename this one.
There we go.
So now that'll be our icon, and we can move on to our splash screen.
Let's see, since the icon page, let's get rid of this face.
You don't need that anymore.
Uh, splash screen.
Okay, add a splash.
I thought I had this open already.
I guess not.
42 by 24.
All right, now, this is for the IOS, but I read through this a little bit earlier.
I just kind of skim through it.
And I believe this will also work for Android.
So we're gonna We're gonna try to do that as well.
So let's go back to our image editor.
Get get and let me I'm gonna pull this so we don't need the full screen.
Shrink it up a little bit so we can see our instructions as well.
Okay, so let's take our background and see if we can resize it.
Well, I don't think I can from there.
That's so you can do it here.
Image canvas size.
All right.
Let's change the canvas Size, too.
Went with to be 12 42 pixels and to be 24 36 pixels tall.
It's re size that And let's let's put the S f fart right in the middle.
Uh, that looks at gay.
All right.
All right.
So now we have, um, a different size.
We have our background here.
Let's see if we can fill in our background with with this color.
I don't know if we can, um, around color.
It's not gonna let us what we need to do here.
It's skill there.
Change says resize layer to the size of image.
See that award?
That works.
All right, Cool.
All right.
So we re sized our background layer.
Now, let's export this and let's just export this.
I guess we could say Well, Leo sf splash.
I'm saying sf because I've I've decided to name the app.
Stay focused.
I don't really know.
Fish Another at name Mata or how that works.
But that's just the name that I, uh I thought of export.
All right, No.
Let's move this over.
It's, uh Oh, there it is.
It's deleted a splash and change this, too.
All right.
So we should have what we need.
And I think our, um, app that Jason already is showing what we need, So yeah, so I splash.
It's already there.
Ah, Background color actually said, Let's change our background color match What we made the background color for at I should be able to find that out.
I think from this, What's the current?
There we go.
There's a hex color.
See that?
That might be the only coach change that we need to do.
All right.
And I think we're just gonna leave everything else for this.
Flash screens as, um, like the defaults, and we'll be done with that.
Step on.
See, actually, we're done with this as well.
Let's get rid of that.
All right.
A lot of this stuff I'm not gonna worry about for no.
The android permissions.
We might need permissions for that vibrate feature.
Yeah, let's check out our permissions here.
Um, okay, so we do have vibrate.
All right, let's add that thing.
Who's forget Comma Android?
And then permissions and permissions is an array of strings vibrates.
All right.
So we should be good there.
Let's get rid of that.
And common app projections.
I'm gonna worry about the projections into we, uh We get rejected.
Let's get rid of that.
I just talk about Okay.
So way back to where we started here.
We're still on Step one.
Installed It, uh, installed G expensive.
Uh, okay, So I am using yarn.
Let's just go ahead and be 100% sure that we have installed this and we're going to do ah, global install.
I was just gonna work without Let's see if it works without me running.
This is an admin.
It might give us an error if I'm not an admin.
If it does, no big deal.
We'll just re open, uh, as an admin.
All right.
We've already, I believe, configured after Jason.
Well, let's see, for android at least Looks like we're gonna need to have a package name and aversion code.
I don't think we have that yet.
So, um, let's try that.
Let's create a package on.
I guess I'll just use the, um, calm, but your company, your rap name?
Um, I don't know what my company name is gonna be this name it after myself and you're at me.
Stay focused.
And then very chic version code is gonna be one.
This version one.
Here we go.
You see that, uh, fetching packages?
I will give that another minute.
If nothing happens, then maybe I'll stop it and then do it.
Oh, cool.
Just being too impatient there.
Looks like it's still doing its thing.
Um, see, I'll d'oh.
I'm gonna stop maybe in, like, 10 minutes and get back to some questions.
So hang in there.
If you If you're asking some questions, I will get you to the chat again.
And a so about 1 p.m. Eastern time, I'm going to stop and do questions.
I went over a little bit on the last question.
So sweet.
All right, so we're definitely installed now.
It looks like maybe I didn't have this installed globally.
I think maybe I just had it installed locally, like on this package.
Eso Good thing we went through that.
So that should work and name icon invasion.
That required lug is the euro Nemec Yeah, sure I was stripped his pump just published too.
See if we have slow.
All right, stay focused.
Just double checking to make sure we have what we need.
It looks good.
I'm not worried about IOS for right now.
Sdk version we have Ah, yeah, we d'oh!
Okay, let's take out IOS from our ah platform.
Sure, right now, Since we're not targeting IOS at the moment, we'll just do android and web.
