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  • Google assistant accessibility videos.

  • Google Nest Hub Accessibility features Hello and welcome I am killing and I'm here with my colleague Kendra.

  • In this video, we're going to demonstrate how to make the Google home have accessible.

  • Google Home Hub is a smart display made by Kogo.

  • It includes the functionality off a Google home.

  • What also has a seven inch touchscreen display?

  • The primary more off interaction with the Google home hub is still voice, but the screen also displays information.

  • Visually, Home Hub has a range of accessibility features.

  • It includes a screen reader so that people who are blind or visually impaired can access information on the screen.

  • It also supports magnification gestures and killer inversion, which can help people with low vision see the screen better.

  • It also supports close captions for media play back.

  • Like the Google home, the home have also supports turning on sounds for when you say, OK, go go or Hagel.

  • And when you stop speaking to change any accessibility settings on the Google home, huh, you will need to use the Google Home app on a smart phone.

  • I am blind myself, and I am using the talkback screen reader on Android for this devil.

  • But you can also do this on the Google Home app on iPhone or an iPad.

  • I have the glue home help set up already, and I will find the accessibility settings for it now in the Google Home app.

  • I'll find the account step in the bottom right corner.

  • Now I'll scroll down the list to find local devices.

  • 13 local devices double tap to activate Open local devices by double typing it Now in this list off local devices, I am looking for living room display.

  • I'll just crawl down the list.

  • Living room display.

  • I'll double tap to open the living room display now I'm looking for device settings.

  • Equalizer settings.

  • Open device settings.

  • Double tap to activate double tap to open device settings.

  • Device settings navigate up but double tap to activate.

  • Allow scroll down to accessibility settings.

  • Guess boat off accessibility level to have to open accessibility, sittings, accessibility.

  • Now that I am under accessibility settings, I'll turn on the start and end sounds under audio options.

  • Place start sound off switch double tap to activate double tap to turn it on Sound switch.

  • I'll double tap again to turn on and sounds as well.

  • Fun.

  • Let's ask Google home.

  • Have a question.

  • Hey, Google, tell me about the Grand Canyon.

  • According to Wikipedia, the Grand Canyon is a steep sided canyons carved by the Colorado River in Arizona, United States.

  • The next sitting on our audio options is the screen leader.

  • When you turn on the screen reader, you can use certain gestures to have text on the screen right out to you.

  • Now I'll turn on the screen leader and demonstrate a few basic gestures.

  • Screen reader.

  • Off switch double tap to activate a double tap to activate the screenwriter.

  • Rombach spoken feedback is ready.

  • Google Home have now that this Klinger is on, let's ask about the Grand Canyon again.

  • Hey, Google, tell me about the Grand Canyon.

  • According to Wikipedia, the Grand Canyon is a steep, sided canyons carved by the Colorado River in Arizona, United States.

  • Now that the screen your ace turned on, I will demonstrate a few basic gestures.

  • I can touch the screen and move my finger around to read what's being displayed on the screen fry.

  • Mostly sunny 66 degrees, 44 degrees button, double tap to activate S a T mostly cloudy, 65 degrees 46 degrees, but son partly cloudy, 67 degrees, 47 degrees.

  • Button double tapped.

  • Activate coming up double tap to activate at a reminder double tapped activity.

  • You can also use the left and rights five gestures to move to the previous or next item and read that fry january 25th.

  • What.

  • Fry?

  • Mostly sunny.

  • 66 degrees.

  • 44 degrees S.

  • A.

  • T mostly cloudy, 65 degrees 46 degrees son.

  • Partly cloudy 67 degrees 47 degrees weather dot com Anchor double tap To activate, my colleague Kendra will now demonstrate the magnification and color inversion features.

  • Hi, I'm Kendra, and I'm a program manager for accessibility.

  • I'm gonna demonstrate how the magnify screen and color inversion options work on home hub.

  • Since we're already in the accessibility settings, simply tap on magnify screen to turn on.

  • Once you turn on magnify screen, you can use a three finger tap gesture to start and stop magnification.

  • Now I'll just triple tap with one finger to magnify the screen.

  • Color.

  • Inversion works by inverting the colors.

  • This could make it easier on the eyes for some people with the sensitivity to brightness or for anyone who could use a little higher contrast again.

  • Since we're already in the excessively settings, I'm going to simply tap on color inversion to turn it on.

  • You can also turn on closed captions for video content.

  • When you play videos on a service that respects the setting, closed captions will automatically be displayed.

  • Going back to successfully settings after selecting closed captioning.

  • Simply tap video content to turn it on.

  • Now you can say Hey, Google, play Google Local guides on YouTube.

  • Okay, here's Google local guides on YouTube.

  • There is a majority behind Hagel.

  • Cancel.

  • This was just a quick overview of the accessibility features on Google.

  • Home Hug.

  • For more ways, the assistant can help you in your daily life.

  • Watch the videos in the rest of the series linked in the description below.

  • We would love to hear from our users if you have questions.

  • Comments Are feedback on accessibility off Google products.

  • Please get in touch with us by email at disability.

  • Dash support at google dot com or check out support dot google dot com.

Google assistant accessibility videos.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

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Google アシスタントのアクセシビリティの動画。Google Nest Hubのアクセシビリティ機能 (Google Assistant Accessibility Videos: Google Nest Hub Accessibility Features)

  • 3 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日