Uh, we can start the android build.
All right.
This is interesting.
Let's let's take the time to think, to understand this here, uh, because we're building for android so we can do a build a p k or an android that bundle at bundles air recommended, But you have to make sure the Google play up signing is enabled for your project.
You can read more about it here.
It looks like we'll need a key store that they will generate for us, which is sweet, because I don't know what that is.
If you let extra generated key store for you, we strongly recommend that you later fetch the key store and back up your key store.
All right, We'll do that and we'll save it in last pass.
We'll need that to update the at.
All right, Cool.
Let's just get it, Wait for it to finish building, okay.
Says we can call a Web book that will let us know when the build is done.
I'm not gonna worry about that.
We contested.
We'll definitely want to test it, and then we'll submit it.
Okay, so here's what we're gonna do.
First, we're going to test, uh, we're gonna test it before we go through the build, because the build seems like it may take a little bit.
Um, but then test and then we'll run this.
And, uh so let's do the test, and this is gonna be actually let's do Let's commit the changes we made.
We need to get ad, get committed, this message, uh, and, um at Icons update after Jason push that to get home.
So that's pushed.
And now let's run, Yorn start and let's try to run this on the android emulator.
It looks like I'll have to start it first.
Let's do enjoy studio.
This would be a nice test of the power of this computer to see if we can run all this hum.
You need to do a VD manager.
And I already set up a, uh, test pixel device.
So let's start that up.
Hey, it was already running the previous version before we did all the, uh, all the updates here.
All right, so now that that's running, we should be able to run this again.
I'm just pressing the a button as a shortcut to start this up, I could come over here and press the emulator button.
All right, so now we should get a connection here.
At some point, it's possible that we might need thio refresh the app, which we can do.
Let's do a refresh now.
There we go.
All right, so now it's gonna load the new stuff.
Um, so now we have new stuff here, we can try to link, let's try to link our device and actually log in ones and see if that, um, just to run through, make sure we don't get any crazy errors or anything s o.
I need to go on my other screen here and grab some of my info.
Grab device.
I D and password.
Who's no?
Let me pace.
It's not Let me pay snow.
There's gotta be.
There's gotta be a setting on here to let me pay stuff in here.
Says they're a keyboard option.
All right, There we go.
Well, at least I found the I found the dark theme.
Ah, if I have to actually tape out, this is gonna is gonna take five minutes to type everything out.
That's crazy.
You weren't actually.
There we go.
There's the pace, all right?
If I hold in for a second, it just hit me like, Oh, maybe I have to pace like I do normally on an android device.
And that's you Just hold in the button like you're tapping like a long tap, and then you get paste.
So crisis averted.
I just should, like, not make my password 70 characters long, and then maybe I'd be all right.
Just listen to too many hacker podcasts.
And now it's made me paranoid about making my passwords very long.
But I figured like if we're dealing with data from my own brain, I should have long passwords right, Sweets.
All right, Let's see.
So setting a timer for a long period Time ultimate.
It's his performance.
Crignis issue on Android.
Let's read.
This would've saying, as it keeps the timer module awake and timers can only be called way happens in the foreground.
Okay, that's fun.
So set time out.
Do we have a set time out in our app?
Only that All right, so we don't actually have a sets I mount in our code, so I'm guessing that's in.
Maybe one of the packages were using, so I can't really do anything about that, so I'm gonna, um I'm gonna dismiss that.
All right, cool.
So this looks good.
We logged in.
Um, I don't actually have the, uh, headset on, so let me let me turn the headset on just so that we can verify.
Like, with data.
If if we're going to get, um, like, if it will work with the data.
Once we do that, we can actually do the build.
Another way I could test.
This is I could link.
I could hook up my android phone by a USB cable to my computer, and we could test like that, but If I did that, you wouldn't be able to see it.
So that's why I'm not testing that way.
We did that a couple of streams ago, and it did work with the previous version of the APP.
None of the logic has really changed too much, so I think it's it's fine.
It'll still work.
Uh, I don't think we contest is the vibration feature, So I don't know if we're going to see anything at all when the APP is supposed to vibrate.
Um, but, Thea, this notion devices starting this is the brain computer interface.
I'll put this on in a second and we should see some real data from this.
A soon as the operating system on this has started, then will will go forward with it.
While I'm waiting for that, which should only be a few more seconds.
I'll check the chat.
Um, I got some questions about what?
In my building, it's a brain computer app that checks your level of focus.
If you want to know more about it, you can check out previous streams or go to like the beginning of this stream, and you should be able to get a better explanation while I'm waiting for the device to start to want to remind everybody that if you're interested in this particular device the notion from New Rossi, you can check out my YouTube channel, the links, the description.
I did a more in depth review of this device and showed off some of the stuff that it could do.
So check that out.
Uh, I also do some coding tutorials.
I just did one on typescript like an intruder typescript.
I did.
Ah, video on Java script documentation.
What's online?
So let me put this on.
So if if you at all like what I'm doing here, please check out my my channel as well I'm trying to do.
Since everybody's in quarantine, I'd like to do some type of content, probably like a live stream.
Our video.
Every day, I'm gonna try to alternate between live streams on free code camp and a video on my own channel.
Eso Hopefully, it's it's helpful to some people, especially if you're quarantined by yourself.
I'm hoping that maybe this is like, you know, a little bit of interaction with other developers, you know, with me and with the people in the live stream.
Uh, I know, it's it's probably tough.
Tough for a lot of people right now, so I'm not a doctor.
I'm not a mental health expert, but I do know how to code, so I'm going to do that.
All right, this looks like it's working.
So as I suspected, we're not really getting the vibration because it's a simulator.
But since I successfully tested the vibration before on a real device, then I'm just gonna assume that it works so cool that works.
All right, I'm gonna test logging out now.
Okay, You know what?
When we log out, nothing happens on the screen.
That's interesting.
I think maybe we should have something happen on the screen.
Otherwise, users would have to let close the app.
Something needs to happen.
Let's fix that before we before we do anything else, because I think that's that's a big deal.
I'm gonna take the softest for now so I can put my headphones back up.
Um, yeah, I think that that's actually it would be a pretty annoying thing if the user had you, like, constantly restart every time they want.
They logged out.
So, uh, Let's let's fix that now and let's see how we can do that.
So when we log out, what would change?
So let's see.
Right now, the, um, the log in page is shown if we don't have a user, so what?
His log out?
Do so notion.
Log out.
Let's find our log out function.
Oh, we just directly called notion dot log out.
Let's see what we could do.
I think if if we create a function that's a log out function and we add notion dot log out, then we can also manually clear the user and that should that should fix it.
So let's add log out function.
I'm going to do a log out, and, uh, it's gonna take no parameters, and we're gonna do a notion dot log out.
And we're also going to set user back to let me see what we have to send it back to knowl set user.
Okay, let's save that.
And like, a lot of stuff is happening here, we should be able to see permission denied.
For what?
Dismiss all that?
Let's do a refresh.
It looks like All right, let me, uh, copy my password again.
You know, when we look at this time, it should go back to our this screen.
It did, Uh oh, no.
But we're automatically getting logged in.
We're getting We're gonna go warning.
Bloods, I think Warnings air Okay on It won't, like crash our app.
So I'm okay with that for right now.
If we get any any red color notifications that errors, then I'll be more worried.
But I do want to see, um So we had the issue of the auto logging in happening, and I wanna want to make sure that we're not doing that anymore.
So we had that happening because of, uh, I believe it.
Waas should log in, was that this one was automatically logging in.
I think it was.
Let's see, um, let's see if this will work.
I'm I'm thinking that if we take out user and set user a cz things that we need to track in here, that that might so over our issue because this won't reset.
Let's see.
All right, cool.
So it didn't log us in.
Let's submit this and let's log out.
All right.
So no, everything was still safe, which is actually pretty useful.
Um, and it's not It's not doing it.
So let's try to, let's manually refresh just to verify.
The thing is, it's making us log.
And again, we did want to avoid that.
We wanted to avoid having to log in again, so I thought we had it.
We did have it set up so that if we had a device, I d get a new notion.
And we would set notion, um, which That's actually kind of weird that our auto log in is not working.
Let's test this.
Let's run on a Web browser to because we had it working on a Web browser.
Can't be reached.
Why not?
Okay, there's gotta build.
I wonder if I can run it on Web in Android at the same time.
All right, so this is automatically linking it has it.
Ah, all right.
There is some weirdness going on with, um, automatically starting, but at least like it does seem to be saving.
So it's it's saving the I d.
Uh, which I'm okay with that.
If the user happens to have a password manager, they can save their password.
Eso I'm okay.
with that for now.
All right.
I went over time.
I'm gonna go back to the chat now.
I apologize.
I totally lost track of time.
I should have I should have checked the chat, like, 10 minutes ago s.
So let me go to the chat now, and, um, take about five minutes here in the chat.
Um, a David.
Ah, Corben.
Siri says, Hey, Jesse, keep up th